Is forbidden
where I am
POems torn,
poems left forlorn
sitting in ones brain
will it ever reach its dreams of being lain and penned on paper
will I ever see its life come down , and learn of its last breath
does this poem even make sense…?
I dread tomorrow
where God might not forgive
where life might be gone
the mere possibility of departing this earth saddens me…
ITS MY LIFE.♫I love music ♥♥♥♫♫♫♫♫♫
♫ Cin-dee va-hn. ♫
i don’t know what to believe but just that i have this gut feeling that i’m supposed to believe something. i used to believe santa claus was real. but he’s not. so get over it.
what does it mean? O h yea, i remember. like, i didn’t know it would be this word is NOT intuition. A mother’s intuition. Is usually right.
“Pices: Intutitive and daring. “
That’s what popped up when I read my Zodiac Personality Profile. I was about to exit when, out of the corner of my eye, I see Him.
The curls, the dark skin, the slightly-pressed peach lips.
Our intuition usually hits the mark. It’s more of an arrow and less of a vague, spongy feeling in the pit of our stomachs. We know; deep down inside, everyone remains sure of the thing–whatever that thing may be.
I was playing with my tarot cards today. I feel like that goes with the “intuition” theme. You know what they’re telling you instinctively and how they apply to your situation, even though they’re pretty generic. But they gave me good advice.
girls are always said to have intuition but I think everyone has it and women are just more sensitive to it. I think we should develop our intuition.
i like to shave and my favorite brand of razors is Schick Intuition. However, I have never used the product before. So…I have resorted to Venus Breeze, Tropical scent instead. It is wonderful. I have a pink and purple razor in the bathroom. I have no idea what else to write about intuition.
it’s your iiiiinntuiotion! Reminds me of the crappy Jewel song. But it’s importatn. anyway I’m bored but this would be good to do if you were fucking toasted. Or HILLAROUS if you were drunk! I’m going to bookmark this. adios.
The driving force behind one’s actions.
Women have it, as they say so very often. Everyone really has it. Differing and varying levels of it. Possible is the fact that men have a lower level of intuition than women. Though that would be a theoretical statistic.
What schizophrenic people mistake for voices in their head.
callie Parrish
I have no idea what it means..
but to have it, is to be intuitive
my only.. recollection of it was when a vampire was capable of reading minds, he/she was intuituve. *books*..
so …. interresting these answers will be…………………………….
Omg, whats the point of the time limit, lol.. you can override it…
intuition is amazing. it makes people do things they didn’t think of doing in the first place. it’s one of the principles that makes the world go roundddddd. intuition is the thought that comes to mind at the sight of something that takes a great reaction to be noticed. amaaaazing.
Intuition is the feeling you get when you are thinking about something really hard, and all of a sudden you get a feeling about what it is supposed to turn out like, like almost for a second the world is clear in your mind, and you understand everything, but then in a split second its gone, and all your left with is that feeling.
mothers thoughts
Mother opened the door, as I was wiping my shoes on the “Welcome” mat. Call it her maternal intuition, but her face immediately crumpled when she saw me. Before I left the house, I made sure that there were no outward signs.
Sandy Ladignon
A mother’s intuition? Yeah, right. Mother’s intuition just doesn’t exist. Well, at least for me. My mother died because of that phrase, “A mother’s intuition”.
I was 4 years old, out playing in the yard with my bouncy ball with Mom. She passed the ball to me and I always caught it– until it bounced into the street. Toddled into the street, even though I knew Mom always said to never cross the street without her or Dad.
“No!” I remember that shreik of hers, her last words, when she ran into the street and threw me into the yard when the speeding baby-blue truck hit her.
A mother’s intuition doesn’t exist, or else my mother would be alive, looking back on the old days when we played ball. I have never touched a ball after that, because it reminds me of that lie.
Emily Justem
I really , really hate this word. Intuition is what keeps you alive, what motivates you, and what brings all the elements of the world together. Use it well, and use it wisely. If you do, it can save your life and give you a fresh start.
I have a woman’s intuition. It isn’t always helpful. Sometimes it gets me into more trouble than helps me out. Oh well. Woman’s intuition isn’t always good. Most of the time it is though.
comprehension, psh.
I know I’m wrong because I’m sad
it’s telling me that I need to say sorry.
Give him a hug
forget the tears
and the loneliness.
If I don’t, he might never forgive me.
I might never find another man
whose hand fit mine
so well.
I can’t take back my mistake
my choice
Love is not enough.
I wouldn’t be so sad if I was wrong.
to say the facts and get it straight
knowing what you are the way you look and speaking
what you aren’t by the way you say things you wish
you hadn’t said if you would just know what i think about the things you spit
Intuition is what I feel when I’m not really sure why I must do what I must do. It’s knowing which door to pick in a foreign restaurant when you have to go to the bathroom and can’t speak the language that is used to identify “male” and “female”. If that makes any sense.
Emily Kay
Shick. The razors. I shaved my legs tonight. And I need some new razors cause mine SUCK. But I hate shaving cause it’s such a pain. I’d rather wax everything. But that’s too painful and too expensive. Oh well. And i Hate razor burn too. That happens a lot with shaving. Stupid sensitive skin. Why must you occur?
when you have at idea or a feeling about something for no apparent reason it just appears. sometimes things can cause this or it can simply appear for no reason at all.
Intuition, a woman’s intuition, basically how we always claim to make our decisions. “Oh, its a woman’s intuition,” but little do they know that sometimes, just sometimes, we only say that because we’ve got no other way to explain how we know something.
he had no idea of the day, he just knew his primal emotions setting in as he gave in to his overall idea of loosing himself within his fear. There was no compassion as he gave himself into his instinct, he was lesser than a human now, he was an obediant creature.
i have no idea what to write but it reminds me of a dove campaign i like to play soccer it’s something that you automatically know about someone or something. I want to go to sleep warly
mary rebecca
Intuition is when you know what’s wrong and what’s right. Intuition is what gets you far in life because if you follow your intuition, you’re doing what your body wants you to do. What your mind is telling you to do.
Follow your intuition :) I want to sing.
My intuition was fierce like a tiger’s. That may or may not make sense, but who’s counting really? I sure wasn’t. It was the freedom that made me think that I was smart enough to make it through this and bring home the gold. And figure out just were Anne went.
My intuition tells me that you’re worth it. Every moment spent thinking about you is a moment that needs to occur for my lungs to breathe in air. It’s wrong somewhere, I know it is but I can’t help it. I follow my heart.
A mother’s intuition?
intuition is when i get to feel something, not analyze it or detect it by ways of the mind. To me, it seems more to be a way of the heart, somehow my heart tells me, it’s this way not that, take a left not a right. Things like that.
Sameh Haggag
is everything
It’s not something I can define. I just knew it when I met him that I had to get to know him better. And I was right, at least for a while. My mom said that she knew right off the bat that he was no good. She was right, too, but we didn’t know that until much later.
They call it woman’s intuition. I’m not sure if I believe in that or not, but maybe that was what this was. What else could explain it? There was no logic behind it, I just KNEW!
Is forbidden
where I am
POems torn,
poems left forlorn
sitting in ones brain
will it ever reach its dreams of being lain and penned on paper
will I ever see its life come down , and learn of its last breath
does this poem even make sense…?
I dread tomorrow
where God might not forgive
where life might be gone
the mere possibility of departing this earth saddens me…
ITS MY LIFE.♫I love music ♥♥♥♫♫♫♫♫♫
i don’t know what to believe but just that i have this gut feeling that i’m supposed to believe something. i used to believe santa claus was real. but he’s not. so get over it.
what does it mean? O h yea, i remember. like, i didn’t know it would be this word is NOT intuition. A mother’s intuition. Is usually right.
“Pices: Intutitive and daring. “
That’s what popped up when I read my Zodiac Personality Profile. I was about to exit when, out of the corner of my eye, I see Him.
The curls, the dark skin, the slightly-pressed peach lips.
Our intuition usually hits the mark. It’s more of an arrow and less of a vague, spongy feeling in the pit of our stomachs. We know; deep down inside, everyone remains sure of the thing–whatever that thing may be.
I was playing with my tarot cards today. I feel like that goes with the “intuition” theme. You know what they’re telling you instinctively and how they apply to your situation, even though they’re pretty generic. But they gave me good advice.
girls are always said to have intuition but I think everyone has it and women are just more sensitive to it. I think we should develop our intuition.
i like to shave and my favorite brand of razors is Schick Intuition. However, I have never used the product before. So…I have resorted to Venus Breeze, Tropical scent instead. It is wonderful. I have a pink and purple razor in the bathroom. I have no idea what else to write about intuition.
it’s your iiiiinntuiotion! Reminds me of the crappy Jewel song. But it’s importatn. anyway I’m bored but this would be good to do if you were fucking toasted. Or HILLAROUS if you were drunk! I’m going to bookmark this. adios.
The driving force behind one’s actions.
Women have it, as they say so very often. Everyone really has it. Differing and varying levels of it. Possible is the fact that men have a lower level of intuition than women. Though that would be a theoretical statistic.
What schizophrenic people mistake for voices in their head.
I have no idea what it means..
but to have it, is to be intuitive
my only.. recollection of it was when a vampire was capable of reading minds, he/she was intuituve. *books*..
so …. interresting these answers will be…………………………….
Omg, whats the point of the time limit, lol.. you can override it…
intuition is amazing. it makes people do things they didn’t think of doing in the first place. it’s one of the principles that makes the world go roundddddd. intuition is the thought that comes to mind at the sight of something that takes a great reaction to be noticed. amaaaazing.
Intuition is the feeling you get when you are thinking about something really hard, and all of a sudden you get a feeling about what it is supposed to turn out like, like almost for a second the world is clear in your mind, and you understand everything, but then in a split second its gone, and all your left with is that feeling.
mothers thoughts
Mother opened the door, as I was wiping my shoes on the “Welcome” mat. Call it her maternal intuition, but her face immediately crumpled when she saw me. Before I left the house, I made sure that there were no outward signs.
A mother’s intuition? Yeah, right. Mother’s intuition just doesn’t exist. Well, at least for me. My mother died because of that phrase, “A mother’s intuition”.
I was 4 years old, out playing in the yard with my bouncy ball with Mom. She passed the ball to me and I always caught it– until it bounced into the street. Toddled into the street, even though I knew Mom always said to never cross the street without her or Dad.
“No!” I remember that shreik of hers, her last words, when she ran into the street and threw me into the yard when the speeding baby-blue truck hit her.
A mother’s intuition doesn’t exist, or else my mother would be alive, looking back on the old days when we played ball. I have never touched a ball after that, because it reminds me of that lie.
I really , really hate this word. Intuition is what keeps you alive, what motivates you, and what brings all the elements of the world together. Use it well, and use it wisely. If you do, it can save your life and give you a fresh start.
I have a woman’s intuition. It isn’t always helpful. Sometimes it gets me into more trouble than helps me out. Oh well. Woman’s intuition isn’t always good. Most of the time it is though.
comprehension, psh.
I know I’m wrong because I’m sad
it’s telling me that I need to say sorry.
Give him a hug
forget the tears
and the loneliness.
If I don’t, he might never forgive me.
I might never find another man
whose hand fit mine
so well.
I can’t take back my mistake
my choice
Love is not enough.
I wouldn’t be so sad if I was wrong.
to say the facts and get it straight
knowing what you are the way you look and speaking
what you aren’t by the way you say things you wish
you hadn’t said if you would just know what i think about the things you spit
Intuition is what I feel when I’m not really sure why I must do what I must do. It’s knowing which door to pick in a foreign restaurant when you have to go to the bathroom and can’t speak the language that is used to identify “male” and “female”. If that makes any sense.
Shick. The razors. I shaved my legs tonight. And I need some new razors cause mine SUCK. But I hate shaving cause it’s such a pain. I’d rather wax everything. But that’s too painful and too expensive. Oh well. And i Hate razor burn too. That happens a lot with shaving. Stupid sensitive skin. Why must you occur?
when you have at idea or a feeling about something for no apparent reason it just appears. sometimes things can cause this or it can simply appear for no reason at all.
Intuition, a woman’s intuition, basically how we always claim to make our decisions. “Oh, its a woman’s intuition,” but little do they know that sometimes, just sometimes, we only say that because we’ve got no other way to explain how we know something.
he had no idea of the day, he just knew his primal emotions setting in as he gave in to his overall idea of loosing himself within his fear. There was no compassion as he gave himself into his instinct, he was lesser than a human now, he was an obediant creature.
i have no idea what to write but it reminds me of a dove campaign i like to play soccer it’s something that you automatically know about someone or something. I want to go to sleep warly
Intuition is when you know what’s wrong and what’s right. Intuition is what gets you far in life because if you follow your intuition, you’re doing what your body wants you to do. What your mind is telling you to do.
Follow your intuition :) I want to sing.
My intuition was fierce like a tiger’s. That may or may not make sense, but who’s counting really? I sure wasn’t. It was the freedom that made me think that I was smart enough to make it through this and bring home the gold. And figure out just were Anne went.
My intuition tells me that you’re worth it. Every moment spent thinking about you is a moment that needs to occur for my lungs to breathe in air. It’s wrong somewhere, I know it is but I can’t help it. I follow my heart.
A mother’s intuition?
intuition is when i get to feel something, not analyze it or detect it by ways of the mind. To me, it seems more to be a way of the heart, somehow my heart tells me, it’s this way not that, take a left not a right. Things like that.
is everything
It’s not something I can define. I just knew it when I met him that I had to get to know him better. And I was right, at least for a while. My mom said that she knew right off the bat that he was no good. She was right, too, but we didn’t know that until much later.
They call it woman’s intuition. I’m not sure if I believe in that or not, but maybe that was what this was. What else could explain it? There was no logic behind it, I just KNEW!
“You’re pregnant” I said.
Tearfully, she nodded