
May 18th, 2024 | 3 Entries

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3 Entries for “mango”

  1. Mango drips sticky from my fingers. I climb the tree and my silver ring breaks but I watch the street while reaching for my prize. I take them in, slice carefully, and dip them in soy sauce and vinegar.

    Mangos are my mother’s favorite, but they don’t grow in June. The mangos here now are red and from Mexico. They don’t taste the same. Mangos aren’t just mangos just like apples aren’t just apples and there’s more than one kind of banana. We have to buy the dried ones, expensive on the shelf, but they are yellow and shipped from Cebu. But I wish I could have a mango dribbling juice.

  2. Not quite round, just green on the one side. The man’s head was bruised and Rick couldn’t think of anything but mangos.

  3. The mango tree had just bloomed, much later than other trees in the neighborhood, but now the tree was covered with flowers, some of which had dropped off and tiny mangoes were starting to emerge. She looked at the tree and was happy that she kept the tree when all the other neighbors were saying it should be cut down.
