i love the smell of incenses but unfortunatly mu mother doesn’t…it’s so annoying how she tries to run my life even just what i smell. like what the heck its my room! but yes i like all scents of incense especially sandalwood :)
incnasckalkjdalkjf slfkajdsf ;lkdjfksf jds
the incense burned, smoke drifted in the airless room, falling upward into a pond of smoke rings pulsing out for ever.
The incense burned low and the remnants of scent lifted her spirits like so much smoke that gently wafts to the ceiling.
Tricia Honea
I will never think of incense without thinking of Opium, because everyone knows thats the best smell of incense, period. They need to make that flavor more widely available, but I suppose its like having a weed-leaf air freshener…ultimately, isnt that the smell youre trying to get away from?
as the ember burned the smell of pot filled the air. The dark smoke lingered, making the air more a memory than a state of mind.
It came from Louisa and Atwood. Up up the stairs, and here the Doors playing. And this is the paradise of music lovers.
incensed by the red
fueled by the anger
he is enraged
to an appalling degree
he intends to commit murder
and no power
no force on this earth
will stand in his way
The smell of incense reminds me of death and comfort. Ok knowing that the person is gone but that they will be in a better place. sickly orange is the only scent that is reminiscent. It is etched in my brain for all of eternity and I will always remember the dichotomy of sorrow and soothing balm for all time. Sometimes I long for it’s scent to ground me to this earth and to tie me to the heavans. to walk cloder in my faith.
he lit the incense sticks and sat down to quietly reflect on what has been happening in his life lately.
His thoughts lingered to how he really feels about the girl he loves so much.
headaches. migraines last for hours… but i remember your clothes smelling of incense…. i love you and miss those first few days of falling in love… i cant believe it will be our one year anniversary in 9 days. it feels like ive known you forever and i could never not know you now.
my sergeant pepper
I love the smell of incense. I burn them sometimes when the room starts to get a relatively peculiar funky smell. Incense was one of the gifts given to baby Jesus along with frankincense and Mir.
i dont really know what this word means. i think it means something that is bad like bad word or something. it makes me think of dust or somehting dirty like ash i dont know why. its weird its spelt like another intense
inscence: i’m inscneced. clay smells like amrble one day every twelve year5s. teah, I know. persian rugs and hugds. clouds, miles, lemon trees and children who sigh about the movement of the passeneger across the blue above. roads, crumbling walls and dirt. lamps and pots abound with oils and inscence.
lovely scented sticks of joy. the kind of scent that reminds you that, in your dreams, your feet never touch the earth.
The Pink Coyote
smells good
What we usually light to honor our dearly departed. It’s a big part of our Chinese culture to give respect to our elders, even if they have already left this life.
verde, marron, denso, el humo baila sobre las luces rojas, no hay espacio para los pensamientos que no abarquen al mundo en su totalidad.
Ah the incense that filled the room was something that only the Heavens could match. Her sweet sweet smell was enough to drive me wild and enough to make me remember her for…well for at least this night. I was not aware however that my own scent was less than presentable, the smell of urine and alcohol is never a good look. But hey a drunk romeo is nothing without his liquor right?
I smelled the sweet smoke as soon as I walked into the dim room. It was sandalwood and rose. ‘Briar’, I thought. A soft whisper came from the shadows.
The smell of incense permeated the air. It was sickly, sweet, and breathing it pulled them into the trance.
The thumping of the drums, the dim lights, the smell, the tastes all prepared them for the moment they would be whipped into a murderous throng.
Incense. I love the smell of so many different kinds of incense. Unfortunately,
I am allergic to it
home. i wish i still had one. it was so cozy and familiar and just — mine. now i don’t have one. i barely even have family. yeah, i could light my candles in strange rooms with strange people, but it just wouldn’t be the same. i want a home again.
um something people burn to cover up the smell of weed when they smoke. becoming angry with someone untill you are incensed with them. I dunno. Incense, something to do with three wise men and murr.
The place absolutely reeked of incense. Heavy, thick, clinging to the heavy curtains and deeply embroidered pillows that were strewn all over the floor and chairs. A freaking hippy-dippy haven. I swallow back a groan, terrified of meeting the actual person behind such a place.
i love the smell of them, i burn them often, they give me a sense of security and serenity within my house. I enjoy picking them out but in the end they all smell pretty much the same to me.i absolutely love them. and its great cuz the are 100% boidegradable!
The incense hung heavily in the air, a cloying and thick smog that stung the eyes and made the mind weak.
“Why the incense?” I asked “Is it to purify the air or to ward off demons or something?”
“No”, the priest replied, “it’s so you don’t notice when we steal your wallet”
it floats to the sky, carrying my prayers in its smoke. the incense and i for that moment become one. i remember where i was when i smelt it the first time, church. i was a young girl. it doesn’t bring any emotion to the memory, just there. i pray when i smell it, like an automatic response to the lighting of it.
smells good sometimes wish i had some for my dorm it stinks in here apple cinnamon it smelss really bad i hate it. i dont think these candles are working. i like oils wish i had a reed diffuser
I used to buy incense at a place in old Ellicott City. I cannot remember what it was called. A buddy worked there, and I used to buy incense from them. They were the only source I knew of for a particular brand of incense.
Incense filled my nostrils as I entered the mystical room. A woman with hair strewn about her face greeted me with a warm gesture, yet I still felt uneasy.
mmm incense! such a lover-ly smell! burnt the toast? light a stick! farted? strike that match! whew! thank whoever for those wonderful pieces of perfume!
things that you light in order to give the room a fresh smell. it is perfect over the summer when there is a nice breeze blowing through your windows.
I pushed the door curtain out of my way and spotted, in the middle of the tent, a large crystal ball. Some scent tickled my nose. I sniffed. Incense.
“Madame Kartaf?”
smells like the gods, and it brings you closer to them. it burns and goes into the heavens as a way to make a voyage into the outer realms of existence. it is based on wood and plant and scent, and it is also the earth that brings us closer to the heavens. that is all
My incense makes my eyes dry because I never see the sunlight in my dark, damp, basement room.
Nory coughed as quietly as she could, attempting to be polite. Riley just let out a loud hacking noise as though he was about to die.
“Riley!” she hissed. “Shut up!”
“Incense,” he muttered back, “is disgusting!”
“Remind me to ask for no inscense at my funeral,” mused Kristen. “If you’re still alive when I am.”
The incense in the offerings were thick and sweet, perfect offerings for their golden gods. I watched as they poured holy water with flower petals over the coiling smoke and
i love the smell of incenses but unfortunatly mu mother doesn’t…it’s so annoying how she tries to run my life even just what i smell. like what the heck its my room! but yes i like all scents of incense especially sandalwood :)
incnasckalkjdalkjf slfkajdsf ;lkdjfksf jds
the incense burned, smoke drifted in the airless room, falling upward into a pond of smoke rings pulsing out for ever.
The incense burned low and the remnants of scent lifted her spirits like so much smoke that gently wafts to the ceiling.
I will never think of incense without thinking of Opium, because everyone knows thats the best smell of incense, period. They need to make that flavor more widely available, but I suppose its like having a weed-leaf air freshener…ultimately, isnt that the smell youre trying to get away from?
as the ember burned the smell of pot filled the air. The dark smoke lingered, making the air more a memory than a state of mind.
It came from Louisa and Atwood. Up up the stairs, and here the Doors playing. And this is the paradise of music lovers.
incensed by the red
fueled by the anger
he is enraged
to an appalling degree
he intends to commit murder
and no power
no force on this earth
will stand in his way
The smell of incense reminds me of death and comfort. Ok knowing that the person is gone but that they will be in a better place. sickly orange is the only scent that is reminiscent. It is etched in my brain for all of eternity and I will always remember the dichotomy of sorrow and soothing balm for all time. Sometimes I long for it’s scent to ground me to this earth and to tie me to the heavans. to walk cloder in my faith.
he lit the incense sticks and sat down to quietly reflect on what has been happening in his life lately.
His thoughts lingered to how he really feels about the girl he loves so much.
headaches. migraines last for hours… but i remember your clothes smelling of incense…. i love you and miss those first few days of falling in love… i cant believe it will be our one year anniversary in 9 days. it feels like ive known you forever and i could never not know you now.
I love the smell of incense. I burn them sometimes when the room starts to get a relatively peculiar funky smell. Incense was one of the gifts given to baby Jesus along with frankincense and Mir.
i dont really know what this word means. i think it means something that is bad like bad word or something. it makes me think of dust or somehting dirty like ash i dont know why. its weird its spelt like another intense
inscence: i’m inscneced. clay smells like amrble one day every twelve year5s. teah, I know. persian rugs and hugds. clouds, miles, lemon trees and children who sigh about the movement of the passeneger across the blue above. roads, crumbling walls and dirt. lamps and pots abound with oils and inscence.
lovely scented sticks of joy. the kind of scent that reminds you that, in your dreams, your feet never touch the earth.
smells good
What we usually light to honor our dearly departed. It’s a big part of our Chinese culture to give respect to our elders, even if they have already left this life.
verde, marron, denso, el humo baila sobre las luces rojas, no hay espacio para los pensamientos que no abarquen al mundo en su totalidad.
Ah the incense that filled the room was something that only the Heavens could match. Her sweet sweet smell was enough to drive me wild and enough to make me remember her for…well for at least this night. I was not aware however that my own scent was less than presentable, the smell of urine and alcohol is never a good look. But hey a drunk romeo is nothing without his liquor right?
I smelled the sweet smoke as soon as I walked into the dim room. It was sandalwood and rose. ‘Briar’, I thought. A soft whisper came from the shadows.
The smell of incense permeated the air. It was sickly, sweet, and breathing it pulled them into the trance.
The thumping of the drums, the dim lights, the smell, the tastes all prepared them for the moment they would be whipped into a murderous throng.
Incense. I love the smell of so many different kinds of incense. Unfortunately,
I am allergic to it
home. i wish i still had one. it was so cozy and familiar and just — mine. now i don’t have one. i barely even have family. yeah, i could light my candles in strange rooms with strange people, but it just wouldn’t be the same. i want a home again.
um something people burn to cover up the smell of weed when they smoke. becoming angry with someone untill you are incensed with them. I dunno. Incense, something to do with three wise men and murr.
The place absolutely reeked of incense. Heavy, thick, clinging to the heavy curtains and deeply embroidered pillows that were strewn all over the floor and chairs. A freaking hippy-dippy haven. I swallow back a groan, terrified of meeting the actual person behind such a place.
i love the smell of them, i burn them often, they give me a sense of security and serenity within my house. I enjoy picking them out but in the end they all smell pretty much the same to me.i absolutely love them. and its great cuz the are 100% boidegradable!
The incense hung heavily in the air, a cloying and thick smog that stung the eyes and made the mind weak.
“Why the incense?” I asked “Is it to purify the air or to ward off demons or something?”
“No”, the priest replied, “it’s so you don’t notice when we steal your wallet”
it floats to the sky, carrying my prayers in its smoke. the incense and i for that moment become one. i remember where i was when i smelt it the first time, church. i was a young girl. it doesn’t bring any emotion to the memory, just there. i pray when i smell it, like an automatic response to the lighting of it.
smells good sometimes wish i had some for my dorm it stinks in here apple cinnamon it smelss really bad i hate it. i dont think these candles are working. i like oils wish i had a reed diffuser
I used to buy incense at a place in old Ellicott City. I cannot remember what it was called. A buddy worked there, and I used to buy incense from them. They were the only source I knew of for a particular brand of incense.
Incense filled my nostrils as I entered the mystical room. A woman with hair strewn about her face greeted me with a warm gesture, yet I still felt uneasy.
mmm incense! such a lover-ly smell! burnt the toast? light a stick! farted? strike that match! whew! thank whoever for those wonderful pieces of perfume!
things that you light in order to give the room a fresh smell. it is perfect over the summer when there is a nice breeze blowing through your windows.
I pushed the door curtain out of my way and spotted, in the middle of the tent, a large crystal ball. Some scent tickled my nose. I sniffed. Incense.
“Madame Kartaf?”
smells like the gods, and it brings you closer to them. it burns and goes into the heavens as a way to make a voyage into the outer realms of existence. it is based on wood and plant and scent, and it is also the earth that brings us closer to the heavens. that is all
My incense makes my eyes dry because I never see the sunlight in my dark, damp, basement room.
Nory coughed as quietly as she could, attempting to be polite. Riley just let out a loud hacking noise as though he was about to die.
“Riley!” she hissed. “Shut up!”
“Incense,” he muttered back, “is disgusting!”
“Remind me to ask for no inscense at my funeral,” mused Kristen. “If you’re still alive when I am.”
The incense in the offerings were thick and sweet, perfect offerings for their golden gods. I watched as they poured holy water with flower petals over the coiling smoke and