
April 12th, 2009 | 245 Entries

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245 Entries for “international”

  1. the substance of every day is an international feeling of living. To be an international, i wonder how that would feel? For everyone to consider themselves under one nationality. I have often thoght about that but in the end i see that people could get frustrated because it would take away some feelings of individuality, including individuality in culture. like currency, cultural ethics that kind of thing.

  2. International models are usually the intellgent ones, not just the pretty and tall ones. They need not to be skinny just to look good in swimsuits. They need the brains, the confidence and the right attitude to be looked upon. They need the right equation that will lead them to the top.

  3. i could be an international citizen… yep!!! i´m from guatemala, my mind is in hawaii, my love is in denmark and my body belongs to the world!!

  4. globalisation, no border, smaller world.
    it’s how the world today works.


  5. other countries, seeing places around the world

  6. i wish i was. i want to leave the safety restraints of home and explore the world and everything that makes it such.

  7. foreign bodies constantly in motion bringing me forward, bringing me in… the velocity of travel the time, the notion of learning through smell and taste and the sound of the footsteps over my shoulder the ones which draw me in. I can’t do it without you, but I have to, don’t I?

    Reni Turner
  8. I honestly don’t know what to say about this word, I know what it means but it seems kind of pointless to me. Not to say the concept is pointless, I mean it does not evoke anything in me to really say much about, apart from being able to deifne the word if I felt like it. Inter, national, that’s pretty simple eh? So yes that’s about it

  9. India is a country which is internationally acclaimed by all big and small countries around the globe. There will be a time wen all the international states will be proud of India.

    Divya Sherigar
  10. is where I wish I existed. in between nations like a transient of truth and interconnectedness. If the web of consciousness could be my muse, I would make the

  11. something that travels the world, reaches out to spread the word. must be pretty important, because nothing can go international, and be nothing. no one can ever go international, without being battered by hurtful things.

  12. Internationally acclaimed. That’s what you have to be. Not just nationally acclaimed. What if you live in Peru? No one gives a damn if you are nationally acclaimed by Peru. But internationally acclaimed, that’s what it’s all about. When the world loves you, you know you’ve got it good.

  13. something that travels the world, reaches out to spread the word. must be pretty important, because nothing can go international, and be nothing.

  14. international has become a phrase here to stay. its no longer so important to be national or local, as long as you go international . we travel international, we eat international food and we love international clothes. the boardes have increased and we all see ourselves as

  15. lots of things apply to a world that is so connected nowadays. when messages can be sent via email snail mail is no more. flights are no longer needed except for more personal business ventures. vacations are good too but sometimes in state is better.

  16. The International Monetary Fund is a criminal organization used to extort the resources of developing countries. The IMF is led by the world’s richest bankers and it’s sole purpose is to ensure national resource wealth is contained in the power structure of the banking system.

  17. Well, just go inter-national,
    It means to be beyond ones own country.To rediscover the culture,tradition in a new way.

  18. multi-cultural….alien….unknown….varied…polyglossal…
    to be international is to be open minded, curious and exploratory…..

  19. international students are everywhere on my campus. they are always smarter and better than me. why? why cant i be that smart? why?

    i want to go to other countries. will people judge me? i judge them. its true. i can’t help it.

  20. i just saw the oneword it made me think maybe i should write just one word but then it said dont think. so here i am. not thinking just typin

  21. the films the international starring clive owen

    international means europe.

    holly matthews
  22. She was an international spy, he told me in a hushed tone. the coffee was delicious, and he was handsome. I believed him.

    mattie may
  23. It was all the fame, i think, that made me want to leave the international airport after having lived there for fifteen years feeding peanuts to sea otters.

  24. food, people, an amazing concept that i have yet to discover. italy new people, new friends, experiences that I can not even begin to fathom. differences. the way that people live that I am completely jealous of. I want to live in a different world like they do. I want to experience differnet cultures.

    sydney appelbaum
  25. In two days, I will board an international flight and travel 2000 miles. I will get off that plane and be a different person…not just physically, but in every way. I will be a tall, sexy redhead with a brash air and an independent spirit. I will be rich. And I will be untraceable.

  26. you cross nations, and many oceans. the tags that i pull from that black plastic handle – how many now? but i’ve never asked. i never dared. as long as you return.

  27. I’m flying in a paper airplane that seems to go on forever. Leaving the home that I knew and loved, just leaving it all behind me. But do I have a choice? NO. Because my stupid father died, now I am forced to go and live in a foreign country, one that I dont even speak the language of. I would rather stick to flying national, but unfortuneately I’m starting my life over on this international flight.

  28. everyone anyone anywhere everywhere culture new things new food new people new smells new animals new plants flowers blue red

  29. man of mystery

  30. traveling the world, seeing things you have never seen before. experience customs you’d never thought were possible – eating every part of the animal, living with the earth, and experimenting with different forms of dance. I’ve never lived an international moment, only staying on my tiny continent of North America. What will I see when I go international?

  31. i was the son of two of the most famous actors in the world. Living life without them was like living in space without the stars because they were my light and always show me the way home

  32. International relations have caused a lot of tension at my school. In fact, teachers only tend to talk about how Obama will increase our need for money which will move China into place to, and I quote, “Topple Capitalism.”

  33. I love international travel. The planes, the boats, however you get there, it’s always fun and exciting. Traveling to exotic lands with so many different colors and customs.

    D.B. Ambs
  34. other countries illegal immegrants eil terrorists! mexicans are sometimes illegal immigrants ><>

  35. se7jrgy-9= =
    our countries flag
    the government
    alfredo sauce
    pina coladas

  36. Something like the government. Where a country is. wIncluding the whole country. Does that make sense???

    Dave Simpson
  37. To be feared. Must believe in the superiority of the race which we all know is the only one which can save. Fly a Kit race.

  38. The little girl was so scared going to another school. She didn’t know if she would have any friends. Emilee was so nervous! Her little brother, Sven, was not nervous at all. He was going to jump head first into school, only being in kindergarten, he didn’t know the issues of middle school. Emilee proceeded into school and immediately found a friend, a short redheaded girl who smiled at her. Her name was Ginger. They became the best of friends, and I’m out of time.. Oh P.S. international.. kinda forgot to use that..

  39. iwant to travel to an exotic international destination i am ready to spread my wings and get the hell outta here. Times are changing and so am I. Internationality here I come………

  40. Country’s war people white house food 4th of july chad’s b-day
