
March 6th, 2009 | 201 Entries

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201 Entries for “keypad”

  1. A keypad is what I am typing on right now. It’s rather handy, you know. God knows how long it would take for me to write stuff without a keypad. No, wait… that’s a keyboard. Snap… I don’t know then. Are they those that thingy that you put your PIN number into? I only got a bank card recently, so I haven’t had a lot of opportunities to use a keypad… Huh… Well then… Maybe I’m thinking too much?

  2. Here I am, typing away on this keypad as I do nearly every night. I love to write. It is a freeing thing to do and it helps me cope with life. And thus, every evening, I spend a couple minutes venting my feelings from my head to my keypad to the web.

  3. keypad rattles tells tattle tales that I create while I wait for something better hitting the caps locks makes me a fretter. My keypad lies to me and tells me what I write is worth me selling. God you keypad why don’t you shut up before I end up with more useless clutter than I already have, my documents can’t support my keypad.

    I Achsen
  4. as i sat there staring at my crackberry wondering how to respond, a sudden wave of realization came over me. he wasn’t meant to be.. i stared at my keypad, took a large gulp of coffee and punched in “no.”

  5. the door was locked by a keypad; the only way in. if it were not for his incredible hacking skills, marc would never have been able to get in. he slowly read the fingerprints and coded in the correct numbers to safely enter the room guarding his future.

    Kerby Olive
  6. keypad is the word? oh, yes!
    I like keypod, because I can carry it anywhere.

  7. i got a late start… i love writing on my keyboard it makes me feel complete. have u ever typed the alphabet on the comp. in 2 secs? i have!

  8. you use it to type words on the computer
    you use your fingers to type on it
    its connected to the pc
    its very helpful
    i dont know what else to say

  9. chubby fingers typing on a keypad is the new sign of sloth. we all fall victim to one of the deadly sins

  10. “…ice cold keypads infiltrating an increasingly chilling, modern world… Hey, give me that leaded pencil and fibrous notepad there, will you? Thank you, kid.”

  11. I haven’t typed anything for the first few seconds, is keypad the word or am I making a complete fool of myself. Ok, maybe it is the word, what can I write about a keypad that hasn’t alrea

  12. Fingers graze the soft metallic squares, pushing slightly and effortlessly to create a piece of work. Clickity clack, the sounds of progression, sounds of success. The key pad, the form of transportation literary art chooses. From brain to finger tips, keypad to art.

    Samantha Cestare
  13. He knew. He always knew. There was a number in his mind as real as the gas mask covering his face. He held his breath and punched the number into the keypad. The door swung open. He breathed again.

  14. hey this is the word from yesterday

    Rebecca Stoddard
  15. i am frozen in time hitting the keys of my mind. pause pause pause to give a reason or a cause. dont think just type keypad keypad keypad.

  16. Come on, keypad? I’m looking for inspiration and something to bring a little brightness to my day. I am not looking for the cold harshness of this word, or the soft and constant clicking sound that accompanies the use of said instrument. I’ll be back later.

    Andrew Meare
  17. Click click click
    you know just what buttons
    to push
    to pull me in
    and push me out of
    my shell,
    pouring over you
    with abandon.

    Lady Illiana
  18. Fingering the keypad, I debate my next contact. Wise? Unwise? Will I regret it for the rest of my days? Anxiously, I hear the melody of the number as I key it in. Brrrrring, Brrrrrring. This is my fate I’m calling… “Heeeeyyyyelllo?” my fate answers.

  19. The kepad was cool. It gave us access to the world.
    What can be said about a keypad. It sure made inputing numbers easier.

    Randy J Bradley
  20. Learning how to use a keypad can be hard, but after a little practice you get better at it. Keypads can help you in many ways and can even make life a little easier. Many people use keypads and they help them out in many ways. In the end the keypad is awesome!

  21. i was thinking about different familiarities that people have with one another, and trying to get to know the world in a universal love that everyone could recognize, and writing letters, and sending things and gifts to strangers and one another. i love you.

  22. I learned the keypad in high school while taking a course in business class. At first I thought it would be difficult to learn all the numbers and letters on the board. Bythe time I got to college, I found out that I had mastered the board and I knew it by heart. Now today, I can still go back to it and know all of the elements on the board.

  23. When my battery dies my keypad takes a bit to reboot. I find it very inconvienent and sometimes have to restart. But hey perhaps a reboot is never too bad a thing? Sometimes having to start fresh is really all you need.

  24. Ashley smashed her fist angrily at the keyboard. “This will never work out”, she mumbled under her breath. But there was not much she could do right now, it was the only way. She clicked on the icon on the desktop and the screen was immediately filled with different symbols

  25. This keypad contains all I need, it types my digets and controls my fate. Why? I do not know prehaps I am just deprived of sleep for a few too many hours, either way the only thing that’s clear is how unclear everything is.

    B. T. Miller
  26. i am typing on a keypad, trying to think of what to write. I need a tragic hero story for my english class, but i don’t know what to write. It should be sort of like MacBeth and a little like Othello, but I don’t know what on earth it will be.

  27. I think my students don’t think as they type out messages for me on their keypad. Of course you have to come to class- is that not the point of signing up for one? Why does everybody think everything can be done via e-mail these days? Geeze.

  28. Bond put on his heat-sensing goggles and took a look at the keypad. Dr. Evil had recently been here, and the thermal sensors in the goggles picked up the key combination that was required. Bond typed in the code, drew his pistol, and charged in.

  29. The keys on the pad went tap tap tap as I frantically keyed in the code. Ten seconds. Nine.
    Eight. Seven. Five. Four. Three. Two. One. Blastoff.

    A firey hell ensues.

  30. my keypad gets sticky because I eat and drink too much while I am on the computer. Keypad nice touchy, bouncy clicky word. My keypad so possesive

  31. Keypad? Wow, I don’t think I have ever used this word before.

  32. click clack click TING! she sits at the typewriter for hours each night, keeping him up until four, five, six am. he can’t take much more of this, but the last time she stopped writing, she drank a bottle of poor gin and swallowed a handful of pills that did nothing.

  33. lookiing at my keypad, wondering what to write. i’ll write of sunshine, coming through the blinds. ivan is curled up on the mat near the back door so he can absorb as much of this golden goodness as he can. that’s what a saturday morning is all about.

  34. Keypads used to be for dialing phone numbers, but now they’re used for sending text messages. Why don’t people ever call each other anymore? Text messages are great, but you have to type them and check your spelling and all that jazz.
    and wait so long for a reply! phone calls are instant.

  35. i really haven’t liked these words lately. “Keypad” C’mon. I need something that will inspire me. Who cares about a keypad. It’s just a thing. A thing that no one cares about.

  36. padded keys a necessary
    function of my padded
    cell asylum
    I peck out
    one and then two words
    brick and mortar
    or my own making
    how to break free

  37. There is no keypad on my cellular! It’s just a flat glass screen. Like looking through a window at a digital world that changes when I want it to.

    Chris Rogers
  38. wtf. keypad. what do you write about a keypad. this is a really dumb word. makers of this website if you are reading this please pick a better word next time. lol. keypad. that’s just weird.

  39. My keypad on this laptop is really messed up. the i and o don’t have buttons, just little knobs, and the h and l are stuck pushed down. So is he backspace.

  40. The way I usually connect with folks in this high-tech world we now live in. My writing seems so slow now and my thinking keeps pace with the quickness of my keystrokes much better.
