Installing is a bitch. I wish life were more like the matrix and I could simply install whatever I needed to know and understand about life…and karate. I wish our brains were computers with wireless attachments so I could communicate when I’m angry without having to tear a bitch in half with my words.
it’s sometimes hard to install someone
often it’s harder to uninstall them from your heart mind bones blood.
people aren’t machines. we’re runny inside.
do invent new ideas impressions possibilities
installing that computer was hard – well the sofwear i mean. I’m not a naturL GEEK AS i DRUNKENLY CONFESSED SATURDAY NIGHT but I seem to have become one by default. I’d rather be digging ditches though.
i have a computer..i have to install it..its brand new..then programs need to be installed..i hate new computers..too much work..y not old computers instead..i like those!
Blaze J.D.
this is a crazy day. Everine wants to install something new into their electronic devices but today is the day that I want to install something in my magnificent brain. Hooray for the mechanixs if the humnan body and the work we can do to make it hum. Hooray for manking. Lets all be kind to our brains. Lets feed it and hug it with new knowledge and insights. Lets take the time to let IT be the driving force in our lives. Withoutr our own thinking mackine we cannot intsall with discretion to our electgronic devices. We cannot think about kkindnesss to others. We cannot discriminate wrong from right. We are less than our selves and our capacity to grow is diminished. So instead of just installing new software, games, and things into our electronic devices, lets get going with the installation of the knowledge, the vitamins that keep us thinking, feeling and learning – lets use our own brains for these activities. I know you don’t want your life ruled by a software geek who plans to make lots of money on your addition to the items you purchase for your computerized gadgets. He doesn’t care if you let advertising and curb appeal dictate your desires. He doesn’t care if you stop reading and learning. Hwe doesn’t care if you stop invertigating
I need to install the Dish TV at my home but it seems everything is geeting screwd up from the dish TV delivery guy to the call center agents,,…I am here with my 40” LCD TV but no connection for the last 20 days….
Jitendra K Sharma
It was simple. Click the button and watch it go. Uh, maybe not. The virus would kill the computer. He deserved it. He was the one who cheated on ME! I didn’t do anything but love him…love him dearly. /Click to finish installing/. Just do it. He’ll lose everything. Just like you.
Arianna Elias
Why won’t this thing work damnit? I did exactly what they said I should…let me read this again? Why…that doesn’t make any sense, I put in the trans-configurator and turned clockwise. Where is that number for tech support.
the installment of my heart was the crucial turning point of my life. when he finally gave it back to me I knew that I could no longer go on living in the cruel reality that I had created. I needed to breath again and he was the one to make me breath. I love you.
computers need to be installed.
everything needs to be installed these days
because everything is like a machine these days
installation processes fill up everything
nothing needed to be installed
things just were
things just happened
but now everything needs to be installed, geared up, in some way
im not really sure why i think everything needs installation
not everything is a machine, i know
but sometimes it just feels that way
like everything is a computer.
install a new heart
beneath old skin,
call it a piece of art,
call it whatever
im out
youre in
or maybe its the other way around
and i am feeling nothing, as iam inside
of you again
i installed the program with the ease of superman flying through the air. there was a moment of tense anxiety as i wondered about the repercussions of my actions. but wasn’t i at a point where i didn’t care what happened to me anyway? so i sat back, relaxed and prepared to suffer.
install? what kind of word is install? I don’t really have many thoughts on this word so I suppose I will stall. ha! stall. I think that would have been a better word choice than install personally. i’m not very good at installing things. isn’t that what men are for? i’m just kidding. i’m self sufficient i swear. right now i’m listening to of montreal. it’s a band. maybe there is a band called install? i’m not sure but probably because everything is a band name nowadays even neutral milk hotels. whatever that means.
Install fixtures.
Stallllll. Slow. Install is a horrible word for my state of mind, nothing important flashes up. Theres shelves installed on my wall and theyre ridiculous. that is all. or maybe not. tick tock. tock tick. time is up. ….. now. now no now… damn it run out.
installing communications
is my job
but communicating in the
written word is
my natural inclination
poetry is words
on tap
and i can’t turn off
the faucet!
Late. I sat looking through the window as the rain drizzled down the pains in random rivulets. Any moment the technical would pull up, coming to help install the new gear for my home theatre setup. But I was getting tired. And hungry. And impatient.
um to install. to insert. extermiantor. i dont know why i fel like an exterminator can describe install. exterminate my ass. install batteries into my vibrator plz. install my foot into my mouth. im a dipshit who cannot install anything right…
what an odd word … not much to say about it, unfortunately … no creative energy flowing through me as a result of its 7 letters … oh, well … maybe next time I shall get one as exciting as “synapse” …
I wish to install a new heart in my skin. Behind the ribs. Away from it all. I wish to take a new heart, one that has never been broken or ripped or slashed open. BUT,if that is not an option. I wish to have my heart removed and that someone would be ever so kind as to install a mechanical heart with buttons and wires so that it could be fixed like cars and computers…I wish for someone to install a new heart…b/c life would be easier if that organ didn’t exist.
Giant fucking curtains all over the river. On the river! Blocking all the light for the plankton, and shit. Whatever. Art…installation. Oh look at us, all married, all photography and lovely and arty. Arty arty ARTY. Tapestries and orange square arches. No one likes square arches!
Installing is great. It makes me happy. I install at least three times a day…sometimes even four. Some say that men think about installing every 5 seconds. I dont believe them…I think it’s more like 3. Please be careful when installing certain devices. Disastrous consequences have been known to occur when amateurs install without the proper protection.
She stared at the directions, wondering why having to install a garbage disposal herself had become such a metaphor for her life. She pulled out the pieces, lined them up on the floor, stared at them, and got up to pour herself a glass of wine.
install the software. install the software because otherwise they’ll get ahead of you.
i need to install new applications for my macbook pro
i need to install new heart for my broken one…
i need to install new love for my lost one…
i need to install…you in my heart forever
Jamie took the disc out of the cd-rom. His new favorite jam band had just been installed into his dated macintosh. Now all he had to do to get ready for the evening was to turn the lights down low and get “the stuff.” Lyle would be back tonight for the first time in 3 years, so he had to have the good stuff. Plus, what’s the point of putting anything up your nose if it isn’t the good stuff?
How hard is it to install a cable box? Seriously..? We have called about a hundred and thirty-seven times and you are STILL not here to install our box?! What could you be doing? Driving around the city, gettin’ some chinese food? Jerkin’ it?! I just wanna watch me some “House” people!!!
I love to install new applications on my computer. New accessories and gadgets, new ways to write, speak, show, edit, create in general. The only part of installing that I dislike is waiting for my slow computer to restart. Although, the installation process is actually quite boring itself as well.
intalling programs in my computer is very time consuming. its very slow kuz some dumb ass programer fixrd it and now it comes up with pop ups and crap like i never did b4 so i dont know why the hell i took it to him
Install. Such a word. So organized, so technical. We install so many things, so many different ways. And yet that is not really how the human mind works. We never install, we just learn. To bypass the learning and just install into our mind. How wonderful and glorious that would be. To be free from the…
i put it into my computer, and clicked install. I sat there for five fucking minutes before anything happened, and then my computer beeped, beeped at me as if i spoke the same language and could understand exactly what it was trying to tell me. So I walked over and a notice appeared — “cannot install.” Well what the hell am i supposed to do?
Caitlin Stanley
The economic dilemma currently confronting the world has no precedent. It has created more confusion and false starts on the part of national politicians from all countries in their attempt to preempt further decline than it has succeeded in correcting.
Perhaps with the passage of a greater amount of time, which will, no doubt, elicit negative responses from the international despot community, force a more clearly delineated response to the crisis which has enveloped the planet.
The posturing by the politicians in this country is a disgrace and clearly defines the lack of foresight by the participants. If our new president can continue to garner enough support from the populace maybe he can effect a positive change.
to put in, to accept.
damn it, now i’m thinking of andrew; this is so wrong. shane is at the foot of my bed and all i can fucking picture is some 29 year old, thirteen when i was born, red-headed amazing weirdo from y d&d group? ridiculous.
but i want him so damned bad.
diferent as the same of something that never existed and describe me about an identity of corpes drowning in soda.
So diferent that I began thinking why I did this
install software. Install hardward. Install a new diswasher. To put in. Usually requires someone who knows what they are doing: as in: not me. I know I used colons wrong there. I still struggle with colons and semi colons.
I installed Google earth today. It is amazing how you can travel without spending any money. Without going out of your home. Nevertheless, Google Earth is just a guide so I can know the places I want to visit.
today i had to install all my drivers and network adapters to my computer. it was a pain in the ass but i had to do it. I need to install a anti virus program aswell so my computer doesent get fucked over like it did last time! no more limewire downloads for me. IT fucks your shit up.
today i had to install all my drivers and network adapters to my computer. it was a pain in the ass but i had to do it. I need to install a anti virus program aswell so my computer doesent get fucked over like it did last time! no more limewire downloads for me. IT fucks your shit up.
I need to install this microscopic software chip into my pc before the city is destroyed by the uncontrollable robot possums destroy the capital.
I wish you would stop buying all that ikea furniture you don’t intend to install or set up. If I had the strength and the tools I would do it myself! It just seems like a waste of money and time.
Installing is a bitch. I wish life were more like the matrix and I could simply install whatever I needed to know and understand about life…and karate. I wish our brains were computers with wireless attachments so I could communicate when I’m angry without having to tear a bitch in half with my words.
it’s sometimes hard to install someone
often it’s harder to uninstall them from your heart mind bones blood.
people aren’t machines. we’re runny inside.
do invent new ideas impressions possibilities
installing that computer was hard – well the sofwear i mean. I’m not a naturL GEEK AS i DRUNKENLY CONFESSED SATURDAY NIGHT but I seem to have become one by default. I’d rather be digging ditches though.
i have a computer..i have to install it..its brand new..then programs need to be installed..i hate new computers..too much work..y not old computers instead..i like those!
this is a crazy day. Everine wants to install something new into their electronic devices but today is the day that I want to install something in my magnificent brain. Hooray for the mechanixs if the humnan body and the work we can do to make it hum. Hooray for manking. Lets all be kind to our brains. Lets feed it and hug it with new knowledge and insights. Lets take the time to let IT be the driving force in our lives. Withoutr our own thinking mackine we cannot intsall with discretion to our electgronic devices. We cannot think about kkindnesss to others. We cannot discriminate wrong from right. We are less than our selves and our capacity to grow is diminished. So instead of just installing new software, games, and things into our electronic devices, lets get going with the installation of the knowledge, the vitamins that keep us thinking, feeling and learning – lets use our own brains for these activities. I know you don’t want your life ruled by a software geek who plans to make lots of money on your addition to the items you purchase for your computerized gadgets. He doesn’t care if you let advertising and curb appeal dictate your desires. He doesn’t care if you stop reading and learning. Hwe doesn’t care if you stop invertigating
I need to install the Dish TV at my home but it seems everything is geeting screwd up from the dish TV delivery guy to the call center agents,,…I am here with my 40” LCD TV but no connection for the last 20 days….
It was simple. Click the button and watch it go. Uh, maybe not. The virus would kill the computer. He deserved it. He was the one who cheated on ME! I didn’t do anything but love him…love him dearly. /Click to finish installing/. Just do it. He’ll lose everything. Just like you.
Why won’t this thing work damnit? I did exactly what they said I should…let me read this again? Why…that doesn’t make any sense, I put in the trans-configurator and turned clockwise. Where is that number for tech support.
the installment of my heart was the crucial turning point of my life. when he finally gave it back to me I knew that I could no longer go on living in the cruel reality that I had created. I needed to breath again and he was the one to make me breath. I love you.
computers need to be installed.
everything needs to be installed these days
because everything is like a machine these days
installation processes fill up everything
nothing needed to be installed
things just were
things just happened
but now everything needs to be installed, geared up, in some way
im not really sure why i think everything needs installation
not everything is a machine, i know
but sometimes it just feels that way
like everything is a computer.
install a new heart
beneath old skin,
call it a piece of art,
call it whatever
im out
youre in
or maybe its the other way around
and i am feeling nothing, as iam inside
of you again
i installed the program with the ease of superman flying through the air. there was a moment of tense anxiety as i wondered about the repercussions of my actions. but wasn’t i at a point where i didn’t care what happened to me anyway? so i sat back, relaxed and prepared to suffer.
install? what kind of word is install? I don’t really have many thoughts on this word so I suppose I will stall. ha! stall. I think that would have been a better word choice than install personally. i’m not very good at installing things. isn’t that what men are for? i’m just kidding. i’m self sufficient i swear. right now i’m listening to of montreal. it’s a band. maybe there is a band called install? i’m not sure but probably because everything is a band name nowadays even neutral milk hotels. whatever that means.
Install fixtures.
Stallllll. Slow. Install is a horrible word for my state of mind, nothing important flashes up. Theres shelves installed on my wall and theyre ridiculous. that is all. or maybe not. tick tock. tock tick. time is up. ….. now. now no now… damn it run out.
installing communications
is my job
but communicating in the
written word is
my natural inclination
poetry is words
on tap
and i can’t turn off
the faucet!
Late. I sat looking through the window as the rain drizzled down the pains in random rivulets. Any moment the technical would pull up, coming to help install the new gear for my home theatre setup. But I was getting tired. And hungry. And impatient.
um to install. to insert. extermiantor. i dont know why i fel like an exterminator can describe install. exterminate my ass. install batteries into my vibrator plz. install my foot into my mouth. im a dipshit who cannot install anything right…
what an odd word … not much to say about it, unfortunately … no creative energy flowing through me as a result of its 7 letters … oh, well … maybe next time I shall get one as exciting as “synapse” …
I wish to install a new heart in my skin. Behind the ribs. Away from it all. I wish to take a new heart, one that has never been broken or ripped or slashed open. BUT,if that is not an option. I wish to have my heart removed and that someone would be ever so kind as to install a mechanical heart with buttons and wires so that it could be fixed like cars and computers…I wish for someone to install a new heart…b/c life would be easier if that organ didn’t exist.
Giant fucking curtains all over the river. On the river! Blocking all the light for the plankton, and shit. Whatever. Art…installation. Oh look at us, all married, all photography and lovely and arty. Arty arty ARTY. Tapestries and orange square arches. No one likes square arches!
Installing is great. It makes me happy. I install at least three times a day…sometimes even four. Some say that men think about installing every 5 seconds. I dont believe them…I think it’s more like 3. Please be careful when installing certain devices. Disastrous consequences have been known to occur when amateurs install without the proper protection.
She stared at the directions, wondering why having to install a garbage disposal herself had become such a metaphor for her life. She pulled out the pieces, lined them up on the floor, stared at them, and got up to pour herself a glass of wine.
install the software. install the software because otherwise they’ll get ahead of you.
i need to install new applications for my macbook pro
i need to install new heart for my broken one…
i need to install new love for my lost one…
i need to install…you in my heart forever
Jamie took the disc out of the cd-rom. His new favorite jam band had just been installed into his dated macintosh. Now all he had to do to get ready for the evening was to turn the lights down low and get “the stuff.” Lyle would be back tonight for the first time in 3 years, so he had to have the good stuff. Plus, what’s the point of putting anything up your nose if it isn’t the good stuff?
How hard is it to install a cable box? Seriously..? We have called about a hundred and thirty-seven times and you are STILL not here to install our box?! What could you be doing? Driving around the city, gettin’ some chinese food? Jerkin’ it?! I just wanna watch me some “House” people!!!
I love to install new applications on my computer. New accessories and gadgets, new ways to write, speak, show, edit, create in general. The only part of installing that I dislike is waiting for my slow computer to restart. Although, the installation process is actually quite boring itself as well.
intalling programs in my computer is very time consuming. its very slow kuz some dumb ass programer fixrd it and now it comes up with pop ups and crap like i never did b4 so i dont know why the hell i took it to him
Install. Such a word. So organized, so technical. We install so many things, so many different ways. And yet that is not really how the human mind works. We never install, we just learn. To bypass the learning and just install into our mind. How wonderful and glorious that would be. To be free from the…
i put it into my computer, and clicked install. I sat there for five fucking minutes before anything happened, and then my computer beeped, beeped at me as if i spoke the same language and could understand exactly what it was trying to tell me. So I walked over and a notice appeared — “cannot install.” Well what the hell am i supposed to do?
The economic dilemma currently confronting the world has no precedent. It has created more confusion and false starts on the part of national politicians from all countries in their attempt to preempt further decline than it has succeeded in correcting.
Perhaps with the passage of a greater amount of time, which will, no doubt, elicit negative responses from the international despot community, force a more clearly delineated response to the crisis which has enveloped the planet.
The posturing by the politicians in this country is a disgrace and clearly defines the lack of foresight by the participants. If our new president can continue to garner enough support from the populace maybe he can effect a positive change.
to put in, to accept.
damn it, now i’m thinking of andrew; this is so wrong. shane is at the foot of my bed and all i can fucking picture is some 29 year old, thirteen when i was born, red-headed amazing weirdo from y d&d group? ridiculous.
but i want him so damned bad.
diferent as the same of something that never existed and describe me about an identity of corpes drowning in soda.
So diferent that I began thinking why I did this
install software. Install hardward. Install a new diswasher. To put in. Usually requires someone who knows what they are doing: as in: not me. I know I used colons wrong there. I still struggle with colons and semi colons.
I installed Google earth today. It is amazing how you can travel without spending any money. Without going out of your home. Nevertheless, Google Earth is just a guide so I can know the places I want to visit.
today i had to install all my drivers and network adapters to my computer. it was a pain in the ass but i had to do it. I need to install a anti virus program aswell so my computer doesent get fucked over like it did last time! no more limewire downloads for me. IT fucks your shit up.
today i had to install all my drivers and network adapters to my computer. it was a pain in the ass but i had to do it. I need to install a anti virus program aswell so my computer doesent get fucked over like it did last time! no more limewire downloads for me. IT fucks your shit up.
I need to install this microscopic software chip into my pc before the city is destroyed by the uncontrollable robot possums destroy the capital.
I wish you would stop buying all that ikea furniture you don’t intend to install or set up. If I had the strength and the tools I would do it myself! It just seems like a waste of money and time.