the lantern in its place above the creek was shining brightly over the people of the town. glass windows with a candle.
I’ve never even held a lantern before. It’s because I’m a 21st century bullshit overprivileged apathetic teenage consumer. Sad.. really.
Lanterns remind me of the tours is Mystic Seaport. When I would spend christmas playing a townperson in 1876. It was the best and most fun I have has this time of year.
Melampus sat in his yard. It was dusk, when the creatures of the day were, one by one, dropping off to sleep and the creatures of the night began to become active. Melampus listened.
A light! Ow…A light! Ow…A light! Ow…
Melampus smiled. That could only be a moth, hitting itself into one of the lanterns hung outside his home.
A lantern lights the way in the dark when you’re camping or need to go to the bathroom. A lantern is nice when the electricity goes off on a cold winter or stormy night.
A devise to illuminate the night, allowing people to be able to find there way in the darkness. Usually lit up by fire, though sometimes by battery or electricity
It was dark and the only light in the place was an old green, electric lantern. It was not a beautiful thing but it got the job done. It illuminated the old house barely but made it seem all the more rustic. The walls were bare wood and the floor was the same.
Ma and Pa sat on the porch snogging by the light of the moon. Smooch! They heard tiptoing around the house. They stopped midkiss and went inside. There were no resources of light about except for the moon’s faint glow. Blam! Pa and Laura collided. The unlit latern hit the floor. Laura snatched at it,
Lanterns are thought of as just a light source. Just something you bring along with you when you go camping. But are they more than just a light source?
It glows in the darkness of the night and kills the darkness in its suffocating coming. An old man carries it with heavy hands, the light falling on his face in a twist of fate and twilights dark hands. He is a wanderer and the lantern is his guide as he falls deeper and deeper into the clutches.
Laura crept down the stairs, latern in hand. She peeked into Ma and Pa’s room. They weren’t there! Were they kidnapped, Laura thought. She blew out the latern and snuck around the house looking for clues of their capture by the moonlight.
Hung in the night sky with moths circling. It was still too dark to unclasp her bra.
There is a lantern sitting upon my desk, as I write a letter to a far away woman. I dream of her at night. I breathe her name while awake. There is nothing more that I want. The world is her. She is my world. She doesn’t know I exist.
i flipped the switch and the light of the latern filled the room. a light, incredible for reading, terrible for a migraine, my lucky day.
The lantern hung from the hook above the barn and let out a faint light in the darkest of dark. Snow began falling from the dark night sky, and Samantha smiled to herself. The glistening snowflakes reminded her of times gone by, when life was simpler. Of times when family mattered more than possessions.
Today my students played a game called “Last Word.” The category was Things People Use During the Summer that start with the letter L.
One of them said Lantern.
Another category was Types of trees that start with P.
A student said “POTATO.”
I’ve begun to feel my internal lantern fade. It keeps growing dimmer and dimmer with the second. It keeps flickering in the invisible torrents of wind. The fire dances, rattling the glass. It wants out of its shell.
My Soul
A latern is something that helps you see in the dark, it lights the way. It can be used at halloween and other different occasions such as outdoor parties. You can now get laterns that can float up into the air which is pretty good! Laterns used to be oil fueled but now that we have electricity they are not used as much.
A beam of light in the night’s sky. Making way for the walking toddlers as they cross the field to Grandma’s house. What, say you, are they doing out in the dark? It’s noon, we live in the far north!
A lantern is like a light or a lamp , its something id associate with christmas or a far off country as no one uses these near where i live or in my family history
Lanterns….lanterns float. Like ghosts, really, only it’s usually over water or something and not, like, in your house. Ghosts are creepy;lanterns…well, they’re creepy too, but less so than ghosts I guess. I don’t know…
The lantern made the room glow that yellowy orange light that lived inside the lantern.
A lantern is a thing that gives light. Some lanterns run on batteries, but they use to hold oil and a wick. We use a lantern when we go camping. We put it in our tent.
camping in british columbia under a tarp too wet to start a fire becaus the rain wont stop. purple monkey dish washer
that book my mom used to read about the man that whose job it was to go around a light the lanterns at night..seemed like such an important job
i want you to
light my way
back into sanity.
be my lantern,
be my light
light, sun,
warm me till
i’m whole again,
save me from my
emptiness. help
me crawl back
out of my
save me from my
when i catch glow worms, i find a cave to work into a different world. and then i can explore. there will be so many worlds, and maybe i can finally cross the border, go beyond the liminal space, enter someplace tangible. there will be no more invisible arrow pulling me in front of a bus. i am not a dead lover; i am alive i am doing work, moving forward.
late at night i lit the slow fire, my words falling short of the weight that sat in my chest. steep, the lingering of day, the slow light that came at me as the oil burned, waning.
The lantern was shining dimly in the street. She avoided looking directly at it, would rather not know the source of the only light in her life. As it flickered she move slower and slower, embracing the darkness.
it was dim besides the single lantern.
Golden drips from its frame
Honey light that warms and fills
An opposer to the modern florescents.
It’s Christmas time in the city! People frolic, people jump around for joy. They have faces so sublime, and pragmatic, and melancholic, yet exuberant at the same time.
It’s that time of the year again. Cities are bathed with light. Decorated with the Christmas trees. Accentuated by lanterns of color made from liquid shades.
I saw the lantern glowing and it was beautiful. it was cold, and moist and damp and dewy and I wanted so badly to be back home, to be warm like the lantern. I saw the bag he dragged in with him..thumping at each step as he inched his way closer towards me.
green superhero lights the way to life space time. DC woods run away from Jason vorhees. Hero and enemy. fire or electric. camping.
Could you possibly light my way? I was lost in the dark and saw a swinging lantern hanging from your arm. May I swing from it too?
I am lost and cannot find my way around. Will you be my guide? Will you be mine?
No? Well then thank you for the time.
light streaming down in the pouring rain. my umbrella hits the ground as you relentlessly kiss my soft lips. the light flickers and suddenly goes dim. we are standing in the dark, yet its so peaceful.
latern makes me think of Colonial times. Williamsburg, VA where people still dress up in that time period. I have always wanted to learn how to make candles…. maybe I can take a class on it….
He held the lantern high, to light the room better. Shadows ran in every direction, spreading out across the floor. There was nothing left here, nothing more than a few screws and some broken glass. They had taken everything. But it meant so little now, in light of things, that it almost seemed silly to even look in that room. It was all gone. Forever.
the lantern in its place above the creek was shining brightly over the people of the town. glass windows with a candle.
I’ve never even held a lantern before. It’s because I’m a 21st century bullshit overprivileged apathetic teenage consumer. Sad.. really.
Lanterns remind me of the tours is Mystic Seaport. When I would spend christmas playing a townperson in 1876. It was the best and most fun I have has this time of year.
Melampus sat in his yard. It was dusk, when the creatures of the day were, one by one, dropping off to sleep and the creatures of the night began to become active. Melampus listened.
A light! Ow…A light! Ow…A light! Ow…
Melampus smiled. That could only be a moth, hitting itself into one of the lanterns hung outside his home.
A lantern lights the way in the dark when you’re camping or need to go to the bathroom. A lantern is nice when the electricity goes off on a cold winter or stormy night.
A devise to illuminate the night, allowing people to be able to find there way in the darkness. Usually lit up by fire, though sometimes by battery or electricity
It was dark and the only light in the place was an old green, electric lantern. It was not a beautiful thing but it got the job done. It illuminated the old house barely but made it seem all the more rustic. The walls were bare wood and the floor was the same.
Ma and Pa sat on the porch snogging by the light of the moon. Smooch! They heard tiptoing around the house. They stopped midkiss and went inside. There were no resources of light about except for the moon’s faint glow. Blam! Pa and Laura collided. The unlit latern hit the floor. Laura snatched at it,
Lanterns are thought of as just a light source. Just something you bring along with you when you go camping. But are they more than just a light source?
It glows in the darkness of the night and kills the darkness in its suffocating coming. An old man carries it with heavy hands, the light falling on his face in a twist of fate and twilights dark hands. He is a wanderer and the lantern is his guide as he falls deeper and deeper into the clutches.
Laura crept down the stairs, latern in hand. She peeked into Ma and Pa’s room. They weren’t there! Were they kidnapped, Laura thought. She blew out the latern and snuck around the house looking for clues of their capture by the moonlight.
Hung in the night sky with moths circling. It was still too dark to unclasp her bra.
There is a lantern sitting upon my desk, as I write a letter to a far away woman. I dream of her at night. I breathe her name while awake. There is nothing more that I want. The world is her. She is my world. She doesn’t know I exist.
i flipped the switch and the light of the latern filled the room. a light, incredible for reading, terrible for a migraine, my lucky day.
The lantern hung from the hook above the barn and let out a faint light in the darkest of dark. Snow began falling from the dark night sky, and Samantha smiled to herself. The glistening snowflakes reminded her of times gone by, when life was simpler. Of times when family mattered more than possessions.
Today my students played a game called “Last Word.” The category was Things People Use During the Summer that start with the letter L.
One of them said Lantern.
Another category was Types of trees that start with P.
A student said “POTATO.”
I’ve begun to feel my internal lantern fade. It keeps growing dimmer and dimmer with the second. It keeps flickering in the invisible torrents of wind. The fire dances, rattling the glass. It wants out of its shell.
A latern is something that helps you see in the dark, it lights the way. It can be used at halloween and other different occasions such as outdoor parties. You can now get laterns that can float up into the air which is pretty good! Laterns used to be oil fueled but now that we have electricity they are not used as much.
A beam of light in the night’s sky. Making way for the walking toddlers as they cross the field to Grandma’s house. What, say you, are they doing out in the dark? It’s noon, we live in the far north!
A lantern is like a light or a lamp , its something id associate with christmas or a far off country as no one uses these near where i live or in my family history
Lanterns….lanterns float. Like ghosts, really, only it’s usually over water or something and not, like, in your house. Ghosts are creepy;lanterns…well, they’re creepy too, but less so than ghosts I guess. I don’t know…
The lantern made the room glow that yellowy orange light that lived inside the lantern.
A lantern is a thing that gives light. Some lanterns run on batteries, but they use to hold oil and a wick. We use a lantern when we go camping. We put it in our tent.
camping in british columbia under a tarp too wet to start a fire becaus the rain wont stop. purple monkey dish washer
that book my mom used to read about the man that whose job it was to go around a light the lanterns at night..seemed like such an important job
i want you to
light my way
back into sanity.
be my lantern,
be my light
light, sun,
warm me till
i’m whole again,
save me from my
emptiness. help
me crawl back
out of my
save me from my
when i catch glow worms, i find a cave to work into a different world. and then i can explore. there will be so many worlds, and maybe i can finally cross the border, go beyond the liminal space, enter someplace tangible. there will be no more invisible arrow pulling me in front of a bus. i am not a dead lover; i am alive i am doing work, moving forward.
late at night i lit the slow fire, my words falling short of the weight that sat in my chest. steep, the lingering of day, the slow light that came at me as the oil burned, waning.
The lantern was shining dimly in the street. She avoided looking directly at it, would rather not know the source of the only light in her life. As it flickered she move slower and slower, embracing the darkness.
it was dim besides the single lantern.
Golden drips from its frame
Honey light that warms and fills
An opposer to the modern florescents.
It’s Christmas time in the city! People frolic, people jump around for joy. They have faces so sublime, and pragmatic, and melancholic, yet exuberant at the same time.
It’s that time of the year again. Cities are bathed with light. Decorated with the Christmas trees. Accentuated by lanterns of color made from liquid shades.
I saw the lantern glowing and it was beautiful. it was cold, and moist and damp and dewy and I wanted so badly to be back home, to be warm like the lantern. I saw the bag he dragged in with him..thumping at each step as he inched his way closer towards me.
green superhero lights the way to life space time. DC woods run away from Jason vorhees. Hero and enemy. fire or electric. camping.
Could you possibly light my way? I was lost in the dark and saw a swinging lantern hanging from your arm. May I swing from it too?
I am lost and cannot find my way around. Will you be my guide? Will you be mine?
No? Well then thank you for the time.
light streaming down in the pouring rain. my umbrella hits the ground as you relentlessly kiss my soft lips. the light flickers and suddenly goes dim. we are standing in the dark, yet its so peaceful.
latern makes me think of Colonial times. Williamsburg, VA where people still dress up in that time period. I have always wanted to learn how to make candles…. maybe I can take a class on it….
He held the lantern high, to light the room better. Shadows ran in every direction, spreading out across the floor. There was nothing left here, nothing more than a few screws and some broken glass. They had taken everything. But it meant so little now, in light of things, that it almost seemed silly to even look in that room. It was all gone. Forever.