
May 13th, 2009 | 321 Entries

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321 Entries for “meter”

  1. i hate those things. i secretly go to my gym early in the morning when the parking services people aren’t out and about so that i DONT have to put coins in. thanksfully i haven’t had any tickets. but seriously. if i get one, it’s like 35 bucks. its a risk i’m willing to take.

  2. whats the point?

  3. parking meters=SO STUPID! why just WHY?! like SERIOUSLY ITS A FREE COUNTRY. im gunna take that parking meter and shove it up your….BUTT! what what now what now PUNK! take your meter and go hommmmeeeee!

  4. Is a poetry concept that no one really understands in high school but that is really not that hard to understand and is also unit of measurement that American people don’t get.

  5. I pulled my card into the kerb, parked carefully, got out of the car and made my way to the meter. Rummaging through my bag for sme coin, I cursed as I was running late for an appointment. “Damm meters” I cursed loudly, getting angrier as the minutes ticked by ….

  6. meter. oh the parking meter. they had those at asu. i have random amounts of change in my car. i didnt know pennies didn’t count. like it wouldn’t give you any minutes. so i basically made it go out of order and had to find another effin parking lot laaaame

  7. Meter to measure the length of something, a dress you really crave, or the distance between us. I love this word, it reminds me of mutter, which reminds me of love, which leads right back to you Mister Meter.

  8. metric system…. or parking meter? its the same word but two totally different things. this shows just how confusing the english language is. its kind of stupid.

  9. it is the unit for length. earlier ppl used to measure one meter with their hand and shoulder now they have instruments to do so. one meter = 100 cms.

  10. A measurement tool, often compicated


  12. a length, always measuring, we need to know how far we’ve gone, we need to know how much ground we’ve covered its a form of motivation, we need to see results, we have to think in decimals and numbers, this is the only way it logically makes sense.

  13. meteoro grande atraviesa un metro de distancia en la calle del olvido fuetemente desvirgado y entretejido en los ventorrales del kosko y al umbral de l apuerta qu emide 34 centímetro sde ancho , proque asi fue contruido en por los gaiteros y los trompetistas que siguen una metrica del sonido pelú, baby asi le sgusta pelú.

  14. the parking meter wasn’t working as usual, are you meant to leave a note on the car? I thought I would call the number on the side of the meter, but of course no one answered. and it’s starting to rain, and because we are in drought, I have no umbrella. Ah well, I’ll risk the fine and run through rain, enjoying on my face and being part of the city.

  15. The meter maid was sick of writing tickets all day and having people constantly annoyed with her. If they would just feed the meter when it was almost out of money it would make her life much easier. She needed a job where people weren’t always angry. Maybe she should go back to school and start her life over again.

  16. it is a longer than a yard shorter than a mile and my science teacher uses it a lot and said we should change to the metric system in the us. but it wqould be too hard. so we cant.

  17. I hit the stupid parking meter over and over again. i gave the stupid thing my quarter and it wouldn’t work! ugh. But then, I heard a extremely sexy voice come from behind me. “Ma’am, I’m gonna have to take you down to the station if you keep kicking that meter.” oh, it was a ugly, fat cop. What the freak was I thinking? Sexy? Him? Heck no.

  18. Meter sticks. Meet her. Once upon a time my best friend loved a boy. I met him, got drunk, and feel like he is the best human in the world. I dont know what that means. If a meteriod hit the earth right now, I would like know that i measure up to my dreams.

  19. Meter sticks are used to measure distances. There are about three feet in a meter. I feel like the united states should change to the metric sytstem.

  20. A meter is left to go till the meter that metes out my measurements meets its maker metrically and meteorologically!

  21. One meter is roughly 2.5 feet. I’m used to spelling it metre though because I’m Canadian. I think that it’s better to use feet because they’re slightly shorter and easier to work with. I am only 5 feet tall, but I feel like I should be more.

  22. por que el metro es un sistema de medida muy usada en las acciones que practicamos diariamente en una vida cotidiana, asi mismo esta palabre es utilizada en el idioma español para un sistema de transporte,que transporta diariamente cientos de miles de personas en un ajetreo interminable de gente que va y viene llena de pensamientos, preocupaciones, necesidaades

  23. meter, beater,
    weed her,
    lead her,

    catch him
    fast now

    GO GO

  24. Parking meters down by the beach today- ours already had 13 minutes left. Another quarter and we got to walk along the beach at Oceanside. A family was feeling a huge pelican on the pier and there were a few surfers out despite the cold breeze.

  25. the wrong spelling for metre. distance or calculation.
  26. the meter across the top of this screen moves very quickly when i can’t think of anything to write.

  27. There was a meter between us. One meter. I love him. He had the move. We hadn’t spoken in 4 years due to an arguement we had once long ago. He acted as if he was going to walk that one meter towards me, but instead walked away. Now ill never know what couldve been.

  28. As the meter ran on the cab, I sat and thought about the day ahead. All the things I had to put in order, the people I had to confront, and the new person I was soon becoming.

  29. Love meter replenished daily. Making an apparently effortless opening of the front door for your spouse as she returns home from hell’s commute looking like she’s swallowed another day’s vortex of tiny furies.

  30. iambic pentameter

  31. We walked a meter. We didn’t even think about how long it would take us to get there. It seemed like a small enough distance, but there we too many obstacles. Time and space would freeze. We wouldn’t make it in time. How could someone so determined make it such a small distance in such a short amount of time?

    Nick Adams
  32. meter stick… meter… meat- er. lol… i dunno. meter yards inches…

  33. Parking meter
    what could be sweeter
    than melting you with a space heater?
    Here’s to you change-eater!

  34. “No way,” he exclaimed, “this is definitely not a meter.” He examined the stick in front of him. “Oh, quite the contrary, my friend,” his companion replied, “how else would you have choked?”

  35. A meter. A yard. A foot. An inch. A centimeter. An atom. Life’s components, eh?

  36. one word. how can it be so powerful? one word can change a life, a family, the world. oh, the way we underestimate the power of one word. love, honor, hate

  37. a meter is a length of measure that means nothing to me or to us here. why would we even know it exists unless you were schooled in the 70s when they confused us terribly by trying to teach us metric but not teaching us english measures. blck.l the meter is a reminder of our failed experiement of education when our self esteem was supposed to be being built.

  38. The meter was running and the cab was stuck in traffic. I still had fifteen minutes to make it to my meeting. I reached into my purse for my cell phone. I wanted Monty to start the presentation.

  39. meter is a measurement or I’m thinking of the temperature when I first see it.

  40. i don’t know anything about then I just imagine them being a large monster one who is in a conspiracy to steal my change. He would gobble up all of my loose change and if it were not satisfying it would eat me too.
