I like bike lanes. They make life much easier. My city never had bike lanes before last year. People don’t ride a lot of bikes in my city. Maybe now they will. I doubt it though.
i like to go blowing at the lane, the bowling lane. a bowling lane i dont need a bowling gate.
I like to drive down the lonly empty lane the lane no one drives down. i dont know what else to write about the lane maybe the
Penny Lane is in my ears, and in my mind. I thought about Penny all thru my youth. I was at a b
Lane, is a a nick name i have once had, it didn’t stick very long, but i liked it. It then became laney, i really liked it but that friend soon moved, and so did the word. My dad calls me laners and i really like it, my boy friend now calls me it, and i never even told me my daddy uses that as a pet name too
lane little red riding hood down a simple lane to grandma’s house yet lying in wait a wolf…
candyland lane, every year an american neighborhood gets together and puts out tons of christams lights, people travel from miles around just to view the delicate lights and brightly boisterous roofs twinkling and glowing all in the season of Christmas
Cathy Senkbeil
down the lane? it’s weird i know that word more as a name, like you know the musician in the seattle band who had a problem with that drug that comes in a variety of colors including brown. yeah. and then you bowl in lanes.
A Lane is dark covered with vines and mysterious things may happen there something clandestine or maybe mind-blowing. A lane can be sweet, a place to buy some tomatoes or lace or see b
It’s just like the lame only with an n. I don’t like being in the slow lane, it depresses me because of all the elderly. Who kind of look like old bananas. Why are they called liver spots? Is it because your liver is shutting down or because of some other reason? I guess I’ll never know unless I look it up on the internet. I’m not going to call it googling.
Cars, driving down the highway. How much the highway takes me to places now. Before it was just roads or air travel, but that highway is the key to my happiness. Just driving by the exit is everything. It brings me here and it takes me away when I am done. I love leaving everything and appreciating it more when I return.
lane stanley, the singer from “alice in chains” that died sometimes in 2002 made great music. songs like ‘rooster’, ‘would’, ‘rain when i die’ and ‘godsmack’
Lane Stanley
we’ve gone into the rare lane to come across.
the one that’s neutral.
the one that’s just there.
the one that hardly anyone can find, and stay on as they head through life.
chin up, lips curved into a fractured smile.
i still wish you were here.
kara chiasson
there are different lanes
lanes = paths
paths of life, how you live
lanes of a car
collector, or express?
it’s your choice.
gear your future?
cars polute the air?
lane mane lame game line?
bree bree chicka boom boom chaka!
rraa rrrarararaaa!
(sorry mindblock)
I was walking down the lane. All the leaves on the ground were blowing around my feet. When I looked down there was a shining a object. As I stooped down to pick it up I found to my surprise it was a large diamond.
I looked around and saw something move behind a tree, it was an elf.
Penny Lane, quarter lane, dollar lane. A lane is where something comes or goes. Some go forward, some go back. Take a stroll down memory lane and
smell the roses.
walking down the lane, rhymes with sane and crane. flying away down the lane.
hello, my names lane. Like the parking lane. or cherry tree lane. yeah thats all i got. Blah blah blah blah hahhahaha.
my uncle dions middle name is lane.
how ironic eh?
lane lane lane
lane on the highway, I like to change lanes at random and honk my horn at all the people in my way. The speed limit for me is double what it is for everyone else. I’m a very agressive driver
plain rain i drive on the lane look at the yellow lines and the twinkling little lights so i don’t crash i stay in my lane honking my horn at mean drivers but i avoid conflict so i keep driving and there’s trees
I work in a bowling alley called Cherry Lanes. It had 8 lanes, but now a stage covers the first four. The Lanes hosts bands every weekend and has earned the name “Rock N Bowl.”
the far right lane is the lane i like to be in because i’m not a fast driver. i watch the people in the far right lane and say to myself, “I’ll get there one day”. But for now I’m happy staying in my lane.
Miss Lady
one time i was in a car with my dad and two sisters and their was a turtle in the middle of this. it was so weird and i expected my dad to swerve but he got out of the car and picked up the turtle and carried it across the street. he’s so nice (:
I was walking down a lane one day and saw a little boy poking at a worm in a puddle. I went up to him and asked him why he was poking at it. He told me that it wasn’t quite dead yet and that he was trying to rescue it, but his mother was a germaphobe….
My grandmother, my Nana, is a very nervous woman, but very sweet. I remember going to her house as a child, and as we sped down the highway, she would occasionally lean over to my Pawpaw and remind him “Stay in your lane, dearest.”
She’s dying.
sometihing a car drives in with one driver on one side of the yellow line going in opposite directions. the person on the other side of the yellow line is going in the other direction. there are two lanes on a normal road. on highway s there are several lanes
I stay in my lane, but can’t always afford the tolls. I live in the turn lane. I’m indispensable. Would you wave at me if I passed you? no, you probably wouldn’t. That’s alright with me. I don’t need to know you anyways. If i see you on the road then I obviously have somewhere to be already.
Today, I walked down a lane. And it made me realize that I don’t remember the last time I walked down a path with my Mom, talking about nothing in particular, but having the best time of our lives. I can’t remember the last time my Mom and I had a heart-to-heart talk. :[
Lately It Feels Like I Am Walking Down A Dark Lane All Alone , Not Yet Seeing the Light At The End, Only One Thing That Keeps Me Going, She Makes Me Smile When I Dont Even Know I Am. You Know How They Say Some Things Are Worth The Wait , I Finally Relize What They Mean . :)
Lately It Feels Like I Am Walking Down A Dark Lane All Alone , Not Yet Seeing the Light At The End, Only One Thing That Keeps Me Going, She Makes Me Smile When I Dont Even Know I Am. You Know How They Say Some Things Are Worth The Wait , I Finally Relize What They Mean . :)
landing pads and broken spaces. waiting on the ripples to settle across the space. an interior for our tomorrow. floating through the heavens. all angels and the angles waited.
taking the darker, rain-splattered lane instead of the dry and tiresome path she normally took was the bravest thing Beth had done all week. it was especially tragic, then, that her decision resulted in the untimely and unintentional death of a 4th-grader.
sean alan kindt
it’s thing that you drive down. stay in your own or you will piss alot of other people off.
a lane in a shopping mall, a lane where someone walks around through buildings. Bowling, holding hands, kisses. lanes of flowers. skipping and hopping and love
cars, traffic, i dont plike this word, it reminds me of plain, plane, lame. i dont like these things
road… going down a lane… fall… trees lining the lane with great big branches full of yellow & red leaves…
right lane left lane Lois lane who knows. Steam mill lane …yes that’s it Guernsey that’s where that lane is flowers on the border green grass and bluebells stinking onions i can still smell them, I remember biking for milk on Steam Mill lane. It was always sunny, i guess if it rained I wouldn’t have been biking. So long ago it’s been a lifetime, I saw my first condom on That lane, I was with Pauline Millar.
Fuck my life my mom hates my driving.
Every so often when she’s bitching I have this urge to veer into oncoming traffic, what a rush.
What a thrill. :)
the word is lane. it is purple. the time is running out. again, jeremy is sitting right next to me and having no input whatsoever as to what to write. lane. lane. lane. steele’s middle name is lane. lanes are on the road. and in bowling alleyss.
As I waltzed down the path I paused at the sight and thought, ‘wow, I’ve never seen that before.’
As I came closer I noticed that it was not the path that was not chosen, but the lane that was never there.
I like bike lanes. They make life much easier. My city never had bike lanes before last year. People don’t ride a lot of bikes in my city. Maybe now they will. I doubt it though.
i like to go blowing at the lane, the bowling lane. a bowling lane i dont need a bowling gate.
I like to drive down the lonly empty lane the lane no one drives down. i dont know what else to write about the lane maybe the
Penny Lane is in my ears, and in my mind. I thought about Penny all thru my youth. I was at a b
Lane, is a a nick name i have once had, it didn’t stick very long, but i liked it. It then became laney, i really liked it but that friend soon moved, and so did the word. My dad calls me laners and i really like it, my boy friend now calls me it, and i never even told me my daddy uses that as a pet name too
lane little red riding hood down a simple lane to grandma’s house yet lying in wait a wolf…
candyland lane, every year an american neighborhood gets together and puts out tons of christams lights, people travel from miles around just to view the delicate lights and brightly boisterous roofs twinkling and glowing all in the season of Christmas
down the lane? it’s weird i know that word more as a name, like you know the musician in the seattle band who had a problem with that drug that comes in a variety of colors including brown. yeah. and then you bowl in lanes.
A Lane is dark covered with vines and mysterious things may happen there something clandestine or maybe mind-blowing. A lane can be sweet, a place to buy some tomatoes or lace or see b
It’s just like the lame only with an n. I don’t like being in the slow lane, it depresses me because of all the elderly. Who kind of look like old bananas. Why are they called liver spots? Is it because your liver is shutting down or because of some other reason? I guess I’ll never know unless I look it up on the internet. I’m not going to call it googling.
Cars, driving down the highway. How much the highway takes me to places now. Before it was just roads or air travel, but that highway is the key to my happiness. Just driving by the exit is everything. It brings me here and it takes me away when I am done. I love leaving everything and appreciating it more when I return.
lane stanley, the singer from “alice in chains” that died sometimes in 2002 made great music. songs like ‘rooster’, ‘would’, ‘rain when i die’ and ‘godsmack’
we’ve gone into the rare lane to come across.
the one that’s neutral.
the one that’s just there.
the one that hardly anyone can find, and stay on as they head through life.
chin up, lips curved into a fractured smile.
i still wish you were here.
there are different lanes
lanes = paths
paths of life, how you live
lanes of a car
collector, or express?
it’s your choice.
gear your future?
cars polute the air?
lane mane lame game line?
bree bree chicka boom boom chaka!
rraa rrrarararaaa!
(sorry mindblock)
I was walking down the lane. All the leaves on the ground were blowing around my feet. When I looked down there was a shining a object. As I stooped down to pick it up I found to my surprise it was a large diamond.
I looked around and saw something move behind a tree, it was an elf.
Penny Lane, quarter lane, dollar lane. A lane is where something comes or goes. Some go forward, some go back. Take a stroll down memory lane and
smell the roses.
walking down the lane, rhymes with sane and crane. flying away down the lane.
hello, my names lane. Like the parking lane. or cherry tree lane. yeah thats all i got. Blah blah blah blah hahhahaha.
my uncle dions middle name is lane.
how ironic eh?
lane lane lane
lane on the highway, I like to change lanes at random and honk my horn at all the people in my way. The speed limit for me is double what it is for everyone else. I’m a very agressive driver
plain rain i drive on the lane look at the yellow lines and the twinkling little lights so i don’t crash i stay in my lane honking my horn at mean drivers but i avoid conflict so i keep driving and there’s trees
I work in a bowling alley called Cherry Lanes. It had 8 lanes, but now a stage covers the first four. The Lanes hosts bands every weekend and has earned the name “Rock N Bowl.”
the far right lane is the lane i like to be in because i’m not a fast driver. i watch the people in the far right lane and say to myself, “I’ll get there one day”. But for now I’m happy staying in my lane.
one time i was in a car with my dad and two sisters and their was a turtle in the middle of this. it was so weird and i expected my dad to swerve but he got out of the car and picked up the turtle and carried it across the street. he’s so nice (:
I was walking down a lane one day and saw a little boy poking at a worm in a puddle. I went up to him and asked him why he was poking at it. He told me that it wasn’t quite dead yet and that he was trying to rescue it, but his mother was a germaphobe….
My grandmother, my Nana, is a very nervous woman, but very sweet. I remember going to her house as a child, and as we sped down the highway, she would occasionally lean over to my Pawpaw and remind him “Stay in your lane, dearest.”
She’s dying.
sometihing a car drives in with one driver on one side of the yellow line going in opposite directions. the person on the other side of the yellow line is going in the other direction. there are two lanes on a normal road. on highway s there are several lanes
I stay in my lane, but can’t always afford the tolls. I live in the turn lane. I’m indispensable. Would you wave at me if I passed you? no, you probably wouldn’t. That’s alright with me. I don’t need to know you anyways. If i see you on the road then I obviously have somewhere to be already.
Today, I walked down a lane. And it made me realize that I don’t remember the last time I walked down a path with my Mom, talking about nothing in particular, but having the best time of our lives. I can’t remember the last time my Mom and I had a heart-to-heart talk. :[
Lately It Feels Like I Am Walking Down A Dark Lane All Alone , Not Yet Seeing the Light At The End, Only One Thing That Keeps Me Going, She Makes Me Smile When I Dont Even Know I Am. You Know How They Say Some Things Are Worth The Wait , I Finally Relize What They Mean . :)
Lately It Feels Like I Am Walking Down A Dark Lane All Alone , Not Yet Seeing the Light At The End, Only One Thing That Keeps Me Going, She Makes Me Smile When I Dont Even Know I Am. You Know How They Say Some Things Are Worth The Wait , I Finally Relize What They Mean . :)
landing pads and broken spaces. waiting on the ripples to settle across the space. an interior for our tomorrow. floating through the heavens. all angels and the angles waited.
taking the darker, rain-splattered lane instead of the dry and tiresome path she normally took was the bravest thing Beth had done all week. it was especially tragic, then, that her decision resulted in the untimely and unintentional death of a 4th-grader.
it’s thing that you drive down. stay in your own or you will piss alot of other people off.
a lane in a shopping mall, a lane where someone walks around through buildings. Bowling, holding hands, kisses. lanes of flowers. skipping and hopping and love
cars, traffic, i dont plike this word, it reminds me of plain, plane, lame. i dont like these things
road… going down a lane… fall… trees lining the lane with great big branches full of yellow & red leaves…
right lane left lane Lois lane who knows. Steam mill lane …yes that’s it Guernsey that’s where that lane is flowers on the border green grass and bluebells stinking onions i can still smell them, I remember biking for milk on Steam Mill lane. It was always sunny, i guess if it rained I wouldn’t have been biking. So long ago it’s been a lifetime, I saw my first condom on That lane, I was with Pauline Millar.
Fuck my life my mom hates my driving.
Every so often when she’s bitching I have this urge to veer into oncoming traffic, what a rush.
What a thrill. :)
the word is lane. it is purple. the time is running out. again, jeremy is sitting right next to me and having no input whatsoever as to what to write. lane. lane. lane. steele’s middle name is lane. lanes are on the road. and in bowling alleyss.
As I waltzed down the path I paused at the sight and thought, ‘wow, I’ve never seen that before.’
As I came closer I noticed that it was not the path that was not chosen, but the lane that was never there.