We told ourselves it would cover up the smell of what we’d done. Like high school, like stoners, like the way I thought I’d fooled my mother…all those years, and I haven’t learned a damn thing.
the one thing i have never heard about. i don’t know what it is, i just hope that it isn’t about law and things like this. it reminds me of license, but still, i have no idea what it means. i am curious about it, i will look for it in the dictionary after i have finished this test or what it is..
It smells so strongly in his room that he’s ready to leave. His roommate burns incense, and it wouldn’t be that bad if it weren’t some ridiculous flavor like musky musk or whatever it’s called. Male kama sutra. He gets all the men.
Ella Emma Em
Smoke from the incense drifted down the dim-lit corridor and spiralled as the door opened. A rich aroma accompanied the exit of a man in robes and a turban, carrying a candle that illuminated his craggy and worried face.
Incense is not allowed in dorms. Mostly because college students are ridiculously irresponsible and have probably started countless fires due to incense. Additionally, I am sure one of incenses most popular uses on a college campus is burning it to cover the scent of pot.
The aromatic smell curdled his toes and melted his eyes. The boy could not feel anything than a sweet, deep flavour exploring his nose, while he was breathing harshly, fuddled by the delicious feeling.
I wonder why I smell things like this, these scents infiltrate my nose, leaving little babies of seeming insanity. Incense. Tickles my nostrils. The scents are so… agressive.
The cloud of incense hanging in the air indicated she’d found the right room. The smell was overpowering and assailed her nostrils. She coughed.
“Is this where the drumming circle is being held?” she asked a dark-haired girl to her left.
Candice Jean
I use incense in my room a lot. Incense is spelt oddly.
I can’t spell it with out fucking up. Incense. Did it that time. Dragons.
the smell fills me with a calm beyond words, and the tendills of smoke drift up into the air before my face. I feel free.
one boy asking question questions continuously
I would love to see colored smoke. If this incense would burn like the blueberries it smells like… Ha, no wonder we destroy ourselves with this stuff. No wonder we put it in our lngs, because it looks better than Christmas when we exhale against the waxing lights in the ceiling. And the inhale only reminds me of the sky, burns like the sky, burns like the smell of diesel, but not as much as the taste of your drunken lips.
Incense sticks burn so bright
In a way
They show the light
Smoky wisps
Above me curl
Fragrance wafts
Senses pleased.
Insensible. Senseless, really, to have your nose control your mind. To let memories swirl around you like the smoke from the candle. Just as ephral, just as evanescent.
Katelyn Driskill
I don’t often get incensed, but today I noticed that I might be falling for someone I totally should not be. He is Jewish, which is a plus, but he’s not religious- and I don’t even touch men! We can talk about all sorts of philosophical and stimulating topics, but there wouldn’t be any future- frustrating!
smell really good especially after smokin some badass weed that i just happen to have
smelly. beautiful. light. in a sense. innocence.
He wanted to jump from the branch of a Willow tree, hit the ground and run away, a jaguar. The incense burns at the shrine he calls his home. A helicopter observes above.
The scent of the incense started to cause a build of pressure within his sinuses it was uncomfortable as all get out but he didn’t have a guts to ask the woman to put it out. Instead he just stood back and smiled awkwardly as the woman started her reading.
Really nice I put it everyday aftr I take a shower. It reminds me of god because of my munj ceraminy. Some cause a lot of smoke and smell really bad but some smell really good! I wish I did it everyday but Im alwyas too tired to do it jn the morning
“Tantum Ergo Sacramentum…” The thick smell of insense, your voice singing so beautifully I could weep. The smell of incense always brings your face to my mind.
The candle is burning, isn’t it? Because I smell the aroma of the vanilla. More than that, I smell the scent of a burning. Burning passion for you, and only you. You keep me here, with you. I don’t know how, but you’ve got me on a pull.
I smelled the bitter scent of incense coming from the bedroom. I knew she was practicing again. It didn’t matter. I was just, pure. I would never dally in those dark arts that she loved so much, her Ouija board and the like. I stuck my nose up and moved on to my room, which was full of angels and kitty posters. It was white, clean, and safe. There was nothing similar between my twin sister and I.
Incense always reminded her of Spencer’s Gifts a now defunct store that used to be in the mall. It was cheap, and smelled like something she should like, but didn’t.
I stumbled through the streets, the heady scent of Romanian candles in my head. I didn’t even know there was such a thing as Romanian candles. People in Romania make their own specialized candles? Maybe the smoke had been playing tricks on me- a whole factory of Romanian candles on fire can do that to you.
I’ll stumble through the streets a little while longer. Perhaps it will clear my head.
Incense burning, eyes watering
I try to clear my mind
But thoughts race
That’s nice; Set it aside
That’s evil; Set it aside
But there is no budging him from my mind
Lizzie Bellows
I can’t seem to get my incense to burn right. Is there a trick to lighting it? what if the smoke sets off my fire alarm/.
it smelled like lavender as soon as i walked in the room. everything was dark, as if a cloud of smoke covered the light. i sat down on the nearest chair and waited for my turn with the one person who could make or break the rest of my life.
Min wrinkled his nose. The heady, floral smell that met it was sensorly offensive. Why the girls deemed it neccessary to leave bunches of the foul smelling sticks of incense all around baffled him.
He much perfered a subtle hint of vanilla, perhaps mixed with cinnamon..
breathe deeply. in and out. in and out. let the beautiful scent envelope you. enjoy the incense that surrounds you. seep yourself in the incense of life.
Hippies drowned out their funk with incense. covered their pot trails, lack of bathing tell tales, and
It makes the atmosphere gentler and it stops my roommate from stinking up the room like buttcheecks and cheese. I don’t understand it. How does one achieve smelling so strongly of buttcheeks and cheese? it’s awful. Makes me appreciate incense.
Ben Buchbinder
I don’t know about this. It’s like it conjures up either a new-a-ge thing or Catholic. I’m neither. Smells good, I’m sure.
Reminds me of high school. Hot boxing a friends room an lighting incense. Staring at posters on the ceiling, talking about nothing and everything for hours.
incense in shops ships me away
on a boat to
the place i want to go
i have not yet found
where to gain passage
on such a boat
We told ourselves it would cover up the smell of what we’d done. Like high school, like stoners, like the way I thought I’d fooled my mother…all those years, and I haven’t learned a damn thing.
the one thing i have never heard about. i don’t know what it is, i just hope that it isn’t about law and things like this. it reminds me of license, but still, i have no idea what it means. i am curious about it, i will look for it in the dictionary after i have finished this test or what it is..
It smells so strongly in his room that he’s ready to leave. His roommate burns incense, and it wouldn’t be that bad if it weren’t some ridiculous flavor like musky musk or whatever it’s called. Male kama sutra. He gets all the men.
Smoke from the incense drifted down the dim-lit corridor and spiralled as the door opened. A rich aroma accompanied the exit of a man in robes and a turban, carrying a candle that illuminated his craggy and worried face.
Incense is not allowed in dorms. Mostly because college students are ridiculously irresponsible and have probably started countless fires due to incense. Additionally, I am sure one of incenses most popular uses on a college campus is burning it to cover the scent of pot.
The aromatic smell curdled his toes and melted his eyes. The boy could not feel anything than a sweet, deep flavour exploring his nose, while he was breathing harshly, fuddled by the delicious feeling.
I wonder why I smell things like this, these scents infiltrate my nose, leaving little babies of seeming insanity. Incense. Tickles my nostrils. The scents are so… agressive.
The cloud of incense hanging in the air indicated she’d found the right room. The smell was overpowering and assailed her nostrils. She coughed.
“Is this where the drumming circle is being held?” she asked a dark-haired girl to her left.
I use incense in my room a lot. Incense is spelt oddly.
I can’t spell it with out fucking up. Incense. Did it that time. Dragons.
the smell fills me with a calm beyond words, and the tendills of smoke drift up into the air before my face. I feel free.
one boy asking question questions continuously
I would love to see colored smoke. If this incense would burn like the blueberries it smells like… Ha, no wonder we destroy ourselves with this stuff. No wonder we put it in our lngs, because it looks better than Christmas when we exhale against the waxing lights in the ceiling. And the inhale only reminds me of the sky, burns like the sky, burns like the smell of diesel, but not as much as the taste of your drunken lips.
Incense sticks burn so bright
In a way
They show the light
Smoky wisps
Above me curl
Fragrance wafts
Senses pleased.
Insensible. Senseless, really, to have your nose control your mind. To let memories swirl around you like the smoke from the candle. Just as ephral, just as evanescent.
I don’t often get incensed, but today I noticed that I might be falling for someone I totally should not be. He is Jewish, which is a plus, but he’s not religious- and I don’t even touch men! We can talk about all sorts of philosophical and stimulating topics, but there wouldn’t be any future- frustrating!
smell really good especially after smokin some badass weed that i just happen to have
smelly. beautiful. light. in a sense. innocence.
He wanted to jump from the branch of a Willow tree, hit the ground and run away, a jaguar. The incense burns at the shrine he calls his home. A helicopter observes above.
The scent of the incense started to cause a build of pressure within his sinuses it was uncomfortable as all get out but he didn’t have a guts to ask the woman to put it out. Instead he just stood back and smiled awkwardly as the woman started her reading.
Really nice I put it everyday aftr I take a shower. It reminds me of god because of my munj ceraminy. Some cause a lot of smoke and smell really bad but some smell really good! I wish I did it everyday but Im alwyas too tired to do it jn the morning
“Tantum Ergo Sacramentum…” The thick smell of insense, your voice singing so beautifully I could weep. The smell of incense always brings your face to my mind.
The candle is burning, isn’t it? Because I smell the aroma of the vanilla. More than that, I smell the scent of a burning. Burning passion for you, and only you. You keep me here, with you. I don’t know how, but you’ve got me on a pull.
I smelled the bitter scent of incense coming from the bedroom. I knew she was practicing again. It didn’t matter. I was just, pure. I would never dally in those dark arts that she loved so much, her Ouija board and the like. I stuck my nose up and moved on to my room, which was full of angels and kitty posters. It was white, clean, and safe. There was nothing similar between my twin sister and I.
Incense always reminded her of Spencer’s Gifts a now defunct store that used to be in the mall. It was cheap, and smelled like something she should like, but didn’t.
I stumbled through the streets, the heady scent of Romanian candles in my head. I didn’t even know there was such a thing as Romanian candles. People in Romania make their own specialized candles? Maybe the smoke had been playing tricks on me- a whole factory of Romanian candles on fire can do that to you.
I’ll stumble through the streets a little while longer. Perhaps it will clear my head.
Incense burning, eyes watering
I try to clear my mind
But thoughts race
That’s nice; Set it aside
That’s evil; Set it aside
But there is no budging him from my mind
I can’t seem to get my incense to burn right. Is there a trick to lighting it? what if the smoke sets off my fire alarm/.
it smelled like lavender as soon as i walked in the room. everything was dark, as if a cloud of smoke covered the light. i sat down on the nearest chair and waited for my turn with the one person who could make or break the rest of my life.
Min wrinkled his nose. The heady, floral smell that met it was sensorly offensive. Why the girls deemed it neccessary to leave bunches of the foul smelling sticks of incense all around baffled him.
He much perfered a subtle hint of vanilla, perhaps mixed with cinnamon..
breathe deeply. in and out. in and out. let the beautiful scent envelope you. enjoy the incense that surrounds you. seep yourself in the incense of life.
Hippies drowned out their funk with incense. covered their pot trails, lack of bathing tell tales, and
It makes the atmosphere gentler and it stops my roommate from stinking up the room like buttcheecks and cheese. I don’t understand it. How does one achieve smelling so strongly of buttcheeks and cheese? it’s awful. Makes me appreciate incense.
I don’t know about this. It’s like it conjures up either a new-a-ge thing or Catholic. I’m neither. Smells good, I’m sure.
Reminds me of high school. Hot boxing a friends room an lighting incense. Staring at posters on the ceiling, talking about nothing and everything for hours.
incense in shops ships me away
on a boat to
the place i want to go
i have not yet found
where to gain passage
on such a boat
or even,
where the dock for such a destiny change
does sit
wrong wrong wrong