the microphone crackled and popped incessently as he panicked trying to think of his next joke. “Well…how about the weather?” he said, scrambling, thinking back to anything he could remotely remember having said once that made someone laugh. Silence. They were given him nothing. These people sucked. Maybe they weren’t drunk enough…maybe he wasn’t drunk enough.
A.S. Freeman
i slept as the microphone in my head screamed wake up this morning don’t keep sleeping as i woke it kept screaming
zack s
I got two turn tables and a microphone. Not really, but when I was younger I turned every shampoo bottle, toilet paper holder, etcc.. into one. Last night I watched as my child did the same thing w/ the bathroom toilet paper spool…it goes on!
it allows you to talk to audiances. it screams your voice many use it and laugh at it as i scream myself
Zack S
a microphone is a tool, used to sing and speak and inspire. its kind of a miracle of modern times, something we dont really think about. but without it, our lives would probably be a lot less exciting and concerts would be pretty dull.
The microphone fell on the grass and cried. The fall had broken it leg and it was now dying as a poor bug.
Sam stepped up to the microphone. It had been quite a long time, but he still had the chops. He took if off of the stand and held it close to his lips. What to sing? He thought. The crowd below was chanting wildly,
fuzzing static clung to her lips, fingertips grazing the hard plastic body. it was damp from all the perspiring breath seething from the thousand throats gathered in the audiotorium. it was such a crushing thing, that.
you got you audience. now think of something to say.
ash taylor.
a cliche line in cliche times
that plagues rhymes as if the
words were genius
how smart can it be to have a voice that small
held in hands to create meaning
leaning on third arms and rocking gently
you will hear me
feel me
transported from sound system to your ears
this must be what good feels like
i love the mic
spit two rhymes and i take flight
atmospheric pressure ain’t got nothing on me
if you’re there then you would see
this is humility for me
taking the crowd places they can’t wait to be
this is me
let’s get free!
it was one thing to crush on joe jonas: he was close to her age, and he was such an attractive guy. but sterling… well, that was a little different. sterling was older, and he was funny, genuinely funny, and even if she spent most of her time being pissed off with chad dylan cooper, the second filming was done and the only one left was sterling, demi smiled.
Microhpones mean singing to me. I like to sing sometimes. But then I get too scared to do it in front of people. but when i am alone, i let loose. the microphone takes my feelings for me
the president uses a microphone during speeches. speaking of speeches (haha) i need to work on my speech for school. i wish that my school had been burned! but it hasn’t. shucks. oh well.
singer in a band who’s had some sort of mishap with swinging their arms and now has a scare for life.
I took the microphone and started singing into it as loud as i could. eveyone stared at me and i looked around, i said, ” comeon guys!”
Scream into it. Sing into it. Bash it against your forehead when your voice isn’t working like you want it to work. Project your love for or frustration with the world around you, to the world around you, and let them respond accordingly. Some people make a living that way. Some people end up broke.
Ben Farley
i be singing on a microphone
The microphone loomed in front of her. What was it there for? What was she supposed to do with it? Was she a singer? An announcer? No memory remained. No thought. She was locked in the small windowless room with a microphone, headphones and a stool. She looked about for clues to her identity or for someone willing to help her. the faces on the other side of the glass were expressionless, blank. Was this a dream? she began to hear music in her ears.
Sing into the microphone that so obediently takes in your voice in process. Shout into it as your voice is need it for help.
testing,testing,123!!time for some serious ear-cracking!!!
He slowly raised the microphone to his lips, and paused to smile suggestively at the audience, who in turn erupted with shrieks and applause.
You Know Who
it produces sound. people use it for singing. it makes people sound louder. It helps a lot of people know whats going on.
Fun is apart of everyones life it has alot of different meaning. I think it is to be who you want to be when you are having FUN………
Dhannon Thomas
you speak into it and it makes you want to sing and just express yourself while being happy and creative.
you speak into it and it makes you want to sing and just express yourself while being happy and creative.
microphones are dark and very phallic looking. sometimes they scare me because i imagine what steps our community has made in terms of technology. i remind myself of times that my family had to go through under communism, where you’d sit in the kitchen not knowing if your words were being recorded in a secret room across the hall. cold…
recently i borrowed 2 microphones from a friend so i could make a cd of me singing for my girlfriend. it was our 3 year anniversary on tuesday and on monday she told me that she thinks we need a break and isn’t sure whether she wants to be with me :( the cd was one of her anniversary presents.
I like to sing and it feels good. I like music and when I listen to it it makes me want to jump haha
do not shout think about what yiou will say it will let you reCH MIORE PEOPLE AND be more effective it will give you the opportunity to speak your mind it will give you something to focus on while
I took the microphone in the center of the stage and looked into the crowd at the blank stares of strangers. My body froze with fear. I couldn’t move, I couldn’t think. The song started playing in the background. I didn’t sing, just stood as the crowed whispered. I couldn’t hear what they were saying, but I’m sure it wasn’t kind.
Sarah stood in front of the stage, the microphone trembling in her hand. If only her mother wasn’t here. If only Nancy hadn’t decided to make a guest appearance at what could possibly be the most important day of her life.
so i grabbed the microphone and looked at the audience and froze. A million thoughts ran through my head… Was I supposed to picture everyone naked. Why is the spotlight shaking… I can’t feel my legs… Someone coughed, bringing me back to reality.
What a lovely sound…the loud voice calling past the large audience, directing me to step to the front and address the crowd. I was so nervous but I strode forward.
talk into makes things louder on a stand plays music small cool
microphone old and dusty slipped from his hand falling to the ground bouncing with a reverberating thud of nothing noise. the only echo that moved was his head or maybe his mind
There were three people in the studio that day, and I’d slept with every one of them. Denise was a wildcat, gyrating her hips even though she was only wailing into a microphone for us rather than for a crowd of drunk
microphones are things that people talk into when they cannot be heard using their normal voices. I usually need a mike beccause I talk oretty quietly.
sining alone bands dancing projecting your voice laughing talking bands groups soloists crowds cordless fun music
the microphone crackled and popped incessently as he panicked trying to think of his next joke. “Well…how about the weather?” he said, scrambling, thinking back to anything he could remotely remember having said once that made someone laugh. Silence. They were given him nothing. These people sucked. Maybe they weren’t drunk enough…maybe he wasn’t drunk enough.
i slept as the microphone in my head screamed wake up this morning don’t keep sleeping as i woke it kept screaming
I got two turn tables and a microphone. Not really, but when I was younger I turned every shampoo bottle, toilet paper holder, etcc.. into one. Last night I watched as my child did the same thing w/ the bathroom toilet paper spool…it goes on!
it allows you to talk to audiances. it screams your voice many use it and laugh at it as i scream myself
a microphone is a tool, used to sing and speak and inspire. its kind of a miracle of modern times, something we dont really think about. but without it, our lives would probably be a lot less exciting and concerts would be pretty dull.
The microphone fell on the grass and cried. The fall had broken it leg and it was now dying as a poor bug.
Sam stepped up to the microphone. It had been quite a long time, but he still had the chops. He took if off of the stand and held it close to his lips. What to sing? He thought. The crowd below was chanting wildly,
fuzzing static clung to her lips, fingertips grazing the hard plastic body. it was damp from all the perspiring breath seething from the thousand throats gathered in the audiotorium. it was such a crushing thing, that.
you got you audience. now think of something to say.
a cliche line in cliche times
that plagues rhymes as if the
words were genius
how smart can it be to have a voice that small
held in hands to create meaning
leaning on third arms and rocking gently
you will hear me
feel me
transported from sound system to your ears
this must be what good feels like
i love the mic
spit two rhymes and i take flight
atmospheric pressure ain’t got nothing on me
if you’re there then you would see
this is humility for me
taking the crowd places they can’t wait to be
this is me
let’s get free!
it was one thing to crush on joe jonas: he was close to her age, and he was such an attractive guy. but sterling… well, that was a little different. sterling was older, and he was funny, genuinely funny, and even if she spent most of her time being pissed off with chad dylan cooper, the second filming was done and the only one left was sterling, demi smiled.
Microhpones mean singing to me. I like to sing sometimes. But then I get too scared to do it in front of people. but when i am alone, i let loose. the microphone takes my feelings for me
the president uses a microphone during speeches. speaking of speeches (haha) i need to work on my speech for school. i wish that my school had been burned! but it hasn’t. shucks. oh well.
singer in a band who’s had some sort of mishap with swinging their arms and now has a scare for life.
I took the microphone and started singing into it as loud as i could. eveyone stared at me and i looked around, i said, ” comeon guys!”
Scream into it. Sing into it. Bash it against your forehead when your voice isn’t working like you want it to work. Project your love for or frustration with the world around you, to the world around you, and let them respond accordingly. Some people make a living that way. Some people end up broke.
i be singing on a microphone
The microphone loomed in front of her. What was it there for? What was she supposed to do with it? Was she a singer? An announcer? No memory remained. No thought. She was locked in the small windowless room with a microphone, headphones and a stool. She looked about for clues to her identity or for someone willing to help her. the faces on the other side of the glass were expressionless, blank. Was this a dream? she began to hear music in her ears.
Sing into the microphone that so obediently takes in your voice in process. Shout into it as your voice is need it for help.
testing,testing,123!!time for some serious ear-cracking!!!
He slowly raised the microphone to his lips, and paused to smile suggestively at the audience, who in turn erupted with shrieks and applause.
it produces sound. people use it for singing. it makes people sound louder. It helps a lot of people know whats going on.
Fun is apart of everyones life it has alot of different meaning. I think it is to be who you want to be when you are having FUN………
you speak into it and it makes you want to sing and just express yourself while being happy and creative.
you speak into it and it makes you want to sing and just express yourself while being happy and creative.
microphones are dark and very phallic looking. sometimes they scare me because i imagine what steps our community has made in terms of technology. i remind myself of times that my family had to go through under communism, where you’d sit in the kitchen not knowing if your words were being recorded in a secret room across the hall. cold…
recently i borrowed 2 microphones from a friend so i could make a cd of me singing for my girlfriend. it was our 3 year anniversary on tuesday and on monday she told me that she thinks we need a break and isn’t sure whether she wants to be with me :( the cd was one of her anniversary presents.
I like to sing and it feels good. I like music and when I listen to it it makes me want to jump haha
do not shout think about what yiou will say it will let you reCH MIORE PEOPLE AND be more effective it will give you the opportunity to speak your mind it will give you something to focus on while
I took the microphone in the center of the stage and looked into the crowd at the blank stares of strangers. My body froze with fear. I couldn’t move, I couldn’t think. The song started playing in the background. I didn’t sing, just stood as the crowed whispered. I couldn’t hear what they were saying, but I’m sure it wasn’t kind.
Sarah stood in front of the stage, the microphone trembling in her hand. If only her mother wasn’t here. If only Nancy hadn’t decided to make a guest appearance at what could possibly be the most important day of her life.
so i grabbed the microphone and looked at the audience and froze. A million thoughts ran through my head… Was I supposed to picture everyone naked. Why is the spotlight shaking… I can’t feel my legs… Someone coughed, bringing me back to reality.
What a lovely sound…the loud voice calling past the large audience, directing me to step to the front and address the crowd. I was so nervous but I strode forward.
talk into makes things louder on a stand plays music small cool
microphone old and dusty slipped from his hand falling to the ground bouncing with a reverberating thud of nothing noise. the only echo that moved was his head or maybe his mind
There were three people in the studio that day, and I’d slept with every one of them. Denise was a wildcat, gyrating her hips even though she was only wailing into a microphone for us rather than for a crowd of drunk
microphones are things that people talk into when they cannot be heard using their normal voices. I usually need a mike beccause I talk oretty quietly.
sining alone bands dancing projecting your voice laughing talking bands groups soloists crowds cordless fun music