i pump up the volume of my stereo cos i’m from the 80s and i totally grab my microphone and go crazy singing Toto’s Africa wishing i was really there. I scream on my mic owning the world at the top of a huge cliff, but then in reality i’m just in my lame ass office.
I’d like a microphone. I would sing at the top of my lungs. I’m a pretty good singer, and even though it’s my lifelong dream to sing for a living, I don’t think I’m good enough. I don’t have the charisma, or the looks, or the ruthlessness to make it. I’ll stick to college. Maybe.
music, people singing
lyrics, artists, rapping, sound, country, expression,
i stepped on to the stage with quivering knees. I was already drenched in sweat from the sheer terror. I stood in front of what seemed to be hundreds of thousands of people. Bright lights blinded me.
i love microphones because they’re awesome and they allow me to express my voice and show off my talents, even if those talents aren’t as impressive as someone else’s talents. Microphones make me excited and nervous, very nervous in fact…but a good nervous.
I like those old fashioned microphones you see in the movies. If I had one of those, I’d want to sit on a stool and sing all the time. But I don’t. So I don’t.
test one two three five
goin on the mic it sounds so good i love singin in it with the people watching and feelin the music its mkes me feel like the first time i was in love and i even wanna wet myself i love being in front of the mic i sound so different tho than i do with my ears
sam t
If by the weight of the sky I was meant to adhere to your voice, then no amount of microphone would raise you higher. You crawled inside of me, and wouldn’t stop your incessant screaming, so I became fufilled by you. By your sounds, I illuminated and carried to the tallest trees.
The microphone sings alone through a voice without names.
“I think I’m going to back out of this.”
“No,” she heard from the back, matter-of-factly and slowly, a deep baritone. “That’s not what we agreed on.”
“This thing isn’t even on.”
the microphone didn’t heighten your voice, only the sound of your breath to the depth of my heart. I heard you singing softly in the sea, I didn’t know it yet, but it was you all along. Every story was moraled by you. The End.
it is a device used to capture sound and make it smaller, thus then blasting it over connected speakers
used often in surveilance to capture conversations
used to record music
used in many simple toys whcih record shoud
not my name
I step up to the microphone with little to say but many mighty thoughts. How is it that the things I care most about are so difficult to address with words? Why do I stumble over phrases and wonder what to say? I know what I want to accomplish but the microphone robs me of that chance.
I can’t sleep. There’s a drunken sloth in the karaoke bar next door, screaming and slobbering into the microphone. Someone can make out the words because they’re singing along, but I can’t for the life of me tell what it is.
Shut up, I scream at the wall. You aren’t made for this.
give me a microphone. let me scream at the world in beautiful melodies. let me tell them that they need me. that i need them. give me a microphone so that we can talk. so that we can know each other, and feel each other, and believe we all exist.
sooner or later, i want to go up there and sing my heart into the microphone. I want to hear my voice being projected into the audience, I want to feel the vibe within myself. I want to feel the rush of adrenaline, hear that audience’s applause and bow so that my forehead touches the floor.
There once was a singer. She ate a microphone. The end.
It’s a great listener, never interrupts. Just listens and listens… don’t ask for any advice.
Singing, performing, amplifying louder.
One uses a microphone to increase volume
Micro is small
Phone is communicate
Too Much
sing something sweet to me.
i wish i could sing.
i know i can’t.
i try…but i can’t.
The Singer
you sing in to the depths of the cords which then wrap around our souls, bind our cores and arrest our memories. oh how i long to hear your history
mary stella
I am going to buy a microphone to practice English speaking. It is a good one. I am singing a little song, happy.
He took the microphone in his hand. What did they expect him to do with this? He was no singer. But they did need a distraction and he was drunk. He clambered up on the stage. At the back of the room, Wooster snuck out the door. Smith took a breath and began to sing.
I can lead a country with a microphone. I can keep a tempo with no metronome. Once there was a microphone named Sam who was hurled into an audience by a ridiculously obnoxious lead singer. It hurt his feelings. The feedback was the sound of his tears.
She spoke into the microphone, wheezing and coughing, precious seconds of speaking time cut off by the sickness growing in her lungs. She whispered her wishes, her regrets, her messages to lost loves and living children. She dreamt as she spoke, pouring out half dazed dreams that resided only in her head.
I want a good microphone that does not hurt my ears
sing stage ight camera action fans sweat heat tension applause love dreams hopes touring van sex groupies magic living money mansion sugardaddy album deal bars clubs parties fucked ver by the man fame in
i love the microphone. yes, i do i love the microphone. how about you? the microphone is power. who ever holds the microphone holds the power. what will you do with the power you hold in your hand?
I am trembling and I can’t stop myself. The microphone feels slippery in my sweaty palms. Shit! Why are the lights so bright? I nervously am tucking my hair behind my ears. Can the audience sense my nervousness like an animal senses fear? The first notes of the piano sounds and I begin to sing, shakily, but gaining strength.
Karly Burnsed
i love the microphone yes i do i love the microphone how about you? the microphone is power and who ever has the microphone holds the power what will you do with the power you hold in your hand?
my microphone is old. it no longer projects the way i wish it would. the world cannot hear my voice. there are few joys without my mic. i am alone, in audible, and irrelevant.
I step up to the microphone wishing that I had a spare set of batteries. I know that it’s going to die at any moment and that the audience waiting paitiently in front of me will be staring, ever staring, only half of them able to understand what I am saying. I try to decide if I should use it at all, shouting might be my best option. Instead, I take a breath and begin my speech.
maybe no one wants to hear you.
you will project.
all of you.
right into the brain of others, whether they want it or not.
make an impact.
make music.
sound to leap and go over and over yes to the heights master ful light and yes leaping the sky noises over and over hands and the the the the boy with the nice face and nice words speaking loudly
screaming in the metal grate sound waves pursue the lengths of wires and never stop twirling around the tongues of light and fire they pursue
Ben Bocko
let everyone hear each others voices, shouts, singing, and noise.
I have a microphone built in to my new lap top! It’s so cool that i don’t have to worry about buying one separately and having to plug it in , and it just basically being in the way. Having it built into my lap top makes it so much easier. It’s a great feature.
I love being on stage. There’s no other feeling like it. Everyone’s eyes on you. Even the anxiety is great. When you get it right there’s nothing like it. Even if the microphone is shaking in your hands, just reach deep down
i pump up the volume of my stereo cos i’m from the 80s and i totally grab my microphone and go crazy singing Toto’s Africa wishing i was really there. I scream on my mic owning the world at the top of a huge cliff, but then in reality i’m just in my lame ass office.
I’d like a microphone. I would sing at the top of my lungs. I’m a pretty good singer, and even though it’s my lifelong dream to sing for a living, I don’t think I’m good enough. I don’t have the charisma, or the looks, or the ruthlessness to make it. I’ll stick to college. Maybe.
music, people singing
lyrics, artists, rapping, sound, country, expression,
i stepped on to the stage with quivering knees. I was already drenched in sweat from the sheer terror. I stood in front of what seemed to be hundreds of thousands of people. Bright lights blinded me.
i love microphones because they’re awesome and they allow me to express my voice and show off my talents, even if those talents aren’t as impressive as someone else’s talents. Microphones make me excited and nervous, very nervous in fact…but a good nervous.
I like those old fashioned microphones you see in the movies. If I had one of those, I’d want to sit on a stool and sing all the time. But I don’t. So I don’t.
test one two three five
goin on the mic it sounds so good i love singin in it with the people watching and feelin the music its mkes me feel like the first time i was in love and i even wanna wet myself i love being in front of the mic i sound so different tho than i do with my ears
If by the weight of the sky I was meant to adhere to your voice, then no amount of microphone would raise you higher. You crawled inside of me, and wouldn’t stop your incessant screaming, so I became fufilled by you. By your sounds, I illuminated and carried to the tallest trees.
The microphone sings alone through a voice without names.
“I think I’m going to back out of this.”
“No,” she heard from the back, matter-of-factly and slowly, a deep baritone. “That’s not what we agreed on.”
“This thing isn’t even on.”
the microphone didn’t heighten your voice, only the sound of your breath to the depth of my heart. I heard you singing softly in the sea, I didn’t know it yet, but it was you all along. Every story was moraled by you. The End.
it is a device used to capture sound and make it smaller, thus then blasting it over connected speakers
used often in surveilance to capture conversations
used to record music
used in many simple toys whcih record shoud
I step up to the microphone with little to say but many mighty thoughts. How is it that the things I care most about are so difficult to address with words? Why do I stumble over phrases and wonder what to say? I know what I want to accomplish but the microphone robs me of that chance.
I can’t sleep. There’s a drunken sloth in the karaoke bar next door, screaming and slobbering into the microphone. Someone can make out the words because they’re singing along, but I can’t for the life of me tell what it is.
Shut up, I scream at the wall. You aren’t made for this.
give me a microphone. let me scream at the world in beautiful melodies. let me tell them that they need me. that i need them. give me a microphone so that we can talk. so that we can know each other, and feel each other, and believe we all exist.
sooner or later, i want to go up there and sing my heart into the microphone. I want to hear my voice being projected into the audience, I want to feel the vibe within myself. I want to feel the rush of adrenaline, hear that audience’s applause and bow so that my forehead touches the floor.
There once was a singer. She ate a microphone. The end.
It’s a great listener, never interrupts. Just listens and listens… don’t ask for any advice.
Singing, performing, amplifying louder.
One uses a microphone to increase volume
Micro is small
Phone is communicate
sing something sweet to me.
i wish i could sing.
i know i can’t.
i try…but i can’t.
you sing in to the depths of the cords which then wrap around our souls, bind our cores and arrest our memories. oh how i long to hear your history
I am going to buy a microphone to practice English speaking. It is a good one. I am singing a little song, happy.
He took the microphone in his hand. What did they expect him to do with this? He was no singer. But they did need a distraction and he was drunk. He clambered up on the stage. At the back of the room, Wooster snuck out the door. Smith took a breath and began to sing.
I can lead a country with a microphone. I can keep a tempo with no metronome. Once there was a microphone named Sam who was hurled into an audience by a ridiculously obnoxious lead singer. It hurt his feelings. The feedback was the sound of his tears.
She spoke into the microphone, wheezing and coughing, precious seconds of speaking time cut off by the sickness growing in her lungs. She whispered her wishes, her regrets, her messages to lost loves and living children. She dreamt as she spoke, pouring out half dazed dreams that resided only in her head.
I want a good microphone that does not hurt my ears
sing stage ight camera action fans sweat heat tension applause love dreams hopes touring van sex groupies magic living money mansion sugardaddy album deal bars clubs parties fucked ver by the man fame in
i love the microphone. yes, i do i love the microphone. how about you? the microphone is power. who ever holds the microphone holds the power. what will you do with the power you hold in your hand?
I am trembling and I can’t stop myself. The microphone feels slippery in my sweaty palms. Shit! Why are the lights so bright? I nervously am tucking my hair behind my ears. Can the audience sense my nervousness like an animal senses fear? The first notes of the piano sounds and I begin to sing, shakily, but gaining strength.
i love the microphone yes i do i love the microphone how about you? the microphone is power and who ever has the microphone holds the power what will you do with the power you hold in your hand?
my microphone is old. it no longer projects the way i wish it would. the world cannot hear my voice. there are few joys without my mic. i am alone, in audible, and irrelevant.
I step up to the microphone wishing that I had a spare set of batteries. I know that it’s going to die at any moment and that the audience waiting paitiently in front of me will be staring, ever staring, only half of them able to understand what I am saying. I try to decide if I should use it at all, shouting might be my best option. Instead, I take a breath and begin my speech.
maybe no one wants to hear you.
you will project.
all of you.
right into the brain of others, whether they want it or not.
make an impact.
make music.
sound to leap and go over and over yes to the heights master ful light and yes leaping the sky noises over and over hands and the the the the boy with the nice face and nice words speaking loudly
screaming in the metal grate sound waves pursue the lengths of wires and never stop twirling around the tongues of light and fire they pursue
let everyone hear each others voices, shouts, singing, and noise.
I have a microphone built in to my new lap top! It’s so cool that i don’t have to worry about buying one separately and having to plug it in , and it just basically being in the way. Having it built into my lap top makes it so much easier. It’s a great feature.
I love being on stage. There’s no other feeling like it. Everyone’s eyes on you. Even the anxiety is great. When you get it right there’s nothing like it. Even if the microphone is shaking in your hands, just reach deep down