He stood straight and stiff…at attention in the middle of the stage. His supporting cast was a human who has helping him. His name…microphone. He’d been here before.
hello, is this thing on? What a novel idea, to capture sound and amplify it, make it loud, give power to the individual voice to transcend its limits of volume and projection and soar, disembodied over the crowd.
Jazzy Jon
The Microphone was standing in the middle of the stage, highlighted by the spotlight that gave everything an ethereal, misty quality. i could feel my heart beat increase and sweat drench my body. This was the moment–my last chance. with a deep, breath, i stepped onto stage, ready to make shit happen. The drums announced my arrival. I was ready for this.
where’s my snare?
She picked up the microphone and began to sing — everyone covered their ears. The shrill sound vibrated against the tables, the chairs, the audience’s skulls.
It wasn’t that Marianne was a terrible singer — on occasion she could be quite the delight — but it was that just always insisted on singing out of her range.
instrument to project the voice, to amplify the voice and a way to communicate with many others in a vast area. also used to copy the sound of the voice and imprint in to another format uch as a record or cd
sounds, music, recording. I’m focused, not cleaning, reading, whining, shopping, eating or watching. doing things, more focused today. little net thingie biting my neck, like you, or I in another world. but please, don’t rush.
is the key to the voice. many use it to get attention. Some use is as a tool. I like to hold on in my hand and feel the creativity flow through the wires and into your ears! I <3 the mic.
got two turntables and a…that’s where its at. A small phone like a micromachine car, our logo for WSR, a karaoke tool, the center of attention.
juan Costello
thru the mic the words flow, listen to it. It speaks clearly. Music to my ears, rhytm and soul from the heart to your ears. Raaww
That’s what it was all about, had it not been for this miraculous device…I would have quit, I would have stopped trying. However, I did not, and I am here.
This family heirloom, has affected my life entirely. This microphone, not only a microphone, a magical cinch of hope.
It’s a fantastic gadget that makes your voice so loud!
use to aing be heard louder than usual. a singer would use it. they can be put on stands. this is terrible. um brittany spears has seven of these and I myself have 9. Cant go anywhere without a mic
I like microphones. They make me loud. They make me sing well. I love how I can play with tones into a microphone. The small ones clip to my costumes. Oh, so many long-gone hours spent on a stage with a clipped microphone on my shirt!
one day i was sitting on stage all alone waiting for someone to tell me what to do with my life when i saw the microphone their as if it was singing to me.
She held the microphone close to her lips, shuddering under teh bright light. WHy so nervous? she thought, trying to calm herself. It’s only your big break.
She held her breath, closed her eyes, and felt as though her lungs were about to pop. The sweat ran down her back.
She opened her eyes and squinted
at the karaoke machine.
It’s Now or Never.
how appropriate.
Singing, people on a stage expressing soul and heart and pain and it’s close to their mouths reverberating voices and their lives against the walls.
Ashley K
I stood up on the stage and tentatively grabbed the microphone. I could hear the clinking of glasses as the silence reverberated through the room. I waited for the opening note for an interminable minute. I felt the audience’s eyes piercing me and just waiting to judge me.
She put the microphone to her lips nervously. She was so used to hiding in her shell that she wasn’t sure she could quite muster up the courage, but she was determined to try. As soon as the music started to play, a soft noise escaped her mouth that she hadn’t intended, but once her cue came, she belted out the lyrics as though she were on broadway.
The microphone was hard and cold in her trembling hands. She tried not to look out into the crowd, and instead concentrated on the space between her feet and the edge of the stage. There was not much space there. Four, maybe five inches. What if she began to faint and fell off? Cautiously she took a step back and cleared her throat, before beginning.
The microphone was sitting at the desk and the red indicator light was steady. The airwaves were silent. He picked it up and pressed the button at the base of the microphone. “Is anyone there?” He waited, no response.
Shouting anything, loud, louder. So loud everyone wants me to stop, but me. Even with no microphone there’s no way you can’t hear me.
Silence. Totally silenced when i try to cry. in the microphone. as a bob dylan, as frank sinatra
He gripped the microphone tightly. At the same time a bead of sweat rolled down his face. There were so many eyes watching him, so many ears listening; listening out for his mistakes.
The microphone lay on the floor, forgotten. It still picked up sound feed. An insect there, a strong breeze from overhead. The silence of the abandoned arena. There was some dust on it, dust on the old-fashioned cord. Dust from the apocalypse.
I walked up the stage, my hands shaking as, white-knuckled, I gripped the microphone. i had never felt terror like it until this moment. I paused as I reached the front of the stae, but once I let out those first words, the worst of it was over.
speak and talk and sing and yell have something to do and somthing to sing and talk in and when your with you firnds fun
Staring into the microphone, I wondered if this had been such a good idea. I mean, when is karaeoke ever a good idea? I can’t sing – no-body in my family can sing… Why would I put myself through this?
The Law
the word fun having time to hang out with friends.
i alf
a microphone is the place where i put it down, and let the lyrics flow from my mouth. My daddy bought me a microphone and now i’m king of my own world. When i go to bed at night i sing about shahram’s crazy life. He is so crazy that one time he ate a hippo for breakfast and then shat it by noon what am i talking about is my time up?
Mike Hawk
speakers, loud noises, talking. There was that microphone on Lesley Nielsen in “The Naked Gun” he forgot to turn off when he went to the bathroom. That was so funny! Microphones are used by officials and judges, people who decide things. They’re important, they say, what I’m saying is important and final.
A microphone can be a terrible thing and a beautiful thing. When my father brought the microphone to his lips at my brother’s wedding, he announced that he loved my brother dearly, then he called him a faggot and drunkenly lamented that his only son just married another fag. My brother tackled him, took the microphone back, and told him to leave. They haven’t spoken since.
speaking into something, saying everything you’ve always wanted to without thinking and finally delivering the justice you feel that you deserve.
It lets you talk into it it is what rappers use it is also what bands sing into you can also use it for formal events.so thats what a microphone does.
loud, black, useful,
As the singer…. your face ;D
He stood straight and stiff…at attention in the middle of the stage. His supporting cast was a human who has helping him. His name…microphone. He’d been here before.
hello, is this thing on? What a novel idea, to capture sound and amplify it, make it loud, give power to the individual voice to transcend its limits of volume and projection and soar, disembodied over the crowd.
The Microphone was standing in the middle of the stage, highlighted by the spotlight that gave everything an ethereal, misty quality. i could feel my heart beat increase and sweat drench my body. This was the moment–my last chance. with a deep, breath, i stepped onto stage, ready to make shit happen. The drums announced my arrival. I was ready for this.
where’s my snare?
She picked up the microphone and began to sing — everyone covered their ears. The shrill sound vibrated against the tables, the chairs, the audience’s skulls.
It wasn’t that Marianne was a terrible singer — on occasion she could be quite the delight — but it was that just always insisted on singing out of her range.
instrument to project the voice, to amplify the voice and a way to communicate with many others in a vast area. also used to copy the sound of the voice and imprint in to another format uch as a record or cd
sounds, music, recording. I’m focused, not cleaning, reading, whining, shopping, eating or watching. doing things, more focused today. little net thingie biting my neck, like you, or I in another world. but please, don’t rush.
is the key to the voice. many use it to get attention. Some use is as a tool. I like to hold on in my hand and feel the creativity flow through the wires and into your ears! I <3 the mic.
got two turntables and a…that’s where its at. A small phone like a micromachine car, our logo for WSR, a karaoke tool, the center of attention.
thru the mic the words flow, listen to it. It speaks clearly. Music to my ears, rhytm and soul from the heart to your ears. Raaww
That’s what it was all about, had it not been for this miraculous device…I would have quit, I would have stopped trying. However, I did not, and I am here.
This family heirloom, has affected my life entirely. This microphone, not only a microphone, a magical cinch of hope.
It’s a fantastic gadget that makes your voice so loud!
use to aing be heard louder than usual. a singer would use it. they can be put on stands. this is terrible. um brittany spears has seven of these and I myself have 9. Cant go anywhere without a mic
I like microphones. They make me loud. They make me sing well. I love how I can play with tones into a microphone. The small ones clip to my costumes. Oh, so many long-gone hours spent on a stage with a clipped microphone on my shirt!
one day i was sitting on stage all alone waiting for someone to tell me what to do with my life when i saw the microphone their as if it was singing to me.
She held the microphone close to her lips, shuddering under teh bright light. WHy so nervous? she thought, trying to calm herself. It’s only your big break.
She held her breath, closed her eyes, and felt as though her lungs were about to pop. The sweat ran down her back.
She opened her eyes and squinted
at the karaoke machine.
It’s Now or Never.
how appropriate.
Singing, people on a stage expressing soul and heart and pain and it’s close to their mouths reverberating voices and their lives against the walls.
I stood up on the stage and tentatively grabbed the microphone. I could hear the clinking of glasses as the silence reverberated through the room. I waited for the opening note for an interminable minute. I felt the audience’s eyes piercing me and just waiting to judge me.
She put the microphone to her lips nervously. She was so used to hiding in her shell that she wasn’t sure she could quite muster up the courage, but she was determined to try. As soon as the music started to play, a soft noise escaped her mouth that she hadn’t intended, but once her cue came, she belted out the lyrics as though she were on broadway.
music, recordings, studio, skype, talk, remote, haircut
making sounds louder than words
The microphone was hard and cold in her trembling hands. She tried not to look out into the crowd, and instead concentrated on the space between her feet and the edge of the stage. There was not much space there. Four, maybe five inches. What if she began to faint and fell off? Cautiously she took a step back and cleared her throat, before beginning.
The microphone was sitting at the desk and the red indicator light was steady. The airwaves were silent. He picked it up and pressed the button at the base of the microphone. “Is anyone there?” He waited, no response.
Shouting anything, loud, louder. So loud everyone wants me to stop, but me. Even with no microphone there’s no way you can’t hear me.
Silence. Totally silenced when i try to cry. in the microphone. as a bob dylan, as frank sinatra
He gripped the microphone tightly. At the same time a bead of sweat rolled down his face. There were so many eyes watching him, so many ears listening; listening out for his mistakes.
The microphone lay on the floor, forgotten. It still picked up sound feed. An insect there, a strong breeze from overhead. The silence of the abandoned arena. There was some dust on it, dust on the old-fashioned cord. Dust from the apocalypse.
I walked up the stage, my hands shaking as, white-knuckled, I gripped the microphone. i had never felt terror like it until this moment. I paused as I reached the front of the stae, but once I let out those first words, the worst of it was over.
speak and talk and sing and yell have something to do and somthing to sing and talk in and when your with you firnds fun
Staring into the microphone, I wondered if this had been such a good idea. I mean, when is karaeoke ever a good idea? I can’t sing – no-body in my family can sing… Why would I put myself through this?
the word fun having time to hang out with friends.
i alf
a microphone is the place where i put it down, and let the lyrics flow from my mouth. My daddy bought me a microphone and now i’m king of my own world. When i go to bed at night i sing about shahram’s crazy life. He is so crazy that one time he ate a hippo for breakfast and then shat it by noon what am i talking about is my time up?
speakers, loud noises, talking. There was that microphone on Lesley Nielsen in “The Naked Gun” he forgot to turn off when he went to the bathroom. That was so funny! Microphones are used by officials and judges, people who decide things. They’re important, they say, what I’m saying is important and final.
A microphone can be a terrible thing and a beautiful thing. When my father brought the microphone to his lips at my brother’s wedding, he announced that he loved my brother dearly, then he called him a faggot and drunkenly lamented that his only son just married another fag. My brother tackled him, took the microphone back, and told him to leave. They haven’t spoken since.
speaking into something, saying everything you’ve always wanted to without thinking and finally delivering the justice you feel that you deserve.
It lets you talk into it it is what rappers use it is also what bands sing into you can also use it for formal events.so thats what a microphone does.