intuition is only a feeling you get when you don’t really know anything is real or factual. Intuition is often thought of as a gut reaction and emotion; something you just seem to feel inside. Often people credit intuition to gaining certain visioin or truth about something that they were unsure of.
In tution is something you get when you know something is wrong but you don’t know what
Or if you know it’s right. Girls have it more than boys. Some say its spiritual, some say its evil some say it witch stuff. Everyone has it, though. Some more than others
Given my intuitions, I knew that he would come today. But doubt was hanging think in the air. It was almost as if He was telling me to stop lisening to my inner self, that practicality was he ruled.
Not giving myself time to fight myself.
Trusting what I have learned and implying it in a timely fashion.
just knowing.
Funny little guiding voice in our heads that acts as our instincts. It will directly affect us by getting indirect conclusions from ordinary things. Or maybe not so ordinary things.
My intuition is a fickle creature at best. Sometimes a blessing yet also often a curse. For instance it was good enough to find the clues and lead me to the killer’s lair, where an orgy of evidence lay before me. It wasn’t good enough to detect that the killer was standing behind me…
all in the world is intution about people, abaout carreers, some get well with theirs some not … im not sure jet abput mines
maria Jose Martin
A thing people have about something else. This can be a good or a bad thing. Usually its about something that’s going to happen.
intuition is the thing inside each of us that tells us when something is right or wrong. Not just in a moral sense, but in a ‘makes sense’ kind of way. intuition is something that you attain from many years of collective experiences and lessons learned. It can help you predict the future, in a John Edwards kind of way. But, if you know the bus is coming, then get out of the way.
Intuition is a funny thing. It’s like instinct almost, and as Anna saw those eyes glowing up at her in the darkness, her intuition told her that it was Brian, and he indeed was here to rip her guts, and her baby out. What was this? Why didn’t she get a choice? And why in the world was she stuck with all of this?
this is something that most people now to trust but choose not to. unfortunately, most people know that they will always regret going against it in the first place. and a mothers is always right ;)
“Intuition dictates we leave the Chinese alone.”, Paul intoned. Everyone remained buried in their briefing notebooks. “Let’s go back to 1942 & let Steve take over the world”, Marcus commented. Steve snorted, “Deal”.
Her intuition told her to just say no, but no was not a word she used often. Sure enough when she arrived for the job she agreed to do, she found herself wondering what in the world she had gotten herself into.
Intuition is what dirves every human into making their decsion. For me Intutition has played a huge role in how or where i go to college. What I will eat and drink, play and just sit and waste my time. Other than that, intutition has given me a
Intuition is what dirves every human into making their decsion. For me Intutition has played a huge role in how or where i go to college. What I will eat and drink, play and just sit and waste my time. Other than that, intutition has given me a
Intuition. Its what you get when a person walks up to you on the street, an absolute stranger. You’ve never seen them. And you know they’re going to say something bad from the look on their face.
‘Excuse me sir, your fly is down’
This just totally reminds me of the Jewel song. I can’t help it. I was going to write something all inspiring and great, but all I can think of are the lyrics to her song. AUGH it’s so catchy! I mean, I don’t want to like it and I don’t think I actually do, but it’s a fun song. Though the lyrics aren’t fun. Ah I remember Jewel, how old I was back then. I feel incredibly old right now. I’m sitting at work attempting to waste time anyway, so oh well!
She looked out over the ocean, and knew. She felt it deep in her soul… this was the end. Something inside told her what was going to happen. It would be soon. If only she could stop it, but who can stop fate? So she let it be… waiting, hoping it would never come.
this task is intuitive.. in the sense that i am supposed to be writing down my intuitive train of thought.. i guess this isnt the only time my intuition has failed me.
following your heart, your feet, and everything within you to your destiny, your fate, your lovers and your friends. take it all, give it all away and believe. always trust your gut, its the truest sense god ever gave away
Stupid intuition. Makes me feel so vulnerable and insecure all the time. It tells me that I am right, but I cannot decide whether I wish to be right or not.
It’s not easy. I mean, it sounds easy, being intuition and all that. But it’s not. Cause you think you have the answer, you think, “I’m just gonna go with my intuition, I’m just gonna roll with it” – and then you think. You second-guess. And once you do that, it’s over. Done. You will never make the decision. You will never know for sure.
an inner feeling, inexplicable, irrational but dependable mostly. A premonition, a gut feeling, a foerwarning, an inner message.
Pavalamani Pragasam
I have an intuition razor. It’s really nice but I don’t know why it’s called intuition. What is intuitive about a razor with soap around it? I think women do have intuition but probably not about razors. I’ve heard of mother’s intuition, too, but I don’t believe in that. Men for sure don’t have that.
to do something with the guidance in place
seenu intuition again was correct. I am with the one person that I know I can definitely spend the rest of my life with. Katherine. i love her more than anything. But more than that, she’s my best friend, she makes me sooooo comfortable, and I never feel over powered. we are so fair about everything. it’s forever. =]
Her intuition told her to leave. to leave the very instant that he had said that he couldn’t. She knew that with every fiber of her heart, she couldn’t give him up, yet every day, every moment told her that this would be the death of her. And so on she went, withered, beaten, and yet every moment blindly in love.
Intuition is when you just KNOW something. yhou kno wperfectly well that it’s ture, without ever being told. It’s a sure and certain feeling of a truth beyond oneself, a way to choose a direction when you have no clue. It’s the feeling of distrust that has no basis, the instant liking that cannot be explained.
It’s all about the feelings you get deep down inside and, can’t explain. Totaly give into it. It could save your life.
Pat Hines
I hear people talk about “A womans intuition”, usually pertaining to some product we need to make our families happy.
I think my womans intuition is telling me not to have a family.
Except maybe a British bastard-child named Kibbleton. And a cat.
My intuition told me to be there, so I went. It was dark and raining, and I wish my intuition had told me to bring a rain jacket. “
“Hello?” i said as I peered down into the dripping tunnel. The tunnel was part of the old military complex, the kids called it the bunkers.
sailor girl
Intuition right now is telling me you are avoiding me, and it hurts! I know she hurt you. I just want to help. I thought we were best friends. Find confidence in me.
intuition….umm is that like a razor…Intuition razor…or like womens intuition….whats the question?!?
intutiion like your mother.
intuition….umm is that like a razor…Intuition razor…or like womens intuition….whats the question?!?
Intuition leads me. I embrace it. I need to find it. Sometimes I ignore it. Intuition is me. It’s the decisions that only I can make.
intuition….umm is that like a razor…Intuition razor…or like womens intuition….whats the question?!?
Intuition leads me. I embrace it. I need to find it. Sometimes I ignore it. Intuition is me. It’s the decisions that only I can make.
Very superstitious, writing on the wall. Who sings that song? I mean it is pretty good and all, but I bet I could get the band to do a sick version of. maybe. we need to play more cool shit.
intuition is only a feeling you get when you don’t really know anything is real or factual. Intuition is often thought of as a gut reaction and emotion; something you just seem to feel inside. Often people credit intuition to gaining certain visioin or truth about something that they were unsure of.
In tution is something you get when you know something is wrong but you don’t know what
Or if you know it’s right. Girls have it more than boys. Some say its spiritual, some say its evil some say it witch stuff. Everyone has it, though. Some more than others
Given my intuitions, I knew that he would come today. But doubt was hanging think in the air. It was almost as if He was telling me to stop lisening to my inner self, that practicality was he ruled.
Not giving myself time to fight myself.
Trusting what I have learned and implying it in a timely fashion.
just knowing.
Funny little guiding voice in our heads that acts as our instincts. It will directly affect us by getting indirect conclusions from ordinary things. Or maybe not so ordinary things.
My intuition is a fickle creature at best. Sometimes a blessing yet also often a curse. For instance it was good enough to find the clues and lead me to the killer’s lair, where an orgy of evidence lay before me. It wasn’t good enough to detect that the killer was standing behind me…
all in the world is intution about people, abaout carreers, some get well with theirs some not … im not sure jet abput mines
A thing people have about something else. This can be a good or a bad thing. Usually its about something that’s going to happen.
intuition is the thing inside each of us that tells us when something is right or wrong. Not just in a moral sense, but in a ‘makes sense’ kind of way. intuition is something that you attain from many years of collective experiences and lessons learned. It can help you predict the future, in a John Edwards kind of way. But, if you know the bus is coming, then get out of the way.
Intuition is a funny thing. It’s like instinct almost, and as Anna saw those eyes glowing up at her in the darkness, her intuition told her that it was Brian, and he indeed was here to rip her guts, and her baby out. What was this? Why didn’t she get a choice? And why in the world was she stuck with all of this?
this is something that most people now to trust but choose not to. unfortunately, most people know that they will always regret going against it in the first place. and a mothers is always right ;)
“Intuition dictates we leave the Chinese alone.”, Paul intoned. Everyone remained buried in their briefing notebooks. “Let’s go back to 1942 & let Steve take over the world”, Marcus commented. Steve snorted, “Deal”.
Her intuition told her to just say no, but no was not a word she used often. Sure enough when she arrived for the job she agreed to do, she found herself wondering what in the world she had gotten herself into.
Intuition is what dirves every human into making their decsion. For me Intutition has played a huge role in how or where i go to college. What I will eat and drink, play and just sit and waste my time. Other than that, intutition has given me a
Intuition is what dirves every human into making their decsion. For me Intutition has played a huge role in how or where i go to college. What I will eat and drink, play and just sit and waste my time. Other than that, intutition has given me a
Intuition. Its what you get when a person walks up to you on the street, an absolute stranger. You’ve never seen them. And you know they’re going to say something bad from the look on their face.
‘Excuse me sir, your fly is down’
This just totally reminds me of the Jewel song. I can’t help it. I was going to write something all inspiring and great, but all I can think of are the lyrics to her song. AUGH it’s so catchy! I mean, I don’t want to like it and I don’t think I actually do, but it’s a fun song. Though the lyrics aren’t fun. Ah I remember Jewel, how old I was back then. I feel incredibly old right now. I’m sitting at work attempting to waste time anyway, so oh well!
She looked out over the ocean, and knew. She felt it deep in her soul… this was the end. Something inside told her what was going to happen. It would be soon. If only she could stop it, but who can stop fate? So she let it be… waiting, hoping it would never come.
this task is intuitive.. in the sense that i am supposed to be writing down my intuitive train of thought.. i guess this isnt the only time my intuition has failed me.
following your heart, your feet, and everything within you to your destiny, your fate, your lovers and your friends. take it all, give it all away and believe. always trust your gut, its the truest sense god ever gave away
Stupid intuition. Makes me feel so vulnerable and insecure all the time. It tells me that I am right, but I cannot decide whether I wish to be right or not.
It’s not easy. I mean, it sounds easy, being intuition and all that. But it’s not. Cause you think you have the answer, you think, “I’m just gonna go with my intuition, I’m just gonna roll with it” – and then you think. You second-guess. And once you do that, it’s over. Done. You will never make the decision. You will never know for sure.
an inner feeling, inexplicable, irrational but dependable mostly. A premonition, a gut feeling, a foerwarning, an inner message.
I have an intuition razor. It’s really nice but I don’t know why it’s called intuition. What is intuitive about a razor with soap around it? I think women do have intuition but probably not about razors. I’ve heard of mother’s intuition, too, but I don’t believe in that. Men for sure don’t have that.
to do something with the guidance in place intuition again was correct. I am with the one person that I know I can definitely spend the rest of my life with. Katherine. i love her more than anything. But more than that, she’s my best friend, she makes me sooooo comfortable, and I never feel over powered. we are so fair about everything. it’s forever. =]
Her intuition told her to leave. to leave the very instant that he had said that he couldn’t. She knew that with every fiber of her heart, she couldn’t give him up, yet every day, every moment told her that this would be the death of her. And so on she went, withered, beaten, and yet every moment blindly in love.
Intuition is when you just KNOW something. yhou kno wperfectly well that it’s ture, without ever being told. It’s a sure and certain feeling of a truth beyond oneself, a way to choose a direction when you have no clue. It’s the feeling of distrust that has no basis, the instant liking that cannot be explained.
It’s all about the feelings you get deep down inside and, can’t explain. Totaly give into it. It could save your life.
I hear people talk about “A womans intuition”, usually pertaining to some product we need to make our families happy.
I think my womans intuition is telling me not to have a family.
Except maybe a British bastard-child named Kibbleton. And a cat.
My intuition told me to be there, so I went. It was dark and raining, and I wish my intuition had told me to bring a rain jacket. “
“Hello?” i said as I peered down into the dripping tunnel. The tunnel was part of the old military complex, the kids called it the bunkers.
Intuition right now is telling me you are avoiding me, and it hurts! I know she hurt you. I just want to help. I thought we were best friends. Find confidence in me.
intuition….umm is that like a razor…Intuition razor…or like womens intuition….whats the question?!?
intutiion like your mother.
intuition….umm is that like a razor…Intuition razor…or like womens intuition….whats the question?!?
Intuition leads me. I embrace it. I need to find it. Sometimes I ignore it. Intuition is me. It’s the decisions that only I can make.
intuition….umm is that like a razor…Intuition razor…or like womens intuition….whats the question?!?
Intuition leads me. I embrace it. I need to find it. Sometimes I ignore it. Intuition is me. It’s the decisions that only I can make.
Very superstitious, writing on the wall. Who sings that song? I mean it is pretty good and all, but I bet I could get the band to do a sick version of. maybe. we need to play more cool shit.