Go ahead.
I dare you to.
No need to shout.
We’ll all hear you.
Go ahead.
Why are you so scared?
They’re just words.
I need you to.
beats streets bloom rememory of clown sounds beautiful excretions green grass wind a-blowin’ chokin microphone- a home to expression
Charlie Epstein
i think you should let all your emotions into that microphone you have in your room which seems to be your only outlet and best friend. so self conscious all the time, really shouldnt be youre really good looking and funny you could do better with managing your feelings and condiions you have in your life. its ok to be crazy and think a lot but get over it.
rap is awesome. the song one mic is phenomenal by nas. it states that he needs only a microphone and nothing else. this makes me feel that he is like a hero. but thats another story.
I’d like to ring her neck…….
At first, i saw a metronome beating its rhythm without fail, determined, submissive to music.
but then there was the microphone…
I use a microphone to say things that make people happy. They smile and laugh and clap. Clap is a messy STD. My ex slept with a lot of people. I’m surprised I don’t have an STD. I remember my sex ed class in collage…. that fuckin bitch, she cheated on me at least a dozen times
i wish i had a microphone that ate up my words and spit them out so they sounded elegant, not a stuttering mess like they usually do. then you’d love me, yeah, you really would.
Gripping the microphone tightly, she began to sing.
It wasn’t English, wasn’t any language anyone knew or cared to know.
It was horrible, twisting beneath her tongue.
He grabs the microphone from her hand. It’s his time to shine. He looks out into the screaming crowd but only one face is clear among the shouting blur. It is his pet narwhal, Paul. Loljk
i talk in the microphone
i like to do it.
the microphone is my fiend.
the microphone helps people hear me better.
the microphone amplifies my voice.
i like it when the microphone is loud.
i get to sing in the microphone.
mat came across an old 1970s mic while unpacking his things after a gig one night. I feel in love the moment i sang into it. I have been wanting to hook it up lately, but mat has been gigging so much it hasn’t been around.
I slapped my hand, over and over, creating a beat. The audience just stared. A cough waved through the audience, and I started to pound my foot. Then the bass line hit, followed by a simple drum beat. I could hear clothing rustle, people shuffle among the bar. And then I strummed a C chord and the people erupted.
mics are very useful in amplifying voices in large autitoriums and other large sound systems, famous people of all trades use microphones, and many are multimillionares. Microphones can
she held the microphone to her lips, they softly parted and she breathed in and out, slowly, eyes closed, her eyelashes brushing her cheeks. her voice felt as fragile as spring’s leaves, but all she could see was his face, his face haunting her everywhere she went.
The microphone is a funny thing. It stands there on the stage, glistening beneath the spotlight, daring me to step up. My heart pounds, I feel sweat beading on my brow. I can’t do this. I can’t do this. I can’t approach that little device, I can’t speak into it and reveal myself to the crowded room. They’ll never understand my words. I back away, defeated by anxiety again.
Loudness from quiteness. Magic created through amplification. Or is it Magic amplified for the masses. Recorded. Freedom.
Louie the Fish
A Micrphone is a talking thing. When you speak through it, it amplifies you voice. Using a seriois of chords connected to an amp and speakers. it loudedns your speach immensly.
If you hear the voice, it’s already been through the Microphone. He has alreadyt processesed the pure, turning it into his propoganda. We must break free of the microphone. We must speak face to face.
Riley Bir
Loud, theatre, lights, camera action. happiness. to be heard above all else, to be seen and looked at. To be the center of attention, to not be told no. Mike changes, flow charts, patching, levels, hectic, chaotic.
She held the microphone up to her lips, breathing heavily as she started to realize that this was, in fact, happening. As the music started to pour fourth from the speakers, she breath heightened, and she gripped the mic tighter, not wanting to fail.
i just wante dot know you when you wanted to speak into the microphone. you were standing the light and i was in the dark infront of you. you couldn’t see me but i was there smiling the stupidest smile ear to ear so happy to be there half in love with you and just happy. i wish you knew how much it was to be me
talk, talk, talk, just way, way too loud. There are so many people who use these pieces of technology who definitely shouldn’t, but eh, what can I do about it? I guess only go on. Maybe talk in one myself. Who knows?
my microphone sheds a blue light. a beacon to call me . a UFO with its tractor beam. not only does it reel me in but it installs ideas into me. things i wouldn’t have normally thought up or said. when it is all over i have to recall what happened or else it is all gone. something so critical to me erased so easy.
mike petrow
“Check, Check.” I stood nervously at the microphone getting ready for my speech. How would I convince all of these people to vote for me? What could I do to sway them to see that I would be the best student body treasurer in the history of this high school?
sometimes i pretend that i’m talking into a microphone. I think that the way people’s voices sound when they’re talking into a microphone are pretty cool. they sound different. almost like they’re a different person. people are usually on stage when they’re talking into a microphone. maybe it’s being on stage that makes them a different person.
i stepped up to the microphone and what did i say? i said hello my name is ryan and no one said anything back? stone silence. why? was is something i said? all i said was my name is that so wrong? nothing in return. how sad.
Approach the microphone
hands sweating
heart palpitating
lungs on the edge of hyperventilating
open your mouth
breathe in
and talk
What was I going to say???
I hate the ‘test test one two three’. people should tell stories for sound checks or recite poetry.
cat m.
I scream and the reverb hits me like a ton of bricks. This microphone doesn’t work, gosh darn it. No one can hear me! They’re all talking over me! Hey! Hey, I need a new one.
i need a microphone for some people in my life. if they knew their words would be screeching across the corridor, they’d pick them with more care and kindness.
then again it may not work, crude fucks would just love the sound of their own voice.
the auditory advice that starts with my name. The microphone is the most important tool in any mc/ rapper’s tool bag.
where’s the microphone when you need it. The idea, the rage, the wit, the joy all come pouring out without the aid of the trusty microphone. If I’d had a mic that day, things would have gone differently. I would have been able to get the warning out across the entire area and no one would have had to….
i have the ability to sing and write songs so i tend to write alot of songs. i hope to oneday record in a recording studio and be able to get all my songs out to people and hopefully make a little money but most of all get my music across to those who i know will appreciate it.
He threw the microphone to the floor angrily and stalked from the stage. All of his fans stood, open mouthed, shocked. Why had he done that? He hadn’t even started! Surely he hadn’t just quit on them.
She tapped the microphone three times, but to no avail. It just would not work. Why did she even volunteer to speak at this event? What in the world was it supposed to benefit, anyway? She was a shy girl — always had been. Just because she had accidentally saved a man’s life did not make her a hero, and certainly did not make public speaking any easier. She’d just have to shout.
She sang into the microphone on that rainy afternoon. She sang ito an empty theater and made no one’s heart swoon. At the end of her performance, her boyfriend walks in. “I’m sorry I’m late,” he says, “I got caught out in the rain.”
robert lopez rocks the microphone like it’s a free whore on the corner.
i love rock and roll so put another dime in the jukebox baby.
Go ahead.
I dare you to.
No need to shout.
We’ll all hear you.
Go ahead.
Why are you so scared?
They’re just words.
I need you to.
beats streets bloom rememory of clown sounds beautiful excretions green grass wind a-blowin’ chokin microphone- a home to expression
i think you should let all your emotions into that microphone you have in your room which seems to be your only outlet and best friend. so self conscious all the time, really shouldnt be youre really good looking and funny you could do better with managing your feelings and condiions you have in your life. its ok to be crazy and think a lot but get over it.
rap is awesome. the song one mic is phenomenal by nas. it states that he needs only a microphone and nothing else. this makes me feel that he is like a hero. but thats another story.
I’d like to ring her neck…….
At first, i saw a metronome beating its rhythm without fail, determined, submissive to music.
but then there was the microphone…
I use a microphone to say things that make people happy. They smile and laugh and clap. Clap is a messy STD. My ex slept with a lot of people. I’m surprised I don’t have an STD. I remember my sex ed class in collage…. that fuckin bitch, she cheated on me at least a dozen times
i wish i had a microphone that ate up my words and spit them out so they sounded elegant, not a stuttering mess like they usually do. then you’d love me, yeah, you really would.
Gripping the microphone tightly, she began to sing.
It wasn’t English, wasn’t any language anyone knew or cared to know.
It was horrible, twisting beneath her tongue.
He grabs the microphone from her hand. It’s his time to shine. He looks out into the screaming crowd but only one face is clear among the shouting blur. It is his pet narwhal, Paul. Loljk
i talk in the microphone
i like to do it.
the microphone is my fiend.
the microphone helps people hear me better.
the microphone amplifies my voice.
i like it when the microphone is loud.
i get to sing in the microphone.
mat came across an old 1970s mic while unpacking his things after a gig one night. I feel in love the moment i sang into it. I have been wanting to hook it up lately, but mat has been gigging so much it hasn’t been around.
I slapped my hand, over and over, creating a beat. The audience just stared. A cough waved through the audience, and I started to pound my foot. Then the bass line hit, followed by a simple drum beat. I could hear clothing rustle, people shuffle among the bar. And then I strummed a C chord and the people erupted.
mics are very useful in amplifying voices in large autitoriums and other large sound systems, famous people of all trades use microphones, and many are multimillionares. Microphones can
she held the microphone to her lips, they softly parted and she breathed in and out, slowly, eyes closed, her eyelashes brushing her cheeks. her voice felt as fragile as spring’s leaves, but all she could see was his face, his face haunting her everywhere she went.
The microphone is a funny thing. It stands there on the stage, glistening beneath the spotlight, daring me to step up. My heart pounds, I feel sweat beading on my brow. I can’t do this. I can’t do this. I can’t approach that little device, I can’t speak into it and reveal myself to the crowded room. They’ll never understand my words. I back away, defeated by anxiety again.
Loudness from quiteness. Magic created through amplification. Or is it Magic amplified for the masses. Recorded. Freedom.
A Micrphone is a talking thing. When you speak through it, it amplifies you voice. Using a seriois of chords connected to an amp and speakers. it loudedns your speach immensly.
If you hear the voice, it’s already been through the Microphone. He has alreadyt processesed the pure, turning it into his propoganda. We must break free of the microphone. We must speak face to face.
Loud, theatre, lights, camera action. happiness. to be heard above all else, to be seen and looked at. To be the center of attention, to not be told no. Mike changes, flow charts, patching, levels, hectic, chaotic.
She held the microphone up to her lips, breathing heavily as she started to realize that this was, in fact, happening. As the music started to pour fourth from the speakers, she breath heightened, and she gripped the mic tighter, not wanting to fail.
i just wante dot know you when you wanted to speak into the microphone. you were standing the light and i was in the dark infront of you. you couldn’t see me but i was there smiling the stupidest smile ear to ear so happy to be there half in love with you and just happy. i wish you knew how much it was to be me
talk, talk, talk, just way, way too loud. There are so many people who use these pieces of technology who definitely shouldn’t, but eh, what can I do about it? I guess only go on. Maybe talk in one myself. Who knows?
my microphone sheds a blue light. a beacon to call me . a UFO with its tractor beam. not only does it reel me in but it installs ideas into me. things i wouldn’t have normally thought up or said. when it is all over i have to recall what happened or else it is all gone. something so critical to me erased so easy.
“Check, Check.” I stood nervously at the microphone getting ready for my speech. How would I convince all of these people to vote for me? What could I do to sway them to see that I would be the best student body treasurer in the history of this high school?
sometimes i pretend that i’m talking into a microphone. I think that the way people’s voices sound when they’re talking into a microphone are pretty cool. they sound different. almost like they’re a different person. people are usually on stage when they’re talking into a microphone. maybe it’s being on stage that makes them a different person.
i stepped up to the microphone and what did i say? i said hello my name is ryan and no one said anything back? stone silence. why? was is something i said? all i said was my name is that so wrong? nothing in return. how sad.
Approach the microphone
hands sweating
heart palpitating
lungs on the edge of hyperventilating
open your mouth
breathe in
and talk
What was I going to say???
I hate the ‘test test one two three’. people should tell stories for sound checks or recite poetry.
I scream and the reverb hits me like a ton of bricks. This microphone doesn’t work, gosh darn it. No one can hear me! They’re all talking over me! Hey! Hey, I need a new one.
i need a microphone for some people in my life. if they knew their words would be screeching across the corridor, they’d pick them with more care and kindness.
then again it may not work, crude fucks would just love the sound of their own voice.
the auditory advice that starts with my name. The microphone is the most important tool in any mc/ rapper’s tool bag.
where’s the microphone when you need it. The idea, the rage, the wit, the joy all come pouring out without the aid of the trusty microphone. If I’d had a mic that day, things would have gone differently. I would have been able to get the warning out across the entire area and no one would have had to….
i have the ability to sing and write songs so i tend to write alot of songs. i hope to oneday record in a recording studio and be able to get all my songs out to people and hopefully make a little money but most of all get my music across to those who i know will appreciate it.
He threw the microphone to the floor angrily and stalked from the stage. All of his fans stood, open mouthed, shocked. Why had he done that? He hadn’t even started! Surely he hadn’t just quit on them.
She tapped the microphone three times, but to no avail. It just would not work. Why did she even volunteer to speak at this event? What in the world was it supposed to benefit, anyway? She was a shy girl — always had been. Just because she had accidentally saved a man’s life did not make her a hero, and certainly did not make public speaking any easier. She’d just have to shout.
She sang into the microphone on that rainy afternoon. She sang ito an empty theater and made no one’s heart swoon. At the end of her performance, her boyfriend walks in. “I’m sorry I’m late,” he says, “I got caught out in the rain.”
robert lopez rocks the microphone like it’s a free whore on the corner.
i love rock and roll so put another dime in the jukebox baby.