international means of other nations it does not include anything national the very basic idea behind international has its products to sell like we say that this product is international so its not national
Many countries getting together to accomplish something, but yet each marred by the infighting that comes from national pride and individual interests. Crossing the boundaries of land and sea to join together into a single unit. Many people, many faces, together for a single purpose.
aid agencies are a big scam and a formof neo colonialism that keeps third world contries in the thrall of multinational corporations
ndsJVbiusdfivUWEBLVHDFBLUVYDFBULGferoufg4fgdsvBDHCVBGHDFEWFGERYFGYEWRUSDFHBVDFGOUYWBRDVCYTSDFVBSDBBFGVSDGHEWUYGFCDHVCYTEWFVGHQWEbfvDSTFUEWOYFVSDGVCTDOYUFGWEYGFODOBODFSYUFGERYWFBDGVFCYWEubfysdbvcodusgvfyufvygcsduvycsdufgdrdefhwerfhhdhhfidjkfdbhjldfbhrfigfvfgyv gyixcivyuirfbbcf fredfchjderffbdhbvfebrwfejhbdfshjvbwsehjbdvbwfebhjlvac b hhb bdc b dfcv bcd hdcfhbfdhjbhjfbsebdhVCDHV
brian brooks
What does one mean to be a traveller? Have they travelled, how far, how did they meet?
What does one mean to be an experienced traveller, I have been here before, I will do it again?
One who has international experience, has been there done that?
It is one who wants to be, wants to learn and wants to experience. It is about those roads less travelled, those are the ones who have learned.
someday i will have a job that requires me to go on international trips regularly. i think i have it mapped out already. thing is… i always get lost when i use maps.
its an over used word.everyone clamis to be it, own it or work it. its does not apply anymore as global has started taking its place. in a world without borders international is passe
International really means between nations does’nt it? But somehow you get the feeling that’s not really the case.
Anything that is global can be called international. Having a presence around the world can also be termed as international. This word is usually associated with commerce, but it can be implied in other fields as well.
Armaan Verma
Many countries.
Many colours.
Many eyes.
Many flags.
Many identities.
Many cultures.
Many people.
Many languages.
Many hair colours.
Many eye colours.
One world.
Anne Browne
international drug smuggling extraordinaire
keep an ounce strapped to the grundle
smuggle bricks in the underwear
no magnetic device detects my platinum or ice
i get shit done efficient, ya gotta say i’m nice
In the International Committee for Improvement, we strive to compile a lasting procedure of actions that will, in the fullness of time and the complex interrelations of material cooperation and manifest justification by the peoples of the planet, establish a reliable, safe and effective means for [document ends]
Brian Slusher
We all dream of traveling. Going far away to exotic countries. Getting our passports stamped by different countries. But all this does is make us remember how good our homes are, and how much we love where we live.
I live on a campus full of international students. Everyday I go out and see them, so exotic, so seemingly beautiful. Everyday I hear them speak there languages, so exotic, so seemingly beautiful. And I look upon myself, chubby, white, and feel painfully plain.
international affairs do not concern me, international friendship is what i desire, international sounds so professional, and dry due to its connotations, so i guess i dont like the word, politics, corporations, business, banking, everything seems so distant,
foreign countries, cool places, strange people, more opportunities, new things, different food, romance, war, hate, love
overseas travel is really fun. im going on a music tour to europe quite soon. it should be relaly awesome and everything. i play french horn. its my passion definitely. i want to be a professional musician when i grow up. id love to be able to get my amus done before i leave school, and get into the con at southbank. i just hope im good enough! i also love travelling. im going to asia towards the end of the year as well.
i already wrote about this you stupid computer give me another word wow why is this the same one maybe i clicked the wrong link oh well now i can think about more international things like EUROPE I LOVE EUROPE IT IS SOOO COOL AAAHHHH YAYY i’m going to live in england, london, when i’m older and france hopefully paris for three months next year
international news is boring and depressing and i don’t like the news news is boring i should probably learn more about it i should probably learn lots of things i’m so ignorant wow oh well i wonder if it would change my opinions maybe my mom would listen to me if she thought i was more eductated.
international house of pancakes.
reminds me of this one episode of hannah montanna where jackson opened this one little stand called ihwarfendofl or something like that.
i forget what it stood for. doesnt really matter i guess.
america texas love in paris some day over the rainbow dreams in london ales and bowling alleys people you will never meet again memories are forever even if we’re not he is waiting there for me drawing pictures of my soul and he doesn’t even know it
The president addressed the global community with absoloute confidence. why shouldn’t he? he had a bigger army than any of them.
“my freinds, the time is now. the time for us to purge this earth of the scum that is the arabs.”
i would like to be an iternational traveller, a jet setter. because going to different countries is so exciting. each one a different culture etc. it would give a good experience and will be alot of fun.
international is a word that means world wide hence inter-national. craap i dont know. it can be used like international airplane- one that flies to different countries.
wow i really wanna go overseas. it would be so much fun. but i want to staywith relatives in america and england and travel europe and everything makes me think of him anyway hahahahah i really like life atm. peopleare amazing my bestfriend and i are travelling soon yay it will be so much fun
i cant wait to leave school and live like crazy!!!
international? don’t know if I’ll ever be.. all those plans and dreams of youth slip by and all of a sudden life is half over. I have many dreams,this is one of them
international relationships awarded and regarded as a scheme of practices prioritized by the aim of consumerism to control everything that exists. Were approaching toward
one of the best things that ever happened to me was a trip to Cyprus from Manchester international airport. What a place it is, plenty of movement non – stop, people coming and going to places all over the world. I sat at the window marvelling at the organised chaos that was occuring, with the result being passengers boarding and the big lumps of metal hurtling into the sky.
She said to go. I’m not sure I should have listened. We’ve gone international, and that may be our undoing.
A confluence of nations. THe expansion of knowledge beyond borders.
my sad little bucket of jellyfish has spilled but ill never be scared to smile again whispering to whatever’s inside my ribs
Aviv COhn
the man stood there, on the middle of the platform, stunned by the fact that his flight had diverted to this wonderful international destination. He smiles quietly to himself and breathes deeply before setting off. That man will see himself for the next three years
Christopher Gilmore
international airports are every where round the capital cities and in smaller ones too. international trade marks are sell all over the world.. people like international food.
Nations. when you think of international I think about the world. The world is so big and has so many different countries and people. It is very diverse and fascinating.
i wanna go to spain cause its awmone and why am i talking about spain i need to talk about international things like that hot kids fom mexico that come to school!!!!
its the best!
i love them so
The plague caught a ride via several hosts leaving the country. It had become international. Global.
The entire human race was at the threat of extinction.
All at the hands of
Raheel Savani
This is something that is in a different nation. For example, if I live in America and I order a shirt from Japan, that will be an international shirt to me.In College, students that attend colleges in other countries than what they are from are considered international students.
They continue to hail him as the international man of mystery, but they fail to realize that there was another before him — a man more debonair, mysterious, sexual and international than he ever will be. Another man with a fancier tie and bluer eyes and a more chiseled chin. A man whom it was fabled and proven that women swooned and stripped for. A man this woman forever wanted to be. Or at least, be with.
My greatest failure arose because I did not want to go international. And now every time the woman looks at me, a part of me dies within to know that she thinks that I did not reach my greatest potential by not applying for a Fulbright. But I know that I can reach my fullest potential by staying local, by reaching out to my own national community rather than helping the international one that can barely help itself.
international means of other nations it does not include anything national the very basic idea behind international has its products to sell like we say that this product is international so its not national
Many countries getting together to accomplish something, but yet each marred by the infighting that comes from national pride and individual interests. Crossing the boundaries of land and sea to join together into a single unit. Many people, many faces, together for a single purpose.
aid agencies are a big scam and a formof neo colonialism that keeps third world contries in the thrall of multinational corporations
ndsJVbiusdfivUWEBLVHDFBLUVYDFBULGferoufg4fgdsvBDHCVBGHDFEWFGERYFGYEWRUSDFHBVDFGOUYWBRDVCYTSDFVBSDBBFGVSDGHEWUYGFCDHVCYTEWFVGHQWEbfvDSTFUEWOYFVSDGVCTDOYUFGWEYGFODOBODFSYUFGERYWFBDGVFCYWEubfysdbvcodusgvfyufvygcsduvycsdufgdrdefhwerfhhdhhfidjkfdbhjldfbhrfigfvfgyv gyixcivyuirfbbcf fredfchjderffbdhbvfebrwfejhbdfshjvbwsehjbdvbwfebhjlvac b hhb bdc b dfcv bcd hdcfhbfdhjbhjfbsebdhVCDHV
What does one mean to be a traveller? Have they travelled, how far, how did they meet?
What does one mean to be an experienced traveller, I have been here before, I will do it again?
One who has international experience, has been there done that?
It is one who wants to be, wants to learn and wants to experience. It is about those roads less travelled, those are the ones who have learned.
someday i will have a job that requires me to go on international trips regularly. i think i have it mapped out already. thing is… i always get lost when i use maps.
its an over used word.everyone clamis to be it, own it or work it. its does not apply anymore as global has started taking its place. in a world without borders international is passe
International really means between nations does’nt it? But somehow you get the feeling that’s not really the case.
Anything that is global can be called international. Having a presence around the world can also be termed as international. This word is usually associated with commerce, but it can be implied in other fields as well.
Many countries.
Many colours.
Many eyes.
Many flags.
Many identities.
Many cultures.
Many people.
Many languages.
Many hair colours.
Many eye colours.
One world.
international drug smuggling extraordinaire
keep an ounce strapped to the grundle
smuggle bricks in the underwear
no magnetic device detects my platinum or ice
i get shit done efficient, ya gotta say i’m nice
In the International Committee for Improvement, we strive to compile a lasting procedure of actions that will, in the fullness of time and the complex interrelations of material cooperation and manifest justification by the peoples of the planet, establish a reliable, safe and effective means for [document ends]
We all dream of traveling. Going far away to exotic countries. Getting our passports stamped by different countries. But all this does is make us remember how good our homes are, and how much we love where we live.
I live on a campus full of international students. Everyday I go out and see them, so exotic, so seemingly beautiful. Everyday I hear them speak there languages, so exotic, so seemingly beautiful. And I look upon myself, chubby, white, and feel painfully plain.
international affairs do not concern me, international friendship is what i desire, international sounds so professional, and dry due to its connotations, so i guess i dont like the word, politics, corporations, business, banking, everything seems so distant,
foreign countries, cool places, strange people, more opportunities, new things, different food, romance, war, hate, love
overseas travel is really fun. im going on a music tour to europe quite soon. it should be relaly awesome and everything. i play french horn. its my passion definitely. i want to be a professional musician when i grow up. id love to be able to get my amus done before i leave school, and get into the con at southbank. i just hope im good enough! i also love travelling. im going to asia towards the end of the year as well.
i already wrote about this you stupid computer give me another word wow why is this the same one maybe i clicked the wrong link oh well now i can think about more international things like EUROPE I LOVE EUROPE IT IS SOOO COOL AAAHHHH YAYY i’m going to live in england, london, when i’m older and france hopefully paris for three months next year
international news is boring and depressing and i don’t like the news news is boring i should probably learn more about it i should probably learn lots of things i’m so ignorant wow oh well i wonder if it would change my opinions maybe my mom would listen to me if she thought i was more eductated.
international house of pancakes.
reminds me of this one episode of hannah montanna where jackson opened this one little stand called ihwarfendofl or something like that.
i forget what it stood for. doesnt really matter i guess.
america texas love in paris some day over the rainbow dreams in london ales and bowling alleys people you will never meet again memories are forever even if we’re not he is waiting there for me drawing pictures of my soul and he doesn’t even know it
The president addressed the global community with absoloute confidence. why shouldn’t he? he had a bigger army than any of them.
“my freinds, the time is now. the time for us to purge this earth of the scum that is the arabs.”
i would like to be an iternational traveller, a jet setter. because going to different countries is so exciting. each one a different culture etc. it would give a good experience and will be alot of fun.
international is a word that means world wide hence inter-national. craap i dont know. it can be used like international airplane- one that flies to different countries.
wow i really wanna go overseas. it would be so much fun. but i want to staywith relatives in america and england and travel europe and everything makes me think of him anyway hahahahah i really like life atm. peopleare amazing my bestfriend and i are travelling soon yay it will be so much fun
i cant wait to leave school and live like crazy!!!
international? don’t know if I’ll ever be.. all those plans and dreams of youth slip by and all of a sudden life is half over. I have many dreams,this is one of them
international relationships awarded and regarded as a scheme of practices prioritized by the aim of consumerism to control everything that exists. Were approaching toward
one of the best things that ever happened to me was a trip to Cyprus from Manchester international airport. What a place it is, plenty of movement non – stop, people coming and going to places all over the world. I sat at the window marvelling at the organised chaos that was occuring, with the result being passengers boarding and the big lumps of metal hurtling into the sky.
She said to go. I’m not sure I should have listened. We’ve gone international, and that may be our undoing.
A confluence of nations. THe expansion of knowledge beyond borders.
my sad little bucket of jellyfish has spilled but ill never be scared to smile again whispering to whatever’s inside my ribs
the man stood there, on the middle of the platform, stunned by the fact that his flight had diverted to this wonderful international destination. He smiles quietly to himself and breathes deeply before setting off. That man will see himself for the next three years
international airports are every where round the capital cities and in smaller ones too. international trade marks are sell all over the world.. people like international food.
Nations. when you think of international I think about the world. The world is so big and has so many different countries and people. It is very diverse and fascinating.
i wanna go to spain cause its awmone and why am i talking about spain i need to talk about international things like that hot kids fom mexico that come to school!!!!
its the best!
i love them so
The plague caught a ride via several hosts leaving the country. It had become international. Global.
The entire human race was at the threat of extinction.
All at the hands of
This is something that is in a different nation. For example, if I live in America and I order a shirt from Japan, that will be an international shirt to me.In College, students that attend colleges in other countries than what they are from are considered international students.
They continue to hail him as the international man of mystery, but they fail to realize that there was another before him — a man more debonair, mysterious, sexual and international than he ever will be. Another man with a fancier tie and bluer eyes and a more chiseled chin. A man whom it was fabled and proven that women swooned and stripped for. A man this woman forever wanted to be. Or at least, be with.
My greatest failure arose because I did not want to go international. And now every time the woman looks at me, a part of me dies within to know that she thinks that I did not reach my greatest potential by not applying for a Fulbright. But I know that I can reach my fullest potential by staying local, by reaching out to my own national community rather than helping the international one that can barely help itself.