intuition is an instinctive knowing so your intuition or instinct tells you what to do with out thinking about it
Intuition is everywhere. You don’t think about it that much – you just get it. It’s a bit difficult to understand, like instinct. However, there’s always instinct and you vaguely understand what it tells you.
Uh… I don’t really know what this word means but it reminds me of that helth place inside Wal*Mart.
Miranda C.
Listen closely. My intuition speaks only in a whisper. Easily blocked by random thoughts and fears. Intuition will show me the path, but only I can step towards it
his intuition told him to keep his hands to himself, but he disregarded that. just as the romantic scene began, he wrapped his fingers around her hand, and was overjoyed that she didn’t pull away, but began slowing and methodically stroking his arm.
Andrew S
Always honest. I can deny it if I choose. But, why? It speaks the words of my soul, it is in what I trust. It is the only part of me that truly knows right from wrong.
intuition…i dont know what that means…but it reminds me of education, and school, college, and grades.
Payton Phillips
intuition is wanting to do something! Its initiative to make a change. I think i have alot of intuition.
how often has your intuition failed you? me, countless times. that’s why i no longer rely on my intution. gut feeling? not reliable. it has
The want to get and go. Very excited and pushed to do stuff. the feeling to get up and reach for a goal.
The want to get and go. Very excited and pushed to do stuff. the feeling to get up and reach for a goal.
madison d
get and go wanting to do something.having a reson to do something.
get and go wanting to do something.having a reson
intuition- the feeling about what yopu should do. Like, a gut feeling. when you just know. There’s a song called that.
Believing in the cries of your heart before the logic of your brain. A shiny idea, but does it have merit? Why can’t the many neurons of your brain do as a vessel for pumping blood? Maybe they are one in the same.
intuition you just know in your heart that its something that you should do, that its the right thing to do at this moment
but then again rationalization comes in.
i should have known when to trust my intuition. It always happens – i second guess myself into thinking what i have in mind is wrong.
God I wonder what they’re doing in therE? I should’ve come earlier.
I turned to the doctor with the green scrub suit.
“he’s gone.”
I think and I feel without judgment. Gut feel, sometimes right, sometimes wrong. Women have it they say. Do we really?
Hunch, intuition. Suspicion.
Distrust, mistrust.
Lust, desire. The fire.
Suspense. The consequence.
She said she knew exactly why I was with her. While I had no idea, I was still greatly intrigued by her allure. Love had set in. At least on my side. Her grin had me slightly confused.
Trenton Coley
My intuition says that I should not leave. That I should stay here and let the bastards claim me. But when the boiling pot on the stove starts to sizzle, casting its contents onto the red coil below, there is really only one option, only one choice to be made.
‘How do you know?’ My hand was shaking, but my voice was level. He shrugged.
‘Intuition, I suppose.’ He was looking at me warily, like a master at a particularly troublesome dog.
Raiya Moon
Intuition is to feel, not to think, and definitely not to analyze. Usually, my intuition about others is horribly wrong, but intuition about another person’s intentions can be life saving. Or life threatening. There’s a story about that, you know. This is how it goes:
The vampire’s intuition about me was right. I could see it in his eyes. Of course, he wasn’t really looking at me, so how could I know, right? But that’s not really the point. It’s not my fault I can read minds.
My intuition tells me that things are not going well here. But good old common sense could probably tell me the same thing. Is there some extra tang to the bad news that is added by the intuition? Or is it just painfully obvious to anyoe that all is not well in the heartland? I am not sure and myintuition adds nothing.
is not something every one has. in fact, maybe nobody has it at all…so then what about instinct? what is that if not some sort of animalistic intuition we are born with? can we really trust ourselves when it comes to this?
ah, intuition. jumping, leaping, knowing without actually knowing. how do our minds make these leaps? do we processes things subconsciously so that it only looks like intuition or is the human mind capable of making a correct decision without the information it needs
You should always trust your intuition. It was never something my mother out right told me when I was growing up, but it was definitely implied in everything she did. Gut feelings were not to be ignored.
So as I watched him get that stupid look on his face every time she neared, I knew it didn’t matter that the two of us shared so much. That we chatted and flirted and were constantly bantering back and forth.
My intuition kicked in. They would be dating within a week. And there was nothing I could do about it.
something i don’t have!
Often referred to as “women’s” intuition. The sense that some is so or that the there is an
She drove down the highway at a speed that left her memories far in their wake. The car crash at the side of the road caught her attention a few miles ahead, when she heard a voice whisper, then grow louder “God damn loudmouth, why won’t he help with the John-“. The car had careened into a lightpost; the cause of the crash was distracted driving.
gut feeling
Matt Benjamin
“Your intuition” <- lyrics from a song. independence.
Kelly Smith
I saw it coming. I had a feeling. She hated me didn’t she? I felt it behind her kind actions, her happy attitude.
I saw it coming, and I’d not be the one crying when this was all over. I guarantee you that.
Chris Wagar
a fact, truth
quick insight.
abraham kishumbua
knowing before something happens. reminds me of a judge judy episode where one girl knew what was going to happen before it actually did, involving a dog, and the girl somehow knew something would happen.
intuition is an instinctive knowing so your intuition or instinct tells you what to do with out thinking about it
Intuition is everywhere. You don’t think about it that much – you just get it. It’s a bit difficult to understand, like instinct. However, there’s always instinct and you vaguely understand what it tells you.
Uh… I don’t really know what this word means but it reminds me of that helth place inside Wal*Mart.
Listen closely. My intuition speaks only in a whisper. Easily blocked by random thoughts and fears. Intuition will show me the path, but only I can step towards it
his intuition told him to keep his hands to himself, but he disregarded that. just as the romantic scene began, he wrapped his fingers around her hand, and was overjoyed that she didn’t pull away, but began slowing and methodically stroking his arm.
Always honest. I can deny it if I choose. But, why? It speaks the words of my soul, it is in what I trust. It is the only part of me that truly knows right from wrong.
intuition…i dont know what that means…but it reminds me of education, and school, college, and grades.
intuition is wanting to do something! Its initiative to make a change. I think i have alot of intuition.
how often has your intuition failed you? me, countless times. that’s why i no longer rely on my intution. gut feeling? not reliable. it has
The want to get and go. Very excited and pushed to do stuff. the feeling to get up and reach for a goal.
The want to get and go. Very excited and pushed to do stuff. the feeling to get up and reach for a goal.
get and go wanting to do something.having a reson to do something.
get and go wanting to do something.having a reson
intuition- the feeling about what yopu should do. Like, a gut feeling. when you just know. There’s a song called that.
Believing in the cries of your heart before the logic of your brain. A shiny idea, but does it have merit? Why can’t the many neurons of your brain do as a vessel for pumping blood? Maybe they are one in the same.
intuition you just know in your heart that its something that you should do, that its the right thing to do at this moment
but then again rationalization comes in.
i should have known when to trust my intuition. It always happens – i second guess myself into thinking what i have in mind is wrong.
God I wonder what they’re doing in therE? I should’ve come earlier.
I turned to the doctor with the green scrub suit.
“he’s gone.”
I think and I feel without judgment. Gut feel, sometimes right, sometimes wrong. Women have it they say. Do we really?
Hunch, intuition. Suspicion.
Distrust, mistrust.
Lust, desire. The fire.
Suspense. The consequence.
She said she knew exactly why I was with her. While I had no idea, I was still greatly intrigued by her allure. Love had set in. At least on my side. Her grin had me slightly confused.
My intuition says that I should not leave. That I should stay here and let the bastards claim me. But when the boiling pot on the stove starts to sizzle, casting its contents onto the red coil below, there is really only one option, only one choice to be made.
‘How do you know?’ My hand was shaking, but my voice was level. He shrugged.
‘Intuition, I suppose.’ He was looking at me warily, like a master at a particularly troublesome dog.
Intuition is to feel, not to think, and definitely not to analyze. Usually, my intuition about others is horribly wrong, but intuition about another person’s intentions can be life saving. Or life threatening. There’s a story about that, you know. This is how it goes:
The vampire’s intuition about me was right. I could see it in his eyes. Of course, he wasn’t really looking at me, so how could I know, right? But that’s not really the point. It’s not my fault I can read minds.
My intuition tells me that things are not going well here. But good old common sense could probably tell me the same thing. Is there some extra tang to the bad news that is added by the intuition? Or is it just painfully obvious to anyoe that all is not well in the heartland? I am not sure and myintuition adds nothing.
is not something every one has. in fact, maybe nobody has it at all…so then what about instinct? what is that if not some sort of animalistic intuition we are born with? can we really trust ourselves when it comes to this?
ah, intuition. jumping, leaping, knowing without actually knowing. how do our minds make these leaps? do we processes things subconsciously so that it only looks like intuition or is the human mind capable of making a correct decision without the information it needs
You should always trust your intuition. It was never something my mother out right told me when I was growing up, but it was definitely implied in everything she did. Gut feelings were not to be ignored.
So as I watched him get that stupid look on his face every time she neared, I knew it didn’t matter that the two of us shared so much. That we chatted and flirted and were constantly bantering back and forth.
My intuition kicked in. They would be dating within a week. And there was nothing I could do about it.
something i don’t have!
Often referred to as “women’s” intuition. The sense that some is so or that the there is an
She drove down the highway at a speed that left her memories far in their wake. The car crash at the side of the road caught her attention a few miles ahead, when she heard a voice whisper, then grow louder “God damn loudmouth, why won’t he help with the John-“. The car had careened into a lightpost; the cause of the crash was distracted driving.
gut feeling
“Your intuition” <- lyrics from a song. independence.
I saw it coming. I had a feeling. She hated me didn’t she? I felt it behind her kind actions, her happy attitude.
I saw it coming, and I’d not be the one crying when this was all over. I guarantee you that.
a fact, truth
quick insight.
knowing before something happens. reminds me of a judge judy episode where one girl knew what was going to happen before it actually did, involving a dog, and the girl somehow knew something would happen.