everyone seems to be on a different one. some are high some are low. i wanna find a good one. but i don’t know how. but i do. but no one understands. when they dont understand i voluntarily but unknowingly step down and when they still don’t understand, i am forced to take one lower. all that comes after is not me anymore its just scrounging for something i cant be and relate to. why are people all fucked up on their levels to the point of its so hard its so hard
Flat, straight and none changing. When something or someone is level that is what they are, you could almost say at peace, level.
Here we find ourselves on the same level, solid ground of equal footing, and I’ve cast off the insecurities that plagued me when I knew you when. And you’ve grown, too, though I’m not intimidated by it. We see eye to eye, metaphorically, becuase you are six inches taller than me. Taller, but not better, not more worthy, not more powerful and the playing field has finally and totally been levelled.
The level she stood at now looked down at everything, really. Level of education, level of so little time to write about levels! Feels like Im under pressure. Anyway, the level of education is pretty decent but of course, I
d make a million changes if I could. AFter all, the world isn’t going to take care of itself, you know.
as in playing field. as in not slanted. as in AR.
Billie Sue Patrick
i wish i could be level with everything in my life. have everything smooth and even and perfect. nothing out of whack or off balance. i want perfection , i want order, i want a hallmark weekend. i want everything to be like how martha tell us it should be. i want it all to be LEVEL.LEVEL LEVE LEVEL!! why cant i have it?
why do we place kids by level, not by interest? why do we think that we know where they should be and who they will turn out to be and then force that outcome by placing them as if they were pawns in some awful chess game of life??
the madness
he shouts to her,
up high from the pedestal,
you’ll never get to this level.
to which she replies, far down below,
well maybe i never want to.
anna rae.
Level again…I was so disappointed it was the same word! How can my creative juices continue to flow if I have to concentrate on the same word? I suppose I could try to get out a dictionary….but to time myself? No fun. Oh well, I hope a new word is available tomorrow.
Alevel is a tool used to make sure items are level to the ground. To be level is to be even with the horizon. This is for an object. A person can be considered level, too.
levels of hope
of determination
digging deeper
levels of joy
of sadness
burrowing levels
getting under your skin
remembering at new levels
all the same
differing and departing
higher levels
spirits et al
walking the levels
beyond dreams
levelling the playing field
the field
all one level
all one
floor i like passing levels on games it makes me feel like ultra smart especially when you know you just beat someone elses high score it’s a great feeling, or like i like to have everything leveled out and equal cause if it’s not it bothers me soo sooo much. but idk, that word freaks me out.
fatima cachua
I wanted to feel once. I wanted to be level somehow. I wanted to be certain that I had it all in check that one side wasn’t lower than the other. I had to see. I had to know for sure so I took the test and failed.
Danielle Guerrette
she climbs up the stairs, labor breaths and shaky hands as she stands close against the wall, waiting to hear any sounds of movements on the level 29 on her mission to save her kidnapped son.
Levels are things that you can reach on games or in life. or they they are things that can see if things are…well…level. the thigns with the bubbles. i like those…and messing with the bubbles. i like to see if i can get my hands to be level…then i just make the bubbles float back and forth and watch them :D
A level is a tool that can help you balance anything. Beyond that too, as an action, we level to find balance. Economically, socially, politically.
Level determines our degree of access to certain entities. It is also an arbitrary ranking system, based on a hierarchy system.
really on the level? how can I tell if one is being honest… what does that really mean? my boss says I can trust him, he is always on the level.. or was that levelheaded? who knows anymore! Be level with me, do I still have a job? ooh, weird how the word loses meaning.
Level headed thinking straight
straight lines
no curves
all known
so many levels though
how do you know
what a person really is?
we’re not straight lines
are we?
so many levels
not all level headed,
not all straight
When we’re kids we play video games, constantly telling our parents “Just one more level” and they tell us that it’s never just one more level. It really isn’t. But it doesn’t change. We’re constantly pushing ourselves, just one more level. Just get this one more promotion and I’ll be happy and spend more time with the kids I’m ignoring ignoring me playing video games. One more level…
toget to the next level in life you most think abot the future. we make our levels in hear as an achevement. in game there are many diffrent types of leveles.
Level headed. I’m supposed to be level headed. Sometimes I pride myself on the title, other times I resent it as a cage holding me back. If I do something not “level headed” I am quickly reprimanded compared to others. I am not “allowed” to do certain things and when I break apart and have an internal crisis, no one notices because I’m supposed to be above such inadequacies…
nu avem nevoie
de ce ni se da voie
de ceea ce nu suntem
si unde putem ajunge
caci oriunjde ajungem
vom ajunge
Level…the field isn’t level.
Or fair. 5 year old lost his dad in river rafting accident…last words of dad were “don’t hang on to daddy so tightly”…..boy survived. dad didn’t.
boy thinks he killed dad.
As the elevator approached level 4, Matthew checked his briefcase nervously. Had he remembered the papers? He couldn’t remember – his mind was in a fog. As a new lawyer, he couldn’t work without his notes. What was he going to do if he didn’t have them?
Kyle Voss
what level are you in with swimming lessons? Swim your little heart out till you get to the other side without getting eaten by a shark or stung by a jellyfish.
Level? As in level on a game? I used to play Leo Steel so much, and was thrilled when I got to level 27 or something. I have no idea how many there are. They got progressively harder, but it was somehow just so much fun to make this boy jump.
Christopher Colombus thought the world was flat. level. But really it wasn’t. It was round. He was wrong about the shape of the earth. And years later was proved wrong. It makes you wonder what other things people of the past are wrong about.
We are all on the same level. But some idiots just like to put themselves on a higher level that everyone else and say “Bam! I’m awesome.” This isn’t Communist propaganda. Instead, it’s just acknowledging the fact that some fuckers should just quit.
use a level to see if the chelf is traight. I tlike tohink I have a level head. The roommate that I have does not have a level head. If it isn’tlevel it isn’t straight. Straight=level. Level rhymes with bevel. you need to make the wood level before you cut it with a bevel saw.
Level was the word yesterday and here it is again. I wonder if the web site is stuck on the word. I’ve seen it happen here before sometimes for a week or more at a time. I hope we have a new word tomorrow.
work ing your way up to the top
you go one by one there’s no skipping it
you can’t take a break especially stop
not ever
not never?
Henry entered the lift with his girlfriend wrapped around his right arm, and pressed a button with the number “4” labelled in it, indicating to his girlfriend that he lives in level 4.
At first I didn’t know what to write about. Do I write about a level for like building things, do I write about a level that involves video games and such. But, now after writing about it i think i would write about a level used for building.
The level of enthusiasm i had for English was slowly depleting. The once favorite subject of mine had dropped substantially and had now sunken to the bottom of the chart, down there with Maths. If it was at all possible, it was actually worse than MATHS.
Beth Buist
i ,like to play games and recah the highest of these cos i am well aweomse at them . getting to the top would be scary cos if u r aty the highest level u may just fall doen dead and ie like dead man. makes ure things are level aso ther not wobbly or anything and therefore they will not fall down which cou
can’t seem to get to the next one no one seems to be here everything is crooked. turn it up or down or leave it it needs to be changed for someone else constantly. almost there… got stuck on the last one.
“You idiot!” I screamed. “That is NOT what is going to save this reactor! The level is so high, I can’t imagine how ANY of us will survive!” It didn’t matter, he was already slumped over in his chair…dead.
i dont know anything about levels because ive never made mine inside and out side so when you can reach your level and realize you havnt made yours then ask me
i do not know.
everyone seems to be on a different one. some are high some are low. i wanna find a good one. but i don’t know how. but i do. but no one understands. when they dont understand i voluntarily but unknowingly step down and when they still don’t understand, i am forced to take one lower. all that comes after is not me anymore its just scrounging for something i cant be and relate to. why are people all fucked up on their levels to the point of its so hard its so hard
Flat, straight and none changing. When something or someone is level that is what they are, you could almost say at peace, level.
Here we find ourselves on the same level, solid ground of equal footing, and I’ve cast off the insecurities that plagued me when I knew you when. And you’ve grown, too, though I’m not intimidated by it. We see eye to eye, metaphorically, becuase you are six inches taller than me. Taller, but not better, not more worthy, not more powerful and the playing field has finally and totally been levelled.
The level she stood at now looked down at everything, really. Level of education, level of so little time to write about levels! Feels like Im under pressure. Anyway, the level of education is pretty decent but of course, I
d make a million changes if I could. AFter all, the world isn’t going to take care of itself, you know.
as in playing field. as in not slanted. as in AR.
i wish i could be level with everything in my life. have everything smooth and even and perfect. nothing out of whack or off balance. i want perfection , i want order, i want a hallmark weekend. i want everything to be like how martha tell us it should be. i want it all to be LEVEL.LEVEL LEVE LEVEL!! why cant i have it?
why do we place kids by level, not by interest? why do we think that we know where they should be and who they will turn out to be and then force that outcome by placing them as if they were pawns in some awful chess game of life??
he shouts to her,
up high from the pedestal,
you’ll never get to this level.
to which she replies, far down below,
well maybe i never want to.
Level again…I was so disappointed it was the same word! How can my creative juices continue to flow if I have to concentrate on the same word? I suppose I could try to get out a dictionary….but to time myself? No fun. Oh well, I hope a new word is available tomorrow.
Alevel is a tool used to make sure items are level to the ground. To be level is to be even with the horizon. This is for an object. A person can be considered level, too.
levels of hope
of determination
digging deeper
levels of joy
of sadness
burrowing levels
getting under your skin
remembering at new levels
all the same
differing and departing
higher levels
spirits et al
walking the levels
beyond dreams
levelling the playing field
the field
all one level
all one
floor i like passing levels on games it makes me feel like ultra smart especially when you know you just beat someone elses high score it’s a great feeling, or like i like to have everything leveled out and equal cause if it’s not it bothers me soo sooo much. but idk, that word freaks me out.
I wanted to feel once. I wanted to be level somehow. I wanted to be certain that I had it all in check that one side wasn’t lower than the other. I had to see. I had to know for sure so I took the test and failed.
she climbs up the stairs, labor breaths and shaky hands as she stands close against the wall, waiting to hear any sounds of movements on the level 29 on her mission to save her kidnapped son.
Levels are things that you can reach on games or in life. or they they are things that can see if things are…well…level. the thigns with the bubbles. i like those…and messing with the bubbles. i like to see if i can get my hands to be level…then i just make the bubbles float back and forth and watch them :D
A level is a tool that can help you balance anything. Beyond that too, as an action, we level to find balance. Economically, socially, politically.
Level determines our degree of access to certain entities. It is also an arbitrary ranking system, based on a hierarchy system.
really on the level? how can I tell if one is being honest… what does that really mean? my boss says I can trust him, he is always on the level.. or was that levelheaded? who knows anymore! Be level with me, do I still have a job? ooh, weird how the word loses meaning.
Level headed thinking straight
straight lines
no curves
all known
so many levels though
how do you know
what a person really is?
we’re not straight lines
are we?
so many levels
not all level headed,
not all straight
When we’re kids we play video games, constantly telling our parents “Just one more level” and they tell us that it’s never just one more level. It really isn’t. But it doesn’t change. We’re constantly pushing ourselves, just one more level. Just get this one more promotion and I’ll be happy and spend more time with the kids I’m ignoring ignoring me playing video games. One more level…
toget to the next level in life you most think abot the future. we make our levels in hear as an achevement. in game there are many diffrent types of leveles.
Level headed. I’m supposed to be level headed. Sometimes I pride myself on the title, other times I resent it as a cage holding me back. If I do something not “level headed” I am quickly reprimanded compared to others. I am not “allowed” to do certain things and when I break apart and have an internal crisis, no one notices because I’m supposed to be above such inadequacies…
nu avem nevoie
de ce ni se da voie
de ceea ce nu suntem
si unde putem ajunge
caci oriunjde ajungem
vom ajunge
Level…the field isn’t level.
Or fair. 5 year old lost his dad in river rafting accident…last words of dad were “don’t hang on to daddy so tightly”…..boy survived. dad didn’t.
boy thinks he killed dad.
As the elevator approached level 4, Matthew checked his briefcase nervously. Had he remembered the papers? He couldn’t remember – his mind was in a fog. As a new lawyer, he couldn’t work without his notes. What was he going to do if he didn’t have them?
what level are you in with swimming lessons? Swim your little heart out till you get to the other side without getting eaten by a shark or stung by a jellyfish.
Level? As in level on a game? I used to play Leo Steel so much, and was thrilled when I got to level 27 or something. I have no idea how many there are. They got progressively harder, but it was somehow just so much fun to make this boy jump.
Christopher Colombus thought the world was flat. level. But really it wasn’t. It was round. He was wrong about the shape of the earth. And years later was proved wrong. It makes you wonder what other things people of the past are wrong about.
We are all on the same level. But some idiots just like to put themselves on a higher level that everyone else and say “Bam! I’m awesome.” This isn’t Communist propaganda. Instead, it’s just acknowledging the fact that some fuckers should just quit.
use a level to see if the chelf is traight. I tlike tohink I have a level head. The roommate that I have does not have a level head. If it isn’tlevel it isn’t straight. Straight=level. Level rhymes with bevel. you need to make the wood level before you cut it with a bevel saw.
Level was the word yesterday and here it is again. I wonder if the web site is stuck on the word. I’ve seen it happen here before sometimes for a week or more at a time. I hope we have a new word tomorrow.
work ing your way up to the top
you go one by one there’s no skipping it
you can’t take a break especially stop
not ever
not never?
Henry entered the lift with his girlfriend wrapped around his right arm, and pressed a button with the number “4” labelled in it, indicating to his girlfriend that he lives in level 4.
At first I didn’t know what to write about. Do I write about a level for like building things, do I write about a level that involves video games and such. But, now after writing about it i think i would write about a level used for building.
The level of enthusiasm i had for English was slowly depleting. The once favorite subject of mine had dropped substantially and had now sunken to the bottom of the chart, down there with Maths. If it was at all possible, it was actually worse than MATHS.
i ,like to play games and recah the highest of these cos i am well aweomse at them . getting to the top would be scary cos if u r aty the highest level u may just fall doen dead and ie like dead man. makes ure things are level aso ther not wobbly or anything and therefore they will not fall down which cou
can’t seem to get to the next one no one seems to be here everything is crooked. turn it up or down or leave it it needs to be changed for someone else constantly. almost there… got stuck on the last one.
“You idiot!” I screamed. “That is NOT what is going to save this reactor! The level is so high, I can’t imagine how ANY of us will survive!” It didn’t matter, he was already slumped over in his chair…dead.
i dont know anything about levels because ive never made mine inside and out side so when you can reach your level and realize you havnt made yours then ask me