
April 12th, 2009 | 245 Entries

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245 Entries for “international”

  1. Fake words that lead
    to a fake life,
    to a fake relationship.
    when the crash comes
    the pain is greater.
    gashes and bruises
    look worse then
    what I’m feeling
    internally aching

    Emily Lorraine
  2. Ohhhhh man, international is like the best word I could have gotten. I myself am international I live in the U.S. but definitely not from here. I pretty much know someone from almost every corner in the world

  3. The flight down to Australia was a long one. I have never been on an international flight that long with no stops. By the end of the trip I was exhausted but it was worth it. I had so much fun down there and I would gladly do it again.

    Amanda Sabater
  4. with all of our modern day, technological adventure “international” means that we have transcended physical boundaries — that international is now able to exist. The world is a lot smaller. The world is international.

  5. The world is small and getting smaller. Everyone is traveling somewhere–the tales of their adventures are all over the Web. It is tiresome, actually. So many adventurers, so certain that their adventures are unique. More and more, I want to stay home, walking in little circles, doing familiar things, avoiding the posturing of the international travelers.
