
May 15th, 2010 | 253 Entries

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253 Entries for “meaning”

  1. What? By that? Why shouldn’t it be just what’s on the surface? Why should there be anything beneath?

  2. i just got this word ahhh but the does the word meaning have a meaning? what is the definition of the word meaning because every other word has a meaning does meaning have a meaning is there any meaning to meaning its confusing very confusing topc hmmmmmmmmmmm meanign~

  3. Something to hold on to, that provides purpose and iteration to our lives as a civilisation. The finding out of randomness as just plain chaos.

  4. the meaning of love i will never know. what i do know is that you don’t want me. that you’ve given up before you even gave it a chance. that is what i do know. they say ignorance is bliss, and right now i wish i was blissfully unaware of this.

  5. is not in question for a happiness achieved.

  6. I search for the meaning in life. like a spider hunting for its next victim. caught in a web of sticky reality.

    violet miller
  7. What is the meaning of all this? Why is she suffering? I feel useless, like I’m not doing enough.

  8. the thought behind something. what it represents. how it’s percepted. how much something is valued in someone’s eyes. it’s worth. the amount of importance placed behind some object. a symbol.

  9. What is the meaning of life? Why are we all here? Honestly, I haven’t a damn clue. That’s the beauty of Life! We don’t need to know the meaning behind something to have fun, Or live life to the fullest. That’s what we need to instill in every single person in the world! Live life, Regret nothing.

  10. What about the other? Is there meaning in that too? I thought I knew waht meaning was and then I fort got what it meant. Tne bell tolls/ the bbell tolls the bell the bell. What does it mean?

  11. what does it mean to have meaning? what is the meaning of meaning? what is the meaning of life? nobody knows the answers to these questions. but one day, i hope my life can have as much meaning as it is meant to have.

  12. what you see
    shine a light
    what represents for
    what it is
    what i see
    an action

  13. Meaning of morning. Meeting in the morning. Not a nice meaning. Not a nice morning.
