
February 18th, 2024 | 6 Entries

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6 Entries for “leaf”

  1. the ground
    was covered
    in white and black
    and i wouldn’t leave
    the house.
    the cold seemed
    to take over
    my body
    and freeze
    my willpower
    and the pink
    summer blouse.
    mother begged
    for me to step outside,
    i dragged my feet in
    slippers and a coat
    a size too tight.
    a golden leaf
    awaited on the
    front porch and
    i could swear
    it whispered
    “keep going”.

  2. A leaf is the smallest unit of a tree. It has roots, a stem, branches, twigs and the leaves. Yet in the winter they are discarded as a means of nutrition.

  3. This is the furthest branching item of a tree. From the roots to the stem, to the branches, twigs to the leaf. Yet they are discarded in the winter if the tree needs nutrition.

    Steven K
  4. The leaf tetters at the edge of the wind, little green factory, small windows opening sucking up our breath, chlorophyll paint painting energy, color making energy.

  5. blaadjes zijn groen, ze hangen aan bomen, bomen zijn bruinig vaak maar kunnen ook zwart of wit zijn. bomen worden nog veel te vaak omgekapt zonder dat ze omgekapt moeten worden, dat is slecht voor het milieu. bomen geven ons zuurstof, dat is voor iedereen belangrijk om te overleven. daarom wil ik dat bomen blijven bestaan

    Patricia Angie
  6. The leaf fluttered down from the tree and stuck on to her coat. She tried to brush it off, but it was stuck on the fabric. She tried to pry it off and found that metal legs from the leaf attached themselves to the coat.
