When I think of manual, I think of hands. I am using my hands to type this. I also use my hands for several other things including, but not limited to:
writing (with a pen or pencil)
working out
drinking a cup of water
hitting someone
shooting a gun
using a knife
slapping my wife
beating my children
The proleteriat perform the manual labor, while the elites, the truly great minds of society, simply think. They think about how to manage the nation, how to make the plebians happy, how to produce the most wealth. And in that process of thinking, they grow corrupt.
Manual is the name of my yardskeeper.
He mows, and hedges, and talks in funny Mexico-talk.
Viva, manual!
I told you to read the manual,
But no, you had to be a man.
So where are we now?
Broken appliances,
And 50 lost screws…
While looking for the manual on life; I found absolutely nothing. I realized I had finally founded a truthful answer for this question.
I had no time to get the computer installed so I went to Best Buy and asked for the manual for my new camera. I didn’t know how to use it.
There is no book of answers. I keep asking questions and the blank stares I get in return are starting to get old, but I don’t know where else to go. There is no old man at the top of the mountain spewing the things I need to hear, no voice from the lake giving me the answer, no manual to life. I’m in this alone, and for the long haul.
I smashed his face in. Couldn’t help it. The code he was writing dug deeper into my brain than I preferred, so just before the last compile, I swiped his copy of Neural Networks and You and did the deed. Smash, smash, smash…
manual drive cars are like a new world to me. i love them. i can’t even sit in my car without wishing i was controlling more than just the steering wheel. when i went home and got to drive that small 6 speed convertible i felt like i was flying. i felt in control. it was happy. it helps that he taught me. yup. manual cars are the best.
sometimes i wish that life had a manual, and then i start to realize that many people have attempted to write a manual on life. I dont think that people understand that everyone is different…and that if we lived by their manual we will all fail terribly. but that is only my opinion and i suppose i will only be able to write my own manual..and i’m far too young to do that at this point in time.
this is a tome. A book about how to do something. There are stories about magical books. This is not one of those stories. 60 seconds takes a long time when you have such a boring word to write about.
Gary Saum
If there was a manual to life what would it be like? What kind of rules would it have? What kind of advice would it give? Would it give you advce on how to solve certain problem sthat you are going through, or maybe on how to get out f sticky situations; would the manual be the same for everyone, or specified for different people.
Joe slowly opened the instruction manual, and he was not sure that he made the right decision to do so. There were a lot of much more qualified technicians available, but he could save a lot of money if he did the repairs himeself.
The manual is green,
The flight attendants make such a team,
Oh how their faces gleam,
They instruct the passengers.
an option. something you put yourself in when you don’t feel like being the same person anymore. manual, not automatic. when…you take control of your life.
manual work was more prevalent during the days whren there was no computers.now everything is automated.everything is based on chips.,.micro chips.
manual also is a book to explain about any gadet or stuf
manual refers to the man handle process of doing things its the exact opposite of automatic
Rya n
A manual is a book that teaches you how to use things. It tells you warnings of what you should not do. It helps you understand items and how to fix it. It is very good thing to read before using anything.
That annoying booklet that you get with everything that is meant to explain how to use it. Problem is, its usually in about 294 different languages so you have to rifle through it to find anything you can understand.
Also it nearly always gets lost after having read it once. You can NEVER find it when you need it.
manual is derived from the latin stem ‘man’ which means hand. manual is to do something by hand. mankind has strayed away from most manual things, and rely heavily on automatic machines.
manual is derived from the latin stem ‘man’ which means hand. manual is to do something by hand. mankind has strayed away from most manual things, and rely heavily on automatic machines.
Sarah Woody
u have manually masterbated……i didnt need any help of others….cause everyone knows one can masterbate my oneself….that is why i manually masterbated….i manually drive my bike too….i manually do many things….i manually do everything
His manual dexterity had dropped considerably, he noticed. His fingers were slow to gather rhythm, and his hand ached with exertion. Each stroke was laborious, but he carried on, intent on reaching that elusive climax. Where did the years go? he wondered.
The manual contained all the instruction anyone could need about the subject. But just picking it up was a feat, the thought of reading it cover to cover, digesting the words and then applying it made Jake’s head hurt.
Labor. Labour? New Labour…; that’s weird. Here come the drums here come the drums. Manual. RTFM.
Doing a little jig, Henry exited from the shop, box in hand. The box was emblazoned with the title “Duke Nukem forever”, and it was about damn time. When it was announced, many years ago, he and his friends made a pact to play it for the first time together on release day. They were all dead now; one of cancer, one of a heart attack, and one of a particularly nasty bout of gingivitis. For all of them, then, he would play. As he walked, he opened up the box and took out the manual. It was printed on thick, glossy paper, and had been created by a team of ten award-winning artists. As he stood there, in the crosswalk, marveling at the quality of the work, a truck hit him.
Who reads manuals? There is no manual for life, no manual for love, no manual for friendship that can stop you from making mistakes. Make a mistake everyday. Throw away the manuals and just live.
I need to write a new one for work. Something that is formatted a little differently that the current manual, maybe even somthing the staff will read, but most likeley not. Some of them do, only to find out the policy on breaks and such. And weather on not we test for drugs
Manuel, can you hand me my manual?
No, i can’t samuel, i’ve got my mule
and I need to take it to get grule.
manual transmission and no transmission all together. No idea where the transmission is heading to or where you might end up. A radio transmission. Manually done. Man. U. Lee. Who knew. It’s a manual type day where you get out and do it all yourself.
book that is long and sucks borring often in foregin language pieces labled wrong r missing and paper smells funny
The guidelines and helping points to anything. It is the transmission to the underworld, or the overworld, or any world for that matter. It doesn’t even matter, it’s the opposite of automatic.
instruction manuals should be included for how to not ruin your life. don’t make big decisions without consulting influential people… and don’t fall in love if you are afraid of being hurt. things will rarely work out how you want them to… and only you can influence your own destiny.
these are the buttons tha tyou must push by hand.
There are six of them, lined up on the console just under the little green led screen. To make the bird fly you press the two outer ones, the two inner ones, then the two outer ones again. Silmultaneously you must push them, two by two. When you do this a little city pops up on the screen, led towers made of pixels and charts. If you push the buttons the right way, your bomb flies toward them and if you hit, you win.
Sarah is very good at this game. She plays it every day, coming off her cot in the back room to push the buttons on the screen. Sometimes the cities try to attack you back, or put up defenses. Every day the game has a new variation.
She has been playing this game for four hundred and twenty six days now, and each day there is a new level. Once she has completed the level she is free to move around the rooms, watch the old black and white movies that play, soundless, on the television, or make herself grilled cheese sandwiches on the small stove behind her cot. There are books to read here.
Sarah has been underground for four hundred and twenty seven days and she is climbing up the walls.
The game is the only way out, she is sure of it.
manual labour is difficult.
eg. Manual gears in cars are common.
Opposite of AUTOMATIC .
Vihan Jain
Manual transmission is how I like to travel. I like the degree of control. It’s not (exactly) about shifting; the work is more in the clutch; letting it in and out slowly or quickly – oh, this sounds like sex. Not intentional. Perhaps Freudian?
Joshua B. Gross
1 is a wonderful number without the this there would’nt be any Math and if there was it would suck,So respect this tiny number.
Manual turned the car to the left. He hadn’t noticed the fuel gauge and was running on empty. The car stuttered as he rounded the corner, curbing the right front wheel as he did so.
RTFM ! Seriously, read it. It contains most of your answers. Except maybe for IKEA furnitures ;)
something to help me work out what the hell I’m doing. could do with one of these for life! in fact i’m procrastinating right now from writing one i’m meant to give as a handover for a load of work i’ve been doing in my team. could someone please write this manual for me?
made by hand done right with love and dedication
When I think of manual, I think of hands. I am using my hands to type this. I also use my hands for several other things including, but not limited to:
writing (with a pen or pencil)
working out
drinking a cup of water
hitting someone
shooting a gun
using a knife
slapping my wife
beating my children
The proleteriat perform the manual labor, while the elites, the truly great minds of society, simply think. They think about how to manage the nation, how to make the plebians happy, how to produce the most wealth. And in that process of thinking, they grow corrupt.
Manual is the name of my yardskeeper.
He mows, and hedges, and talks in funny Mexico-talk.
Viva, manual!
I told you to read the manual,
But no, you had to be a man.
So where are we now?
Broken appliances,
And 50 lost screws…
While looking for the manual on life; I found absolutely nothing. I realized I had finally founded a truthful answer for this question.
I had no time to get the computer installed so I went to Best Buy and asked for the manual for my new camera. I didn’t know how to use it.
There is no book of answers. I keep asking questions and the blank stares I get in return are starting to get old, but I don’t know where else to go. There is no old man at the top of the mountain spewing the things I need to hear, no voice from the lake giving me the answer, no manual to life. I’m in this alone, and for the long haul.
I smashed his face in. Couldn’t help it. The code he was writing dug deeper into my brain than I preferred, so just before the last compile, I swiped his copy of Neural Networks and You and did the deed. Smash, smash, smash…
manual drive cars are like a new world to me. i love them. i can’t even sit in my car without wishing i was controlling more than just the steering wheel. when i went home and got to drive that small 6 speed convertible i felt like i was flying. i felt in control. it was happy. it helps that he taught me. yup. manual cars are the best.
sometimes i wish that life had a manual, and then i start to realize that many people have attempted to write a manual on life. I dont think that people understand that everyone is different…and that if we lived by their manual we will all fail terribly. but that is only my opinion and i suppose i will only be able to write my own manual..and i’m far too young to do that at this point in time.
this is a tome. A book about how to do something. There are stories about magical books. This is not one of those stories. 60 seconds takes a long time when you have such a boring word to write about.
If there was a manual to life what would it be like? What kind of rules would it have? What kind of advice would it give? Would it give you advce on how to solve certain problem sthat you are going through, or maybe on how to get out f sticky situations; would the manual be the same for everyone, or specified for different people.
Joe slowly opened the instruction manual, and he was not sure that he made the right decision to do so. There were a lot of much more qualified technicians available, but he could save a lot of money if he did the repairs himeself.
The manual is green,
The flight attendants make such a team,
Oh how their faces gleam,
They instruct the passengers.
an option. something you put yourself in when you don’t feel like being the same person anymore. manual, not automatic. when…you take control of your life.
manual work was more prevalent during the days whren there was no computers.now everything is automated.everything is based on chips.,.micro chips.
manual also is a book to explain about any gadet or stuf
manual refers to the man handle process of doing things its the exact opposite of automatic
A manual is a book that teaches you how to use things. It tells you warnings of what you should not do. It helps you understand items and how to fix it. It is very good thing to read before using anything.
That annoying booklet that you get with everything that is meant to explain how to use it. Problem is, its usually in about 294 different languages so you have to rifle through it to find anything you can understand.
Also it nearly always gets lost after having read it once. You can NEVER find it when you need it.
manual is derived from the latin stem ‘man’ which means hand. manual is to do something by hand. mankind has strayed away from most manual things, and rely heavily on automatic machines.
manual is derived from the latin stem ‘man’ which means hand. manual is to do something by hand. mankind has strayed away from most manual things, and rely heavily on automatic machines.
u have manually masterbated……i didnt need any help of others….cause everyone knows one can masterbate my oneself….that is why i manually masterbated….i manually drive my bike too….i manually do many things….i manually do everything
His manual dexterity had dropped considerably, he noticed. His fingers were slow to gather rhythm, and his hand ached with exertion. Each stroke was laborious, but he carried on, intent on reaching that elusive climax. Where did the years go? he wondered.
The manual contained all the instruction anyone could need about the subject. But just picking it up was a feat, the thought of reading it cover to cover, digesting the words and then applying it made Jake’s head hurt.
Labor. Labour? New Labour…; that’s weird. Here come the drums here come the drums. Manual. RTFM.
Doing a little jig, Henry exited from the shop, box in hand. The box was emblazoned with the title “Duke Nukem forever”, and it was about damn time. When it was announced, many years ago, he and his friends made a pact to play it for the first time together on release day. They were all dead now; one of cancer, one of a heart attack, and one of a particularly nasty bout of gingivitis. For all of them, then, he would play. As he walked, he opened up the box and took out the manual. It was printed on thick, glossy paper, and had been created by a team of ten award-winning artists. As he stood there, in the crosswalk, marveling at the quality of the work, a truck hit him.
Who reads manuals? There is no manual for life, no manual for love, no manual for friendship that can stop you from making mistakes. Make a mistake everyday. Throw away the manuals and just live.
I need to write a new one for work. Something that is formatted a little differently that the current manual, maybe even somthing the staff will read, but most likeley not. Some of them do, only to find out the policy on breaks and such. And weather on not we test for drugs
Manuel, can you hand me my manual?
No, i can’t samuel, i’ve got my mule
and I need to take it to get grule.
manual transmission and no transmission all together. No idea where the transmission is heading to or where you might end up. A radio transmission. Manually done. Man. U. Lee. Who knew. It’s a manual type day where you get out and do it all yourself.
book that is long and sucks borring often in foregin language pieces labled wrong r missing and paper smells funny
The guidelines and helping points to anything. It is the transmission to the underworld, or the overworld, or any world for that matter. It doesn’t even matter, it’s the opposite of automatic.
instruction manuals should be included for how to not ruin your life. don’t make big decisions without consulting influential people… and don’t fall in love if you are afraid of being hurt. things will rarely work out how you want them to… and only you can influence your own destiny.
these are the buttons tha tyou must push by hand.
There are six of them, lined up on the console just under the little green led screen. To make the bird fly you press the two outer ones, the two inner ones, then the two outer ones again. Silmultaneously you must push them, two by two. When you do this a little city pops up on the screen, led towers made of pixels and charts. If you push the buttons the right way, your bomb flies toward them and if you hit, you win.
Sarah is very good at this game. She plays it every day, coming off her cot in the back room to push the buttons on the screen. Sometimes the cities try to attack you back, or put up defenses. Every day the game has a new variation.
She has been playing this game for four hundred and twenty six days now, and each day there is a new level. Once she has completed the level she is free to move around the rooms, watch the old black and white movies that play, soundless, on the television, or make herself grilled cheese sandwiches on the small stove behind her cot. There are books to read here.
Sarah has been underground for four hundred and twenty seven days and she is climbing up the walls.
The game is the only way out, she is sure of it.
manual labour is difficult.
eg. Manual gears in cars are common.
Opposite of AUTOMATIC .
Manual transmission is how I like to travel. I like the degree of control. It’s not (exactly) about shifting; the work is more in the clutch; letting it in and out slowly or quickly – oh, this sounds like sex. Not intentional. Perhaps Freudian?
1 is a wonderful number without the this there would’nt be any Math and if there was it would suck,So respect this tiny number.
Manual turned the car to the left. He hadn’t noticed the fuel gauge and was running on empty. The car stuttered as he rounded the corner, curbing the right front wheel as he did so.
RTFM ! Seriously, read it. It contains most of your answers. Except maybe for IKEA furnitures ;)
something to help me work out what the hell I’m doing. could do with one of these for life! in fact i’m procrastinating right now from writing one i’m meant to give as a handover for a load of work i’ve been doing in my team. could someone please write this manual for me?