
August 23rd, 2008 | 376 Entries

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376 Entries for “mantle”

  1. i find it hard to think of anything to write here that doesn’t simply read like an ill thought out entry in a dictionary. the word has no relevance to me – i’m no geologist, i wear hoodies, i’m still in high school so the idea of being in a position of power or having one passed to me is far fetched to say the least. ohp times up.

  2. I take the mantel on to be the best I can. This was passed from my Mom to me and I bear this mantel with pride.

  3. You hang stocking there for Christmas. It’s above a fire place. They are usually made of bricks. I always wanted a mantle. You cab put pictures on one.

    S. E. B
  4. man tai!….screamed the chinese aunty. The literal translation of ‘Problem’! Who hasn’t had problems these days? Especially with the petrol price hikes and notwithstanding increasing prices on the noodles. Old chinese aunty isn’t too fogey to fathom it.

  5. Mantle. The first time I saw this word I knew it had something to do with a fireplace, despite never hearing it before or knowing what it meant at all. So later, every time I heard it, I knew someone was talking about something with a fireplace, but I just didn’t know what part of a fireplace. Of course, later in life I figured out how to use a dictionary and figured out that it’s the part above a fireplace which you place stuff on. Things like pictures, candles, and other stuff. They can be made out of marble or granite, or wood. I like the granite ones better because they’re fancy. I like fancy things, and mantles are pretty fancy. Especially when you’re just sitting there watching the fire burn and you look up at the pictures on the mantle.

  6. Mantle, the greatest baseball player my dad ever pitched to in his minor league days, Mantle his autograph in a frame on the mantle in the living room, carved oak that mantle, and Mantle himself muscles hard as the ash of the bat lathed, round and round at the Louisville Slugger factory, mickey mantle he’s lathed and lithe as a baseball bat

  7. The mantle he wore was impossible for him to fill. Yesterday, he was the average Joe, in the world to make a living. Today, he found himself with a family to support and a nation to save. The concept of children was difficult, but more so the concept that the country he loved was in peril and only he could save it.

    Emily Brookhart
  8. adam and eve standing next to one another making frequencies

    christina ruiz
  9. On the mantle, there’s a picture. It’s of you and I, of a love long past. I smile sadly when I see it, because we looked so happy…So beloved and so loving in that picture. It’s raining, I’ve just had my first kiss from you in the rain, and…You’re holding me in your arms. That will never happen again.

  10. It sat above the fireplace. It was nothing special, but something that looked nice. My grandma would spend hours rearranging and dusting above the fireplace even though no visible dust was in sight. As it sat on the mantle I watched. It never moved.

  11. I have a mantle in the new house, it’s filled with candles, a potted plant. It’s not like we can use the fireplace… tis a hazard… but I have a mantle.. and that stands for something.

  12. mantle is above the fireplace. It is where we hang our stockings at
    christmas. It i also a word for a wrap or caape. The mantle at my house is dark Walnut. I know the color of the stain because I stained it.

    Colleen Richardson
  13. mantle, the stockings hang from the mantle at christmas time. i always liked my stocking. my mom made. always thought i’d make my girl’s too but it hasn’t been done. some people don’t have mantles b/c they don’t have fireplaces. i love fireplaces. even in tucson they are nice in the winter. so cozy. what’s the other word for a mantle?

  14. Mickey Mantle went down to the corner store wearing a fake mustache made out of Marilyn Monroe’s pussy hair. It was a gift from Joe DiMaggio. “A small coffee, my good man,” said The Mick in a French accent. The barista rolled his eyes.

    Reinaldo Stainforth
  15. There was a picture of his ex girlfriend there. I hated it. When we were making out a crazy woman broke through the window. It was the girl in the picture. “I’m his wife!” she shouted throwing a knife over my head.

  16. he wore it with pride, it was given to him wait mantle as in fireplacre mantle? or mantel as in “the mantel of authority”? hahaha! so, he didn’t wear the mantle, the fireplace wore this mantle, and the mantle wore the clock, the ballerina figurine, the keys and notebook, and the other little bits and pieces of daily detritus that every surface collects over the course of a lifetime in one space.
