There is no such thing as intuition. It’s a myth that someone made up to make people think that they’re smart. Intuition is called learning from your mistakes and applying it to life. Nothing more.
You can’t explain it. Sometimes you just know what the right course of action is. You go with your gut, and simply know that it was the right choice. God gives us this intuition sometimes, and when we follow the Holy Spirit, He will guide us in all things.
Call it what you will, I somehow knew that this was the man I was looking for. “Excuse me,” I said to the fellow, “are you Douglas J. Donaldson?”
“Why, yes,” he replied (though I don’t know how: his mouth was sewn shut), “I am.”
She always relied on her initution; in the past it had never let her down, But now, here she was staring into space, the hurt she felt could not be described, how …….
Call it what you will, I somehow knew that this was the man I was looking for. “Excuse me,” I said to the fellow, “are you Douglas J. Donaldson?”
“Why, yes,” he replied (though I don’t know how: his mouth was sewn shut), “I am.”
i gottah feeling that tonight is gonna be a good night…hahaha
My intuition is excellent, but it doesn’t come through very strong. It’s like getting a few bursts of information through a storm of static on the radio, but the signals I do get are revelations.
The Bowler Cap Fairy
intuition is when you know that someone is looking at you, standing behind you, thinking about you.
intuition is that small closet underneath the basement stairs. you don’t always know what is inside of it, and you aren’t always aware of its presence, but nonetheless its existence is undeniable.
Intuition is one of the most important attributes of the human species; it is what sets us apart from those organism which operate on instinct alone. Although sometimes causing us to makes mistakes, every outlook cannot be forseen and accounted for. We must be able to make these decisions in important scenarios.
there is a feeling inside i get when i look at you. a sense of foreboding regret that douses my soul, i suppose i should trust it.
It was an action born of intuition, an innate response. She wasn’t even entirely sure what it was, but she knew it was right, the way her hand met with the creature’s jaw, the angle of her foot as she sent it flying.
Intuition is having the power to see into the future while negotiating with the past. It allows you the chance to choose the right road though it may be less followed in lieu of the easy out as offered to many and seized by more.
Intuition tells me that I have nothing to say about this word. Then again, intuition is a beautiful thing…It can give us feelings of perceived understanding of future events, sort of making us all a little bit psychic.
i follow my intuition a lot, and it has proven to be a good idea. I get feelings about things a lot, when I don’t follow them i regret it. I believe that inside you know what to do, so if you try to ignore that voice, it won’t work out well for you.
I drove my parents to the hospital today because my mother is having surgery on her brain. Its strange, my intuition is to clean, keep cleaning, and wait for it all to be over. Dishes, laundry, mother, father, sister, brother, Cancer.
There is no such thing as intuition. It’s a myth that someone made up to make people think that they’re smart. Intuition is called learning from your mistakes and applying it to life. Nothing more.
You can’t explain it. Sometimes you just know what the right course of action is. You go with your gut, and simply know that it was the right choice. God gives us this intuition sometimes, and when we follow the Holy Spirit, He will guide us in all things.
Call it what you will, I somehow knew that this was the man I was looking for. “Excuse me,” I said to the fellow, “are you Douglas J. Donaldson?”
“Why, yes,” he replied (though I don’t know how: his mouth was sewn shut), “I am.”
She always relied on her initution; in the past it had never let her down, But now, here she was staring into space, the hurt she felt could not be described, how …….
Call it what you will, I somehow knew that this was the man I was looking for. “Excuse me,” I said to the fellow, “are you Douglas J. Donaldson?”
“Why, yes,” he replied (though I don’t know how: his mouth was sewn shut), “I am.”
i gottah feeling that tonight is gonna be a good night…hahaha
My intuition is excellent, but it doesn’t come through very strong. It’s like getting a few bursts of information through a storm of static on the radio, but the signals I do get are revelations.
intuition is when you know that someone is looking at you, standing behind you, thinking about you.
intuition is that small closet underneath the basement stairs. you don’t always know what is inside of it, and you aren’t always aware of its presence, but nonetheless its existence is undeniable.
Intuition is one of the most important attributes of the human species; it is what sets us apart from those organism which operate on instinct alone. Although sometimes causing us to makes mistakes, every outlook cannot be forseen and accounted for. We must be able to make these decisions in important scenarios.
there is a feeling inside i get when i look at you. a sense of foreboding regret that douses my soul, i suppose i should trust it.
It was an action born of intuition, an innate response. She wasn’t even entirely sure what it was, but she knew it was right, the way her hand met with the creature’s jaw, the angle of her foot as she sent it flying.
Intuition is having the power to see into the future while negotiating with the past. It allows you the chance to choose the right road though it may be less followed in lieu of the easy out as offered to many and seized by more.
Intuition tells me that I have nothing to say about this word. Then again, intuition is a beautiful thing…It can give us feelings of perceived understanding of future events, sort of making us all a little bit psychic.
i follow my intuition a lot, and it has proven to be a good idea. I get feelings about things a lot, when I don’t follow them i regret it. I believe that inside you know what to do, so if you try to ignore that voice, it won’t work out well for you.
I drove my parents to the hospital today because my mother is having surgery on her brain. Its strange, my intuition is to clean, keep cleaning, and wait for it all to be over. Dishes, laundry, mother, father, sister, brother, Cancer.