
October 27th, 2009 | 692 Entries

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692 Entries for “microphone”

  1. I use this thing once in a while.. and to think that I never really have anything to say about something that amplifies my speech.. Well.. this time around i should be the one to tell the world what microphone says. But at last I can’t for it is silent and I am useless.

    Fatigue Corner
  2. singing loud cordless entertaining dancing performing bands soloists

  3. A microphone projects your vocie so that a big crowd can hear you when your are saying something important. People use them in meetings, rallys, meetings, and conferences.

  4. bright lights
    pounding bass
    grinding bodies





    glorious music

  5. talking into a microphone makes it loude rand projects you voice more. people use the for presenting speeches in front of large crouds

  6. Pulling the microphone closer to her mouth, Kate smiled. This is where she felt like home, on the stage, blinded by the lights so she couldn’t see the audience, but she could feel there energy. Here, the only thing she had to focus on was the song, the music, the rhythm. Outside problems didn’t matter — it was her world.

  7. I think microphones are cool, they let really quiet people be loud. When I say quiet people, I mean the people in my goddamned section. Dude, seriously they are so timid and it’s like, you are going to be a lawyer one day. Learn how to speak like one. Or at least like someone who can enunciate above an audible whisper. Thanks so much.

  8. Pinned to his chest like a little butterfly. Capture the lies that spill out, amplify them until they resound like truth. Here I am, washed away by the booming of your falsehoods, and all because of a little butterfly, pinned to your chest.

  9. i love to sing. it makes me so free. i don’t know if thats what i can do though. i love the attention and the freedom. i dont ever want to give it up/ knowing i can do it gives me power. with power comes unertainty for me,

  10. gnjdfgjdfj


  12. you sing into it and say stuff in it and it makes your voice louder so everyone can hear you in a big place. it connects to speakers so you can hear it loud. it is staticy sometimes and can cause a sqealing noise

    nicole schane
  13. that is it which we can upper our volume and someone eat it accidentally .singer loves it and i think microphones dont like thme.

  14. Sometime idiots have access to microphones. These people need to have the cord pulled. Seems like they feel like they have to say something, no matter how inane it may sound.

  15. when i was young i bought a microphone from a music shop and pretended it was an ice cream cone. it wasquite funny because my mum and dad would always say to all my relatives when they came over to visit and they got me to bring it out and do the little sketch for them and everyone laughed and had a great time watching me bite into the rock solid casing.

  16. testing: 1..2..3. microphones have encanced our lives by allowing us to experience theatre, concerts, and speeches like never before. and with the advent of television, not more people than ever benefit from microphones.

    Grace Montgomery
  17. I can’t sing

  18. microphone

  19. i like singing in the microphone though it makes me sound younger but feel more professional. it’s like i am a real singer.
    it’s especially cool when you are younger,
    but makes me souynd real little. i still like them though.

  20. I used the microphone to bear my soul to the larger than life audience. My kness were shaking, my mouth was dry and I felt as if I had nothing of value to offer these incredible young minds!

  21. My little mike is Mike’s small mike.OK?

  22. she puts up the microphone and begins to sing in an unsure, quavering voice. The karaoke machine shines brightly in the dark of the large room full of crazy drunks.

  23. loud and clear

  24. microphone is dead
    voice i no longer care to hear
    the fear of solitude
    ended when I continued with out you
    now Ive ended up somwhere new
    beginning something i care to hold on to

  25. i wrote about a microphone yesterday. i have to imagine today’s is a new one with magical powers like making your voice sound like beyonce’s or making you sound “entonada” sin desafinar…don’t know those last words in english.

  26. outlet for ur voice
    achor for opinions
    Dreams have been with held in it
    Spriit of a nation
    freedom of voice
    to be heard among others

    Randy Wiafe
  27. Round shapes of sound capture. No ding, no beep, no mumbling can escape its skilled ear. It listens into to you most private coversations. wait for the day it can reveal the worlds dirty little secrets to the world.

  28. Als sie ihm das Mikrophon vor den Mund hielt war er pl

  29. I do not want to sing. Tapping the microphone, I silently cursed at my husband who was waving at me from the bar floor below. Why I let myself be dragged into karaoke hell was beyond me.

    Sandy Ladignon
  30. sound

  31. i sing thru it peple hear me because it amplificates me it is used for the voice and is one of the greatest discoveries

  32. The microphone was broken or something – bought at a market for less than a penny, so I guess I had it coming – as my voice crackled and skipped across the stage and out over the empty seats like a wave of white static. I was suddenly grateful my actual performance was weeks away.

  33. she grabbed the mic and began belting out spice girls’ two become one. it was not in tune, but she could really make it loud. this was in hope that her officemates would stop seeing her as someone so buttoned up and killjoy. she didn;t realize they were laughing behind her back more.

  34. You speak into microphones.
    She walked up to the microphone, almost shivering because of how anxious she was.
    “Uh, hello?” the microphone squeaked the second after she said it, and the winced, as did all the other people in the room.
    “I have an announcement to make.” She looked into the crowd, and then gasped as she saw him.

  35. He looked before him at the massive crowd. They were all waiting for him. Expecting something from him. If he didn’t give the crowd what they were expecting, they would be disappointed. He would be in trouble. It may even get him fired.
    Stepping forward, he took a breath in. He didn’t know what was wrong with him.

  36. there is nothing better than the feeling standing in front of a hundred people, holding the microphone to my lips belting out deep meaningful lyrics and evryone going wild and jumping up & down and loving every second of it… this is heaven

    Ray Harriosn
  37. She turned the microphone over in her hands, and memories flew forth in waves of sound and streams of lyrics. The first time she had sung Landslide, the night she had tripped on the words to Eleanor Rigby and the smoky evening she had slid the last notes onto Feeling Good and locked eyes with the man she would love from that moment on.

  38. i had a microphone when i was small wondered what this did?..but once i had seen a man talking on it and used to wonder that when i am talking on the same why is my voice not been projected

  39. she stepped up to the microphone. a small bead of sweat tangled wit thestale beer smell of the microphone. she knew she was not ready, knew she coud not do it, but decided what the hell… they’re drunk; I’m drunk, nothin’ matters

  40. When I stepped up to the stage and advanced on that small, black microphone, my heart sort of froze in my chest. Like a fossil, or a bit of old snow-clump. I felt the cold, gridded metal brush against my lips and swallowed hard: this would not be easy.
