I went to his house to give him all his things. I didn’t want to, he hurt me so bad that seeing him was the last thing I ever want to do. But it had to be done.
He never locks the door. But today, I turned the knob and it was locked. I left his things on the doorstep and left.
My mind is locked from you. Though you will redoubtably try to find the meaning of this, it is barred from you.
I am a man of my own. Jack of all trades, master of none, and master of no one and none the master of me.
I have barred my innermost thoughts from you and the key is withheld for all time.
M Cauthon
You can’t go in.
Those were the last words he remembered hearing.
It isn’t for you.
Those were the last thoughts he could remember having.
Life washed away in a torrent of heartbreak and numbness.
Where is the key? Where does the raw power of life merge with the end of all things, death?
Allen Allgood
My heart is locked? Is it? What is locked? all my lifetime my romantic feelings, my tenderness.. to hide. Wearing the mask to protect miself.. suddenly, a short time ago I had discovered that it doesn´t matter. The meangfully thing is how you feel, Do you feel weak? So you are…
Locked my heart opened my mind
I have a work to do: open my heart for ever
in a cage, like a pig on antibiotics.
i locked my heart inside a chest
and didn’t give anyone the key.
not even myself.
The door was locked. No one could get through no matter how hard they tried. This door was the only thing stopping them from being able to go back in time. They could change everything they ever did, and keep their current knowledge if the locked door was out of their way. Forever.
Kerby Olive
and without a key. no need for key, because actually there is no door either. I am locked regardless, like if i were to wake up in the middle of the desert one morning, and try to get out.
The door was locked. Relization strikes her and she is in a panic. She tried to look through the window in hopes of finding a flash of movement, a muffled sound, anything, anthing at all. But the house stays still. And the wind is the only noise she hears.
i turned the key and heard the lock click. i knew he’d be safe. i just had to get some supplies to hold us over during the disaster. we’d be fine i knew it. i just had to make sure he didn’t leave.ever.
I’m locked. Alone. Nobody there. Why am I alone? Why won’t anybody help me? I don’t understand… oh well, I DO understand. It’s just like that. People like me get locked away. They’re dangerous. I’m dangerous. Ach.
up in a cage. i can’t get out and i wish i could but i see no end in sight. help me get out because i want to see the sun one last time. Will you please help me? The sun is going down and the lighting in my cell is fading. Locked up in a cage with no way out.
ricky espinoza
the door is locked sometimes, and sometimes your mind can be locked. locked on one thing. and sometimes it takes a special person to be able to find the key to unlock your mind and make you a better person
heather willingham
I tried the knob, but it was held fast by whatever mechanism was within it. Senseless. With a sigh of irritation I slumped back against the wall, eyeing the door that currently trumped my efforts. It was troubling, but moreso in a metaphorical sense than a physical one.
"Max" Tak
locked in a room with no windows, no doors, and no corners. the ceiling and floor both appear to be completely solid. how did i get in here? wait, does this even count as ‘locked’ so much as trapped?
Shut and closed forever, I stand staring at a door that holds everything I ever wanted in the world. It’s not that I can’t open the door– I could, if I really wanted to. That’s not the point. The point is that the door does not *want* to be opened. It would much rather see me standing there, hoping against hope that it will open itself. And so here I remain, growing smaller and smaller as I hear the door lock.
i cant believe that her hair is full of diamonds and obstacles to her mind that if i could i would invade. This is only her first time away from the key that she needs to survive. Breathing in iron, exhaling rust. I knew her so well, but better as dust. She came by the other night. The door was off its hinges and underneath the moon’s gleam
Nigel S
Shut the door, build a wall, put a lock on your heart. But be warned, the more protection you devise, the worse the pain, suffered in silence but apparent to all who surround you.
I’m locked in a basement.
How did I end up here? Heh. Well, my sisters thought it would be a funny joke. Except they forgot to get me out. They’ll be gone for a week with my parents. I’m housesitting.
Like in a box, or room. Trapped, if you are in the room, or box. Kept apart, not to be shared, posessed, owned. But treasured. The price of freedom, to not be kept safe.
put away, unavailable.
secret you need a key. Keys are the key. You have to know the secret word – key. otherwise it’s not open to you. priviledged information. safe from corruption, locked away to remain pure and undefiled.
A key, a door- Richard Feynman the lock breaker! Found atomic secrets in a filing cabinet… Houdini might have been a lock breaker, not sure. Locks of the Panama Canal where the boats rise and fall with the waters.
Lock it up, throw away the key, she whispers in the night, beside me. I wrap my shaking hands around her throat and does as she tells me.
I feel trapped and need to get away, locked inside of a deep hole, i feel like there is no escape, a way out or a refuge for the placed i’m locked in. out i must go and in i must not stay, i want to get away but to where, i do not know.
Dammit, I’m locked out again. This always happens to me at least opportune times. I am so late right now. Ugh, I hate myself sometimes. I need a memory locker thingy majig. I can’t even remember my memory keeper thing. I hate being locked out.
I feel like my life is locked into place now and that I no longer can change anything and that it’s too late to be the person I want to be. It is absolutely the most depressing feeling in the world.
I was locked out of my house one day in middle school. I thought I had the key and I had gotten dropped off after school. I had to wait till my parents got home and I sat on my porch for about an hour. It was the spring and it was lovely outside but it was rather boring being locked out.
I was locked in conflict over how to write my dissertation. Do I write about forced migration or do I write about labor migration. The real problem is that i do not know where to go with the methodology. This keeps me guessing. I think i am closer to knowing how to get around this, but each day presents new challenges that I am hoping to meet.
locked. i feel like im locked in right now. locked in a world of to much work where i cant finish it all. i never finish it all. maybe i dont spend enough time on all of it, but it feels like i spend so much time on it. maybe its because i dont spread the time out. im not sure. i need to figgure out how to get this door unlocked and get out of this.
My phone is locked. I can see it from where I’m sitting across the room. I cannot move my arms or legs, and I watch as the phone lights up, ringing and receiving messages, as if I can freely view them. It is dark. This is the only light I can see. Then, it goes dark.
Kelly K.
My heart is locked. I’ve long lost the key. It has been this way a while but sometimes I still surprise myself with how “unfeeling” I can be. When I do show some sort of emotion, it’s usually an act; a way to be appropriate.
The door was locked, and so was her heart. She wouldn’t let me in to her life, and she was the one person that made my life worth living. I shyed away from the door, and made my way out onto the cold streets.
in a box. no key, no windows. stuck. in time? maybe,possibly. she sits and waits… “i miss the rain”
closed, keys. I remember when my brother came home last month he lost the keys to the locks on his bag and we ended up opening them with a hammer :P Mum wasn’t too happy with that
The door will not open. Why? What can’t i see? Why wont they let me in the room? I am here alone, but there are noises on the other side of the door. I wonder what they are doing in there? Why wont they let me in? I wish I didn’t have to sit out here in the rain.
Arusha Kingsbury
i feel trapped like someone won’t let me through i want to go but for some reason it feels like home trapped in my home not so bad right? what to do my mind wanders. help
locked in , nowhere to turn, unlocked i want to be. there , near me is the key- out of reach , but with a stretch: ah yes got it. turn the lock, and here another room, another lock. perhaps i ‘ll stop here and picknic for a while… bound to be just another locked room on the other side- i know these sorts of dreams- best not t buy into them, best just enjopy my locked room— but there’s the key just there- i could just grab it and turn it and see- disapointment awaits i’m sure…but perhaps not
i was locked in office yesterday, a deadline was appraoching and i ended up in that arrest.
but as they say, god closes (locks) one door, opens many others… it did opened many doors of opportunity for me.
Krishan Kant
The tears which flowed incessantly did not seem to shed today. I continued trying to let them go but I could feel it within me soaking me from the inside but so locked in…..
lubinisha saha
locked is an adjective for doors, and figurative doors, and plans which are almost certain to proceed according to the parameters you discussed with your friends. kanye west has someone’s love locked down; it’s not clear whose love, from the lyrics. a “lock” is also a sports term.
I went to his house to give him all his things. I didn’t want to, he hurt me so bad that seeing him was the last thing I ever want to do. But it had to be done.
He never locks the door. But today, I turned the knob and it was locked. I left his things on the doorstep and left.
My mind is locked from you. Though you will redoubtably try to find the meaning of this, it is barred from you.
I am a man of my own. Jack of all trades, master of none, and master of no one and none the master of me.
I have barred my innermost thoughts from you and the key is withheld for all time.
You can’t go in.
Those were the last words he remembered hearing.
It isn’t for you.
Those were the last thoughts he could remember having.
Life washed away in a torrent of heartbreak and numbness.
Where is the key? Where does the raw power of life merge with the end of all things, death?
My heart is locked? Is it? What is locked? all my lifetime my romantic feelings, my tenderness.. to hide. Wearing the mask to protect miself.. suddenly, a short time ago I had discovered that it doesn´t matter. The meangfully thing is how you feel, Do you feel weak? So you are…
Locked my heart opened my mind
I have a work to do: open my heart for ever
in a cage, like a pig on antibiotics.
i locked my heart inside a chest
and didn’t give anyone the key.
not even myself.
The door was locked. No one could get through no matter how hard they tried. This door was the only thing stopping them from being able to go back in time. They could change everything they ever did, and keep their current knowledge if the locked door was out of their way. Forever.
and without a key. no need for key, because actually there is no door either. I am locked regardless, like if i were to wake up in the middle of the desert one morning, and try to get out.
The door was locked. Relization strikes her and she is in a panic. She tried to look through the window in hopes of finding a flash of movement, a muffled sound, anything, anthing at all. But the house stays still. And the wind is the only noise she hears.
i turned the key and heard the lock click. i knew he’d be safe. i just had to get some supplies to hold us over during the disaster. we’d be fine i knew it. i just had to make sure he didn’t leave.ever.
I’m locked. Alone. Nobody there. Why am I alone? Why won’t anybody help me? I don’t understand… oh well, I DO understand. It’s just like that. People like me get locked away. They’re dangerous. I’m dangerous. Ach.
up in a cage. i can’t get out and i wish i could but i see no end in sight. help me get out because i want to see the sun one last time. Will you please help me? The sun is going down and the lighting in my cell is fading. Locked up in a cage with no way out.
the door is locked sometimes, and sometimes your mind can be locked. locked on one thing. and sometimes it takes a special person to be able to find the key to unlock your mind and make you a better person
I tried the knob, but it was held fast by whatever mechanism was within it. Senseless. With a sigh of irritation I slumped back against the wall, eyeing the door that currently trumped my efforts. It was troubling, but moreso in a metaphorical sense than a physical one.
locked in a room with no windows, no doors, and no corners. the ceiling and floor both appear to be completely solid. how did i get in here? wait, does this even count as ‘locked’ so much as trapped?
Shut and closed forever, I stand staring at a door that holds everything I ever wanted in the world. It’s not that I can’t open the door– I could, if I really wanted to. That’s not the point. The point is that the door does not *want* to be opened. It would much rather see me standing there, hoping against hope that it will open itself. And so here I remain, growing smaller and smaller as I hear the door lock.
i cant believe that her hair is full of diamonds and obstacles to her mind that if i could i would invade. This is only her first time away from the key that she needs to survive. Breathing in iron, exhaling rust. I knew her so well, but better as dust. She came by the other night. The door was off its hinges and underneath the moon’s gleam
Shut the door, build a wall, put a lock on your heart. But be warned, the more protection you devise, the worse the pain, suffered in silence but apparent to all who surround you.
I’m locked in a basement.
How did I end up here? Heh. Well, my sisters thought it would be a funny joke. Except they forgot to get me out. They’ll be gone for a week with my parents. I’m housesitting.
Like in a box, or room. Trapped, if you are in the room, or box. Kept apart, not to be shared, posessed, owned. But treasured. The price of freedom, to not be kept safe.
put away, unavailable.
secret you need a key. Keys are the key. You have to know the secret word – key. otherwise it’s not open to you. priviledged information. safe from corruption, locked away to remain pure and undefiled.
A key, a door- Richard Feynman the lock breaker! Found atomic secrets in a filing cabinet… Houdini might have been a lock breaker, not sure. Locks of the Panama Canal where the boats rise and fall with the waters.
Lock it up, throw away the key, she whispers in the night, beside me. I wrap my shaking hands around her throat and does as she tells me.
I feel trapped and need to get away, locked inside of a deep hole, i feel like there is no escape, a way out or a refuge for the placed i’m locked in. out i must go and in i must not stay, i want to get away but to where, i do not know.
Dammit, I’m locked out again. This always happens to me at least opportune times. I am so late right now. Ugh, I hate myself sometimes. I need a memory locker thingy majig. I can’t even remember my memory keeper thing. I hate being locked out.
I feel like my life is locked into place now and that I no longer can change anything and that it’s too late to be the person I want to be. It is absolutely the most depressing feeling in the world.
I was locked out of my house one day in middle school. I thought I had the key and I had gotten dropped off after school. I had to wait till my parents got home and I sat on my porch for about an hour. It was the spring and it was lovely outside but it was rather boring being locked out.
I was locked in conflict over how to write my dissertation. Do I write about forced migration or do I write about labor migration. The real problem is that i do not know where to go with the methodology. This keeps me guessing. I think i am closer to knowing how to get around this, but each day presents new challenges that I am hoping to meet.
locked. i feel like im locked in right now. locked in a world of to much work where i cant finish it all. i never finish it all. maybe i dont spend enough time on all of it, but it feels like i spend so much time on it. maybe its because i dont spread the time out. im not sure. i need to figgure out how to get this door unlocked and get out of this.
My phone is locked. I can see it from where I’m sitting across the room. I cannot move my arms or legs, and I watch as the phone lights up, ringing and receiving messages, as if I can freely view them. It is dark. This is the only light I can see. Then, it goes dark.
My heart is locked. I’ve long lost the key. It has been this way a while but sometimes I still surprise myself with how “unfeeling” I can be. When I do show some sort of emotion, it’s usually an act; a way to be appropriate.
The door was locked, and so was her heart. She wouldn’t let me in to her life, and she was the one person that made my life worth living. I shyed away from the door, and made my way out onto the cold streets.
in a box. no key, no windows. stuck. in time? maybe,possibly. she sits and waits… “i miss the rain”
closed, keys. I remember when my brother came home last month he lost the keys to the locks on his bag and we ended up opening them with a hammer :P Mum wasn’t too happy with that
The door will not open. Why? What can’t i see? Why wont they let me in the room? I am here alone, but there are noises on the other side of the door. I wonder what they are doing in there? Why wont they let me in? I wish I didn’t have to sit out here in the rain.
i feel trapped like someone won’t let me through i want to go but for some reason it feels like home trapped in my home not so bad right? what to do my mind wanders. help
locked in , nowhere to turn, unlocked i want to be. there , near me is the key- out of reach , but with a stretch: ah yes got it. turn the lock, and here another room, another lock. perhaps i ‘ll stop here and picknic for a while… bound to be just another locked room on the other side- i know these sorts of dreams- best not t buy into them, best just enjopy my locked room— but there’s the key just there- i could just grab it and turn it and see- disapointment awaits i’m sure…but perhaps not
i was locked in office yesterday, a deadline was appraoching and i ended up in that arrest.
but as they say, god closes (locks) one door, opens many others… it did opened many doors of opportunity for me.
The tears which flowed incessantly did not seem to shed today. I continued trying to let them go but I could feel it within me soaking me from the inside but so locked in…..
locked is an adjective for doors, and figurative doors, and plans which are almost certain to proceed according to the parameters you discussed with your friends. kanye west has someone’s love locked down; it’s not clear whose love, from the lyrics. a “lock” is also a sports term.