
September 21st, 2009 | 552 Entries

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552 Entries for “mercury”

  1. it’s a planet, it’s a metal, it was in my thermometer when i was six and i bit down too hard, breaking said thermometer. this was when i found out what poison was, and how much induced vomiting sucks.

    shannon v
  2. mercury was the greek god of war. it is also an element on the periodic table. the only element in liquid state at room teperature. mercury was also a type of car invinted by ford and featured in a famous country western song. i have no idea who the author is but he wrote it.

  3. Years ago, I would see it only a a source of amusement. A silver bead of fluid majesty that multiplied and formed into small droplets between my fingers. Now I see it only as a lethal poison. Knowledge has corrupted me so.

  4. mercury is a lovely planet

  5. compromise

  6. MErcury is used in thermometers.. its also a planet. if you look at the word too long it starts looking kind of weird. Its a also an element too.. right? thats all i got.

    Kati B
  7. Even though i fully understand Mercury is an Element (number 60 something? High School has been a long time ago) I immediately think of Freddie Mercury, lead singer of queen. I always forget if thats his real name or not, but I kinda doubt it, because he is very flashy, which I think mercury is as well. It’s a planet too right?

  8. there was mercury in her smile and acid on her tongue but i wanted it, i wanted all the poison she had to offer. Any trick of the lips i could get ahold of even just for a moment.

  9. The level of mercury in my thermeter had dropped and I wanted so bad for it to heat up again. Why did I have to go to school? It was like going to prison and home felt so much safer. Mercury, mercury on the wall who’s the sicker of us all?

  10. the red toxic liquid climbs precariously up the tube, climbing like the skinny boys with scrapped knees scaled those ropes in the 5th grade–it’s heating up, hotter…hotter…

  11. I don’t think much about mercury. When I do, the first thing that comes to mind in thermometers. I was always warned not to break thermometers because of the mercury.
    Mercury is somewhat meaningless to me. I would likely not purchase a Mercury automobile. I am not sure where Mercury is located in the solar system. Honestly, I don’t care.

    a. diamond
  12. It’s lethal, yet pretty. It’s so much fun to squish between your fingers and watch it bead into pools on the floor, yet you know in the back of your brain that it’s going to seep between your pores and poison you. What to do, what to do.

  13. It’s both a planet and an element that is liquid at room temperature. The planet is the closest to the sun (as far as we know) and is smaller than the moon. The element is a liquid metal and is one of the desist elements known to man.

  14. mercury venus earth mars jupiter saturn uranus neptune pluto
    too much murcury in tuna
    murcury cars.
    murcury in a thermomater

  15. in a thermometer

    could technically blow us up

    a cool name


  16. The mercury pooled in the bottom of the glass thermometer. It had never occurred to me the beauty of something lethal. I wanted to die in a bed of slithery silver mercury and a bed of roses, death and beauty as a whole.

  17. one word. mercury. liquid and silver. it reminds me of high school, when the smashing pumpkins came out with machina. a friend and myself heard a song that reminded us of mercury. it reminded us of dreams and surrealism. it expanded our imagination. im not sure i’ve felt that way since that time. maybe im too old now, and loosing my creativity.

  18. poison love in a bottle above the ancient words. planetary discussions are held beyond what we perceive to be reality. if you understand the planets you understand the life we were given. we will all be rulers of our own individual universes.

    Michael Castaneda
  19. mercury orbits around my sun it sits beside me and watches my ground. Tell me a story so I can breath and watch the sky fall at its peak

  20. Mercury is the stuff in the thermometer. It’s also ridiculously toxic. It’s also found in compact flourescent light bulbs, which means it’s in an old technology (thermometers) and a new one (CFLs).

    Heidi Losure
  21. Everybody loves Freddy Mercury, right? Come on people, you have to. There are no ifs, ands, or buts about it. You will like Freddy Mercury. You honestly do not have a choice in the matter.

  22. the merucury sat upon the shelf of worries.
    no one officially cognizant of the true harm that it could cause and everything that it will be able to cease.

  23. Mercury didn’t know where he should go for dinner that night. He was cold, and wandering down Bleaker Street, in hopes that he’d see the baker’s daughter. She was always good for a rub and a bit of chicken liver.

    But instead of the baker’s daughter, Mercury found a dog, the Dog of Bleaker Street.

    Sade Reed
  24. toxic intoxicating, boundless, blood the oil of earth earth is sinned with toxins, thick with the dreary sense of greed. feed me please! bleed for me please! seek that which is life giving, give life.

  25. freddie mercury. termometer, the mercury is rising. red, orange. universe. unknown, new to us and never really known. so i

  26. it reminds me of venus it is also some kind of alloid i believe?

  27. a planet whitch i dont know nothing about, probably bcuz i didn’t study that much astronomy

  28. Mercury is the closest planet to our sun. Let me get into more detail. HEY, I DIDN’T KNOW THERE WAS A TIME LIMIT!

  29. in Gemini. When I tell people I have a fixation with astrology, they give me a diplomatic nod and make an ‘oHHH’ sound of consideration. I love it. I believe in astrology like a white supremacy believes in religion

  30. venus and mars, this is the end of all time. and here we are lying on a plaid picnic cloth soaking up the evening sun as if it would tan us. when i was young my mother would…oh who the fuck cares about that? im lost and there’s no denying it. please just take me away and burn the map you used to get me there. thats right, i have nothing to say.

  31. Oh boy, you ought to see that dial movin’, it’s sight to behold. Yesterday it was such a fine day around here, and oh my gosh, look at that, the mercury done hit the ground

  32. it was a bad time, a time when taking your temperature sometimes meant nothing, sometimes meant death.

  33. Mercury. Venus. All those beautiful fucking planets that we hardly know anything about. I wanted to know about them. I wanted to know what was up with them. Not just fancy scientific info. I wanted to know their correlation with us. Why were they here? Could we ever be there? And if so…what stage of our lives? Maybe the after life…maybe the life before life. There were more to these planets than met the eye.

  34. Mercury, a really great name for a protagonist. Also great for a evil mastermind. The title itself sounds as though it holds its own mysterious power in itself!

  35. Mercury was once used as a medicine, such as back bduring the civil war. However i think it did more harm then good. isn’t it funny how they thought that poisons were good? though that was not always the case. some of their medicines were good.

    Jessica J. Zimdars
  36. metal pieces in my head i don’t know what to say but mercury is a fun word to say. this is a long sixty seconds. it’s a planet.

  37. i have nothing to say about the word mercury! nothing at all. Ummmmm….seriously who comes up with these?

  38. planet.
    silly substance that makes me giggle.
    breaks into a million pieces never to be whole.

  39. the colors of mercury are beyond that of what anyone could imagain. i love the way ot reflects off the sun as the clouds trace the patterns with the starts. your love showers me with the heat of the plant.

  40. it’s a poison running through my body, my veins cracked and broken from absorbing all of the hate that comes with it’s nature. it’s what you are to me. it is what you will always be.
