
November 15th, 2023 | 3 Entries

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Yo yo yo, the oneword™ podcast is back for Season 3.
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3 Entries for “joy”

  1. she had never felt this before. this unfamiliar emotion, like a blessing, like a curse. she didn’t know how to respond when they asked her what was wrong. because it was wrong, as much as it was right. she was in the worst situation imaginable, yet she felt better than she ever had. would she ever be stable, would she ever know the appropriate responses again?

  2. Joy ebbed away into the darkness as blood dribbled down my calf. Was this meant to hurt? I wanted to scream, but no noise would exit my mouth. Death felt close.

  3. The dark of winter started to fade. She felt joy when she saw the change in the seasons, in the sunrise occurring earlier every morning. Sometimes the sky was so clear, as the clouds blew away and some of the remaining clouds turned pink in the dawn light.
