
January 28th, 2009 | 499 Entries

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499 Entries for “lock”

  1. i was picking locks as the clock struck twelve. i had forgotten the milk again, Henry will be furious. but if only i could break into this house faster, i would have time to get my milk, then i wouldn’t have to worry about Henry beating me with his shillelagh.

  2. The lock on the door was jammed. No matter how much he pushed, shoved, wiggled the key, the door wouldn’t open.

    “Is… it going to take much longer?”

    “I… It’s…” He hesitated. How much would she panic? Would she be okay if he told her? He took a deep breath.

    Alexandria K.
  3. and key
    hiding things we are ashamed of
    what’s wrong?
    what are you scared of?
    nothing at all
    yeah right
    keep your thoughts under lock and key
    nothing ever comes out of it
    except a freaking heart and a terrified mind
    keep your mind under lock and key
    nobody will know
    nobody will care
    because nobody has the key
    except you
    so let it out
    it’s pandora’s box, suckers
    everything comes out
    and in the end
    you still have hope

  4. I wish I could lock away certain parts of my brain. Certain parts of my psyche which run away with themselves from time to time making me miserable and rabid. I would like to lock up certain people also. Can you believe that after 15 months of adjournments he indicated he would be prepared to plead guilty and the system adjourned the case for another 2 months just in case the bastard wants to change his mind?

  5. Summer days where the lock on the door stays unused, a thing of winter past. Friends will flit back and forth through the heat and sometimes-haze to recline and talk and dance away the constant simmering, always pleased to find the lock a still rusty and unused thing.

  6. i quickly closed the door, flicked on the porch light, but i didn’t lock the door. i knew he’d be coming — so i thought. hours passed by and the moon began to set into the night. i fell asleep on the couch and woke up in the middle of the night. he never showed.

  7. We were in lock step the entire way until she tripped. Blood spurt from her nose. She was not a happy bride.

    Patti J Ryan
  8. lock the doors
    lock the windows
    lock away the outside world

    lock your heart
    lock your feelings
    lock them in a chest of hurt

    lock it all away
    forget all the pain
    remember your old way
    and walk on without fear

  9. i picked a lock the other day and I entered the home and what do you know they had a lot of junk in there so I decided to borrow it all..but sort of permanently. I dont think they’ll miss it much.

  10. John Locke was a philosepher who had the idea people were born as blank slates. Now, he also talked about social contract, giving up certain rights for others in government, but being

  11. I couldn’t open it. The lock on the door was rusty and impossibly heavy. I kept prying at it but all it returned was flakes of rusted metal.

    My head throbbed. Where the fuck was I? I awoke, grasping a lock, trapped without a memory.

    Katharine McCarthy
  12. the pick is broken. nothing can open it but the key. You try and break it with a hammer but it wont budge. you see the key-barer, and you want to be him. You want that key around your neck so you can have the power to unlock it. The ambition is wrong but the it can used for good. Be the key-barer.

  13. eager beavers kick old doors in on holidays to find sugar treats that they made the night before on the floor. funny thing is beavers don’t have the sugar they have to beg for it on the street in plain day light. what happens when they leave their keys outside.

    joseph green
  14. So when i was little, i had this thing, with breaking into everything, i unlocked everything. i broke through doors chains, and even cars. i was badass. and now that i look back at it? it made me who i am today

  15. I’ve just decided that this would be a perfect title for a novel (or a film).

  16. is all it takes to create peace around the world.

  17. You put the lock on my heart and I have yet to get the key from you to take it off again… so here I am with a heart no one can get into besides you and so today I am asking for the key because I don’t want to be locked anymore.

    Jessica Burton
  18. Locks are a natural part of establishing human boundaries. It is the symbol by which we mark out territory in the modern world. Not impossible to bypass but impossible to do without.

  19. the lock on the door was rusted and aged. It certainly seemed that it had not been used for a long time. we wondered what was behind the door. there were trails of dried blood seeping under the old wooden steps and it

  20. I wish I could’ve put a lock on that moment when we were wrestling and you said you loved me and meant it;
    I wish that memory were locked so that I could replay in over and over again and have it happen.
    I wish I could lock your thoughts so that your heart was the only thing helping you a long.

    I am sorry I messed everything up;
    I really love you Eric, and it makes it so hard to know what to do sometimes.
    I hope you don’t mean it when you say you’ve moved on.

    Stella Heather
  21. Locking people out of your mind, and the emotions that you feel can sometimes be beneficial to both you and the person. Although, that is a true statement. It can also be extremely harmful. I find myself doing this a lot.

  22. i get locked out but it’s ok because i have a spare key. my roommate and i anticipated a situation just like this. i used to lock my keys out of my car. one time i was at the mall with my ex boyfriend tony. we couldn’t get a hold of anybody to come pick us up. but eventually we got our friends lindsey and christian, who were apparently fooling around and couldn’t really talk…yeah that was awkward.

  23. when i tend to lock myself in my room it sucks, i wouldn’t know what to do if i didn’t have a door to lock myself in. i have privacy, i can do things without being seen. seriously what would anyone do without locks? they keep us safe, but from who? ourselves? i don’t know most probably

  24. o many wonders all locked up in my mind and not enough love to satisfy my only whim as i pass by locked doors in a hallway that never ends and I’m lost in time forever and forever a wandering soul…

  25. Try to find it, time it quick. Rap the side, the vault is thick. Mind your thumb, the drum beat ticks and blast it open, wolf on brick.

  26. Lock the door. Run. RUN! He’s coming through the back window now. Don’t go up the stairs, you’ll be trapped. Call the police? Call a neighbor? Where to run? Where? Where?! Oh God. No!

  27. i was locked in a dark room with one key and a small hole in the wall and i heard the faint beating bum bum bum bum bum bum and inserted the key,,, love forever in love with you…

  28. Pieces of me are locked. Choices I make are locked. Sometimes I keep my mouth locked. But the wishes of me want to be unlocked.

    Stephanie K. Bragg
  29. lock stock and barrell over the hills and
    into the meadow locks of splendid gold spun around the bends of time. Speeding waves of time and dew drops of memories surround us.

    dr friendlyship
  30. When i was a child, my bedroom had a simple little lock on it that was easy enough to pick. I always wanted to purchase a more sophisticated one that no one could break through, but for some reason this mnever happened. I suppose that, to a child, the barrier between his bedroom and the rest of the world is an important one, because the bedroom is the only place the child truly owns, and can retreat to and be pure. I think it is rather important, however, that i never actually bought a more complex and sophisticated lock.

  31. no one ever lets me in on thier secrets

  32. I locked the door on my way out. Or at least I thought I did. I came home an hour later to find her there, draped like a scarf thrown mindlessly onto a bed after a long day, bleeding on the threshold. How did this happen?

  33. lock down. like in shawshake redemption. where the prison goes on lock down because something big happene. like some breaks out. or in. or someting. la de la high who hah~ peace and love and relaxation. snow days rock im on vacation, and hizzle hizzle ha ha ha. i wont stop writing till this wears off. will it will it i dont know! its like asking tomrrow, sir, will we have school? probably, yes he says to the bees. them bees in them trees doing it with monkees. why am i stil typing? i should have hit submitt. but the thought of using that poor keyboard key yet again today, im giving the mouse button a break. its time the mouse button gets a break! do they have a union yet?

    erin rose
  34. my heart is locked. I really have no where else to go. Or rather i feel i do and i cant get beyond my fear.
    its knowing that something is right there waiting, but no knowing how to unlock the door and get to the other side.

  35. again? lock as a noun? a nerb as in, “lock(ed) in” or something? is this wrong? i am odd about these things..and nervrous. no no no this is not riggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggghhht

    erin rose
  36. locked inside
    words are trapped
    feelings trapped
    by words
    not the right ones
    give me a language without words
    let this out
    this lonely rolling feeling
    too much inside
    not enough words
    or time

  37. This lock had no key. it had always been there. waiting. the room on the other side of the door could contain anything. but the key was lost. until one day. until meggy found it. that was the day we found out.

  38. lock away your heart. anything sacred. specail. lock it away in your memory for the future; when often, it means the most. hold onto your memories nd lock them in your heart orever.

    erin rose
  39. A lock of his hair was in the back of the drawer. Dusty, separating, but it was my baby’s hair. Where had that baby gone? Who is this man who cares for me now, this man who inspires children?

  40. It seems like a lock what we’re going to be throwing billions of dollars into the economy to pull us out of the current severe slump. We hope that it puts people back to work and that it doesn’t end up shackling our children.
