Looking at his intuition bill, the young man questioned what the heck intuition even meant. Frustrated that he didn’t have the time to search the definition on the handy Google Chrome toolbar, he continued to pound at the keys and type a nonsense paragraph about said intuition within the 60-second time period.
Ty M.
She knew that intuition was a great virtue; her grandmother had it honed down so greatly that the townsfolk thought her psychic. Now Evelyn had it. And she would use it to her benefit here and there, especially for the salesmen.
Gouldin Lion
Intuition can be a dangerous thing. You never know when to trust it. For all you know, it could be working against you, trying to help you get yourself killed, or even worse, get you to kill someone else. Well, the question of whether or not to trust her intuition was answered. She made the wrong move, trusing her intuition. Now Mito was dead.
Malinda Clariese
a person’s intuition is usually right. for example, when you’re getting ready to make a huge decision, your first intstinct of the right answer is usually right.
alinaaaa :D
there’s no such thing as woman’s intuition. i’m a woman, and im clueless 97% of the time. if i had it, my life wouldn’t suck.
is the gut instinct that you either know or do not know something, regardless of the fact that you may not be what one would considered educated about the topic/situation/subject at hand.
i was afraid. i knew he was coming for me but i didnt know where or when. All i could do was follow my intuition and run. Run as far and as fast as I could. He wouldcatch me if I didn’t. I just KNEW he would. I could only hope I was fast enough.
Nicki BluIs
intuition – n.
what happens when you figure out that student loans need paying.
A woman’s intuition is never to be doubted! or a man’s for that matter
no matter what you think, you’re intuition will always be correct. it’s how your mind works, the way that you think things should work. follow you’re intuition no matter where you are in life, it’s one of the greatest gifts we have, being humans.
One day I went to the store and I decided I needed new shavers so I went into the eisle and what else were there but intuition razers. I decided I would try these. I went home and started to shave my legs. It was the best shaver I had ever used. I could not wait to shave my legs again.
Intuition rippled like gooseflesh down her spine, and she paused, foot only an inch from the ground, looking out, deep into the dark ahead, and felt her stomach turn, and she shuddered, put her foot down, and then stepped back with the other.
Follow your heart. Live your dreams. But my dreams always disappear in the morning, and my heart tells me to make wrong turns. My guts are even worse. I need a heart transplant. Maybe then I’d have better intuition. Or maybe it’s a joke.
every one listens to what they want to hear themselves telling themself. people go with what they want their gut feeling to tell them. rarly do they actually sit and listen to their conscious
not today
something of mine that i should listen to more often.
my mom paying for things? intuition? what? tuition? college paying for stuff. intuition, hmmm idk what that means. word of the day?
the feeling that something is the way you see it is even though there is no solid evidence to prove your correctness. You get a visceral reaction to an event and percieve the truth through your body.
Her intuition told her not to open the door, but she ignored it. In retrospect, she realized that ignoring her intuition had never done her any good. It was her guide, and like a stupid tourist, she ignored it.
follow it because i woman’s is always best. and dont forget to count on it ocassonally, because i know that sometimes it is the only guiding force.
I often second guess things that I shouldn’t. Intuition is there for a reason and ignoring it would defer its usefulness and existance somewhere else. I just know things sometimes and can’t explain why….
Intuition is the thought process that guides you to make the right choices when faced with a complicated or morally complex problem. Or if you just need to figure out where you’re going, intuition can get you out of the woods before a bear eats you. That is very scary if you ask me.
Intuition sounds like tuition which is what I have to pay a lot for. I wish i was in france, where i can dance and go to school for free.
do what you want the first thing that comes to ming much like this spped writing it keeps you going. IT makes you think. Right or wrong, no one’s to say, except for you. Sometimes the outcome is goo, and other times its bad. Intuition is life love trust friends, new crazy happy experiences
is always striking me in the weirdest of times always opening new doors and bringing me to a higher state of understanding. Im thanful for intuition.
Intuition guides us
we can practice our intuiton
we can learn to listen to what our gut our god want us to do
maybe its our heart
intuition, women have it. apparently they think men don’t. it starts with an i and has 9 letters. it’s a pretty cool word. it makes you sound decently smart when you use it incessantly… oh wait… no it doesn’t… ok, i’m running out of things to write, so i think i’m gonna just kill time now. thanks for playing, goodbye.
intuition is a crazy thing. its about when you just have this feeling this amazing feeling that somethings right. or even that it maybe bad. intuition can either be really good or completely screw you over. When im worried or in a bad situation i always rely on my inutition.
Intuition. Something I was sure I had a good hold on. But you fucked me up just right. Everything i was sure I knew seems to have turned to bullshit before my eyes. I don’t believe in anything and yet I don’t not believe in anything. I have complete doubt in everything that little voice in my head keeps trying to convince me of, and nothing really makes sense. I have never been so free.
it is intuitive to think that facebook is a crock of bullshit. I have reactivated my account much to my dismay. and 15 people have friended me so far and I only reactivated it yesterday. How desperate can people be to find out about a person they haven’t spoken to in such a long time. Stupid fuckers.
Intuition is something we feel pulling at us from without. Ignore it at your peril. Trust me as I speak from experience. Do what you feel is right. Don’t ask too many questions. Your subconscious is clever than you can conceive.
haha fuck intuition.
i hate you jordan.
that’s all i want to say.
you need to fucking die. ASSSSHOOOOOLLLLEEEE.
ugh. carissa. stop being friends with him.
get over yourself.
I find that I rather loathe the phrase “women’s intuition.” As if women are the only people who have intuition.
Intuition is the knowing of the who, what, where and when. We know it, we done it, we’ve seen it, we’ve been there or we should be. Either way, we know it.
This morning I bumped into you in SAT practice. You were modest as the letter B and sat, waiting discretely at the corner of those paper-thin pages, and did not wake up until I tapped you on the shoulder and you said, Hello.
I just know. I don’t know how, but I do. He hates me. It’s a feeling. A strange bubbling fear in my gut that yells at me to avoid him every time I see his face. Awkward are our conversation. Monosyllabic. It’s strange how things change.
my intuition tells me to pee. or does it tell me to procreate? is intuition something tangible or is it only present in the far reaches of our minds, some title we have given to human nature. to forgetfulness, as a write off. my intuition does not allow me to forget you Charlie. every single day i remember.
haley Simmons
Pffft. You’re not so skilled as you think you are. Just because you always believe you know what’s going on in other people’s minds, doesn’t mean that you do. Stop giving me these bullshit proclamations. It’s like I said, no skills.
One day Sara decided to leave the house and go to the coffee store on the street by the big church. She did’t know why, but she knew she had to go. SO she loade dup her bag in the car, figured she could make it without stopping for fuel and went. She met there, the most handsome boy she’d ever seen. He was genetically perfect. Had to be. It was the biggest mistake she ever made. He treated her like she was a blow-up doll and didn’t speak to her when she refused to be treated that way.
Looking at his intuition bill, the young man questioned what the heck intuition even meant. Frustrated that he didn’t have the time to search the definition on the handy Google Chrome toolbar, he continued to pound at the keys and type a nonsense paragraph about said intuition within the 60-second time period.
She knew that intuition was a great virtue; her grandmother had it honed down so greatly that the townsfolk thought her psychic. Now Evelyn had it. And she would use it to her benefit here and there, especially for the salesmen.
Intuition can be a dangerous thing. You never know when to trust it. For all you know, it could be working against you, trying to help you get yourself killed, or even worse, get you to kill someone else. Well, the question of whether or not to trust her intuition was answered. She made the wrong move, trusing her intuition. Now Mito was dead.
a person’s intuition is usually right. for example, when you’re getting ready to make a huge decision, your first intstinct of the right answer is usually right.
there’s no such thing as woman’s intuition. i’m a woman, and im clueless 97% of the time. if i had it, my life wouldn’t suck.
is the gut instinct that you either know or do not know something, regardless of the fact that you may not be what one would considered educated about the topic/situation/subject at hand.
i was afraid. i knew he was coming for me but i didnt know where or when. All i could do was follow my intuition and run. Run as far and as fast as I could. He wouldcatch me if I didn’t. I just KNEW he would. I could only hope I was fast enough.
intuition – n.
what happens when you figure out that student loans need paying.
A woman’s intuition is never to be doubted! or a man’s for that matter
no matter what you think, you’re intuition will always be correct. it’s how your mind works, the way that you think things should work. follow you’re intuition no matter where you are in life, it’s one of the greatest gifts we have, being humans.
One day I went to the store and I decided I needed new shavers so I went into the eisle and what else were there but intuition razers. I decided I would try these. I went home and started to shave my legs. It was the best shaver I had ever used. I could not wait to shave my legs again.
Intuition rippled like gooseflesh down her spine, and she paused, foot only an inch from the ground, looking out, deep into the dark ahead, and felt her stomach turn, and she shuddered, put her foot down, and then stepped back with the other.
Follow your heart. Live your dreams. But my dreams always disappear in the morning, and my heart tells me to make wrong turns. My guts are even worse. I need a heart transplant. Maybe then I’d have better intuition. Or maybe it’s a joke.
every one listens to what they want to hear themselves telling themself. people go with what they want their gut feeling to tell them. rarly do they actually sit and listen to their conscious
not today
something of mine that i should listen to more often.
my mom paying for things? intuition? what? tuition? college paying for stuff. intuition, hmmm idk what that means. word of the day?
the feeling that something is the way you see it is even though there is no solid evidence to prove your correctness. You get a visceral reaction to an event and percieve the truth through your body.
Her intuition told her not to open the door, but she ignored it. In retrospect, she realized that ignoring her intuition had never done her any good. It was her guide, and like a stupid tourist, she ignored it.
follow it because i woman’s is always best. and dont forget to count on it ocassonally, because i know that sometimes it is the only guiding force.
I often second guess things that I shouldn’t. Intuition is there for a reason and ignoring it would defer its usefulness and existance somewhere else. I just know things sometimes and can’t explain why….
Intuition is the thought process that guides you to make the right choices when faced with a complicated or morally complex problem. Or if you just need to figure out where you’re going, intuition can get you out of the woods before a bear eats you. That is very scary if you ask me.
Intuition sounds like tuition which is what I have to pay a lot for. I wish i was in france, where i can dance and go to school for free.
do what you want the first thing that comes to ming much like this spped writing it keeps you going. IT makes you think. Right or wrong, no one’s to say, except for you. Sometimes the outcome is goo, and other times its bad. Intuition is life love trust friends, new crazy happy experiences
is always striking me in the weirdest of times always opening new doors and bringing me to a higher state of understanding. Im thanful for intuition.
Intuition guides us
we can practice our intuiton
we can learn to listen to what our gut our god want us to do
maybe its our heart
intuition, women have it. apparently they think men don’t. it starts with an i and has 9 letters. it’s a pretty cool word. it makes you sound decently smart when you use it incessantly… oh wait… no it doesn’t… ok, i’m running out of things to write, so i think i’m gonna just kill time now. thanks for playing, goodbye.
intuition is a crazy thing. its about when you just have this feeling this amazing feeling that somethings right. or even that it maybe bad. intuition can either be really good or completely screw you over. When im worried or in a bad situation i always rely on my inutition.
Intuition. Something I was sure I had a good hold on. But you fucked me up just right. Everything i was sure I knew seems to have turned to bullshit before my eyes. I don’t believe in anything and yet I don’t not believe in anything. I have complete doubt in everything that little voice in my head keeps trying to convince me of, and nothing really makes sense. I have never been so free.
it is intuitive to think that facebook is a crock of bullshit. I have reactivated my account much to my dismay. and 15 people have friended me so far and I only reactivated it yesterday. How desperate can people be to find out about a person they haven’t spoken to in such a long time. Stupid fuckers.
Intuition is something we feel pulling at us from without. Ignore it at your peril. Trust me as I speak from experience. Do what you feel is right. Don’t ask too many questions. Your subconscious is clever than you can conceive.
haha fuck intuition.
i hate you jordan.
that’s all i want to say.
you need to fucking die. ASSSSHOOOOOLLLLEEEE.
ugh. carissa. stop being friends with him.
get over yourself.
I find that I rather loathe the phrase “women’s intuition.” As if women are the only people who have intuition.
Intuition is the knowing of the who, what, where and when. We know it, we done it, we’ve seen it, we’ve been there or we should be. Either way, we know it.
This morning I bumped into you in SAT practice. You were modest as the letter B and sat, waiting discretely at the corner of those paper-thin pages, and did not wake up until I tapped you on the shoulder and you said, Hello.
I just know. I don’t know how, but I do. He hates me. It’s a feeling. A strange bubbling fear in my gut that yells at me to avoid him every time I see his face. Awkward are our conversation. Monosyllabic. It’s strange how things change.
my intuition tells me to pee. or does it tell me to procreate? is intuition something tangible or is it only present in the far reaches of our minds, some title we have given to human nature. to forgetfulness, as a write off. my intuition does not allow me to forget you Charlie. every single day i remember.
Pffft. You’re not so skilled as you think you are. Just because you always believe you know what’s going on in other people’s minds, doesn’t mean that you do. Stop giving me these bullshit proclamations. It’s like I said, no skills.
One day Sara decided to leave the house and go to the coffee store on the street by the big church. She did’t know why, but she knew she had to go. SO she loade dup her bag in the car, figured she could make it without stopping for fuel and went. She met there, the most handsome boy she’d ever seen. He was genetically perfect. Had to be. It was the biggest mistake she ever made. He treated her like she was a blow-up doll and didn’t speak to her when she refused to be treated that way.