
October 25th, 2009 | 377 Entries

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377 Entries for “intuition”

  1. { } Listen to that sound!
  2. My intuition says that you are lying. Am I right? Are you telling me everything I want to hear?. Can I trust you with the truth?. Can I trust you at all?.

  3. i can never seem to trust my own intuition, i always doubt myself and i’m wrong but sometimes i feel something in the pit of my stomach and i go with that feeling, whether it’s right or wrong i don’t know but it’s all i can feel and it’s all i seem to know so i go with it at times

  4. so i used my intuition and followed the trail of m&m’s to my next destination. china, later japan, later india, later home.

  5. Who’d a thunk it? Dunno what to think actually.

    What’s the purpose of this again? I forget.

  6. the feeling you get when you just know that some thing is right. Its in your gut, stomach area when you just know the right thing to do or say. You also know when you go ag

  7. follow your heart, your intuittttion. i forget who sings that song. also, this word reminds me of shick intuition, the razor. i wish i had better things to say about such a good word. intuition, does that have anything to do with jiminey cricket? i forget.

  8. Intuition is following the path that you think may bring you what you want. You follow your heart to say it as chiche. Intuition brings you what you know is right deep inside, a bugging feeling with in that tells you something is right and soemthing is wrong. A guide

  9. shaving

  10. Do you trust your intuition? I sometimes trust mine. On the whole, I prefer to think logically. If my logic and intuition seem to match up, I go for it. When it comes to guys, though, I always trust my intuition. Woman’s intuition is usually right. That is, if you’re a smart woman. At least that’s what I think.

  11. This wasn’t going to work… I could see by the set of his shoulders that he was already thinking about killing the guy. I wanted to convince him but I wasn’t sure how. My intuition told me that appealing to his better nature wouldn’t work.

  12. Love,

  13. blue

  14. something that you hav

  15. my intuition tells me not to trust you.. should i listen to it? It’s much smarter than I am it has been right many times.. I want to trust you.. but my intuition has been around a long long long time ..maybe you should just move on..I trust my intuition.. it never fails me.. nor lies to me….Sorry Bub..I hear you saying “Trust me” with a very convincing smile…. But I have to trust my own gut!

    Patricia Sawyer
  16. something you know and nothing else matters but the thing in which you are aware of. it is always truthful and always there. some bury it and shove it away.

    olivia kirkpatrick
  17. the feeling that you know what you are doing and all is well. you have an idea that something is going to happen and you just know. you feel it from somewhere you dont know and cant comprehend or describe. its a beautiful thing that makes little sense but makes all the sense in the world.

  18. personal thoughts and feelings dericting you in your specific derection

  19. asdfasdf

  20. I use it when I’m in doubt. I equate it to using my gut. And for some reason, I thought about Jewel, the singer, who sang a song titled as such. My string of thoughts are bizarre. I should stop.

  21. I don’t feel like I have intuition, all I have is what I am. I have my personality, I have WHO I am. Intuition…? I don’t feel like I possess the things I should get from it. Other people, they surround me, they hurt me, they make fun of me for not having it.

    Josh Lyle
  22. …didn’t have to think about it. I already knew. It was intuition that told me it wasn’t going to work out. But sometimes intuition gets that deaf ear turned to it no matter how loudly it tries to speak to me, and I end up wishing I had paid attention.

  23. Ha!
    I Love Cheese! :)

  24. fd

  25. My intuition told me that something was wrong. It couldn’t be, I hoped. I raced up to the building and suddenly saw someone getting shot. I tried to help, but it was much too late for me to help. I shrieked silently. What was wrong with me? Why couldn’t I do anything?

  26. She’s intuitive, he knows she is. She looks innocent, and naive, and utterly clueless.

    But then she tells you something that you never would’ve noticed if she hadn’t figured it out.

    She knows your nervous habits at a glance, can pick up on lies and deceit better than anyone. And she can play your feelings with that same glance, a smile to put you at ease, or simple questions and a poker face to make you tell her everything.

    But you never realize it until it’s too late.

    Because that was what she was trained to do. She was taught to be a master of emotions, able to play anyone and make them dance to her tune.

    Able to say “I love you” with one breath, and kill you with the next.

  27. mine tells me that i should think this music is weird but really, who can’t like frog eyes. except for the squares living in their square boxes wearing square muffs. you’ll scorch your mother to shame with that kind of attitude towards the otherworldly musical fantastic la la la love that i have for krug. oh, krug~

    October 25th, 2009.

    Christine D. O.
  28. gut

  29. As the policeman sat in the office, staring at the investigative reports from 1996, he had a sudden spark of intuition. He began shuffling through papers wildly, trying to find the one damning piece of evidence that would put the criminal behind bars forever.

  30. this is something that all mothers have. It seems that gut instinct and first impressions make up intuition. The way to intuition is through tuition and that is learned through professors.

  31. They call it female intuition, but I don’t know where they got that idea. You either have it, or you don’t. Me, I’ve got it. But I don’t think you can rightly call it intuition. That sounds way too fancy for something that sends cold shivers up my backbone and gives me the chills. It should have a better name. That’s all I’m sayin’. Though it stood me well the night Bobby died.

    Kimberly Pauley
  32. I am relying on intuition to get me through this minute of writing. My fingers aren’t working as well as my brain! Intuition lies deep in the brain and helps us to make very quick sense of the world around us without having to think explicitly.

  33. what everyone thinks they have and most don’t. what you blame when you don’t do what you don’t want to do. what Christians call God speaking to them sometimes.

  34. I was so afraid of what the intuition for my college deducation was going to be. But thank God, with scholarships I made it.

    Dr. Art
  35. my intuition
    ne’er done steered me wrong
    i pay tuition
    i sing my song

  36. i don’t know why it happened,
    everything fell into place.
    i saw it in my dreams
    and now i see it in reality.
    the same feeling, the same people

  37. future

  38. Don’t think. Well, isn’t that what this is all about? Just write. Just go. Let go. Hm, people don’t do that enough. I don’t, for sure. But here I am, trying as hard as I can. Is it working?

    Vanessa E.G.
  39. My intuition told me that I was close. The clues i was given were designed to throw me off, send me the wrong way, but my intuition, my ‘gut’ told me I was on the right track. soon I emerged at its true center, and there he was as I had feared, beaten down slumped over and unconcious.

  40. what i think i know but cannot prove, women think they are so smart, i don’t want to be known for my intuition, knowledge is much more useful

    Adam R.