
September 10th, 2024 | 5 Entries

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5 Entries for “inventor”

  1. Inventor-daydreaming in blueprints, in wheels and gears and math equations, balancing things out, force, friction, and tension, bringing a hammer to fix up the future

  2. the inventor is someone who creates — no matter the medium. An auteur of any kind, seeing things from top to bottom, the master innovator; holder of the highest and most original human praise: imagination.

  3. The inventor worked at all hours in his garage, designing contraptions which had not practical purposes, but which gave him delight. However, one day, he came up with something which would change the world. He wondered if he should patent it.

  4. It didn’t matter what the outcome was, he only knew that he was compelled to pursue his work. His life was forfeit. It didn’t matter if the invention would be a positive force or not, he would finish it no matter the cost.

  5. He didn’t know what he was making, only that he was compelled to continue pursuing to the inevitable end. It didn’t matter if he lived or died or that what it was he was making would have a positive impact on those around him. Only that he completed it at all costs.
