
March 6th, 2009 | 201 Entries

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201 Entries for “keypad”

  1. The future of “face to face” communication.

    Siddharth Nair
  2. smae word! Not fair! I’m not inspired by keypads since they’re usually all numbers. I need words in my world; numbers confuse and frustrate me. I’m watching the timer and getting frustrated and stressed. I don’t want to write about keypads!

  3. Keypad. PTKFGS – punch the keys for gods sake. What the heck is up with this? The only way one word works is when you punch punch punch, stabbity stab stab. Get that done.

  4. i am typing on my keypad right now. it needs to be cleaned. many of the letters are worn off so if you don’t know where the letters are you can’t use my keyboard.
    now there is another keyboard i used to play. piano. i wasn’t very good. i am much better at singing. in fact, i am a GREAT singer.

  5. black keys. tension. fingers tap tap tapping. used somuch the paint wears off the keys. typewriters computers hysteria. life. words on paper. across the airwaves. this is my lifeline and my way to show him how much i feel…

  6. ..well, if you’ve got a mobile, right- you – it looks like this, see? with the little numbers and- no, the letters don’t matter, don’t- IT DOESN’T- it doesn’t matter about the letters, look, if you’ve got- if you want to type the numbers, then you- LISTEN GODDAMN IT, listen- sorry, I didn’t mean to shout, I- if you press the numbers…

  7. Keypad. Click, click. Tap, tap. Fingers one two three. I let too much time go by for that one minute. that’s what I’m typing on here with my new MAC Book. Need to learn how to use this machine properly.

    anne Gilman
  8. And he let me go one day
    Beyond the reach of radio waves
    Without ceremony
    Just a quick press on the keypad

  9. What an odd word: keypad. I understand the pad part but what about it explains the key part? Makes no sense to me but then again a lot of things in this world don’t make a whole lot of sense…

  10. my key pad is smooth my key pad is fast i can see me key pad it work great thats all i can say about my key pad

  11. there are numbers worn off my keypad. the ones that spell your name. i am always honest.

  12. Keypad? What about a keypad? What’s the fucking point of this website? Really? To type about random words? Words are just symbols. Words are meaningless in and of themselves. And yet, here I am, typing about an irrelevant word, trying to describe it with a sum of various other words….
    I don’t get this. People. The world is going to shit. Yanno why? Cause hypocrites like me are sitting around typing about “keypad”.

  13. The thing that I type with.

    Andrew Meare
  14. My keyoad sucks, seriously. Or maybe its just my mouse….either way, it takes about 4 tries to movie my cursor on the screen. And at least one mouse-slam-on-the-desk fit. It really gets the job done.

    Nicole Fear
  15. I don’t clean my keypad very often, and it’s kind of gross when I do. When you’re a college student, you basically live with your computer, and I know that a keyboard isn’t really a keypad, but that’s what I think of when I see this word: how dirty my keyboard is. Time for the can-o-air!

  16. I know a guy named johnny. He he has a keypad in his rectum. he says he’s gay but he’s really a woman. he ate my snot and played with my feet. I think he has aids. He is tall and has a tumr. do you know him?

  17. My keypad is stuck. It needs a wash. I have no water, can’t pay the bills. I’m an orphan and keypadless today. My cat sat on the keypad and nw it’s dirty. Have yu seen my cat? he’s in your dreams.

  18. im so alone. i see darkness. the light shines. where does it go? I have no friends. I have a cat. I hate dogs. My car needs tires. Help me, I’m drowning. Did you see that? What! Look i’m blind. Sorrow. Dizzy. Madness

  19. Lynette is a fat pattotie- she thinks that she can get buy on ebay selling used keypads to limbless orphans in Africa. One day while I was on the phone with Lynnette she passed out. She was crying about a lost love named Arturo.

    I hate Lynette
  20. I got into CUNY!

    omg you got into Cuny?

    lawl lawl no no it was actually a typo and they missed the T on the keyboard but they kept the Y anyway because people seemed to respect it more.

    You should have written that on your application.

    I know.

    March 6th, 2009.

    Christine Oania
  21. I love my keypad. My keypad brings all the boys to the yard, damn right it is better than yours. If I teach you then I have to charge. The keypad to the entrance to my property is old and on the wrong side of the driveway.

  22. He is demoted and promoted
    by his keyboard,
    that and the packets of cociane
    stashed between his box springs and his mattress
    Surrounded by half drunk
    starbucks frappe lattes cups
    He says, “Hello keyboard”

    Rebecca Stoddard
  23. the words flow from here through my fingertips, coming through my veins, coming from my heart. the ink spreading onto the blank white screen of the images of paper.

  24. A keypad is the man hangout for a cool dude, man.

    Joseph Leff
  25. a keypad is the source of a lot of frustration, especially when things don’t go right, or when I’m not looking and something happens that when I look up, I find a lot of different letters than what I was thinking, or is that keyboard I’m thinking of. Keypads can control a lot of our lives if we let them, don’t they?

  26. The first keypad that comes to mind is my phone keypad. I keep dialing the same number over and over hoping that something will change, that he will change, that we will change… but we’re not going to… and why can I not accept that? That stupid phone keypad represents everything that will never change in our relationship, so why do I keep dialing? It’s a lost cause. So maybe I’ll stop dialing. And Just let it go.

  27. Keypad startes with k it is the 11th word in the alphabet e is the 5th y is the 25th p is the 16th a is the 1st and d is the 4th. Now you know were the letters in the word keypad are in the alphabet.

    danielle dougherty
  28. Keypad startes with k it is the 11th word in the alphabet e is the 5th y is the 25th p is the 16th a is the 1st and d is the 4th. Now you know were the letters in the word keypad are in the alphabet.

    danielle dougherty
  29. Its kind of nice giving your keys a rest! they do a lot of hard work for you. Give em a pad to rest on and they will never let you down.

  30. keypads are strange things. when you are young adults tell you a specific way the alphabet is suppose to go and then you learn to type and its all so confusing. i don’t get it but apparently it makes things easier.

  31. I dont read a lot of books. I do love to write. Reading takes to much time. Writing gives me cramps in my hand. Books make me tired and makes my eyes hurt.

  32. something to type on. It is found usually at or around computers. wait that’s keyboard never mind. so I’m not really sure what a key pad is exactly but it sounds cool.

  33. clicking keys composing things that the heart cannot bring itself to say for the pain is too great for them to bear. Lost souls looking for salvation write words to find another who has also lost their souls.

  34. im writing with my key pad right now and its lots of fun and chris didnt even know the word cause he’s prolly dumb. But this key pad is of considerable use to me in writing about the word “Keypad” and my time is almost up but i dont know when my time is up.

    Ed E.
  35. The keypad is the only way that you are able to type something i guess the keypad has keys on it but not car keys but typing keys

  36. so many buttons to push. numbers, letters, symbols….even little phrases. you use them on computers, to clock into work, and for when buying lunch.

  37. Keypads have many different uses. They’re on cell phones, computers, calculators, almost everywhere now a days. It’s kind of like todays version of the working thumb. Without them, we couldn’t survive. God forbid people use pens and pencils anymore.

  38. The one connection I have between my loneliness and the world. The thing that remains at my fingertips ready to take a beating as I pour my heart out to the world. Simple ones and zeroes trying desperately to convey to the world my feelings.

  39. The mouse rubbed against the keypad as he was desperately searching the answer; the answer to life. Up until now, things had been easy for him and everything was virtually laid out for him but it’s funny how the world can work against you. Now everything he knew was a lie. He had to find the answer.

    Tomy Wilkerson
  40. The keypad is essential to everyday communication. Often overlooked, we do not realize when we use it. Not too recently, Apple computers made a wireless keyboard without the keypad. Friends who have it prefer the wired keyboard with the keypad in hindsight. Or as they say “after sight”. Then again, everything in hint sight is 20/20.

    K Su