The lantern glowed brightly against the dark night. Bobbing along on the side of the carriage, it was the only thing visible for miles. Jack huddled in his blankets atop the coachman’s seat, squeezing his fingers around the reins as to keep them from going numb.
It was dark black. Pitch, almost. Like oil. Exceot for one thing. One element that shone through the darkness like a pinhole in a camera. His lantern.
i shot out a lantern playing airsoft yesterday, my friend aim-botz w/ his dpms panther
this is the light that flickers and leads you by the collar. this is the tube that holds your future, reading the space in front of you and painting you a picture of your next steps.
The laterns were hung above her head. They reminded her of the new years eve party they always had.
The many lantern here in Manila suggests that Christmas is coming.
So many wonderful colors and all brightly lit ready for Christmas day!
There are lanterns on the tables at Cracker Barrel. I like going there in the evenings because they are lit and it gives the restaurant even more of an country, old timey feel. I could go for some pancakes from their right now, but I’ll settle for McDonald’s hasbrowns
What lit up my wedding night- will always remind me of romance, true live and my soul mate…
The light on the shore is the only thing I can see and so it is what I aim for. I row against the incredible current of adversity, of cruelty, of loss, and I reach with my soul towards that lantern’s light. It’s my only hope of salvation.
lighting the way
out in front of me
guiding me through this..
thank you lantern
a glass container that contains a lightbulb that glows at night for people to see to help them work at night. It is a source of light. The pioneers used it.
lantern in a dark setting, offers just a dimmed illumination of the place, i look into his eyes, yet i’m not sure if this is real or just a dream. it’s so pleasant yet is this really a reality
She held the lantern up high, where it’s light made her face glow sweetly. “I’ve waited for you,” she said softly, approaching him. She smiled.
The Green Lantern was one of my favorite comics when I was a boy. I can still recite his declaration of purpose by heart, which for some reason is strangely comforting.
joey valentino
I had a lantern once, well my parents did. Isn’t it amazing how no one uses actual “lanterns” anymore? We have other things to fill our time such as light switches! Technology is amazing in our lifetime alone things have changed so much.
The lantern swung wildly in the fierce wind. She held tightly to it to keep it steady and sheilded it from blowing out. Her skirt stung her legs as it whipped round them.
a light to drive away darkness, it can be mounted or carried in hand, fueled by oil, electricity etc.magic lantern in stories.
pavalamani pragasam
I hope it helps get me out of here.
The lantern outside flickered as flies hit it and burned in an electrifying blue.
try again
The heron rose up from under the railroad trestle bridge, it’s huge wings unfolding as it climbed effortlessly into the evening sky. In the distance, tiny lantern lights dotted the horizon, like an ancient airstrip showing the way.
The blue lantern dangled across the wooden walk and clattered against the hung shingles of the hamanachi walk. Pale light illuminated the elegent and polite revelers…
The lantern hung ominously on the porch as the setting sun crept down blood red casting a pall over the farmstead. It wasn’t long before he showed up.
green latern… to be continued
Don’t look at it. Don’t look at it. I keep reminding myself. The dwarf told me not to look at the lantern.
But it’s so hard.
The light draws me to it.
I look.
And it takes.
A quick flash and there i am again. Back where i started.
A lantern lights the way.
Old fashioned.
Swinging there at the end of the dimly lit corridor.
On a ship.
In a cave.
Do we lead the lantern? Or does the lantern lead us?
Lantern is lighting the dark corner of the room. But still some corners are not lighted as they lay in a curve. BUt their is a reflection which helps the corner to se the glimpse of the light. Like moon reflects
Fireflies circling around a lit lantern on a warm starry summer night when anything and everything is possible. The moon is full and so bright you see the colors of the garden flowers in the dark.
see. night. light. shine. heart full. love. light. guiding. path. show me the way.
He held the light above his head. The path out in front was more necessary than the immediate steps ahead of him. Should he stumble, fine. He wished to see where he was going. Not where he was.
The jack-o-lantern is a special kind or lantern used by goblins aka salesmen, candy beggars, and geezers to illuminate their paths. I have always loved it and make sure to have my walk covered with them to allow easy access to my door.
A light in the help you see.
Glowing bright, Camping at night.
I beacon of hope on the sea…to the shore and home to me.
what am I doing?
The lantern light cast spooky shadows on the wall. And its history was spookier still. It was a haunted lantern. Yes, you heard it right.
The lantern light cast spooky shadows on the wall. And its history was spookier still. It was a haunted lantern. Yes, you heard it right.
Bright and shining
a beacon of light
filling your soul with hope
piercing the darkness
It’s a dark night and there’s an old gas lantern to show you the way home. At night, the old man must walk to each lantern to light it, and provided it doesn’t run out of fuel during the night, he will have to return in the morning to put out the light. So he brings light, and takes it away, just like any other man.
The lantern glowed brightly against the dark night. Bobbing along on the side of the carriage, it was the only thing visible for miles. Jack huddled in his blankets atop the coachman’s seat, squeezing his fingers around the reins as to keep them from going numb.
It was dark black. Pitch, almost. Like oil. Exceot for one thing. One element that shone through the darkness like a pinhole in a camera. His lantern.
i shot out a lantern playing airsoft yesterday, my friend aim-botz w/ his dpms panther
this is the light that flickers and leads you by the collar. this is the tube that holds your future, reading the space in front of you and painting you a picture of your next steps.
The laterns were hung above her head. They reminded her of the new years eve party they always had.
The many lantern here in Manila suggests that Christmas is coming.
So many wonderful colors and all brightly lit ready for Christmas day!
There are lanterns on the tables at Cracker Barrel. I like going there in the evenings because they are lit and it gives the restaurant even more of an country, old timey feel. I could go for some pancakes from their right now, but I’ll settle for McDonald’s hasbrowns
What lit up my wedding night- will always remind me of romance, true live and my soul mate…
The light on the shore is the only thing I can see and so it is what I aim for. I row against the incredible current of adversity, of cruelty, of loss, and I reach with my soul towards that lantern’s light. It’s my only hope of salvation.
lighting the way
out in front of me
guiding me through this..
thank you lantern
a glass container that contains a lightbulb that glows at night for people to see to help them work at night. It is a source of light. The pioneers used it.
lantern in a dark setting, offers just a dimmed illumination of the place, i look into his eyes, yet i’m not sure if this is real or just a dream. it’s so pleasant yet is this really a reality
She held the lantern up high, where it’s light made her face glow sweetly. “I’ve waited for you,” she said softly, approaching him. She smiled.
The Green Lantern was one of my favorite comics when I was a boy. I can still recite his declaration of purpose by heart, which for some reason is strangely comforting.
I had a lantern once, well my parents did. Isn’t it amazing how no one uses actual “lanterns” anymore? We have other things to fill our time such as light switches! Technology is amazing in our lifetime alone things have changed so much.
The lantern swung wildly in the fierce wind. She held tightly to it to keep it steady and sheilded it from blowing out. Her skirt stung her legs as it whipped round them.
a light to drive away darkness, it can be mounted or carried in hand, fueled by oil, electricity etc.magic lantern in stories.
I hope it helps get me out of here.
The lantern outside flickered as flies hit it and burned in an electrifying blue.
The heron rose up from under the railroad trestle bridge, it’s huge wings unfolding as it climbed effortlessly into the evening sky. In the distance, tiny lantern lights dotted the horizon, like an ancient airstrip showing the way.
The blue lantern dangled across the wooden walk and clattered against the hung shingles of the hamanachi walk. Pale light illuminated the elegent and polite revelers…
The lantern hung ominously on the porch as the setting sun crept down blood red casting a pall over the farmstead. It wasn’t long before he showed up.
green latern… to be continued
Don’t look at it. Don’t look at it. I keep reminding myself. The dwarf told me not to look at the lantern.
But it’s so hard.
The light draws me to it.
I look.
And it takes.
A quick flash and there i am again. Back where i started.
A lantern lights the way.
Old fashioned.
Swinging there at the end of the dimly lit corridor.
On a ship.
In a cave.
Do we lead the lantern? Or does the lantern lead us?
Lantern is lighting the dark corner of the room. But still some corners are not lighted as they lay in a curve. BUt their is a reflection which helps the corner to se the glimpse of the light. Like moon reflects
Fireflies circling around a lit lantern on a warm starry summer night when anything and everything is possible. The moon is full and so bright you see the colors of the garden flowers in the dark.
see. night. light. shine. heart full. love. light. guiding. path. show me the way.
He held the light above his head. The path out in front was more necessary than the immediate steps ahead of him. Should he stumble, fine. He wished to see where he was going. Not where he was.
The jack-o-lantern is a special kind or lantern used by goblins aka salesmen, candy beggars, and geezers to illuminate their paths. I have always loved it and make sure to have my walk covered with them to allow easy access to my door.
A light in the help you see.
Glowing bright, Camping at night.
I beacon of hope on the sea…to the shore and home to me.
what am I doing?
The lantern light cast spooky shadows on the wall. And its history was spookier still. It was a haunted lantern. Yes, you heard it right.
The lantern light cast spooky shadows on the wall. And its history was spookier still. It was a haunted lantern. Yes, you heard it right.
Bright and shining
a beacon of light
filling your soul with hope
piercing the darkness
It’s a dark night and there’s an old gas lantern to show you the way home. At night, the old man must walk to each lantern to light it, and provided it doesn’t run out of fuel during the night, he will have to return in the morning to put out the light. So he brings light, and takes it away, just like any other man.
bright light, yellow warm, camping, tent, sleeping bag, raining, miserable, fun, family, marshmalows, campfire.
Lantern light from deeper throwing lurching shadows, sharply spoken, you must have seen the face the fear the frost.