There is no limit to what I can do. I am capable of so much more than even I know. So what if they tell me I’m not. That this is it. All I will see forever is this room, these clothes. They can’t keep me here, with their lock, or their straight jackets.
i have a time limit
i dont like limits
they suck
suckity suck suck
why do you limit me?!??!
okay I’m good
limits are just fine
just fine….
don’t put limmits on life and don’t spell it wrong
people put way too many limits on themselves. Who says you can or can not do something. Who says you can’t be great. Who says you’re not strong enough, or good enough, or fast enough. You are the only person, the only one who can put limits on yourself, no one else has the power to stop you. There are no limits to what the mind can conceive. If your mind can conceive your body can deliver it. Never limit yourself.
You have no limits but those you impose upon yourself. Noone can limit your spirit, your mind. You are your own limitations.
I sometimes do but mostly really do. read that is I cant imagine life without a stack of booksAny books or magazines will do.
I am reading a history of crime fiction at the present time … cant put it down but feel very intimidated by the length and breadth of
There are no limits. Your limits are what you think they are. And if you don’t think, you have no limits. So I guess that means the dumbest of us all are the most enabled of us all. They are not hindered by their own inadequencies or terrified by thoughts of failing their own standards.
In such a blind world it is hard to push aside the mountain tops, to see our true limit.
Fuck. What’s to say about limit. It means that I have to be restrained. I really hate limits. They kind of piss me off. Why do we have limits to things? It’s the closest that a person can get to being in a cage without actually being under lock and key. That’s
I wanted to know what the limit was. Just how far could I push you before you either pushed back or broke. It started slowly, words, just words. And then it got physical, and you pushed back.
It was surprising, I didn’t know you had it in you, only you had more than anger, you had rage. And now I am bleeding on the floor.
not enough time to envision anything in my pointess life other than death. must do everything life throws at me.
chris monahan
He bound himself with the harness and pushed off the ledge. The wire passed through his gloved hands, and as he loosened his grip around it, he would descend another few feet.
Nonsense. Limitations are a product of apathy. Limits do nothing more than hinder freedom and imagination. A perfect world need not have limits. No word should stand in front of a goal. The only limits you need are the limiting of limits.
Stefan Borghesani
There’s no limit to how much I can write in one minute, especially when I’m not thinking about it, just writing. I don’t like that you could “skip” it. What does that mean? This is stupid. There’s the bar. Why do they want my email and why do I have to submit it? What happens when I submit? I’m panicing too much to even thinking about the word limit, which should be in italics, but…
there are no limits. there is no limit. limit is a fabrication of the human mind to check our ability. im not a utopianist – if you will. im a realist. there are countless stories throughout history attesting to the magnitude of human capacity.
tyler walsh
there is no limit to the sky I wish I could touch it, but my hand only leaves a brief shadow against it that nobody else sees and even the footprints by the sea are there for others to see before the tide comes in. I wish there was permanence in the way the sun burns, but all that is made of fire consumes, just like anything that is alive eats and dwells and dies. Oh for how slow and fast and dead everything is and becomes.
we have limits? Do we, do we? Repression, repression, representation and we fall. Keep going keep limiting, are limited. We limit.
I feel limited by myself right now. Can’t seem to get out of my own way. Others around me are doing great things, and I spend way too much time trying to figure out how I can do great things instead of actually DOING them. I want to make a change. I want to work as a graphic design in my own little studio. I want to push on my limits.
there’s a limit to the power we have, or so they say. I think it is all in the mind and that we’re conditioned to our limits. if we could escape our conditioning the possibilities would be endless. our limits would be limitless and we could be like Gods.
I usually hate this word because it feels constricting but in all reality limits have their reasons behind them… alcohol being one of them . “Dont you know your limit?” they yell at me….”I thought I did..guess who, whos up for parchese?” There is no limit to love though
unconditional love comes from God, he is the source of all love–and there truly is no limit to that
Another thing I don’t like being limited on is time to write
ba dum dum
The limit is reached when someone has gone to their maximum capacity. It stops you from going further, but it is possible to extend your personal limit. Or the limit can be the most of what you can do. Everybody has a limit to their skills, whether it is how far you can run, or how long you can write.
I always feel as though I am pushed to the limit. He’s constantly telling me “i love you,” “you’re beautiful” and I ask- what does your girlfriend think of all this? I’m sick of you playing her in such a way. I’m not interested in you, (right now.) And maybe if you still have feelings for my you shouldn’t be dating. I have been pushed to the limit. There is nowhere else to go.
What are limit’s? The sky’s the limit, so they say…Limits are what they are, limiting. but we can expand our horizons and not limit ourselves, can’t we? This could be the new eternity. Or not.
there’s no limit if you talk about love.
limit is just a line that can beasily eaily broken if you are in love.
limits are nothing.
i love you.
limits. holding me back.
but no. i am infinite.
there are no limits.
freedom. yes. i can choose.
julia j
Take it to the limit. That’s what they always said. “We’re here to push you harder than you’ve ever been pushed before.” I knew joining the Air Force was something that required strength, courage, but I never knew I’d find my limit.
i feel like i am limited because i just had a baby im 20 and no college education or job. i know what limits are now.
Lindsay Campbell
LIMIE barriars walls, life is limets. can u find a way around them. can you break through them. Can u imopse them, on your self
there is a limit to every activity that any person takes part in, wether it is yourself and your mental attitude or someone else getting in the way
nothingis impossible?? well, thats not true, because everything has a limit.
I hate limits of time!
Chris Farmer
the sky is the limit
Limits are for the scared
Go beyond and further
there are limits on this friendship, there are limits on everything.
the limit is what I don’t understand, be it calculus or this relationship. what gave you the ruling power to decide? friendship? I don’t think so because really, it’s not so clear cut.
but I guess if I want something out of this, there has to be a limit first before you can break the barriers and walk the way you’d like to go.
The sky is the limit,
or so they say,
I say, who is the sky
Who is the sky
to hold me down
once my feet have left the ground?
Who is the sky
to be the limit?
The sky has only dreams within it.
das Limit ist erreicht. Es geht nicht mehr weiter. Die höhsten Höhen die tiefsten Tiefen. Vom Himmel bis zum Grunde des Ozeans. Er hatte alles gesehen und dachte er wüsste wo von er spricht. Aber da sollte sich heute ändern.
two not alone the simple things, not loving, individual, egocentric,besides, encercledscary, far away,
you are limited only by the limits you set. the limits you set keep you from going beyond the limit of your ideas. If you don’t go beyond those limits, you’ll stay where you are because where you are is about the extent of your limits.
dont limit yourself cos u know that unlimited is more limited when you know the limitations and the imitations of this world its so cold
There is a limit to what anyone can expect from Santa Claus. War, pestilence, kinky stuff are in ready supply but try and order peace on Earth for Christmas and be ready to be disappointed.
Nathalie (spacedlaw)
The limit. It’s pretty much what stops everyone everytime isn’t it? I mean, you make it to the limit, then you’re done. Where to go from there? Nowhere. You’ve reached the limit, your limit, his limit, her limit. It’s basically the end of everything you can do or say or think or feel. the limit. There’s nothing left afterwards, but everything you do up to then is good and great. So why is reaching your limit usually bad?
Remember that there is nothing that you cannot do. You must set your limit high. Set it higher and higher and eventually…who knows what you can do.
There was no time for George to think about jumping. He felt, for an instant, like he was about to do something crazy. “I guess we all think that”, he said. Then, with chute on back, he met his limit.
There is no limit to what I can do. I am capable of so much more than even I know. So what if they tell me I’m not. That this is it. All I will see forever is this room, these clothes. They can’t keep me here, with their lock, or their straight jackets.
i have a time limit
i dont like limits
they suck
suckity suck suck
why do you limit me?!??!
okay I’m good
limits are just fine
just fine….
don’t put limmits on life and don’t spell it wrong
people put way too many limits on themselves. Who says you can or can not do something. Who says you can’t be great. Who says you’re not strong enough, or good enough, or fast enough. You are the only person, the only one who can put limits on yourself, no one else has the power to stop you. There are no limits to what the mind can conceive. If your mind can conceive your body can deliver it. Never limit yourself.
You have no limits but those you impose upon yourself. Noone can limit your spirit, your mind. You are your own limitations.
I sometimes do but mostly really do. read that is I cant imagine life without a stack of booksAny books or magazines will do.
I am reading a history of crime fiction at the present time … cant put it down but feel very intimidated by the length and breadth of
There are no limits. Your limits are what you think they are. And if you don’t think, you have no limits. So I guess that means the dumbest of us all are the most enabled of us all. They are not hindered by their own inadequencies or terrified by thoughts of failing their own standards.
In such a blind world it is hard to push aside the mountain tops, to see our true limit.
Fuck. What’s to say about limit. It means that I have to be restrained. I really hate limits. They kind of piss me off. Why do we have limits to things? It’s the closest that a person can get to being in a cage without actually being under lock and key. That’s
I wanted to know what the limit was. Just how far could I push you before you either pushed back or broke. It started slowly, words, just words. And then it got physical, and you pushed back.
It was surprising, I didn’t know you had it in you, only you had more than anger, you had rage. And now I am bleeding on the floor.
not enough time to envision anything in my pointess life other than death. must do everything life throws at me.
He bound himself with the harness and pushed off the ledge. The wire passed through his gloved hands, and as he loosened his grip around it, he would descend another few feet.
Nonsense. Limitations are a product of apathy. Limits do nothing more than hinder freedom and imagination. A perfect world need not have limits. No word should stand in front of a goal. The only limits you need are the limiting of limits.
There’s no limit to how much I can write in one minute, especially when I’m not thinking about it, just writing. I don’t like that you could “skip” it. What does that mean? This is stupid. There’s the bar. Why do they want my email and why do I have to submit it? What happens when I submit? I’m panicing too much to even thinking about the word limit, which should be in italics, but…
there are no limits. there is no limit. limit is a fabrication of the human mind to check our ability. im not a utopianist – if you will. im a realist. there are countless stories throughout history attesting to the magnitude of human capacity.
there is no limit to the sky I wish I could touch it, but my hand only leaves a brief shadow against it that nobody else sees and even the footprints by the sea are there for others to see before the tide comes in. I wish there was permanence in the way the sun burns, but all that is made of fire consumes, just like anything that is alive eats and dwells and dies. Oh for how slow and fast and dead everything is and becomes.
we have limits? Do we, do we? Repression, repression, representation and we fall. Keep going keep limiting, are limited. We limit.
I feel limited by myself right now. Can’t seem to get out of my own way. Others around me are doing great things, and I spend way too much time trying to figure out how I can do great things instead of actually DOING them. I want to make a change. I want to work as a graphic design in my own little studio. I want to push on my limits.
there’s a limit to the power we have, or so they say. I think it is all in the mind and that we’re conditioned to our limits. if we could escape our conditioning the possibilities would be endless. our limits would be limitless and we could be like Gods.
I usually hate this word because it feels constricting but in all reality limits have their reasons behind them… alcohol being one of them . “Dont you know your limit?” they yell at me….”I thought I did..guess who, whos up for parchese?” There is no limit to love though
unconditional love comes from God, he is the source of all love–and there truly is no limit to that
Another thing I don’t like being limited on is time to write
ba dum dum
The limit is reached when someone has gone to their maximum capacity. It stops you from going further, but it is possible to extend your personal limit. Or the limit can be the most of what you can do. Everybody has a limit to their skills, whether it is how far you can run, or how long you can write.
I always feel as though I am pushed to the limit. He’s constantly telling me “i love you,” “you’re beautiful” and I ask- what does your girlfriend think of all this? I’m sick of you playing her in such a way. I’m not interested in you, (right now.) And maybe if you still have feelings for my you shouldn’t be dating. I have been pushed to the limit. There is nowhere else to go.
What are limit’s? The sky’s the limit, so they say…Limits are what they are, limiting. but we can expand our horizons and not limit ourselves, can’t we? This could be the new eternity. Or not.
there’s no limit if you talk about love.
limit is just a line that can beasily eaily broken if you are in love.
limits are nothing.
i love you.
limits. holding me back.
but no. i am infinite.
there are no limits.
freedom. yes. i can choose.
Take it to the limit. That’s what they always said. “We’re here to push you harder than you’ve ever been pushed before.” I knew joining the Air Force was something that required strength, courage, but I never knew I’d find my limit.
i feel like i am limited because i just had a baby im 20 and no college education or job. i know what limits are now.
LIMIE barriars walls, life is limets. can u find a way around them. can you break through them. Can u imopse them, on your self
there is a limit to every activity that any person takes part in, wether it is yourself and your mental attitude or someone else getting in the way
nothingis impossible?? well, thats not true, because everything has a limit.
I hate limits of time!
the sky is the limit
Limits are for the scared
Go beyond and further
there are limits on this friendship, there are limits on everything.
the limit is what I don’t understand, be it calculus or this relationship. what gave you the ruling power to decide? friendship? I don’t think so because really, it’s not so clear cut.
but I guess if I want something out of this, there has to be a limit first before you can break the barriers and walk the way you’d like to go.
The sky is the limit,
or so they say,
I say, who is the sky
Who is the sky
to hold me down
once my feet have left the ground?
Who is the sky
to be the limit?
The sky has only dreams within it.
das Limit ist erreicht. Es geht nicht mehr weiter. Die höhsten Höhen die tiefsten Tiefen. Vom Himmel bis zum Grunde des Ozeans. Er hatte alles gesehen und dachte er wüsste wo von er spricht. Aber da sollte sich heute ändern.
two not alone the simple things, not loving, individual, egocentric,besides, encercledscary, far away,
you are limited only by the limits you set. the limits you set keep you from going beyond the limit of your ideas. If you don’t go beyond those limits, you’ll stay where you are because where you are is about the extent of your limits.
dont limit yourself cos u know that unlimited is more limited when you know the limitations and the imitations of this world its so cold
There is a limit to what anyone can expect from Santa Claus. War, pestilence, kinky stuff are in ready supply but try and order peace on Earth for Christmas and be ready to be disappointed.
The limit. It’s pretty much what stops everyone everytime isn’t it? I mean, you make it to the limit, then you’re done. Where to go from there? Nowhere. You’ve reached the limit, your limit, his limit, her limit. It’s basically the end of everything you can do or say or think or feel. the limit. There’s nothing left afterwards, but everything you do up to then is good and great. So why is reaching your limit usually bad?
Remember that there is nothing that you cannot do. You must set your limit high. Set it higher and higher and eventually…who knows what you can do.
There was no time for George to think about jumping. He felt, for an instant, like he was about to do something crazy. “I guess we all think that”, he said. Then, with chute on back, he met his limit.