
May 13th, 2009 | 321 Entries

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321 Entries for “meter”

  1. I am a gangsta.

    Chad L.
  2. cow crap smells bad. I have cows in my pants.

    Dumb Piece of Dung
  3. The meter was around on the side of the house, five feet up the concrete wall, just above where the aluminum siding began. It hung there, ticking away the power the house sucked up and spit out, hung there above a weed that blossomed prettier than any rose, above the half-hearted vegetable garden that was planted to try to save…something. Save money, save time, save earth.

  4. laufen, immer weiter, Schritt für Schritt ein Fuß vor den anderen, der Weg ist das Ziel, denke nicht nach, so kommst du dem Ziel näher und sammelst km geld.

  5. I remember when we switched from Imperial to Metric measure. They said it would take generations for Canadians to get used to it. Although I had to teach it, I barely understood it and continue to this day to think in Imperial – pounds and ounces, bushels and pecks, cups

  6. Soon, ‘smart meters’ will help us measure and manage our energy consumption.

  7. I have walked only one meter but I can’t think of where I’m going. My home is behind me and the past is before me, but I can’t go past the past. When I bring everything back to you, do you think you’ll remember what it means? I can’t even remember how the words of our favorite song went. Or even if we had a favorite song. Friendship is fleeting but a fleet of friend ships is better than a coast of being alone. When I’ve written all the poetry, what will the world think? What will I think? Or will I have nothing left to think at all?

    Jess Waldron
  8. i had a meter to the hole. a yard for all the americans out there. 3 feet. that is not much, but in this current situation, 3 feet, one meter is what stand between me and a birdie. A birdie i said, one under par. i breathe deep, a relaxing breath, i hit the ball – three feet – one meter, bottom of the cup.


  9. Meter, the heartbeat of poets, ticks and tocks. I listen to it and call it silence. Silence that ebbs and flows and interrupts my thoughts in tiny moments between words, its dark heavy figure assaulting in a constant stream.

    Joy Cagil
  10. One meter. One hundred centimetres. This is the beginning of your journey, your first stride may be a meter, but it will consist of many meters. I hope you see wonderful things, and meet wonderful people.
    Just a meter.

  11. Meter.A unit used by most of the world to measure distance. Well maybe not this meter but a meter is. Also a term used to describe devices taht measure things. Or is omter…hmmm…. either way it is used to measure.

  12. I got this one already.

  13. The way in which certain things are measured. I hate metre especially in singing but it’s there for a reason so I suppose we have to accecpt it! 100 Meters! Rock on!

  14. merrrrr I can’t think of anything for this word!! Gararararararar! You should give people better wrds because this one sucks. Garrr. i really want this computer though. i kind of wish that it was mine. Merrrrr. Okay. Well. That’s really all I have to say. Good day. Seriously. Ger more poetic words. because this one is too hard. :(

  15. i used to be a meter reader
    now i just drink down a litre
    wish i had 10 years back
    wish i could go n hit the sack
    when will my head stop turning
    when will my brain stop birning

  16. The ice was thick here, more than a mile. Each step forward felt like it would be the last. The thermoMeter read 50 below zero.

    Rich Lessing
  17. That meter reader diddnt think twice about going up against my Rottweiler who sat at the base of the gas meter. Turn out old Bessy had expired three hours earlier. That reader wasnt as brave as i thought.

    peter Balint
  18. the parking meter loomed overhead. i scrambled for change deep in my pocket, but the meter kept flashing. on off on off. empty blank.

  19. The meter is running. I like the idea of putting money in random people’s meters that are about to expire. The ultimate way to pay it forward and keep it anonymous. There’s really not a way to find out who you are unless they physically see you do it. And even then, there’s a good chance they’ll never see you again anyway.

  20. i dont know what this word means oh wait its like the meter that it timing me. i have nothing else to write, besides that im really tired. my mother uses alot of parking tickets, yes that’s related to the word meter. parking meter.

  21. Everything runs on a meter these days. Money, electricity, water. Even life itself. I feel my meter tick, tick, ticking with every second. The needle crawls to the red zone, the point of no return – death. Yet every second the needle jumps erratically, forward and backward, intervals of four or a hundred.

    Perhaps that is what life is. Merely a countdown until the end.

  22. The meter gauged the steps to my car as I climbed inside and put it in park. Every step I took claimed three more as an homage to that angry line, the yardstick, what can I say? Every footprint I make leads me in a straight line back to that incessant meter tick, there’s no way anyone could possibly mean anything more than this.

  23. I was in new york and parked at a meter. I was late getting back and the damn meter maid gave me a ticket. I complained but my attempts were futile. I was unaware i had taken so long in the store. What was i to do?

  24. my meter long dick is long

    ps, if you want an ‘extenstion’ lol im talking about time, just hit submit with no fields filled out then hit back….. ;)

  25. you can be a meter away from something you ever wanted and not even know it

    “my job was just a meter away!”


    wait im not sure that makes sense

    but thats what sucks about life, it could be just a meter away and you dont even know it :(

  26. Oh the meter, of the metric system, I remember reading about how Revolutionary France instituted the metric system in their push to make the nation more rational. That was one of their better reforms that didn’t involve the guilitine, yet when a major country remakes itself with out God chaos ensues

  27. meter hum what should I say nothing is really coming to mind oh I wonder if any one remembers the silly movie meter man not sure who all the actors were but it made me laugh when I was younger now I going to look it up

  28. runner
    the mile
    measuring cups
    science labs

    Taneikia Porter
  29. the meter maid is a bitch on a power trip… fake ass cops… you dont see many meter maid men… meters are kind of godly.. they monitor almost everything but dont step in at approprite times… pseg needs to come out and read my meter… public services suck ass and they have manopolys on areas… but its a law not to have manopoloys but the capitalistisum of this country allows that to hapen.. but once you get to big SLAP in the face to say you have to stay smaler then your dreams can reach…. microsoft case and point… my meter hit the roof thinking about that.

    pete s
  30. We used to live in the country on our farm. Each month my mother would have to read our electric meter and turn it in to the electric company and pay our electric bill. Now I think they have people to come out and read the meter for them.

    Gayle Simmons
  31. I hate parking meter. It is wierd. This is a complete and utter truth. They serve no real purpose. They are there only to annoy us and get us in trouble with the law.

    Brian McWilliams
  32. I jumped a meter today. I can use it to measure objects. We use electric meters everyday. If they will keep the electric on and going.

  33. A meter. a time. a thin line between late and early. between too much and too little. between to close and too far. between heaven and hell. between love and hate. between right and wrong. between you and I.

  34. meter. used in measuring length.

    megan myrick
  35. I dont really know what to say about this word. The door is one meter wide. The meter reading is 25.00. The I don’t know I don’t know I

    elizabeth Stacy
  36. this how you spell it: meter. it can be a measurement. it can also be the meter on the side of your house to determine how much electricity you use.

    Samantha Schafer
  37. Meter ticks. Like a clock. Always counting the time, or the number of something, an occurrence. It reminds me of a pendulum, such as one from a piano.

  38. Time is running out
    as I look at my watch.
    It reads 10:30.
    I’m running late, very late…

    The taxi meter reads “$30.90”.

    Damn, I don’t think I remembered
    to put some money in my purse,
    did I?

    Looks like the flight has to be delayed.

  39. the parking meter is the devil. it eats all of my pocket change and i get what, 10 minutes? fifteen if i’m lucky. i hate you, parking meter, spawn of satan. i hope you burn in hell.

    sarah k
  40. 100 cm in a meter, each one knows where to go, just as important as the last. They all work together, but are they all friends?

    What about the next meter?

    and when will i meet her…

    Oliver Brookeshore