
April 14th, 2009 | 183 Entries

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183 Entries for “knock”

  1. I knocked on the door one day and it opened ever so slightly with a wide eye peeking out the door. I looked back at it. It was joined to the head of a woman. And then it widened… and fell back into the darkness – dead.

  2. knocked on my door today but my rother took a long time to get there

  3. a door , a sound, a knock knee, hard knock, hello? Who’s there? Cop Knock

  4. Someone is at my door. They are banging so loudly. Should I answer. I don’t know them. They could be a killer. They could kill me. What if they know someone I know? What if there has been an accident? What if they have bad news? I should open the door and see what it’s about. But what if they plan to hurt me? What if they are crazy? I can’t deal with crazy people.

  5. Knocking on deaths door.
    Nobody answers.
    You fail again.

  6. I knock on a door you answer the door and you sit on a chair after dan says hi i will say hi back and you will close the door because the milatary is going to eat you up. play room is the best door to knock on and if you don’t eat fry you must eat them.

  7. Knock knock knockin on heaven’s door. Too bad it don’t exist. What if it did? I don’t know if I’d act any different. I want to do things that make me feel good. Call it instant gratification, but that’s not what it is. I just live my life the way I want, and that’s the way it is.

    Aaron Weiss
  8. Hey you kid who lives in the room directly above mine– quit knocking all those marbles around every night. You’re driving me mad!

  9. on wood or on a door i supoose, could be knocking to be let in or knocking a cup against bars in prison trying to get out as aposed to getting in. Could be part of a joke, although not a very good one cauce i haven’t laughed at a knock knock joke for about 10 years….. but the one about doctor who still gets me evey time.


  11. Knock, knock. Who’s there? Panther. Panther who? Panth or no panth, we’re going thwimming!
    Okay, that was ridiculously childish. I laughed, though. Did you?

    When I hear a knock at the door, I usually jump in hopes that it’s one particular person. It isn’t, usually.

  12. A knock on the door. Who’s there? A soul? A body? A mind? A knock on the door. Someone to behold. Will I love them? Will they love me? Ad what if that is so? Who’s to know? A knock on the door. The possibilities stretch onward. Horizons. Suns. Men. Love. A knock on the door. Who is waiting for me? Who came for me.

  13. I heard a strange knock at the door. strange specifically because it was just the one knock. I waited to see if really it was just the wind or a neighbor’s dog. Then it came again. Just a single knock. Out there was the mystery of my dreams. Waiting.

  14. knock. You’re at the door. I don’t know what to say or what to do. How can I face you now? And I know it’s childish to hide behind my fear and my hurt and my scared. But I can’t look at you.

    Nina Gnedin
  15. In this world, it is quite easy to “knock” things that we dislike or look down on. The world is full of critics, naysayers and people who are swift to offer criticism. It’s time to change that negative language and mindset for a positive one. Let’s stop knocking our world!

    Silas Reinagel
  16. knock knock whos there? that is the most simple joke set up i have ever heard in my life. Not only does it catch the peoples attention with a mondern onomonopeia often associated with doors, but it also gives a sense of anticipation as to whom is at the door. this causes the person’s interest to be piqued and therefore engroses them in the joke.

  17. knock on the door. knock on wood. knocked up. knocking boots. knock knock jokes. knock before entering. Knock your socks off. knock knock knocking on heave’s door. Stupid and contagious.

  18. knock knock jokes are annoying. they are rediculous.
    when you knock on someones door and they dont answer, you have just wasted your time. jahovas witnesses take note of this.

  19. the will to open up to someone. show them things they want to see. things they werent expected to see. open the door for someone to a whole other dimension. somewhere they’re not allowed to go unless asked to come into. secrets lye behind that door.

  20. the will to open up to someone. show them things they want to see. things they werent expected to see. open the door for someone to a whole other dimension. somewhere they’re not allowed to go unless asked to come into. secrets lye behind that door.

  21. a sound that tells you someone has arrived, it can be expected or unexpected but either way its always a feeling of exciement whether good or bad.

    carly houle
  22. knock on the door and you’ll never, ever know what to expect from the otherside of the door. Knock and it’s a signal that I want permission to come in, why do I have to answer the door. If I wanted you…..

  23. The banging was incessant. Just a constant cacophony of rapping, shattering, and finally, screaming. I tried to take solace under my covers, but that only works for blocking light.

  24. go ahead and knock me down. I’m like a pheonix, baby. burn me and i come up stronger. kick me and I kick you. love me and love me forever.

  25. I think of knocking on the door. It’s wood, I have no idea why it would just be wood though. I knock really hard. nobody answers. I begin to pound instead of knocking. Why won’t somebody answer the damn door? I don’t want it to be a door anymore. I want it to be a window. That would be more of a tap though. Knock.. Can I knock down a building?

  26. knock knock who’s there

    no one, it seems
    story of my life, knocking on doors and waiting for mine to be knocked on.

  27. knock on my door and ill keep you out. knock on my door and i wont answer. let me know if you’re coming to my door… or else i’ll knock you in the face. I’m also a big fan of the reverse knock.

  28. knock knock… is anyone ther? am i really alone? I am scard!!! so i shall hide under my covers for the night!!!

  29. Knock on my door. I open it. It’s a small blob named jacques. How funny, I though tto myself. I thought that I HAD KILLED JACQUES IN THE MOUNTAINS OF TIBET!!!!

  30. Knock knock. who’s there? the garbageman. why? because you haven’t paid in at least three months. there’s a pile of rotting trash in front of your house, not all of it prostitutes and and bums. but what happened to the flowers i planted there? dead, madam. dead for a ducket, dead.

  31. knocking, knocking on the door;
    Fingers bleeding, knuckles raw;
    Knocking on the cursed door.
    No-one’s home, and no-one saw.

    Holly E
  32. There was a knock at the door.

    “Who’s there?,” asked John, as he cautiously came out of the kitchen.

  33. Knock knock. Who’s there? It’s a joke we’ve all heard. But in this modern day and age is the idea of a stranger knocking on your door becoming something more sinister than ever before? All of a sudden being home alone is less than exciting – it’s terrifying.

    Holly Eliza
  34. i want to knock on your door but i’m afraid to. i don’t want my knock to push you away. will i knock too loud? will you even be around to listen for it? don’t forget about the people knocking at your door.

    B Copeland
  35. She felt the cool brick beneath her hand, solid and impassive as always. It was difficult to believe that right here was a gate way to another dimension, right here was where her life fell apart, right here was where he had left her forever, glancing at her once before he effectively disappeared. She pushed the brick with both hands, without really trying. Nothing happened just as she suspected. She knocked softly, bruising her knuckles on the gritty wall. No one answered. She knocked harder, slamming first her fists and then her whole body into the wall. Nothing continued to happen. She picked up a chair and smashed that to pieces against the wall, but no one on the other side came to investigate. Panting, she stood and stared at this brick wall, the gateway to another dimension. It stared back, uncaring. He really was gone forever, and now when she most wanted to, she could not follow him.

    Charlie Rose
  36. I Knocked on his door twice, my heart was beating so uncontrollably I could feel the beats in my nose. I was nervous, he was there. I could feel it, I found myself wondering how would he react after all that happened and then me, there, knocking at his door. Wondering.

  37. a man was knocking at the door. i could hear him, still i couldn’t make my self move. I sat there staring blindly at the wall, as I’d been for the last few hours, for the last few days, maybe for the last few years.

  38. a noise. The man stopped and held his breath. Could she really have returned? He could hear his blood rushing through his ears. It was the sound of his entire world crashing about him.

  39. Knock is a good thing to do before going into a house due to the fact that inside of the united states the people have a right to bare arms against any people coming onto there property. It is a wierd thing to do though, why would you hit a door a few times instead of voicing your presence with a loud call or something.

  40. Some punk sold me a lame knock off product. Here he came knocking on my door and stuff to sell me this load of bull! I want to knock his block off! GRRR!!
