
December 15th, 2009 | 268 Entries

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268 Entries for “lantern”

  1. Soft glow, night. I can’t remember the last time anyone used a lantern.

  2. The lantern provided just enough illumination to light the path. The jagged stones pricked her tender feet as she hurried to meet her love.

  3. it was small and fragile, old. It was a family heirloom. the paint was peeling off, and the hinges of the door creaked every time she opened it. But she loved her little lantern.

  4. light my way through the fog as the train comes rushing down the track click clack click clack. The breakman hollers the conductor punches the tickets, the switch is in our favor approaching the station.

  5. Bird-like, the star flickered, visible one moment, sputtering out the next. ‘How am I supposed to follow that?’, I muttered.

  6. The lantern hung on the edge of the fence, and from a distance it appeared as though it were a star that had carelessly fallen from the sky, and haphazardly landed on a stick. Jim found himself staring at it, looking–highway hypnotized–at the place he’d be spending the next six weeks. Nothing could be worse…or better.

  7. there is a latern burning in the corner, a dim eerie kind of light. It makes you wonder if anyone ever lived in this house, ever loved in it. As you watch it burn you know it has seen many things, many nights, many days, but it will never tell

  8. in the room there was a lntern, it was in a corner and lit up a part of the room including a desk where a boy was writing.

  9. During mid-autumn festival, many people would carry lanterns out to play. I used to do that, but now that I’ve kinda grown up, I don’t really do that anymore. But it does get nostalgic, seeing children holding their bright lanterns and running around.

  10. It was like they’d never known two like beings could exist. They stared at me with confusion, trying to figure out how it was that I could walk and talk the way I did. What makes her go? They stared at my lantern with a sense of awe, wondering how such a thing was made. How is it possible for something besides fire to light up? I glanced at them and they looked away, shy and embarrassed. I stopped walking and they all stopped with me. Kneeling down next to one of them I handed him the lantern. His eyes widened. I began to walk again, and so did they. This time they all focused on the one with the lantern, following him and begging for a turn to hold the extraordinary creature. He held on to it tight and walked on proudly. Knowing full well that he would never be able to understand why it lights up, or why I am.

  11. The green lantern is a pretty crappy superhero in my opinion, as his powers stem not from any intrinsic good qualities, but rather a magic ring.

    Tim the Enchanter
  12. I just realized that this may be the last Christmas I’ll ever spend with the whole family. That’s sad.

  13. i am don t go

  14. i held the lantern up higher as i scanned the dark greenhouse. the glass ceiling, stretching away into the distance, let the light of a few stars through, but the clouds covered nearly everything else. i could hear the dripping of ferns and plants onto the floor, creating puddles of water, waiting for me to slip in.

  15. I took a picture of the bird sleeping, it took hours to track and set up, but Bradley blundered in with the lantern and scared it half to death. Why does he do that? Ruin the moment. I should consider de-friending him completely.

  16. a light a lamp in the dark
    shining above and beyond
    O HOly See
    there’s everything

    We are one
    and what is is
    and nothing also

    I am not
    I will never be
    I have not
    I will never Have

    I am
    but I am not
    but God is with me

  17. get home yes on the to come before night after then beause day then tomorrow yes not

  18. belong to same period

  19. the lantern shows the illusion from the reality. It lightens the dimness of our minds and reaches far into the crevasses of our memories and brings the “monsters” out from their hiding.

  20. holding through the night
    bringing warmth
    through the sight

  21. lantern oh you are so lit the aire so light your little wings they beat they beat they fill this latern with night light bugs and this latern shows the path that we walk up in old leather boots at night we need the latern to see what it is infront of us at night we keep the latern lit

  22. lights up the night sky for everyone to see. allows family and friends to gather around at night. allowing people to see the smore table at the yearly bonfire. zaps and kills bugs. super hero, that green lantern.

  23. the paper lantern casts a pretty little shadow everytime the ceiling light is on..a gray blurry heart in the corner of one side of the room. It’s the little reminder…of what we all deserve. We don’t need it to be happy, but it sure is a good source of some happiness.

  24. a becon of hope on a lighthouse, our lighthouse.
    something i’ll never get to live in.
    because of you..

  25. meet me in the pines. old and forgiving and a dozen more cliches. the trees listen. lanterns glisten, or maybe they just shine. running through, trees and dirt and branches and needles and cones and grass tears at my knees. meet me there. my lantern shines for you.

    is an anagram of

    is an anagram of

  28. there was a lantern that i used to see very far up a hill and like a beacon I was drawn to that little lantern with it struggling flame so far away yet I felt it’s warmth and saw it’s light and i dreamed i could become that lantern if i wanted to.

    Larry B
  29. He holds the latern next to his chest, standing in the middle of the dark forest. The light seems to form a halo around him, a small illuminated circle that stands out sharply in the eternal darkness.

  30. Lanterns are very useful in seeing in the dark, as well as celebrating Halloween. I don’t really know much about lanterns.

  31. He was an artist, not a damned astronaut!

    …But there was something beautiful, something charming about the vast reaches of space: the stars, twinkling so far away but so much closer than from where he’d lay on his lawn; the galaxies spiraling endlessly in colors he’d never imagined even from behind a palette of paint.

    Kyle decided. Outer space was beautiful.

  32. The glow of the lantern was not enough to shield me from his angry gaze. It merely distorted it and made it even harder to hide behind the taller girl in front of me.

  33. I see the light puttering at the sight of a struggling fly knocking relentlessly at the orb in its infinite life

  34. my mother is a lantern. she shines most of the time, but sometimes she runs out of light, and is like a muted, veiled lamp in the murky dark. then sometimes she shines so brightly we cannot help but follow her, and she leads us to victory and showers us with love. when she shines so, the whole world is lit up.

  35. Bright shiny in the midst of caves. Hope. Exploration. Adventure. Traveling through the unkown. Give me my destiny.

  36. bright gleaming
    yet can be gone in an instant.
    crushed like a dream
    a small child
    love of disney land
    put out

  37. we were walking away from the campfire. it was early about six thirty. Tanner looked worried like he knew this was a bad idea. I tried to console him. “Don’t worry we’ll be fine.” He looked at his feet as we continued to walk the silence was killing me so i began to talk about everything and nothing.

  38. The lantern guides me
    Casting a glow over the shadows
    But it sputters
    Goes out
    I am alone.

    I need your help
    You must understand
    I am different
    I am afraid
    You must accept.

    You were my lantern
    Now I have more
    But they are dim
    In comparison to you
    You guide me better.

    We used to be one
    And now
    There is one
    But it isn’t you
    Or us.

    Please tell me you understand
    Please tell me you know
    And care
    I can’t stand to think you won’t accept me
    As I am.

    I fear losing you
    I fear rejection from you
    I fear losing them
    I don’t want to be alone

  39. Green lantern was supposed to be filmed in Australia but alas, it is not happening anymore! It totally sucks ass too because I would have got to hang out with Seth Rogen, who is fucking hilarious. Ah well. Superbad is pretty much the funniest film ever!!

  40. it lit up the doorway, an yellowish-orange light. her face looked divine- her feminine features accentuated by the light..i wished it would go on like this forever, but, it was not to be. MY HARD LUCK.
