Installation of a new dictator in a third world regime is always difficult, regardless of how impressive a world superpower you are. The biggest part of the challenge is how to make your interference invisible. How do you make it look like an entirely free and legitimate democratic decision, when in reality you were behind it, and know that the constitution of said country won’t be around for long? That’s when you call the CIA in…
Ernest Phillips
so this one time i had to install a game on my computer. and it took like 832149703 hours because it had like 85384 disks. it was crazy. i dont even know. but it was a good game and it was worth it. i played it lots and stuff. but i dont like installing games. its too much work. thats why im doing this instead.
Cayleb Stone
the computer
links two world
applications of gamers combine
bing finished restart
for full
Install. It’s driving me crazy having to deal with every kind of operating system just because I want to have a media center. Just when I thought I had it working, everything blew up. I’m gonna spend another night of just trying to install.
As I installed this new program I thought to myself, what new kinds of technologies could this world have? Could we have robots to aid to our every whim? Could we maybe even fly outside an airplane with mechanical wings? I laughed at the though of that last idea. I guess all we can do Is look toward the future.
Install reminds me of my dad installing computer games when I was a little kid. On our ancient computer, it would take a few hours, at least. I would go outside and play and wait for him to finish, but it always seemed to take years. At the end of my dad’s efforts, I was always satisfied with my new computer game.
On my new computer from work I can’t install anything without groveling for admin rights. So, I wanted to watch some visualizations with Windows Media Player. NO WAY! Gotta genuflect to the IT gods and get admin rights first!
installing is the chillest thing in the planet. you hit install and you take a few bong rips and just watch how many megabytes per second you are getting. i love it when it hits like 4.20 megabytes per second cuz that means i get to take more bong rips.
when i was younger i wanted to install a soda fountain into the icecube maker in the refrigerator. I thought it would be a simple process, not realizing that the refrigerator was hooked up to the piping, and didn’t get its water from a tank that i could drain and then replace with soda.
despite my desire for soda-ice cubes, i have not gone through the trouble of buying icecube trays.
What I do with tons of sotware and hardware every day. What has enabled me to live the live I live. Given me the things I own and in turn what I have to share with others. It’s the beginning of everything and the end of some things. It’s not always what it seems, is it?
computers have software that, when you put the disc in the drive, will auto install. the little screen pops up. is it exciting, I’m not sure? grey, the bo
computer, problems, crashing, hair pulling, money. vista sucks…
Hearts are installed, not for ease of use, but for complexity of the machine. We don’t learn how to use them till late in our lives, but the program was always there. Like a hidden message. We try our hardest to understand why we have it, but that’s just one of the mysteries of life.
Everything needs to be installed. You can install a sink or a cabnet or a tv in a room I like to install good values in my child and hope she learns the right things
Teresa Saez
We have to install at least seven different programs on a computer before it can function fully. The first one allows for it to recognise the button that starts it, the second one makes windows start, the third is windows and the fourth is for the keyboard while the fifth is for the mouse, the sixth is minesweeper and the seventh makes it explode. That is all.
There are a few other programs you can install but it’s not recomended.
Put it in the car and go. The car need a new motor. It needs to go, and now. Get the engine running. I have places to go and I am in a great hurry to get there. Please hurry. Every second counts.
Today the man in the jumpsuit came over. He installed a program I can’t even use on my computer I can’t afford. I just wanted it because it’s the latest thing that everyone else has.
The creator stood and looked at his creation. Perfect on the outside in every way– a man of wax some may say, yet real. His godlike physique was striking, with beautiful blue eyes and perfect hair. Yet something was missing. He was cold in every sense of the word. His eyes were unfeeling. The creator had forgotten to install the heart.
I very much needed to install a new program on my computer. I had no clue how to download it, or even where to get it. My computer was constantly crashing and failing me. Luckily I typed the program name into the search engine and found it on a website. Installing the program was easy once i read the instructions word for word.
Install insert these implements of knowledge, what happens when I need to reboot? My brain won’t refold in upon itself like bread, squished between hands into a peanut butter and jelly mess.
if i had one word to write it would be love. Love one another, but that is four words.
putting something new onto or into something already existing. making it better, upgrading. learning at the possible risk of infection. trials and new frontiers. technology and fantasy.
I sit silently as he installs the air filter. I love him for these things he does for me so easily. He smiles because I’m watching him as though he is building a mountain out of glass.
“And here you have it, Ma’am!” Said the tech rep.
“Your brand new tele-porter!”
“Oh, Thank you! You even installed it for me! Your company always has given such great service!”
computer programs, furniture, appliances, politicians, officers of companies, unions, sororities, fraternaties, presidents, congress
install my hardware and boot me up. plug me in and dial me down.
well thia word means a lot to me. it could be talking about installing a new program into my computer, or a new application onto my ipod. my friend emily marie (that isnt really her middle name, its her older sisters) has had lots of problems with installing new software onto her electronics. they sometimes create problems such as virus’s on whatever you are installintg them. it could also be taken literally like the horse was “in the stall” but i know that isnt really what this word means.
Install is where you take something and put it in something else in order to be able to do a new activity. Cool right?
i love going onto the computer and installing new songs for my ipod on iTunes, that way I have new music to listen to. Also I can install new games so i have more varieties in games to play.
I like to install new software on my computer. Some of the software i have to download on my computer an dothers i have to download off of a disk onto my computer. one of my favorites that i have downloaded is iTunes.
This is the way to install a new game. where the installation will prove to be lenghtly but secure. It will depend on the operating system you have. The version of it. The amount of ram or amount of hard drive space and also the many types of computer gadgets and also all the other games that you have instaslled. Of course this will concern your parents.
I think installing
in a little bird way. The house
with one hole, the seed brought in.
A leaf is bringing new light
to it’s own porch
and sunning the circle
of this hearth, our little bark abode.
Install the ways to hold your feet
and wing
Jordan Reynolds
“Take it out!”
“I can’t.”
“Take it out now!!! It’s killing me!”
“The plug won’t pull loose… it’s stuck!”
Fibers dug deeper into his brain tissue as man and machine became one.
So I opened up my laptop and waited for it to load. All I wanted to do was to install this stupid program… and what happens? The computer forgets the in part and just freaking stalls on me. Ridiculous, right? So much for my homework.
Danielle Cohen
all alone in a village where night was cold and windy, I sat waiting for someone to come out and ask me if I needed assistance but no one came.
If there ever is a program exists to help students soak up all the knowledge required for exams, i’ll be the first to buy it, install it and make sure exams become redundant by lending it to everyone else.
set up, to make work, to become useful, its like an add on. to put a new program on your personal device.
to upgrade make better, if there was anything to install i would do it why not its always better even though viruses may run through it it could be worse
Dylan Waitt
Install it in the dark, int he back of a closet in the upstairs bathroom. And as she tells me this I just look at her, and she’s almost crying except she’s so angry, and I don’t know what to say or what she means. All there is back there is a blank wall of hopeless white, and it doesn’t hide anything behind it’s paint and spackle and cottage cheese lumps. But she tells me to go look, and to put the key, to ‘install it’, there.
Installing art in public can be an interesting thing. I don’t think of “install” in terms of computers or hardware. I always tend to think of how I can install something someplace to make people think. Make your m ind wander. Incite creativity in people.
Installation of a new dictator in a third world regime is always difficult, regardless of how impressive a world superpower you are. The biggest part of the challenge is how to make your interference invisible. How do you make it look like an entirely free and legitimate democratic decision, when in reality you were behind it, and know that the constitution of said country won’t be around for long? That’s when you call the CIA in…
so this one time i had to install a game on my computer. and it took like 832149703 hours because it had like 85384 disks. it was crazy. i dont even know. but it was a good game and it was worth it. i played it lots and stuff. but i dont like installing games. its too much work. thats why im doing this instead.
the computer
links two world
applications of gamers combine
bing finished restart
for full
Install. It’s driving me crazy having to deal with every kind of operating system just because I want to have a media center. Just when I thought I had it working, everything blew up. I’m gonna spend another night of just trying to install.
As I installed this new program I thought to myself, what new kinds of technologies could this world have? Could we have robots to aid to our every whim? Could we maybe even fly outside an airplane with mechanical wings? I laughed at the though of that last idea. I guess all we can do Is look toward the future.
Install reminds me of my dad installing computer games when I was a little kid. On our ancient computer, it would take a few hours, at least. I would go outside and play and wait for him to finish, but it always seemed to take years. At the end of my dad’s efforts, I was always satisfied with my new computer game.
On my new computer from work I can’t install anything without groveling for admin rights. So, I wanted to watch some visualizations with Windows Media Player. NO WAY! Gotta genuflect to the IT gods and get admin rights first!
installing is the chillest thing in the planet. you hit install and you take a few bong rips and just watch how many megabytes per second you are getting. i love it when it hits like 4.20 megabytes per second cuz that means i get to take more bong rips.
when i was younger i wanted to install a soda fountain into the icecube maker in the refrigerator. I thought it would be a simple process, not realizing that the refrigerator was hooked up to the piping, and didn’t get its water from a tank that i could drain and then replace with soda.
despite my desire for soda-ice cubes, i have not gone through the trouble of buying icecube trays.
What I do with tons of sotware and hardware every day. What has enabled me to live the live I live. Given me the things I own and in turn what I have to share with others. It’s the beginning of everything and the end of some things. It’s not always what it seems, is it?
computers have software that, when you put the disc in the drive, will auto install. the little screen pops up. is it exciting, I’m not sure? grey, the bo
computer, problems, crashing, hair pulling, money. vista sucks…
Hearts are installed, not for ease of use, but for complexity of the machine. We don’t learn how to use them till late in our lives, but the program was always there. Like a hidden message. We try our hardest to understand why we have it, but that’s just one of the mysteries of life.
Everything needs to be installed. You can install a sink or a cabnet or a tv in a room I like to install good values in my child and hope she learns the right things
We have to install at least seven different programs on a computer before it can function fully. The first one allows for it to recognise the button that starts it, the second one makes windows start, the third is windows and the fourth is for the keyboard while the fifth is for the mouse, the sixth is minesweeper and the seventh makes it explode. That is all.
There are a few other programs you can install but it’s not recomended.
Put it in the car and go. The car need a new motor. It needs to go, and now. Get the engine running. I have places to go and I am in a great hurry to get there. Please hurry. Every second counts.
Today the man in the jumpsuit came over. He installed a program I can’t even use on my computer I can’t afford. I just wanted it because it’s the latest thing that everyone else has.
The creator stood and looked at his creation. Perfect on the outside in every way– a man of wax some may say, yet real. His godlike physique was striking, with beautiful blue eyes and perfect hair. Yet something was missing. He was cold in every sense of the word. His eyes were unfeeling. The creator had forgotten to install the heart.
I very much needed to install a new program on my computer. I had no clue how to download it, or even where to get it. My computer was constantly crashing and failing me. Luckily I typed the program name into the search engine and found it on a website. Installing the program was easy once i read the instructions word for word.
Install insert these implements of knowledge, what happens when I need to reboot? My brain won’t refold in upon itself like bread, squished between hands into a peanut butter and jelly mess.
if i had one word to write it would be love. Love one another, but that is four words.
putting something new onto or into something already existing. making it better, upgrading. learning at the possible risk of infection. trials and new frontiers. technology and fantasy.
I sit silently as he installs the air filter. I love him for these things he does for me so easily. He smiles because I’m watching him as though he is building a mountain out of glass.
“And here you have it, Ma’am!” Said the tech rep.
“Your brand new tele-porter!”
“Oh, Thank you! You even installed it for me! Your company always has given such great service!”
computer programs, furniture, appliances, politicians, officers of companies, unions, sororities, fraternaties, presidents, congress
install my hardware and boot me up. plug me in and dial me down.
well thia word means a lot to me. it could be talking about installing a new program into my computer, or a new application onto my ipod. my friend emily marie (that isnt really her middle name, its her older sisters) has had lots of problems with installing new software onto her electronics. they sometimes create problems such as virus’s on whatever you are installintg them. it could also be taken literally like the horse was “in the stall” but i know that isnt really what this word means.
Install is where you take something and put it in something else in order to be able to do a new activity. Cool right?
i love going onto the computer and installing new songs for my ipod on iTunes, that way I have new music to listen to. Also I can install new games so i have more varieties in games to play.
I like to install new software on my computer. Some of the software i have to download on my computer an dothers i have to download off of a disk onto my computer. one of my favorites that i have downloaded is iTunes.
This is the way to install a new game. where the installation will prove to be lenghtly but secure. It will depend on the operating system you have. The version of it. The amount of ram or amount of hard drive space and also the many types of computer gadgets and also all the other games that you have instaslled. Of course this will concern your parents.
I think installing
in a little bird way. The house
with one hole, the seed brought in.
A leaf is bringing new light
to it’s own porch
and sunning the circle
of this hearth, our little bark abode.
Install the ways to hold your feet
and wing
“Take it out!”
“I can’t.”
“Take it out now!!! It’s killing me!”
“The plug won’t pull loose… it’s stuck!”
Fibers dug deeper into his brain tissue as man and machine became one.
So I opened up my laptop and waited for it to load. All I wanted to do was to install this stupid program… and what happens? The computer forgets the in part and just freaking stalls on me. Ridiculous, right? So much for my homework.
all alone in a village where night was cold and windy, I sat waiting for someone to come out and ask me if I needed assistance but no one came.
If there ever is a program exists to help students soak up all the knowledge required for exams, i’ll be the first to buy it, install it and make sure exams become redundant by lending it to everyone else.
set up, to make work, to become useful, its like an add on. to put a new program on your personal device.
to upgrade make better, if there was anything to install i would do it why not its always better even though viruses may run through it it could be worse
Install it in the dark, int he back of a closet in the upstairs bathroom. And as she tells me this I just look at her, and she’s almost crying except she’s so angry, and I don’t know what to say or what she means. All there is back there is a blank wall of hopeless white, and it doesn’t hide anything behind it’s paint and spackle and cottage cheese lumps. But she tells me to go look, and to put the key, to ‘install it’, there.
Installing art in public can be an interesting thing. I don’t think of “install” in terms of computers or hardware. I always tend to think of how I can install something someplace to make people think. Make your m ind wander. Incite creativity in people.