mercury is the stuff that can kill you and its supposedly in the tomb of the qin dynasty> the mad hatter also had mercury on his hat and that
Mercury is not to be eaten. We played with it in our hands and it made balls and flowed and made beads. Don’t eat it. Not even for a robot. No. No no no. Wait maybe for a robot.
Thou! winged god in flight
liquid bronze reflecting caged light
race with me to the end of this line
and encompass all of time in this near rhyme
Dad A.
once at the pool a thermometer broke and we didn’t know what to do because we thought there was mercury in it. turns out, we called the police and they said not to worry about it. how bad can mercury be? I think we just threw out that first aid kit, but what if it was a bigger deal? don’t certain fish have mercury in them?
Mercury. Something off the periodic table? No–a character i wrote about in a story long ago. She reminds me of red..or thermometers. I wonder where she is now–i let her go in the story long ago.
Maybe she’s still alive.
I remember killing her off, but i had other plans.
Mercury, interesting.
the load of mercury, so scarce during those days, appeared as a sign of recovery, of hope. But it wasn’t just the kind of hope that coes in tie of crisis, it was a different kind of hope, a rather darker hope.
mercury: Mercury, mercurial–Mercutio in Romeo and Juliet–Queen Mab–madness, dream
i think mercury is a terrible thing. it is a planet and a thing that can kill you. its oddly infuriating. its also a sailor moon character. which is way cool though. i think if you named your kid mercury you would have some major issues. although someone did name their kid apple so life goes on.
Mercury reminds me of that kid’s show Sailor Moon. I used to love that show, if I recall correctly I think that Sailor Mercury was my favorite. I loved all the adventures and the love story behind the anime.
Gods. Venus. War. Poison. Mad hatter. Crazy. War. Crazy.
the hot metal
mercury, the 2nd planet from the sun, is a round ball of thermometer liquid that expands as it gets hot, thusly is the biggest planet in the known universe due to its proximity to the sun. also poisonous.
the god mercury rained down his wrath upon the villagers who had dfied his most basic commands. they would pay for thier lak of understanding he thought to himself. And then they would know to respect the gods.
Camenae Caperna
obviously the most common response to this word would be a liquid metal which was originally used in thermometers. That is, however, not as accurate as I would have hoped for the planet MERCURY could also be a prime contestant for ones initial thoughts.
Being the closest planet to the sun in our solar system, it is doubtful that life can flourish there, to my dismay.
Hot mercury pours through my veins, seeping into my soul. It feels painful, like I am on fire, and yet, soothing. I feel as if I will die if I am not with him, and that I will die if I am. My heart has ripped from its casing to be with him forever. That, my friends, is how it feels to be in love.
Lizzie Bellows
mercury is a poisonus elemnt that was once used inside of thermoeters. it is a hazzard and can cause severe poisoning. mercury is also a planet i know next to nothing about. i love to lok at pictures f space yet i know nothing about it.
My favorite planet. It is yellow and associated with comunnication. I love it. I have a tatoo of its symbol on my wrist. I w
Hot metal cold metal, flowing too quick to grasp. it’s in your fish poisoning your babies. it’s ok because it is a planet too, or a god, who knows. the time is right to find it. slip slip
Mercury is the fluid we see in our thermometers. It is the meter that governs whether or not we can go outside and be social, or whether we have to stay inside with a blanket wrapped around our bodies. It is the factor that makes summer summer and makes winter winter.
Jimmy A
The planet turns, heat heavy and red and too, too close to the sun. It turns quickly, its mass small as it tries to keep the beast at bay, tries to keep it from swallowing it whole. It’s burned everything, but it will not take the shell, because once the shell’s gone, Mercury is gone too.
The planet that epitomizes cool, the metal that molds into different shapes, breaks and joins easily – mercury is toxic, but beautiful. Measure hot or cold, in a thermometer, its now been replaced with something non -toxic, but how can mercury be toxic?
I’ve always wanted to go to a different planet. maybe mercury, the closest to the sun. i would take you with me and we would burn, burn, burn, the way I do when I’m so close to you. you are like my sun and I am the closest planet. funny how that happens.
Mercury shifts around silver, highlights changeable natures, brings down from heaven news of a difference. Wings like thoughts break into a thousand shards.
I have a thought of drowning in a river with 5 snakes who know me as cliff and we talk about apples that have fallen from five trees in our space and time of knowing each other
iS A planet to the north of venus. it is real and home to sexy race of men. mars my ass. also the name of greek messenger deity.
and the stuff in thermometers.
It’s fun to play with what leaks out of broken thermometers – even though it’s hazardous to one’s health…then again, doesn’t everything worthwhile give one cancer nowadays?
Mercury is the closest planet to the sun, the second closest from the earth. It is part of the name of a bruce willis movie, and it is also a chemical that made people who wore top hats go crazy
In the sky, I see it hanging there. A star tinged red. It sparkles, almost winking, teasing me of the endless sky. Mercury – a planet.
Remix 16
Fluid with strength, passive and molding in a way rare for metal. Quicksilver falls only to be cupped and held, love within the passive lust of shininy crow’s mind maybe be know, loved, hated but never
I looked at the little shiny blob in my thermometer. I shook it. It shook back at me. It twinkled under the florescent lights of my bathroom.
I broke the thermometer over the sink, and let the murcury fall into my hands. It molded into little shapes, and bounced around. Little did I know it was so dangerous, and if it made any contact with open skin, I might be in danger.
That was not the last time I messed around with small, seemingly harmless things.
he stopped.
turning slowly, he saw her, trailing behind along the path they were both walking.
Light was fading from the sky as the sun set into the clouds. Life was fading slowly from them both. Days and days of walking had left them exhausted.
and one look into her eyes told him everything. once blue, now colourless, he gazed into pools of mercury. she was fading fast.
Mercury was the god of speed, theives, trickery, and merchants. i do also believe he has some affect on some sort of bad characters, but I can’t remember. I was setting up an interstellar shippin company once called Cadueus Co., because that was his staff.
liquid silver swirling facets of bright white, sparkling and melted, dripping of the vagina of a slim woman in her late teens. Going into a pot below to be supped by the gods later. Her breasts are full of mercury, leaking at the teat. She is the god of metal, second to king of platinum
silvery and shiny. beatiful and soft. yet very deadly. only one drop in the river is enough to cause havoc, especially in health.
Many countries have suffered
it’s hot here, very hot. And dealy. I’m thinking about the mercury in a thermometer, too, and know that stuff is bad. Mercury means change, rapid change
Mercury! Hatters used to use mercury in the production of (Whodathunkit?)hats! And went insane. A similar instance occured with my chem teacher. Also this is a tiny planet. An unloved tiny planet.
Metallic taste in my mouth. I slip my toungue around hoping for the bitterness to fade. Pools of saliva accumilate beneath my tongue.
mercury is the stuff that can kill you and its supposedly in the tomb of the qin dynasty> the mad hatter also had mercury on his hat and that
Mercury is not to be eaten. We played with it in our hands and it made balls and flowed and made beads. Don’t eat it. Not even for a robot. No. No no no. Wait maybe for a robot.
Thou! winged god in flight
liquid bronze reflecting caged light
race with me to the end of this line
and encompass all of time in this near rhyme
once at the pool a thermometer broke and we didn’t know what to do because we thought there was mercury in it. turns out, we called the police and they said not to worry about it. how bad can mercury be? I think we just threw out that first aid kit, but what if it was a bigger deal? don’t certain fish have mercury in them?
Mercury. Something off the periodic table? No–a character i wrote about in a story long ago. She reminds me of red..or thermometers. I wonder where she is now–i let her go in the story long ago.
Maybe she’s still alive.
I remember killing her off, but i had other plans.
Mercury, interesting.
the load of mercury, so scarce during those days, appeared as a sign of recovery, of hope. But it wasn’t just the kind of hope that coes in tie of crisis, it was a different kind of hope, a rather darker hope.
mercury: Mercury, mercurial–Mercutio in Romeo and Juliet–Queen Mab–madness, dream
i think mercury is a terrible thing. it is a planet and a thing that can kill you. its oddly infuriating. its also a sailor moon character. which is way cool though. i think if you named your kid mercury you would have some major issues. although someone did name their kid apple so life goes on.
Mercury reminds me of that kid’s show Sailor Moon. I used to love that show, if I recall correctly I think that Sailor Mercury was my favorite. I loved all the adventures and the love story behind the anime.
Gods. Venus. War. Poison. Mad hatter. Crazy. War. Crazy.
the hot metal
mercury, the 2nd planet from the sun, is a round ball of thermometer liquid that expands as it gets hot, thusly is the biggest planet in the known universe due to its proximity to the sun. also poisonous.
the god mercury rained down his wrath upon the villagers who had dfied his most basic commands. they would pay for thier lak of understanding he thought to himself. And then they would know to respect the gods.
obviously the most common response to this word would be a liquid metal which was originally used in thermometers. That is, however, not as accurate as I would have hoped for the planet MERCURY could also be a prime contestant for ones initial thoughts.
Being the closest planet to the sun in our solar system, it is doubtful that life can flourish there, to my dismay.
Hot mercury pours through my veins, seeping into my soul. It feels painful, like I am on fire, and yet, soothing. I feel as if I will die if I am not with him, and that I will die if I am. My heart has ripped from its casing to be with him forever. That, my friends, is how it feels to be in love.
mercury is a poisonus elemnt that was once used inside of thermoeters. it is a hazzard and can cause severe poisoning. mercury is also a planet i know next to nothing about. i love to lok at pictures f space yet i know nothing about it.
My favorite planet. It is yellow and associated with comunnication. I love it. I have a tatoo of its symbol on my wrist. I w
Hot metal cold metal, flowing too quick to grasp. it’s in your fish poisoning your babies. it’s ok because it is a planet too, or a god, who knows. the time is right to find it. slip slip
Mercury is the fluid we see in our thermometers. It is the meter that governs whether or not we can go outside and be social, or whether we have to stay inside with a blanket wrapped around our bodies. It is the factor that makes summer summer and makes winter winter.
The planet turns, heat heavy and red and too, too close to the sun. It turns quickly, its mass small as it tries to keep the beast at bay, tries to keep it from swallowing it whole. It’s burned everything, but it will not take the shell, because once the shell’s gone, Mercury is gone too.
The planet that epitomizes cool, the metal that molds into different shapes, breaks and joins easily – mercury is toxic, but beautiful. Measure hot or cold, in a thermometer, its now been replaced with something non -toxic, but how can mercury be toxic?
I’ve always wanted to go to a different planet. maybe mercury, the closest to the sun. i would take you with me and we would burn, burn, burn, the way I do when I’m so close to you. you are like my sun and I am the closest planet. funny how that happens.
Mercury shifts around silver, highlights changeable natures, brings down from heaven news of a difference. Wings like thoughts break into a thousand shards.
I have a thought of drowning in a river with 5 snakes who know me as cliff and we talk about apples that have fallen from five trees in our space and time of knowing each other
iS A planet to the north of venus. it is real and home to sexy race of men. mars my ass. also the name of greek messenger deity.
and the stuff in thermometers.
It’s fun to play with what leaks out of broken thermometers – even though it’s hazardous to one’s health…then again, doesn’t everything worthwhile give one cancer nowadays?
Mercury is the closest planet to the sun, the second closest from the earth. It is part of the name of a bruce willis movie, and it is also a chemical that made people who wore top hats go crazy
In the sky, I see it hanging there. A star tinged red. It sparkles, almost winking, teasing me of the endless sky. Mercury – a planet.
Fluid with strength, passive and molding in a way rare for metal. Quicksilver falls only to be cupped and held, love within the passive lust of shininy crow’s mind maybe be know, loved, hated but never
I looked at the little shiny blob in my thermometer. I shook it. It shook back at me. It twinkled under the florescent lights of my bathroom.
I broke the thermometer over the sink, and let the murcury fall into my hands. It molded into little shapes, and bounced around. Little did I know it was so dangerous, and if it made any contact with open skin, I might be in danger.
That was not the last time I messed around with small, seemingly harmless things.
he stopped.
turning slowly, he saw her, trailing behind along the path they were both walking.
Light was fading from the sky as the sun set into the clouds. Life was fading slowly from them both. Days and days of walking had left them exhausted.
and one look into her eyes told him everything. once blue, now colourless, he gazed into pools of mercury. she was fading fast.
Mercury was the god of speed, theives, trickery, and merchants. i do also believe he has some affect on some sort of bad characters, but I can’t remember. I was setting up an interstellar shippin company once called Cadueus Co., because that was his staff.
liquid silver swirling facets of bright white, sparkling and melted, dripping of the vagina of a slim woman in her late teens. Going into a pot below to be supped by the gods later. Her breasts are full of mercury, leaking at the teat. She is the god of metal, second to king of platinum
silvery and shiny. beatiful and soft. yet very deadly. only one drop in the river is enough to cause havoc, especially in health.
Many countries have suffered
it’s hot here, very hot. And dealy. I’m thinking about the mercury in a thermometer, too, and know that stuff is bad. Mercury means change, rapid change
Mercury! Hatters used to use mercury in the production of (Whodathunkit?)hats! And went insane. A similar instance occured with my chem teacher. Also this is a tiny planet. An unloved tiny planet.
Metallic taste in my mouth. I slip my toungue around hoping for the bitterness to fade. Pools of saliva accumilate beneath my tongue.