I saw a lantern yesterday. It was green, I believe. Maud had one similar in her garden. We used to take it along when we went on a picnic, up on the Greer Hills behind the cottage. When night fell, we used it to find our way back home. I have fond memories of that lanter, with its gracious curves and soft light.
once there was a lantern haning from a ceiling. it was made up of obsidian rocks. th lamp often got lonely. then another lantern was installed. the original lantern was thrilled! the two lanterns lived happily ever after. the end!
A lantern is a beautiful thing to see during the night. It serves as a beacon for the lost souls of those who are lost because they got lost on the way to the ghost bar. of course hippies also like to look at lanterns because the color looks like a beer.
for my sister’s wedding, the bridesmaids carried lanterns instead of flowers. i loke the concept, but not the actually outcome. she taped fake flowers inside. i hate fake flowers. oh, and it was the middle of the afternoon and no need for extra light.
to light the way during the storm. in which we were lost and cold. thankk god for the lantern. we had light and a path out.
bright light to lead the way. yesterday, today, tomorrow. if only things could still be that simple. now.
Lanterns. They shine like a dim sunrise, not giving you much light to see with, but just enough for you to accomplish the smallest goal.
i carry this lantern in front of me as i walk my path of life. sometimes it flickers…but it will never completely go out as long as i stay true to myself and those who love me. oh lantern…guide my way.
golden lantern, paper lantern, sailing down the river into the dark, carrying a candle for a lost soul. we sit on the river bank, watching them fade away, fading with them. it is the longest night of the year, and another fleet of souls is departing into the mist. leaving for destination unknown, into the ocean, into the gloom of night.
Charlotte Ravenswood
A lantern is bright, allowing us to see the way. Sometimes it can be used figuretively versus literal. A person in our life could be our lantern in the dark, helping us overcome particular obstacles that are in our lives.
lanterns light things
the lanter in the middle of the night lite up. why was it lit? who lit it? the glowing from the lantern started to fade slowly, with the dying wish of the man who had made it. sadness filled the lantern as its creator perished
It’s bright and there it is and it’s warm in this cold and it’s the lantern.
A lantern is an object of great importance to human civilization. Lanterns allow the mobility of transportation of light to areas with no natural light. Besides being used for lighting purposes, lanterns also play a part in cultural celebrations. The Chinese Lantern Festival celebrates a tradition and puts lanterns down a river.
bright, light, paul revere used a lantern to warn that the enemy was coming or something like that. old roads with lit paths by lanterns
lanterns shine the path of life, illuminating the dark and frightening alleyway of uncertainty until reaching the end. thank you, lantern
Oooh I like the word lantern.. it conjures up romantic images of outside shindigs with floaty candles in lanterns, balmy evenings and adventure… oh to be young again (read baby-less) and have adventures!
Red and gold. It was all you said. That night we tied the knot. Red and gold. It’s too late to say more.
So, goodbye, old friend.
I couldn’t find my way for ages, I cursed everyone for not helping me in the darkness. I spent years in there, wondering why they left me like that. Little by little I saw and understood. And little by little I built my own lantern.
in darkness, my regrets burn cold
in winter, my vision is dark
the her hand, she holds the lantern
and while my body pains
my heart is warm
the lantern burned brightly. almost to bright. until the flame faded away, into oblivion. gone forever. never to be relighted again. which was too bad because i really wanted to see where the light switch was. darn.
The lantern is hot and green. I see dimly throught the dark as I walk throught the garden with my lantern, to go outside and camp in the woods to the east of the house. I saw a bear by the light of the lantern. Is the the last light I will see is by the lantern. I hope that i see the light of the heavens and it turns out brighter than the light of the lantern.
Skylar Overton
The lantern grew on stick glue that was hanging from the ceiling. On that ceiling was a drawing of rat poo that was attached to an xbox 360 controller. The controller seemed real enough to fall and murder whoever was under its position.
there was a latern filled with bugs with lit the way for the little girl. She wasn’t afraid when the bugs
Carrying the lantern was a big responsibility. Leading the people through the woods and not flashing the light around. Keeping it lit was hard.
Chris G
a big red lantern
I saw the lantern before me. I knew Charles would want me to grab it. But I couldn’t. My captors had me well tied down. The Lantern. Charles said it held the key. But what key? He never told me. Yet here I was after all this mess, looking at The Lantern I couldn’t have.
like a lantern
guiding my way
through the night and
what did you say
that made me think
that you would stay?
and if i thought
that was the case
i should have run
i hated
loving you
was the most joy i’ve
my small frame
like a lantern
guiding my way
through the night and
what did you say
that made me think
that you would stay?
and if i thought
that was the case
i should have run
i hated
loving you
was the most joy i’ve
my small frame
The lantern was in front of me guiding my way out. Guiding me to the happiness that I had long-ago lost. The bright speck of light that was the lantern saved my life. Then I realized that the lantern was you. Thank you.
the lantern light the dim path with an eerie glow.Softly the footsteps traced the darkness. The lantern flickered in the night wind.
the lantern was sitting there with a heart above our heads. he kept talking. the words coming out of his mouth I could see them, I could see the people like haze surrounding us. But the focal point that kept catching my eye was that lantern with it’s bold heart. Embarrassing since we were on our first date (blush). I kept yelling to myself to quit staring at it, but it just called to me and I could not pull my attention back to the sexual magnet in front of me. That changed when she brought the check.
bright lantern
shining into the surrounding obscurity
giving clarity
to unease
truth to the unknown
t.f. honeywell
The lanter was orange, and I hated it. The smell it gave off was a slithery oily murder of a thing, and when it burned the whole room soaked it in. But it was also dark, and the only thing worse than the smell was the dark, so we used the lantern anyway. (I hated it.)
the lantern is really bright. i brought it camping with me one time, and it really helped alot. lantern is a weird word, aint it? like why cant we call it a portible light? or would that be a flashlight… but lanterns dont flash. gosh, so much to write about the lantern and so little time!
Light emmitting device, often home to small fairies. Superceded by the electric lightbulb which caused a massive loss of habitat for small fairies resulting in near extinctino of the species.
Chris Keys
I have a lantern in my room, its yellow and it is a paper lantern, i love lanterns they used to use lanterns in the old days, they were sorta candels but i am calling them lanterns . I love the word lantern, it is just a weird word like who came up with it? it is pretty cool if you think about and let it roll around on your tounge
light fire flame glass metal safe passage lighthouse wick oil burn dial fancy
the lantern shone in the dark, stabbing through the ink like a barb from an angry squid. Probably the same swquid that shot the ink in the first place. Much like that, this lantern beaconed out to any onlookers, not that many were to be found in this area so remote. people looking on weren’t seeing anything but the light anyway.
I saw a lantern yesterday. It was green, I believe. Maud had one similar in her garden. We used to take it along when we went on a picnic, up on the Greer Hills behind the cottage. When night fell, we used it to find our way back home. I have fond memories of that lanter, with its gracious curves and soft light.
once there was a lantern haning from a ceiling. it was made up of obsidian rocks. th lamp often got lonely. then another lantern was installed. the original lantern was thrilled! the two lanterns lived happily ever after. the end!
A lantern is a beautiful thing to see during the night. It serves as a beacon for the lost souls of those who are lost because they got lost on the way to the ghost bar. of course hippies also like to look at lanterns because the color looks like a beer.
for my sister’s wedding, the bridesmaids carried lanterns instead of flowers. i loke the concept, but not the actually outcome. she taped fake flowers inside. i hate fake flowers. oh, and it was the middle of the afternoon and no need for extra light.
to light the way during the storm. in which we were lost and cold. thankk god for the lantern. we had light and a path out.
bright light to lead the way. yesterday, today, tomorrow. if only things could still be that simple. now.
Lanterns. They shine like a dim sunrise, not giving you much light to see with, but just enough for you to accomplish the smallest goal.
i carry this lantern in front of me as i walk my path of life. sometimes it flickers…but it will never completely go out as long as i stay true to myself and those who love me. oh lantern…guide my way.
golden lantern, paper lantern, sailing down the river into the dark, carrying a candle for a lost soul. we sit on the river bank, watching them fade away, fading with them. it is the longest night of the year, and another fleet of souls is departing into the mist. leaving for destination unknown, into the ocean, into the gloom of night.
A lantern is bright, allowing us to see the way. Sometimes it can be used figuretively versus literal. A person in our life could be our lantern in the dark, helping us overcome particular obstacles that are in our lives.
lanterns light things
the lanter in the middle of the night lite up. why was it lit? who lit it? the glowing from the lantern started to fade slowly, with the dying wish of the man who had made it. sadness filled the lantern as its creator perished
It’s bright and there it is and it’s warm in this cold and it’s the lantern.
A lantern is an object of great importance to human civilization. Lanterns allow the mobility of transportation of light to areas with no natural light. Besides being used for lighting purposes, lanterns also play a part in cultural celebrations. The Chinese Lantern Festival celebrates a tradition and puts lanterns down a river.
bright, light, paul revere used a lantern to warn that the enemy was coming or something like that. old roads with lit paths by lanterns
lanterns shine the path of life, illuminating the dark and frightening alleyway of uncertainty until reaching the end. thank you, lantern
Oooh I like the word lantern.. it conjures up romantic images of outside shindigs with floaty candles in lanterns, balmy evenings and adventure… oh to be young again (read baby-less) and have adventures!
Red and gold. It was all you said. That night we tied the knot. Red and gold. It’s too late to say more.
So, goodbye, old friend.
I couldn’t find my way for ages, I cursed everyone for not helping me in the darkness. I spent years in there, wondering why they left me like that. Little by little I saw and understood. And little by little I built my own lantern.
in darkness, my regrets burn cold
in winter, my vision is dark
the her hand, she holds the lantern
and while my body pains
my heart is warm
the lantern burned brightly. almost to bright. until the flame faded away, into oblivion. gone forever. never to be relighted again. which was too bad because i really wanted to see where the light switch was. darn.
The lantern is hot and green. I see dimly throught the dark as I walk throught the garden with my lantern, to go outside and camp in the woods to the east of the house. I saw a bear by the light of the lantern. Is the the last light I will see is by the lantern. I hope that i see the light of the heavens and it turns out brighter than the light of the lantern.
Skylar Overton
The lantern grew on stick glue that was hanging from the ceiling. On that ceiling was a drawing of rat poo that was attached to an xbox 360 controller. The controller seemed real enough to fall and murder whoever was under its position.
there was a latern filled with bugs with lit the way for the little girl. She wasn’t afraid when the bugs
Carrying the lantern was a big responsibility. Leading the people through the woods and not flashing the light around. Keeping it lit was hard.
a big red lantern
I saw the lantern before me. I knew Charles would want me to grab it. But I couldn’t. My captors had me well tied down. The Lantern. Charles said it held the key. But what key? He never told me. Yet here I was after all this mess, looking at The Lantern I couldn’t have.
like a lantern
guiding my way
through the night and
what did you say
that made me think
that you would stay?
and if i thought
that was the case
i should have run
i hated
loving you
was the most joy i’ve
my small frame
like a lantern
guiding my way
through the night and
what did you say
that made me think
that you would stay?
and if i thought
that was the case
i should have run
i hated
loving you
was the most joy i’ve
my small frame
The lantern was in front of me guiding my way out. Guiding me to the happiness that I had long-ago lost. The bright speck of light that was the lantern saved my life. Then I realized that the lantern was you. Thank you.
the lantern light the dim path with an eerie glow.Softly the footsteps traced the darkness. The lantern flickered in the night wind.
the lantern was sitting there with a heart above our heads. he kept talking. the words coming out of his mouth I could see them, I could see the people like haze surrounding us. But the focal point that kept catching my eye was that lantern with it’s bold heart. Embarrassing since we were on our first date (blush). I kept yelling to myself to quit staring at it, but it just called to me and I could not pull my attention back to the sexual magnet in front of me. That changed when she brought the check.
bright lantern
shining into the surrounding obscurity
giving clarity
to unease
truth to the unknown
The lanter was orange, and I hated it. The smell it gave off was a slithery oily murder of a thing, and when it burned the whole room soaked it in. But it was also dark, and the only thing worse than the smell was the dark, so we used the lantern anyway. (I hated it.)
the lantern is really bright. i brought it camping with me one time, and it really helped alot. lantern is a weird word, aint it? like why cant we call it a portible light? or would that be a flashlight… but lanterns dont flash. gosh, so much to write about the lantern and so little time!
Light emmitting device, often home to small fairies. Superceded by the electric lightbulb which caused a massive loss of habitat for small fairies resulting in near extinctino of the species.
I have a lantern in my room, its yellow and it is a paper lantern, i love lanterns they used to use lanterns in the old days, they were sorta candels but i am calling them lanterns . I love the word lantern, it is just a weird word like who came up with it? it is pretty cool if you think about and let it roll around on your tounge
light fire flame glass metal safe passage lighthouse wick oil burn dial fancy
the lantern shone in the dark, stabbing through the ink like a barb from an angry squid. Probably the same swquid that shot the ink in the first place. Much like that, this lantern beaconed out to any onlookers, not that many were to be found in this area so remote. people looking on weren’t seeing anything but the light anyway.