
August 27th, 2024 | 7 Entries

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7 Entries for “knight”

  1. Knights are medieval entities that lived in castles in various countries of europe and formed councils to start crusades in the name of christianity and then slaughtered many people in Arabic countries.

  2. As the brave knight hoisted his sword high up in the air, he let out a cry of victory. This was finally going his way. he had come from being a scrawny little

  3. Knight,
    Knights are for girlss
    I need a king
    Knights still have something to prove
    Kings stand on wisdom
    Knights have much a shorter fall
    Kings fall in hard ans leaves scars
    Kinghts look to the king
    Kings are in search for the Knight that many soon become king.

  4. knight

  5. knight

  6. The knight looked gigantic in his suit of armor. But once he got into the house, and she helped him removed the metal encasing him, she saw that he was small, thin and his body was lithe and flexible. She thought that his armor was his exoskeleton.

  7. a knight is someone who serves, yet someone who experiences, and therefore experiences conditionally relative to those he or she serves. everything that a knight does is within the confines of this mutual existence, yet simultaneously a knight usually contains power greater than those the knight is loyal to.
