
January 15th, 2010 | 478 Entries

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478 Entries for “major”

  1. major brings to mind a host of ideas. for myself, i immediately gravitated towards the definition that is used in military ranking systems. i usually show contempt for such institutions, but i figured it apt to write about it here.

    Stephen Andrews
  2. sophie clicked her pen against her teeth, staring with mild panic hiding behind her eyes at the slowly loading university application page. without turning, she said, “so i guess this is the part where i decide what i’m going to do with my life forever.” a nervous giggle escaped her lips. her fingers shook as she typed in her name.

  3. My major is math and teaching. I have always wanted to be a teacher, and have always been good at math, so I figured it would be a good field to go into. The college I attend is known for teaching, which made it a wise decision as well.

  4. major threat. he takes your soul in a glace of his eye. he takes your thoughts, your emotions, everything. he is the major part of your mind, the major taste in your mouth, the majority of your life. and its sickening.

  5. very nisec bes shufuni best of tops porno tube

  6. I’m going to write about the majority. Mostly because it’s fun to act like I’m a marxist every now and then. Secondly because changing the part of speech is funnier. Out of time, oh well. goodbye!

  7. not minor. it’s huge and very important(that’s what she said). it’s a high status. think music in a major key. big deal.

  8. bummmmer

  9. what do i want to major in, one person asked me? I never know how to answer this question because my mind is always changing. People want me to do what they want me to do. It makes me confused, like i dont know what to do or what my major is?

  10. what i am to do? how to know what to pic? i might commit a major mistake, which i dont want to do. why do i ask so many questions?

  11. sometimes I wish I knew what I want to do in life
    In college, for example
    people ask, “so…what do you think you’ll MAJOR in?”
    I never know how to reply.
    “Veggies?” I say, “Perhaps baby psychology, or giraffe physics, or the renaissance?”

  12. Today’s college students should monitor job trends and consider changing their major to assure some employment will be available when they graduate and not have to move home.

  13. She is my friend Alyssa. Her last name is Najor, but that sucks because it puts her on the other side of the alphabet. If she changed it to Major she could be grouped with me.

  14. Ground control to Major Tom… Check ignition engines on..

  15. What am I going to major in?

  16. groan.

  17. tom

  18. I got major again. Majorette. Is that something to do with a marching band? Am I being dumb? Probably. But I got a record player for my birthday and it’s great. Listen to The Byrds. They’re great. Everything is great. Except for the situation in Haiti. That sucks.

  19. the key the one that’s happy the opposite of sad. you are my sunshine and most songs by the good ol boys. the man in the uniform, the affirmation of appreciation, the baton-twirler and the lynch pin of it all. the return to form at the end of a chorus and all good things in between.

  20. The major said to the captain: “What the fuck are we doing here? This isn’t a war, It’s a child’s birthday party.”

    He was only partially correct.

  21. Major minor, nothig finer

  22. Oh, life is bigger
    It’s bigger than you, and you are not me.
    the band REM? That’s from their song Losing My Religion.
    Love that song.
    Sometimes life seems too major too handle. A cliche in itself, but still. Has to be said.

  23. Major in college? I don’t know. Sometimes I pretend that I can do anything. I have all these dreams and hopes but I’m scared nothing will ever happen.

  24. There are so people that i have major issues. wait, scratch that. There is one person who i have major issues with. Hes an old, fattish spanish guy, who always buys cheap wines, and expects to be treated like a king when he comes to my liquor store. I think i finally am able to hate someone. Major ass wipe.

  25. There is nothing major going on right now

    Chris P
  26. Major. College major. Uncertainty. Futures. Sci-fi. Scifi shows. Firefly. Wonder why that one got cancelled, SUCH a good plot line, lots of action, accurate futuristic Asain fusion setting…

  27. this is a major who is a prime minister. he is no longer part of the cabinet but he wishes he was because the war, is over, sadly the horses have no use. they never did but when he was at war, dead people never meant as much as dead horses

  28. major. fuck. i guess this is something that i worry about every day. everyone is declaring it. a major i mean. but im only 18, how the fuck am i to know what i want to do with the rest of my life. thats quite a commitment.

  29. majorly large news
    the world is going crazy
    everysingle day
    things get large, bigger, stronger
    but what of us, the little people
    can we learn how to keep up
    or is this majorly large world
    going to bring us down again
    majorly larger than ever before

  30. OMG! I don’t even want to talk about my major. I majorly need to figure out what I am doing with my life. This is becoming a major problem.

  31. i have no idea what i’ll be doing for college. the thought scares me. majors? careers? life decisions being made in minutes, hours, days, months, years. i don’t want to hear it. don’t tell me how to live my life. just let me live it.

  32. The main thing you study in college. The most important part of something. The part that has the most.

  33. my college majors are government and english
    i am giving that person a major makeover

  34. My major in college. Shit, what’s it gonna be. Like… I like journalism. But I like languages. And biology and english and history. But not math.
    All of my teachers think that I’ll major in their subject. But that’s not going to happen. Not for all of them.
    Maybe I’ll just go to college for the rest of my life, and learn everything. Yeah.

  35. as soon as you get to college people as “what is you major?” “what are you majoring in?” as if your entire life and what your purpose is in it can be summed up in one or two words. its so confining. be free, be you, be real. my major is LIFE.
  36. My major in college. Shit, what’s it gonna be. Like… I like journalism. But I like languages. And biology and english and history. But not math.
    All of my teachers think that I’ll major in their subject. But that’s not going to happen. Not for all of them.
    Maybe I’ll just go to college for the rest of my life, and learn everything. Yeah.

  37. a major major problem.
    big, huge, unfathomable.
    majorly big problem.

  38. army

  39. The major problem in my life at the moment is WHAT TO DO or WHAT NOT TO DO. Is everyone like me or am I the only person who cannot make major life-decisions. About work or home? It is always the same – I just don’t know what to do.

    A Weir
  40. The major was majorly pissed. Never before had his privates treated him this way. He was not a fan of innuendo, he like inyourendo more. He’s going to stop now while he’s behind.

    Jesse S