“Well, it sure sounded like that’s what you meant!” Click.
And once again, my lack of communication skills has failed me. Being a geek has major drawbacks, it seems. Sure, I can score high at Tetris, but women…that’s another story.
For what I was going to do in the time I was given I never did. The time I should be using for greatness I use for nothing. For nothing is what I have become and greatness I set aside.
kyle kenney
I don’t know what he meant. It was jumbled, unclear, and very difficult to hear with all those sirens going off.
“What did you say?”
“I didn’t say anything.”
Suddenly his knife is out and I know it’s time to run.
What I meant to say was,”I adore you.” what I meant to say was, “You mesmerize me” what I meant to say was, “I love you.” but alll that came out was, ‘hi” sigh….
I meant it when I said I loved you. I had said it before, without really meaning it, but I’m glad that this time I was sure. I think you were sad when i didn’t say it back to you, the first time you said it to me. But I didn’t want to lie. I wanted to make sure I really, truly meant it. And I did.
i love you
meant, like, meat, i couldnt see it like that, so i dont really know what ths word mean, or how to say it aloud. maybe a meeeeeant, you know? stretch the me party then add in an ant. but i’ve never heard that word before in converasiont or most of my reading. this jsut left me with no clue what to wrtie about.
Doug raymond
Destined to be. I was sitting at my desk contemplating life when the little bugger ran across the baseboard. It had to go, it wasn’t meant to be here. Saved the girlfriend a fright too.
I meant it when I said I was done. I meant it when I said that once I was gone; I would be gone. I haven’t kept my word for a couple of years. Said I would when I wouldn’t. Said I did when I didn’t. Said I didn’t when I did. I’m tired. I want to just be myself. I just want to be free. I mean it. I meant it. This is the time. This is the year. 2009 will be a life changing experience. FOR THE BETTER. Got that? For the better. That is going to be the change. Hope in 2009. I mean it.
I never meant to make them that mad at me, to alienate them like that, to make it impossible for me to come home again…
I never meant to do it, but strangely I don’t regret.
that’s not what I meant. that’s not what you meant. it never is what you mean, but it always is what you say.
what he means to me – smiles, gigggles, mommy take my hand because I want to show you this amazing . . .everything is amazing in his tiny- huge – world and it means the world that he reaches for my hand to share it with me.
He was unsure what it meant. The sound was strange, unreal. The light that accompanied it was bright orange and pulsed. When he turned, the sound seemed to follow. Why?
Terry K.
I meant to eat a humbug but I accidentally ate a bee, and it disagreed with me.
Laura Capon
does it have any meaning?
i meant what I said, said Sally
She meant what she felt, but she did not mean to say it
The feelings darted from her heart but the facts would not reveal themselves. “Yes,” she proclaimed, “I do like cheese.”
“I hate you” said George.
Chris Hoops
He never meant to strike her so brutally. She was his Goddess, but her ultimate betrayal meant he would never have her in his sight again. He could forgive her past indiscretions, but to sleep with their son. Never.
you never MEANT to hurt me
you never MEANT to make cry
you never MEANT to turn everyone against you
but you did and I will never MEAN to forgive you
there was nothing that meant more to me than meaning. being, seeing, feeling, loving. nothing more pure than that, nothing clearer than the day, than the sky, than the rain on a blue summer day. but meaning is all in the past. that’s what it meant. that’s not what it is.
He means so much to me. I just don’t know if I want to trust someone completely again. I hate sounding like such a girl but I just can’t help it. She meant so much to me as well and look at what happened.
I meant it. i really did. when i told you i hated you, that i wanted you gone, i honestly wanted you away from me. but, i realized, as soon as you left, that maybe, all i wanted was you there, closer to me. maybe that was all i needed.
the thought of you gone.
the truth in my thoughts hurt me.
it opened me up to actual truth.
i dont mean it anymore.
I meant to say I love you _ I meant to tell you I care – I meant to always be there for you – I meant to always call – I meant all the things I said – I meant all the the things I wish I had said – But Until I can tell you –
Richard Byrd
Meant is a word that almost looks like meat if you only ignore the N and then also ignore the fact that you misread the word in the first place. Meant is a special word to me because people always seem to take what I say out of context and I always need to explain what I meant in the first place. Huzzah!
She was leaving. There was no question.
No consideration. No disbelief. One night,
she just packed up her snow globes and her
stuffed parrot and left him. He died alone.
If only he’d known what
that ‘I love you’ had meant.
Alexander de St. James
There are a lot of things that don’t have anything to do with anything and this is one of them.
You never understand what I mean…
The water shortage means that we have to stop taking long showers..
My ex-husband means nothing to me”; “Happiness means everything..
I mean no harm”; “I only meant to help you
Yes, I meant you when I complained about people who gossip
it’s not what I meant, he said as he held up his hand to deflect the downswing of his wife’s hand swinging the machete. What I meant to say was you
what is meant by that word is it meant to be that way or does it mean something else. I think i can see what is meant but i am not sure that is its true meaning. Did you mean to say that? Is that what you meant? A misunderstanding? A little bit of confusion?
russell ripley
i meant to tell you i loved you. but i never did. i did once, after you told me that you loved me. but you didn’t mean in the way i meant it. i meant it in that i would eternally be there for you, i would support you and i would drop everything so that you could flourish. as long as you let me flourish. but you didn’t change your actions, you didn’t follow through. you are selfish. you told me you loved me, and you knew it would hurt me. but you said it anyway. maybe i’m not able to handle you…maybe it’s my fault, and not yours. but really, it’s both. you treat me like shit and take me for granted, and i love you. i did, at least.
It is not what I meant…I told her that but she did not believe me. How could I have insulted her in such a manner without meaning to. She was my very best friend and in the course of just a few seconds I had potentially undone years of friendship with a stupidly worded sentence. H
Kim Callahan
the reason you love us is because somehow with twitter and some other means you’re getting a free focus group on. okay, why not. I commend your ingenuity.
one word; means nothing when I hear it. There is no promise, nothing evocative, doesn’t bring any other ideas forward. Guess you’ll have to come up with some catchy accoutrement to make it work, which I’m sure you can.
happy holidays.
rather smugly
meant is a word that is used to describe something you thought about doing. many people have used this word and it started with the telorians.. an anciet race of humanoid aliens over 50,000 years old. thats where this word came from.
I don’t know what it meant, but I know it meant the world to me. Not even that important in the big scheme of things. In retrospect I’d say it was the best gift I had ever been given. If I could replay that moment over and over, I would. Over and over and over and over. “I love you too.”
Anthony Devivo
i dont no what it meant. all i do no is that it meant alot and that im sorry for breaking it. maybe it was a penny maybe it was a infinty maker or maybe it was oblivion. what ever it is im sorry for beaking it and i ment that too!
James Andrews
i meant what i said when I said I loved him. He back fired it though. What a jerk. love is when the last thing you think of before you fall asleep is that person. No matter what they’ll always be on your mind. No matter how annoying or how much you want to punch them in the face they’ll always be there. so watch what you say.
what does it mean meant to be to see what did or didn’t occur what was said , unspoken mean t meat mint mint is nice meant sounds mean mint is refreshing very different from meant meat misunderstood meant clarify what you mean be precise, precision, different from mint a plant that grows in the spring and releases an arome when crushed, delicious added to tea, meant to say I like tea, cold or hot, especially peppermint is is a meant yet, I mean minute yet as I write write write about meant meant meant to say minutes passing very slowly as I write about meant and mint and mintues tick by slowly what is this meant to do anyway, I mean is it meant to improve writing somehow, free writing perhaps is meant to free the creative writing juices not it has to have been a meant i mean minute now is this a contest or something meant ot challenge bored people with nothing better to do than explore writing about meant
I don’t mean to do anything hurtful to anyone, but I do… I’m afraid I hurt my parents, causing them despair and yearning for a deeper relationship with me, but they don’t know how to go about it because I’m mean (ha, pun). I only meant to be a good son.
What is meant doesn’t really mean what is meant by the word. We are meant to be. We were meant to be. We didn’t mean to be so wrong. I’m sorry I never meant to hurt you, but I mean what I say when I say I meant what I said. I miss you. Are we meant to be? I mean are we a part of destiny that was meant for greatness. What does greatness even mean? Tell me now. Or maybe I am not meant to know. Do you know what I mean??
Jennifer "Manic" Gardner
I meant to tell you, I meant to go there, I meant something else, you meant to be there for a week. I don’t know what you meant by that and frankly, who cares what you meant when you told me that
Alive, it was the creation of a string of life. looking back, and reshaping, re-shifting.
This the ‘what’ of the ‘who’ i am. This is the ‘was’ of us. The sole opposite of ‘what could be’….which is only a silly dream, for silly children.
hugh patrick
It meant alot when she said that no matter how i felt about other girls that it didn’t matter because she loves me and wouldn’t give it up for anything….
“That’s not what I meant.”
“Well, it sure sounded like that’s what you meant!” Click.
And once again, my lack of communication skills has failed me. Being a geek has major drawbacks, it seems. Sure, I can score high at Tetris, but women…that’s another story.
For what I was going to do in the time I was given I never did. The time I should be using for greatness I use for nothing. For nothing is what I have become and greatness I set aside.
I don’t know what he meant. It was jumbled, unclear, and very difficult to hear with all those sirens going off.
“What did you say?”
“I didn’t say anything.”
Suddenly his knife is out and I know it’s time to run.
What I meant to say was,”I adore you.” what I meant to say was, “You mesmerize me” what I meant to say was, “I love you.” but alll that came out was, ‘hi” sigh….
I meant it when I said I loved you. I had said it before, without really meaning it, but I’m glad that this time I was sure. I think you were sad when i didn’t say it back to you, the first time you said it to me. But I didn’t want to lie. I wanted to make sure I really, truly meant it. And I did.
meant, like, meat, i couldnt see it like that, so i dont really know what ths word mean, or how to say it aloud. maybe a meeeeeant, you know? stretch the me party then add in an ant. but i’ve never heard that word before in converasiont or most of my reading. this jsut left me with no clue what to wrtie about.
Destined to be. I was sitting at my desk contemplating life when the little bugger ran across the baseboard. It had to go, it wasn’t meant to be here. Saved the girlfriend a fright too.
I meant it when I said I was done. I meant it when I said that once I was gone; I would be gone. I haven’t kept my word for a couple of years. Said I would when I wouldn’t. Said I did when I didn’t. Said I didn’t when I did. I’m tired. I want to just be myself. I just want to be free. I mean it. I meant it. This is the time. This is the year. 2009 will be a life changing experience. FOR THE BETTER. Got that? For the better. That is going to be the change. Hope in 2009. I mean it.
I never meant to make them that mad at me, to alienate them like that, to make it impossible for me to come home again…
I never meant to do it, but strangely I don’t regret.
that’s not what I meant. that’s not what you meant. it never is what you mean, but it always is what you say.
what he means to me – smiles, gigggles, mommy take my hand because I want to show you this amazing . . .everything is amazing in his tiny- huge – world and it means the world that he reaches for my hand to share it with me.
He was unsure what it meant. The sound was strange, unreal. The light that accompanied it was bright orange and pulsed. When he turned, the sound seemed to follow. Why?
I meant to eat a humbug but I accidentally ate a bee, and it disagreed with me.
does it have any meaning?
i meant what I said, said Sally
She meant what she felt, but she did not mean to say it
The feelings darted from her heart but the facts would not reveal themselves. “Yes,” she proclaimed, “I do like cheese.”
“I hate you” said George.
He never meant to strike her so brutally. She was his Goddess, but her ultimate betrayal meant he would never have her in his sight again. He could forgive her past indiscretions, but to sleep with their son. Never.
you never MEANT to hurt me
you never MEANT to make cry
you never MEANT to turn everyone against you
but you did and I will never MEAN to forgive you
there was nothing that meant more to me than meaning. being, seeing, feeling, loving. nothing more pure than that, nothing clearer than the day, than the sky, than the rain on a blue summer day. but meaning is all in the past. that’s what it meant. that’s not what it is.
He means so much to me. I just don’t know if I want to trust someone completely again. I hate sounding like such a girl but I just can’t help it. She meant so much to me as well and look at what happened.
I meant it. i really did. when i told you i hated you, that i wanted you gone, i honestly wanted you away from me. but, i realized, as soon as you left, that maybe, all i wanted was you there, closer to me. maybe that was all i needed.
the thought of you gone.
the truth in my thoughts hurt me.
it opened me up to actual truth.
i dont mean it anymore.
I meant to say I love you _ I meant to tell you I care – I meant to always be there for you – I meant to always call – I meant all the things I said – I meant all the the things I wish I had said – But Until I can tell you –
Meant is a word that almost looks like meat if you only ignore the N and then also ignore the fact that you misread the word in the first place. Meant is a special word to me because people always seem to take what I say out of context and I always need to explain what I meant in the first place. Huzzah!
She was leaving. There was no question.
No consideration. No disbelief. One night,
she just packed up her snow globes and her
stuffed parrot and left him. He died alone.
If only he’d known what
that ‘I love you’ had meant.
There are a lot of things that don’t have anything to do with anything and this is one of them.
You never understand what I mean…
The water shortage means that we have to stop taking long showers..
My ex-husband means nothing to me”; “Happiness means everything..
I mean no harm”; “I only meant to help you
Yes, I meant you when I complained about people who gossip
it’s not what I meant, he said as he held up his hand to deflect the downswing of his wife’s hand swinging the machete. What I meant to say was you
what is meant by that word is it meant to be that way or does it mean something else. I think i can see what is meant but i am not sure that is its true meaning. Did you mean to say that? Is that what you meant? A misunderstanding? A little bit of confusion?
i meant to tell you i loved you. but i never did. i did once, after you told me that you loved me. but you didn’t mean in the way i meant it. i meant it in that i would eternally be there for you, i would support you and i would drop everything so that you could flourish. as long as you let me flourish. but you didn’t change your actions, you didn’t follow through. you are selfish. you told me you loved me, and you knew it would hurt me. but you said it anyway. maybe i’m not able to handle you…maybe it’s my fault, and not yours. but really, it’s both. you treat me like shit and take me for granted, and i love you. i did, at least.
It is not what I meant…I told her that but she did not believe me. How could I have insulted her in such a manner without meaning to. She was my very best friend and in the course of just a few seconds I had potentially undone years of friendship with a stupidly worded sentence. H
the reason you love us is because somehow with twitter and some other means you’re getting a free focus group on. okay, why not. I commend your ingenuity.
one word; means nothing when I hear it. There is no promise, nothing evocative, doesn’t bring any other ideas forward. Guess you’ll have to come up with some catchy accoutrement to make it work, which I’m sure you can.
happy holidays.
meant is a word that is used to describe something you thought about doing. many people have used this word and it started with the telorians.. an anciet race of humanoid aliens over 50,000 years old. thats where this word came from.
I don’t know what it meant, but I know it meant the world to me. Not even that important in the big scheme of things. In retrospect I’d say it was the best gift I had ever been given. If I could replay that moment over and over, I would. Over and over and over and over. “I love you too.”
i dont no what it meant. all i do no is that it meant alot and that im sorry for breaking it. maybe it was a penny maybe it was a infinty maker or maybe it was oblivion. what ever it is im sorry for beaking it and i ment that too!
i meant what i said when I said I loved him. He back fired it though. What a jerk. love is when the last thing you think of before you fall asleep is that person. No matter what they’ll always be on your mind. No matter how annoying or how much you want to punch them in the face they’ll always be there. so watch what you say.
what does it mean meant to be to see what did or didn’t occur what was said , unspoken mean t meat mint mint is nice meant sounds mean mint is refreshing very different from meant meat misunderstood meant clarify what you mean be precise, precision, different from mint a plant that grows in the spring and releases an arome when crushed, delicious added to tea, meant to say I like tea, cold or hot, especially peppermint is is a meant yet, I mean minute yet as I write write write about meant meant meant to say minutes passing very slowly as I write about meant and mint and mintues tick by slowly what is this meant to do anyway, I mean is it meant to improve writing somehow, free writing perhaps is meant to free the creative writing juices not it has to have been a meant i mean minute now is this a contest or something meant ot challenge bored people with nothing better to do than explore writing about meant
I don’t mean to do anything hurtful to anyone, but I do… I’m afraid I hurt my parents, causing them despair and yearning for a deeper relationship with me, but they don’t know how to go about it because I’m mean (ha, pun). I only meant to be a good son.
What is meant doesn’t really mean what is meant by the word. We are meant to be. We were meant to be. We didn’t mean to be so wrong. I’m sorry I never meant to hurt you, but I mean what I say when I say I meant what I said. I miss you. Are we meant to be? I mean are we a part of destiny that was meant for greatness. What does greatness even mean? Tell me now. Or maybe I am not meant to know. Do you know what I mean??
I meant to tell you, I meant to go there, I meant something else, you meant to be there for a week. I don’t know what you meant by that and frankly, who cares what you meant when you told me that
Alive, it was the creation of a string of life. looking back, and reshaping, re-shifting.
This the ‘what’ of the ‘who’ i am. This is the ‘was’ of us. The sole opposite of ‘what could be’….which is only a silly dream, for silly children.
It meant alot when she said that no matter how i felt about other girls that it didn’t matter because she loves me and wouldn’t give it up for anything….