hmm, a lantern is something you take with you when you go camping to provide light in the darkness. light in the darkness. and lantern is like hope i guess. like most sources of light. light represents hope in itself. in death and in life, light is definitely a good good thing. follow the light and you’ll be alright. haha, that rhymed!
I carried the lantern to the outhouse because I thought I heard a cat shut inside. When I looked down the wooden hole, there was a tiny human baby covered with blood.
I’m putting out the latern, find your own way back home. Once your father has heard of all the wrong you’ve done, you’ll be a little less than dead to me and the rest of the world. Could you dig your grave a little deeper? Then again, I cut off your only source of light so maybe you can’t understand that you’re deeper than this.
A lantern is bright when you need it to be, and it’s dark when you don’t need it to be. I’m not sure what else to say about it, because, you know, it’s a lantern and It’s just one of the most basic everyday objects. Or, it would be if you lived in the 1800’s.
dark night, music playing, threading through the dimness. A kimono flashes, reflections of light ripple in the water below the bridge as she carried the lantern in front of her, hurrying inside before
lanterns bring to mind peace. beauty. i love the fiant glow they emit late at night. you can see the dut, the bugs, everything in the air so clearly. it’s great. if i could, i’d light the area all around my house with lanterns
steve wilson
I have a lantern in my basement. I won it when I was working at the Red Cross. They drew my name out of a box. I’ve never taken it out of it’s pacakaging. Nor have I bought batteries for it. I don’t camp. my idea of camping is in a hotel. I should get batteries for it in case the power goes out. that never happens though and we have candles. at least I think we have candles. I’ll have to check on that.
they wandered down the street, quiet footsteps in the night, down to the river, the dull light of Mr Quinn’s half-covered lantern rippling across the cobbles and brick walls
I miss the fireflies dancing like lanterns in the midnight sky. Being able to see your beath, to remind you that you’re not dead yet. Holding your hand, wearing your sweatshirt. Life if perfect and it’s because of you.
Hold me.
Kiss Me.
Love me.
The light that guides the way. I’m still looking for my lantern, the person that will help me even in the dark. When I am lost, will you warm me with your glow and show me the way? I may fumble, but with my flickering lantern, maybe I’ll make it out. Thank you. My guide.
The Grey Hatter
the soft light shone through the gaps in the fence as his face came into a close focus. I looked up at it, eyes wide and heart pounding as I saw his fingers lace through the gate. Again I had that feeling of not being able to hold on, and I was tempted to reach out but instead looked towards my toes, nervous as always.
olivia lee
there was a lantern when paul revere rode like lightening to warn the American’s about the British. This story was probably not true, but it went down in folk lore as representative of the American spirit of Independence and perseverence in a way that no other universal story truly captures.
Holding the lantern high, I scrunched up my face, squniting through the muted luminosity of the flickering light. The walls were narrow, seeming to close in on me as i shuffled my way along.
Neon Love Chicken
a lantern is a being that will shine in your face and fuck you in the butt. word.
Hagen McMenemy
The lantern shined luminously as the widowed woman stood under so solemnly. Her stature resembled a crooked tree swaying in a microburst. Twenty times before she had tried, but this inevetiable doom lingered in her aroura.
The lantern bobbed in the distance, and I followed it. It appeared to be swaying from side to side, and to be…walking. A walking lantern! As soon as I thought this, it stopped mid-sway. I aproched and realized that the lantern was on a foot!
Liam Pine
light spilling,
filling the void
i shrink away from
your latern
the light burns my
skin, hurts my soul
i scream
trying to push away
the poison radiating
from the flames
but the sound draws it in faster
& i suffocate
on electromagnetic radiation
The lantern swung ominously in the wind. Someone else was here, I could sense their eyes on me. I stood perfectly still, trying to think of the best move to make. Then I saw the shadow cross the lantern light….
lantern. Laterne? laterne, Laterne, Sonne Mond und Sterne, gehe auf mein Licht, gehe auf mein Licht aber nur meine liebe Laterne nicht. Kann man eine laterne lieben? Ich habe sie geliebt. Aus buntem, lichtdurchl
She held the latern as they wondered into the room. This was the begining when everything was new and fresh. I’m going to marry him that’s all she thought. Now everything is different everything has changed. She’s just not the same anymore. It’s just not what it was…
I saw the lantern dangling outside the tavern — providing a weak source of light in these dark times. I entered and sat at the bar, ordering a pint. The bartender, a scruffy fellow of about 35 years, poured the beer and asked, “Why the long face?”
We all use beacons in our lives … icons, chimera, distant lights to set our sights on and aim for. The directions we choose in life are as much the result of our experience as the resonance with our very natures; we are attracted to what we are, what we value, what is familiar from the past; and, sometimes, we are attracted to what we are not. The lights of the unfamiliar are sometimes as attractive to us as the lanterns of the known.
fuck balls i tried to start writing about a lantern, but i accidentally started writing it in the name box.
anyways. screw that. lanterns are delightful, especially when lighting a cottage garden. wonderful.
I wish i had a lantern to guide me through the fog. I rely on my senses now to try to get me through these confusing times. I hear bells and singing and try to find my way toward the happiness they promise. My eyes, my ears, my heart. Only they can lead me forward now…
lauryn rose
small lighthouse.
Lantern – light my way.. Shed light on the truth. keep me on the path. don’t put it under a bushel baske. Who lights the lantern.
A lantern brings light to people at difficult times. To show the way, the lighten a path, to get rid of darkness. Lanterns to me are optimistic tools because they take away any bad by showing what is truly there.
lanterns are a great source of light. actually, i’d think of jack-o-lanterns before anything else. i’ve always wanted to make one since i was younger, but never really got the chance. all the faces you could make, all the cool designs you see other people make.. ah, brings back memories of going out trick-or-treating and seeing them on people’s doorsteps.
cat calnan
Light is so important to all of us. It is the topic and discussion of scholars and the ignorant alike. With light, we can see. Without it we are the lost and scared. Light is also used to represent objects or ideas. As a Christian, Christ is the light of my world.
the latern in my life
leads me to you
starting in your eyes
when I looked into them
I found the surprise of my life
a love for all time
be at peace
i need u like u need me
The Green Lantern, possibly the coolest superhero out there. I mean, that ring of his is really powerful, and the extent of it’s powers? It can do anything his imagination wants it to, and it’s power is only limited by the need to recharge it.
the lantern hung there illuminating everything but the truth about him. So hidden yet so obvious it bothered me. I wanted to take it and shine it in his face. Scream for an answer, that’s what the lantern represented: enlightenment.
fuck it i said as i lit the lantern
hold the lantern up in front of your face. it sheds a light that reaches into another place, another realm that i can see. but there’s something in your purple eyes, something wrong with them. you can see past all of this. the lantern is your light. it shines for you. it illuminates a world only you can see. bring me with you.
By the bed.
By the fire.
The lantern was so high that I could barely see it. It floated in the air wondering whether to keep going or stay in place. I even wondered to follow it and then it began to move so I did.
I went and then began to run since it moved with such speed as the light illuminated itself. I finally did and then found him waiting for me.
Oh, look. Here comes a big flashlight. Very intventive, Emerald Crusader. I swear, this guy’s got the imagination of a goddamn potato. I’ve seen more intelligent hockey pucks.
darkness envelopes the surrounding air. there’s nowhere else for me to turn. i can’t find where the trail ends and it’s times like these when i wish i had a lantern.
hmm, a lantern is something you take with you when you go camping to provide light in the darkness. light in the darkness. and lantern is like hope i guess. like most sources of light. light represents hope in itself. in death and in life, light is definitely a good good thing. follow the light and you’ll be alright. haha, that rhymed!
I carried the lantern to the outhouse because I thought I heard a cat shut inside. When I looked down the wooden hole, there was a tiny human baby covered with blood.
I’m putting out the latern, find your own way back home. Once your father has heard of all the wrong you’ve done, you’ll be a little less than dead to me and the rest of the world. Could you dig your grave a little deeper? Then again, I cut off your only source of light so maybe you can’t understand that you’re deeper than this.
A lantern is bright when you need it to be, and it’s dark when you don’t need it to be. I’m not sure what else to say about it, because, you know, it’s a lantern and It’s just one of the most basic everyday objects. Or, it would be if you lived in the 1800’s.
dark night, music playing, threading through the dimness. A kimono flashes, reflections of light ripple in the water below the bridge as she carried the lantern in front of her, hurrying inside before
lanterns bring to mind peace. beauty. i love the fiant glow they emit late at night. you can see the dut, the bugs, everything in the air so clearly. it’s great. if i could, i’d light the area all around my house with lanterns
I have a lantern in my basement. I won it when I was working at the Red Cross. They drew my name out of a box. I’ve never taken it out of it’s pacakaging. Nor have I bought batteries for it. I don’t camp. my idea of camping is in a hotel. I should get batteries for it in case the power goes out. that never happens though and we have candles. at least I think we have candles. I’ll have to check on that.
they wandered down the street, quiet footsteps in the night, down to the river, the dull light of Mr Quinn’s half-covered lantern rippling across the cobbles and brick walls
I miss the fireflies dancing like lanterns in the midnight sky. Being able to see your beath, to remind you that you’re not dead yet. Holding your hand, wearing your sweatshirt. Life if perfect and it’s because of you.
Hold me.
Kiss Me.
Love me.
The light that guides the way. I’m still looking for my lantern, the person that will help me even in the dark. When I am lost, will you warm me with your glow and show me the way? I may fumble, but with my flickering lantern, maybe I’ll make it out. Thank you. My guide.
the soft light shone through the gaps in the fence as his face came into a close focus. I looked up at it, eyes wide and heart pounding as I saw his fingers lace through the gate. Again I had that feeling of not being able to hold on, and I was tempted to reach out but instead looked towards my toes, nervous as always.
there was a lantern when paul revere rode like lightening to warn the American’s about the British. This story was probably not true, but it went down in folk lore as representative of the American spirit of Independence and perseverence in a way that no other universal story truly captures.
Holding the lantern high, I scrunched up my face, squniting through the muted luminosity of the flickering light. The walls were narrow, seeming to close in on me as i shuffled my way along.
a lantern is a being that will shine in your face and fuck you in the butt. word.
The lantern shined luminously as the widowed woman stood under so solemnly. Her stature resembled a crooked tree swaying in a microburst. Twenty times before she had tried, but this inevetiable doom lingered in her aroura.
The lantern bobbed in the distance, and I followed it. It appeared to be swaying from side to side, and to be…walking. A walking lantern! As soon as I thought this, it stopped mid-sway. I aproched and realized that the lantern was on a foot!
light spilling,
filling the void
i shrink away from
your latern
the light burns my
skin, hurts my soul
i scream
trying to push away
the poison radiating
from the flames
but the sound draws it in faster
& i suffocate
on electromagnetic radiation
The lantern swung ominously in the wind. Someone else was here, I could sense their eyes on me. I stood perfectly still, trying to think of the best move to make. Then I saw the shadow cross the lantern light….
lantern. Laterne? laterne, Laterne, Sonne Mond und Sterne, gehe auf mein Licht, gehe auf mein Licht aber nur meine liebe Laterne nicht. Kann man eine laterne lieben? Ich habe sie geliebt. Aus buntem, lichtdurchl
She held the latern as they wondered into the room. This was the begining when everything was new and fresh. I’m going to marry him that’s all she thought. Now everything is different everything has changed. She’s just not the same anymore. It’s just not what it was…
I saw the lantern dangling outside the tavern — providing a weak source of light in these dark times. I entered and sat at the bar, ordering a pint. The bartender, a scruffy fellow of about 35 years, poured the beer and asked, “Why the long face?”
We all use beacons in our lives … icons, chimera, distant lights to set our sights on and aim for. The directions we choose in life are as much the result of our experience as the resonance with our very natures; we are attracted to what we are, what we value, what is familiar from the past; and, sometimes, we are attracted to what we are not. The lights of the unfamiliar are sometimes as attractive to us as the lanterns of the known.
fuck balls i tried to start writing about a lantern, but i accidentally started writing it in the name box.
anyways. screw that. lanterns are delightful, especially when lighting a cottage garden. wonderful.
I wish i had a lantern to guide me through the fog. I rely on my senses now to try to get me through these confusing times. I hear bells and singing and try to find my way toward the happiness they promise. My eyes, my ears, my heart. Only they can lead me forward now…
small lighthouse.
Lantern – light my way.. Shed light on the truth. keep me on the path. don’t put it under a bushel baske. Who lights the lantern.
A lantern brings light to people at difficult times. To show the way, the lighten a path, to get rid of darkness. Lanterns to me are optimistic tools because they take away any bad by showing what is truly there.
lanterns are a great source of light. actually, i’d think of jack-o-lanterns before anything else. i’ve always wanted to make one since i was younger, but never really got the chance. all the faces you could make, all the cool designs you see other people make.. ah, brings back memories of going out trick-or-treating and seeing them on people’s doorsteps.
Light is so important to all of us. It is the topic and discussion of scholars and the ignorant alike. With light, we can see. Without it we are the lost and scared. Light is also used to represent objects or ideas. As a Christian, Christ is the light of my world.
the latern in my life
leads me to you
starting in your eyes
when I looked into them
I found the surprise of my life
a love for all time
be at peace
i need u like u need me
The Green Lantern, possibly the coolest superhero out there. I mean, that ring of his is really powerful, and the extent of it’s powers? It can do anything his imagination wants it to, and it’s power is only limited by the need to recharge it.
the lantern hung there illuminating everything but the truth about him. So hidden yet so obvious it bothered me. I wanted to take it and shine it in his face. Scream for an answer, that’s what the lantern represented: enlightenment.
fuck it i said as i lit the lantern
hold the lantern up in front of your face. it sheds a light that reaches into another place, another realm that i can see. but there’s something in your purple eyes, something wrong with them. you can see past all of this. the lantern is your light. it shines for you. it illuminates a world only you can see. bring me with you.
By the bed.
By the fire.
The lantern was so high that I could barely see it. It floated in the air wondering whether to keep going or stay in place. I even wondered to follow it and then it began to move so I did.
I went and then began to run since it moved with such speed as the light illuminated itself. I finally did and then found him waiting for me.
Oh, look. Here comes a big flashlight. Very intventive, Emerald Crusader. I swear, this guy’s got the imagination of a goddamn potato. I’ve seen more intelligent hockey pucks.
darkness envelopes the surrounding air. there’s nowhere else for me to turn. i can’t find where the trail ends and it’s times like these when i wish i had a lantern.
its something that lights your way