Carol Knarr
my intuition has failed me time and time again. it told me he wouldnt leave. it told me that we would always be okay. it lied on both counts. i dont trust it anymore.
my intuition told me that he hadnt gotten clean. But i still went against my better judgment and let him move back in. If only I had known.
Intuition is the right brain function. Knowing without knowing. Accepting the unconscious feelings. Letting your insides speak, letting the emotions speak freely.
Where’s the fun ? It’s in the spur of the moment. Where’s the moment ? It’s being in the right place. Where’s the knowledge, the utterly simple way of knowing when to be in that moment, and where ? It’s the intuition. The completely unsure way of knowing exactly what to do.
Mackenzie Peery
Intuition is the right brain function. Knowing without knowing. Accepting the unconscious feelings. Letting your insides speak, letting the emotions speak freely.
I had the sudden intuition to do jump out of the car. I didn’t know why or where it was coming from- I didn’t believe in spiritual beings or such watching over us but after my life almost ceased to exist I began to wonder…
what is your intuition? what is ur aspiration? what do you need? what to you give? what will you do? follow your needs follow no one else but yourself. others may give advice but it is you who know best. it is you who is the expert on your own life. your own destiny. what will you do? what will you choose?
i see, contrary to my intuition it took methree tries toworkout how to do this, three times not to read hte par abou hitting Go’. I wonder if I am stupid, he thought, tossing back his black mane of hair and scratchubg his tail,
i don’t know.
Intuition is when you get a hunch about something. Its as if you’ve already been there, womens intuition something they hhave by nature. Like when you know your partner is cheating just through your intuition.
there she was. standing there. all because of one little inkling she’d had several months back. the intuition that maybe he’d be one to hold on to. In all that he was, she saw little sparks of something too good to be true. so she went with it. she held fast to her vision of him, and now she was finding out if she had made the right choice.
The knowing that comes with a sensitivity to those people and things that surround you.
John C.
All of my life I have followed my instict. Why not now? I’ll take her to bed and change her life. My dreams are about to come true. I can’t see any reason not to let them.
so i followed my mind i just said it.those three words chaged my life forever ‘i love you’ it was my intuition to say it i dont know what i expected in return whether it was going to be positive or negative make me ecstatic or deapaired but all i knew was that once it’d been spoken i felt the most massive relief i was finally free.
sian boulter-creeks
I’m not sure what to say about intuition. I don’t think it’s a skill. It’s more of a subconscious common sense or subconscious reasoning. Maybe the people who tend to be right are more adept at this reasoning.
I wasn’t sure what it inside me that knew he was rotten to the core but I knew instantly. My feet took me away before my heart acknowledged the danger.
intuitively humans are beings of sex love and more sex. sex being the love aspect in that sex is physical love and i’m not talking self love here i’m taking intuition shit you dig? this is all so real and everyday you wake and you stretch and you say today is going to be the day i stop thinking. but you never stop. nobody ever stops. that is some intuition shit.
Chapel Sauce
people always say trust it but when i trust it things go the other way.
caroline F
what i’m lacking at the moment or i’m just saying that because i lack self esteem in my writing. but really inution–i think sherlock and detectives and case closed. am i supposed to be writing a story or just associations? anyway, intuition is great.
Adam Powers
I still remember when I first saw you. People told me I should know better than that and that I shouldn’t just follow my first intuition like some blonde.. You can probably guess that I didn’t follow their advice. I had to be closer to you and to feel you close to be, even if it meant having my heart broken, more than once..
I think intuition is overrated. It is not intuition that you should go on but evidence or faith but I am not sure intuitively speaking
random guesses about circumstance. never knowing until after if right or wrong about something. damn 20/20 hindsight
intuition is stupid. just take off your pants and run.
emily ^^
what the hell ;does that word even mean I mean Iknow that right now tI’m making mistakes, but what exactly is that? Is it isnstitution? I dunno! who are you to ask me these questions? I don’t evaen know you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FRED DIGOLSKI ROCKS!
Freed Digolski
I intuit that this word intuition is somewhat difficult to write about. It is an intuitive sense that I have of the word intuition. What is your intuition regarding the word intuition? :
argfh. i do not like this word. wtf does it mean????????????????? it is confuzzzling. like those cookies that i make. they do really random things. sometimes they will rise so much that they explode and sometimes they will turn into a giant sticky chocolatey pancake. yum.
AHHHH! I can’t think this fast!!!!
iNtuition. The N is capital on purpose, bitches.
You know that feeling, deep in your gut. It tells you when your in danger. It’s your intuition; the best friend you could ever have. And I didn’t trust my intuition that night on blood street. Bad idea.
If you have the intuition to start something, you should. First impressions are gut instincts. Follow them. It’s a shame to step back from something that may never be thought of again and to let it slip away from your memory without action. Don’t ignore a feeling that something might be wrong either.
Mental institutions… poor looked up souls and poor people with mental issues
A woman has it,
a man wants it,
a girl senses it,
and boys just don’t care.
John K.
You’d think after all the hype surrounding intuition, especially in terms of women, that we have evolved enough to the point where we trust it automatically. I haven’t; I always end up thinking and over thinking.
The ability to think. Is it innate? Inborn?
Someone told me I had intuition. Is it something you can have? A hunch? Insight?
razor blades. venus. feelings and gut. knowing. understanding. vibes. woman.
ah huh.
the intuition that god endowed me with is strong and true, i listen to it…
maxine paradiso
Most of the time using my intuition is valuable. Sometimes it has been ignorant intuition, that fooled me into a foolish even dangerous journey. Such is life, hindsight is always 20-20.
my intuition has failed me time and time again. it told me he wouldnt leave. it told me that we would always be okay. it lied on both counts. i dont trust it anymore.
my intuition told me that he hadnt gotten clean. But i still went against my better judgment and let him move back in. If only I had known.
Intuition is the right brain function. Knowing without knowing. Accepting the unconscious feelings. Letting your insides speak, letting the emotions speak freely.
Where’s the fun ? It’s in the spur of the moment. Where’s the moment ? It’s being in the right place. Where’s the knowledge, the utterly simple way of knowing when to be in that moment, and where ? It’s the intuition. The completely unsure way of knowing exactly what to do.
Intuition is the right brain function. Knowing without knowing. Accepting the unconscious feelings. Letting your insides speak, letting the emotions speak freely.
I had the sudden intuition to do jump out of the car. I didn’t know why or where it was coming from- I didn’t believe in spiritual beings or such watching over us but after my life almost ceased to exist I began to wonder…
what is your intuition? what is ur aspiration? what do you need? what to you give? what will you do? follow your needs follow no one else but yourself. others may give advice but it is you who know best. it is you who is the expert on your own life. your own destiny. what will you do? what will you choose?
i see, contrary to my intuition it took methree tries toworkout how to do this, three times not to read hte par abou hitting Go’. I wonder if I am stupid, he thought, tossing back his black mane of hair and scratchubg his tail,
i don’t know.
Intuition is when you get a hunch about something. Its as if you’ve already been there, womens intuition something they hhave by nature. Like when you know your partner is cheating just through your intuition.
there she was. standing there. all because of one little inkling she’d had several months back. the intuition that maybe he’d be one to hold on to. In all that he was, she saw little sparks of something too good to be true. so she went with it. she held fast to her vision of him, and now she was finding out if she had made the right choice.
The knowing that comes with a sensitivity to those people and things that surround you.
All of my life I have followed my instict. Why not now? I’ll take her to bed and change her life. My dreams are about to come true. I can’t see any reason not to let them.
so i followed my mind i just said it.those three words chaged my life forever ‘i love you’ it was my intuition to say it i dont know what i expected in return whether it was going to be positive or negative make me ecstatic or deapaired but all i knew was that once it’d been spoken i felt the most massive relief i was finally free.
I’m not sure what to say about intuition. I don’t think it’s a skill. It’s more of a subconscious common sense or subconscious reasoning. Maybe the people who tend to be right are more adept at this reasoning.
I wasn’t sure what it inside me that knew he was rotten to the core but I knew instantly. My feet took me away before my heart acknowledged the danger.
intuitively humans are beings of sex love and more sex. sex being the love aspect in that sex is physical love and i’m not talking self love here i’m taking intuition shit you dig? this is all so real and everyday you wake and you stretch and you say today is going to be the day i stop thinking. but you never stop. nobody ever stops. that is some intuition shit.
people always say trust it but when i trust it things go the other way.
what i’m lacking at the moment or i’m just saying that because i lack self esteem in my writing. but really inution–i think sherlock and detectives and case closed. am i supposed to be writing a story or just associations? anyway, intuition is great.
I still remember when I first saw you. People told me I should know better than that and that I shouldn’t just follow my first intuition like some blonde.. You can probably guess that I didn’t follow their advice. I had to be closer to you and to feel you close to be, even if it meant having my heart broken, more than once..
I think intuition is overrated. It is not intuition that you should go on but evidence or faith but I am not sure intuitively speaking
random guesses about circumstance. never knowing until after if right or wrong about something. damn 20/20 hindsight
intuition is stupid. just take off your pants and run.
what the hell ;does that word even mean I mean Iknow that right now tI’m making mistakes, but what exactly is that? Is it isnstitution? I dunno! who are you to ask me these questions? I don’t evaen know you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FRED DIGOLSKI ROCKS!
I intuit that this word intuition is somewhat difficult to write about. It is an intuitive sense that I have of the word intuition. What is your intuition regarding the word intuition? :
argfh. i do not like this word. wtf does it mean????????????????? it is confuzzzling. like those cookies that i make. they do really random things. sometimes they will rise so much that they explode and sometimes they will turn into a giant sticky chocolatey pancake. yum.
AHHHH! I can’t think this fast!!!!
iNtuition. The N is capital on purpose, bitches.
You know that feeling, deep in your gut. It tells you when your in danger. It’s your intuition; the best friend you could ever have. And I didn’t trust my intuition that night on blood street. Bad idea.
If you have the intuition to start something, you should. First impressions are gut instincts. Follow them. It’s a shame to step back from something that may never be thought of again and to let it slip away from your memory without action. Don’t ignore a feeling that something might be wrong either.
Mental institutions… poor looked up souls and poor people with mental issues
A woman has it,
a man wants it,
a girl senses it,
and boys just don’t care.
You’d think after all the hype surrounding intuition, especially in terms of women, that we have evolved enough to the point where we trust it automatically. I haven’t; I always end up thinking and over thinking.
The ability to think. Is it innate? Inborn?
Someone told me I had intuition. Is it something you can have? A hunch? Insight?
razor blades. venus. feelings and gut. knowing. understanding. vibes. woman.
the intuition that god endowed me with is strong and true, i listen to it…
Most of the time using my intuition is valuable. Sometimes it has been ignorant intuition, that fooled me into a foolish even dangerous journey. Such is life, hindsight is always 20-20.