
April 22nd, 2009 | 259 Entries

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259 Entries for “manual”

  1. a manual is something that teaches a person how to do something. it is a guide of directions, giving a person the answers to something new. mauals may help a person build something, find their way, or even just learn new information. mauals are crucial to any newfound task or item.

  2. Things can be done manually or automatically. In this age, a lot of tedious things can be avoided to be done in manual.

  3. Manual driving is the only way to go, really. Automatic driving is for pansies. When I was struggling to learn to drive on my standard, and everyone in my school was learning to drive on their automatics, a girl in my history class was telling me how “totally amazing” she was at driving. I asked her if she drove stick. She said “what’s ‘stick’?”. I said standard. She shook her head no. I couldn’t stop myself from saying, loudly, “ALL YOUR PROGRESS IS WORTHLESS!”

  4. Manals. They give you instruction to complete everyday tasks. They ae useful, but some refuse to read them until they have failed several attempts. What would one do if they coudl not use a manual? They wouldn’t be able to use a manual for instructions. What a dilemma!

  5. Is there a manual for the thoughts in the mind? Categorized by subject, trauma, or good feeling emotion? Is there a manual for the people that we want to meet? How we can find them. WHERE we can find them. How long it will take? Is there a manual for anything but the man made creations that fall apart after a week’s use? Is there a manual for saving the Earth? Most importantly, is there a library of these manuals that has been buried underneath our own searching?

  6. I never read the mauual,but I do save everyone I get. I keep them in a bottom drawer somewhere out of sight, gathering dust, until I need one, but have forgotten where I’ve put them all.

  7. The manual sat on the shelf, waiting to be read. But Jacey wasn’t a manual type person. She worked off the cuff, on the fly, and with her excellent mechanical skills, manuals weren’t all that important in her realm of existence.

  8. i’ll never drive anything that doesn’t have a manual transmission. i trust me more than i trust an automatic put together by a stranger.
    i love that zen moment when i hold the clutch just so and

  9. You are in control. It isn’t able to function on it’s own. Not automatic. Things that I never read. don’t like having to do this kind of stimulation on myself

  10. Manual is the type of speed that I don’t want. Not transmission, but speed. Speed like lions and tigers I don’t think this word is going anywhere at all.

  11. labor is a horrible thing. It reminds me of the slave trade debate we had this morning. I did not like the fact that the other side wanted to legalize prostitution. This seems like a horrible idea.

  12. I wish there were some sort of manual of ways to behave in a situation like this, but instead I will just sit here with my overactive imagination dreaming the best or the worst in alternating moments

  13. And then god descended from the sky and gave to all of his weak and wrenched creatures a manual,a road map to salvation.


  14. nobody does manual labor anymore. we wonder why we’re an obese country–because all of our jobs involve sitting behind a desk. even students don’t have to load up on books and carry them back from the library to study–they can do it all online. and cubicle rats don’t get any exercise, cooped up behind a desk all day. its a lifestyle issue.

  15. I haven’t read the manual, I screamed in despair. How will I know how to operate life if I can’t read the manual? Where IS the manual? Have you seen the manual?

    Oh, there it is, under my bed. My manual, my beautiful manual.

  16. My manual was written by a man named emanuel, he was a manual labourerbut in a manegerial position. you know, man?

    Max Schuette
  17. manual labor is not my biggest desire. I prefer sitting still and contemplating more than actually getting out there and physically getting something done. Is that being lazy? Well, yes, maybe so, but, hey, it’s me.

  18. I opened the manual of the game. The pictures inside almost seemed to breathe. Before I knew what was going on, I felt dizzy, as if I was being pulled in…

  19. there is a manual to the freezer in the back of my hat
    nothing else is there as a matter of fact
    we all need to know where are manuals are
    in hopes of fixing and holding up the bar
    nothing can be without your manual samuel.

  20. They should really have a manual for this. I don’t think adults understand how hard high school is. And dating? School dances? Don’t even get me started. The worst part is, after having to deal with all the drama and bullshit, I still have to do well so I can get into a good college, to get a good job, to have a good life.
    It’s tough being 15.

  21. “RTFM” Big white letters on a black shirt that was obviously ill-fittingly huge on the taped glasses type….

  22. Comes from manus, hand. The hand is the human being’s defining characteristic, the ability to adapt and change both his or her self and the environment.

  23. A manual is a useful document, often designed to provide instruction for a kind of device. Without manuals, the world would be lost. Ironically, if a manual is not written properly, it can do more to confuse a person, rather than provide an understanding.

  24. I had a manual, and it was glorius. Just kidding. No one acutally reads the manuals. Then again, you’ll get hurt if you don’t. Its a good idea to read the manual, so they should make the manual intersesting. Now I’m ranting, this is not godd.

  25. manual. manuel. manwell. this boy is strange and climbs from brush to tree. decorated in smears and symbols of blue-green-yellow.

  26. A book that tells you how to do something incredibly terrific is called a manual. I think I’ll order a private pilot manual.

  27. Sex drive can also be channeled in a manual way. It is always satisfactory to do this, particularly if there’s someone else to help you do it.

  28. life needs a manual. how do we deal with people’s mood swings? One minute they’re more excited than anything, the next minutes you’re getting sarcastic bitter answers to simple questions. that makes feel like

  29. i have a halo manual that i read in class on Nov 9th when halo 2 was released the night before at midnight, i was there to receive it at the aforementioned time.

    i can now drive a car with a manual transmission

  30. I grabbed the manual. Everything was overheating, everything was boiling, everything was melting. The manual said what to do, how to fix it. But it was too hot, and then it burst into flames.

  31. here’s how you do it so
    go live in your success-woven boxes
    by the pretend lakes
    sorry if I won’t put on airs
    or take up your gods to be something I”m not
    then again, we are moving to
    river landing way
    but at least I try to shed a little
    hypocrisy each day
    like a peeling turtle on a rock
    where the water meets the land

    Claire Steen
  32. Does it really have to be done this way? Surely there is an automatic, electronic, 140-character way for this to be done. Everything works that way. Look at it realistically, nothing is manual anymore. Our world is no longer manual. That’s life, get over it. Wait! Is there a automatic way of getting over it? Crap.

  33. Manually or automatically.
    do it yourself.
    i’ll do it for you.
    automatic automatic.
    manual shmanual.
    do it for yourself.
    have it done for you.

  34. a manual is like an instruction book. Noone really reads the whole thing, we just read what we need. People make money by writing random information that noone will ever use. I think a intellegent person should write just what we need.

  35. “Manual or Automatic?” She asked. “Gas mileage any good? How many clicks on this bad boy?” Been meaning to tell people to fuck off…

  36. my hands are small and covered in ink. they shake when the rest of me does. little twitches. foot moves on its own; the rest of my body is in automatic, too. the neck cracks when I twitch. I breathe in sudden and sharp. anxious. reaching. help me. oh, god, wake me up

  37. She shoved the gear stick forwards, her foot crushing the clutch down towards the floor. With a loud squeel, her car lunged onto the damp pavement, taking her off into the darkness.

  38. the car i drive is a manual shift. it is black. it is small and fast and not “me” at all. i feel like i used to do everything because other people wanted me to. but what is “me” and how can anything not be “me” because… aren’t i everything and isn’t everything me? What are the rules there…

    Emily Knell
  39. manula labor i when peopl ehavw to do things and it in o machines and i am a bad typer but i am doing it manually so that is ok albor millet and the painting rambling humanities class is annoying but school is almost out ew english class is bad too and that is all i have to say

    bob beeds
  40. sersffdfdsfsfs toda sjdf v
