stuck in the middle with you. Middle child. I’m a middle child. A non-traditional middle-child though. the life of a middle child is not always easy. you have to live up to what your older brother and sisters did or did not do, while still keeping it real for the younger sibilings. I think that middle children often have it easier than older or younger sibilings because not too much is expected of them.
kelly reynolds
in the middle, everything’s better
the middle
no one ever wants to be in the middle, yet that’s where it’s at.
i promise.
in the middle, we’re never alone
never to one side or another, we’re in the middle
between 2 dees
somewhere I thought was the place be. Gray. Maybe a tinge of silver and a dash of … well undecided is the word i guess I am looking for…sometimes…somehow…some….trouble….
Anyways, There are many ways to decide…keep in mind middle is a choice….
I feel so caught in the middle. I don’t know which way to turn, or how to get out of this. I feel pulled in one direction by my heart, and the other by my head. Those two can never decide on one common goal, can they? I’m sure it’ll all work out eventually. It always does, doesn’t it?
The middle of the road, the moderate way. I can never find the middle of the road.
My middle is too big. I’m a fatty
The middle is the compromise, is the calm, the path to sweet salvation. Why do we skirt the edge of issues these days? We should aim straight for the heart of the problem each and every time. Who decided that to hit the middle of the target was the hardest part?
stuck there. why not go left or right. left is nice, but then again so is right, you say to yourself and then where do you end up? stuck. there. forever and ever and ever
I wish I was stuck in the middle. I feel like I’m lost to one side. If this is a bell curve, I feel like I’m on the left. The right is reserved for the extraordinary, the left for the pathetic. I have no hope for the middle, I’m stuck on the left.
Kyle R
WE’re in the middle of it all right now.
It’s mid term, mid high school….mid crisis.
Thankfully not mid life, although you never know when “Midlife crisis” is actually mid life crisis. it could be a quarter life crisis. or like an end of life one.
As it is, it sucks to be in the middle.
two frogs, one tadpole. legs squirming like grass in the wind, drowning in the transition. oh god why can’t he breathe? his gills, they yearn for air. he’s stuck, stuck in the middle.
i crumple like origami into myself with the beat of a drum in the shallows of my ear. the lips fold like paper like the swan’s feathertip against my bottom lip and it leaves a cut to dribble blood like ink on the starch white reaves. between my fingers i fiddle with the crow’s tear and i wonder where this all came from – the middle of a gong, maybe.
middle of a bong.
I looked out the window. The rolling hills were the lushest green I’ve ever seen…
…this has nothing to do with the word, though… n_n
Caught in the middle again….isn’t there a song about that? Anyway, I don’t much like being in the middle of things. I suppose you could say that I am a little too left of middle to gravitate towards that spectrum in politics. There are a few things I will definately get on my left horse about and go tilting at windmills. Middle ground can be a good thing though when you are trying to gain peaceful agreement. I have a feeling we are going to see a lot of middle politics here in the US in the next 4 years, at least. I try not to get myself entangled in the middle of disputes of any kind now. I guess I have gotten a little lazy in my old age and figure the fights are for the young now.
I do like it when I bite into a chocolate covered donut and there is cream in the middle. I no longer worry myself about the shape of my middle, especially while eating the aforementioned donut. I don’t mind if I am the middle of attention, but only for very brief periods, as that does tend to require more thought than I fell like putting out lately. I think I will just stick to the donut middles and let the emotional, political, geographical, financial, etc. middles up to the next generation.
Beatrice Collins
in the middle by jimmy eat world
we’re all in the middle somehow, the middle of something
whewn you’re stuck in the middle, it’s not a good feeling
like i kinda am
not knowing whether to do homework or whatever
goddamn i want a ps2
i should be doing homework not this
i will finish my latin
then afterwards
a child born between two others
an awkward place to be in an arguement
an even number of letters
I’m in the middle of these two buns. Not buns like hamburger buns. And not buns like the pairing cheeks of a stripper’s ass. But buns, like I have buns and buns of fun in the sun. Buns here, buns there, buns are jumping everywhere. Hot cross buns, too. They’ve got HOT cross buns!
There are stories here. Yet to be told. Somewhere around us, streaking through the air like flashes of light, moving through my fingers, things that I cannot grab. I will, though.
I will get them.
The Fool
it takes some time in the middle. it will be alright. the middle of middle. the end of end. what is the last thing to mend? when we are in the middle, there is never a good way out without hurting another person
I am the middle child, so was he. Monkey in the middle. I hated being in the middle in the game or otherwise. Wouldn’t be better to be the first? Or maybe even the last? Depending on the circumstance.
I’m a middle child. I don’t know all the supposed conditions that go along with that title; middle children are supposed to be more attention-deprived, right? That much is true of me, but I don’t know how much of that is based on my birth order. Sure, if I were the runt of a pig’s litter, that would be one thing. I am just a boy who has older and younger siblings.
john gay
in the middle
can’t get out
want to be free
lost in lies
lost in feelings
lost in confusion
i don’t need a god
i don’t need to feel a gap
just need to get out of this
and into something new
stuck in the middle
want to find
want not need
to find someone
to understand
to share
who understands
who i am
cause i don’t know
two words, three words… why I’m writing this? because I don’t have anything else to say. wrong
I have a lot to say
perhaps, I should tell him what an ass he’s been, maybe I should just shut up. I don’t know
it’s like we share this
two for one, but we have to find a way to split it. Are you in?
cut it all out
Living in the middle
not quite starting
not nearly done
not beginning
not ending
not coming
not going
In the middle of the serene atmosphere lay that old lady. Her face was listless and pale. No one knew anything about her except for the fact that she was over ninety years old.
Stuck in the middle with you. That’s a song, isn’t it? It sounds like it might be by Bon Jovi, but then, Bon Jovi sounds like a lot of bands. Or, I guess, a lot of bands sound like Bon Jovi. Which is all shit, as far as I’m concerned. But then, I didn’t grow up in the eighties. And I don’t find him attractive.
In the middle of everything, he just stopped. He couldn’t think of what to do next but he knew being too hasty would cause too many mistakes. Mistakes could be fatal now; they would be fatal now.
Benjamin Sewell
what the hell am I supposed to write about middle. I guess the middle is what comes after the beginning and before the end. I’m not sure that middle is particularly useful. I prefer center. Of course you can be in the middle of shit but not in the center of it. A book for example. You’d never say, “I’m in the center of a good book”.
Vish Ishaya
I’m stuck in the middle with you. What more is there to say about that? I’m not going to go an cut off some guys ear or anything, but clearly I’m stuck in the middle here. I’m typing all this while the little green line is creeping toward the middle — it’s now beyond the middle but that’s another story. Either way, I come back to the fact that I’m stuck in the middle with you. Now where’s your ear?
Daniel Arntz
stuck in the middle. alice in the middle. malcolm in the middle. something about jimmy eat world. i think my music is distracting me from the middle. the middle of the earth is made of lava.
not begining, not end
but middle
this is the present
its were, what and who we are
we are all middlemen in this realm,
no matter how low or high we think we are
this is it.
And now I’m stuck in the middle of this mess. Because you weren’t brave and I was even less so. I hate you. I hate you so, so much. Really. I’ve never hated anyone as much as I hate you. And to think that it was all because I loved you. Who knew that such hate could come from such love?
In the middle of the night someone came into my room.. He was there in the middle of my room staring at me asked me what i was supposed to be doing and i asked him what he meant. he starting talking he stopped in the middle of his sentence and dropped his mouth open.. and told me to run.
I was caught in the middle of a fight. Who would have ever thought, my two best friends in the world, turning on each other. I tried my best to separate them, but I ended up with a punch in my face as he landed another blow. They were both so blinded with rage that they hardly knew I was there.
the inbetween state of everything there is a start and a finish to everything and therefor there must be a middle the middle is a great place and a forgotten place at the same time the midde can be so magical but to the point that the rarity and purity of the middle can often go unnoticed beware of the middle.
Rob Giordano
In the middle of the road was a fork. Who knew where the fork came from. Some elderly folk said the fork came from ancient times, bestowed upon the road as a beacon, a landmark to establish the right and wrong way to go. For the fork really told what side to walk upon.
in between
after fist but not last
long word
starts with the letter m
dosent have a usujal meaning if that makes sine
infact i never really understud wat the point of this word was why would any won care wat was in the middle
mark aman
When people come to me often they ask about what to do if they get stuck in the middle of a project. I say relax and take a deep breath.
end orange navel. This word signifies to me my place in this version of life. I cannot seem to escape this mundane phase of goal-pursuing and past-avoiding. Unfortunately, expressing this uncomfortable position I find myself in will undoubtedly do nothing to alleviate me of this burden. However, there is something positive to be said of the word “middle,” in that the orthography lends to its meaning. That is, the consonant repetition marks a point, between the two “d’s,” which is also the exact orthographic center of the word. However, this “center” of the word fails to mark the point separating the two syllables. Thus, while the word “middle” conjures both negative emotions and interesting oddities, the in-depth analysis of said oddity yields unremarkable and disappointing results when tried as an interesting and sustainable topic of linguistic study.
stuck in the middle with you. Middle child. I’m a middle child. A non-traditional middle-child though. the life of a middle child is not always easy. you have to live up to what your older brother and sisters did or did not do, while still keeping it real for the younger sibilings. I think that middle children often have it easier than older or younger sibilings because not too much is expected of them.
in the middle, everything’s better
the middle
no one ever wants to be in the middle, yet that’s where it’s at.
i promise.
in the middle, we’re never alone
never to one side or another, we’re in the middle
between 2 dees
somewhere I thought was the place be. Gray. Maybe a tinge of silver and a dash of … well undecided is the word i guess I am looking for…sometimes…somehow…some….trouble….
Anyways, There are many ways to decide…keep in mind middle is a choice….
I feel so caught in the middle. I don’t know which way to turn, or how to get out of this. I feel pulled in one direction by my heart, and the other by my head. Those two can never decide on one common goal, can they? I’m sure it’ll all work out eventually. It always does, doesn’t it?
The middle of the road, the moderate way. I can never find the middle of the road.
My middle is too big. I’m a fatty
The middle is the compromise, is the calm, the path to sweet salvation. Why do we skirt the edge of issues these days? We should aim straight for the heart of the problem each and every time. Who decided that to hit the middle of the target was the hardest part?
stuck there. why not go left or right. left is nice, but then again so is right, you say to yourself and then where do you end up? stuck. there. forever and ever and ever
I wish I was stuck in the middle. I feel like I’m lost to one side. If this is a bell curve, I feel like I’m on the left. The right is reserved for the extraordinary, the left for the pathetic. I have no hope for the middle, I’m stuck on the left.
WE’re in the middle of it all right now.
It’s mid term, mid high school….mid crisis.
Thankfully not mid life, although you never know when “Midlife crisis” is actually mid life crisis. it could be a quarter life crisis. or like an end of life one.
As it is, it sucks to be in the middle.
two frogs, one tadpole. legs squirming like grass in the wind, drowning in the transition. oh god why can’t he breathe? his gills, they yearn for air. he’s stuck, stuck in the middle.
i crumple like origami into myself with the beat of a drum in the shallows of my ear. the lips fold like paper like the swan’s feathertip against my bottom lip and it leaves a cut to dribble blood like ink on the starch white reaves. between my fingers i fiddle with the crow’s tear and i wonder where this all came from – the middle of a gong, maybe.
middle of a bong.
I looked out the window. The rolling hills were the lushest green I’ve ever seen…
…this has nothing to do with the word, though… n_n
Caught in the middle again….isn’t there a song about that? Anyway, I don’t much like being in the middle of things. I suppose you could say that I am a little too left of middle to gravitate towards that spectrum in politics. There are a few things I will definately get on my left horse about and go tilting at windmills. Middle ground can be a good thing though when you are trying to gain peaceful agreement. I have a feeling we are going to see a lot of middle politics here in the US in the next 4 years, at least. I try not to get myself entangled in the middle of disputes of any kind now. I guess I have gotten a little lazy in my old age and figure the fights are for the young now.
I do like it when I bite into a chocolate covered donut and there is cream in the middle. I no longer worry myself about the shape of my middle, especially while eating the aforementioned donut. I don’t mind if I am the middle of attention, but only for very brief periods, as that does tend to require more thought than I fell like putting out lately. I think I will just stick to the donut middles and let the emotional, political, geographical, financial, etc. middles up to the next generation.
in the middle by jimmy eat world
we’re all in the middle somehow, the middle of something
whewn you’re stuck in the middle, it’s not a good feeling
like i kinda am
not knowing whether to do homework or whatever
goddamn i want a ps2
i should be doing homework not this
i will finish my latin
then afterwards
a child born between two others
an awkward place to be in an arguement
an even number of letters
I’m in the middle of these two buns. Not buns like hamburger buns. And not buns like the pairing cheeks of a stripper’s ass. But buns, like I have buns and buns of fun in the sun. Buns here, buns there, buns are jumping everywhere. Hot cross buns, too. They’ve got HOT cross buns!
There are stories here. Yet to be told. Somewhere around us, streaking through the air like flashes of light, moving through my fingers, things that I cannot grab. I will, though.
I will get them.
it takes some time in the middle. it will be alright. the middle of middle. the end of end. what is the last thing to mend? when we are in the middle, there is never a good way out without hurting another person
I am the middle child, so was he. Monkey in the middle. I hated being in the middle in the game or otherwise. Wouldn’t be better to be the first? Or maybe even the last? Depending on the circumstance.
I’m a middle child. I don’t know all the supposed conditions that go along with that title; middle children are supposed to be more attention-deprived, right? That much is true of me, but I don’t know how much of that is based on my birth order. Sure, if I were the runt of a pig’s litter, that would be one thing. I am just a boy who has older and younger siblings.
in the middle
can’t get out
want to be free
lost in lies
lost in feelings
lost in confusion
i don’t need a god
i don’t need to feel a gap
just need to get out of this
and into something new
stuck in the middle
want to find
want not need
to find someone
to understand
to share
who understands
who i am
cause i don’t know
two words, three words… why I’m writing this? because I don’t have anything else to say. wrong
I have a lot to say
perhaps, I should tell him what an ass he’s been, maybe I should just shut up. I don’t know
it’s like we share this
two for one, but we have to find a way to split it. Are you in?
cut it all out
Living in the middle
not quite starting
not nearly done
not beginning
not ending
not coming
not going
In the middle of the serene atmosphere lay that old lady. Her face was listless and pale. No one knew anything about her except for the fact that she was over ninety years old.
Stuck in the middle with you. That’s a song, isn’t it? It sounds like it might be by Bon Jovi, but then, Bon Jovi sounds like a lot of bands. Or, I guess, a lot of bands sound like Bon Jovi. Which is all shit, as far as I’m concerned. But then, I didn’t grow up in the eighties. And I don’t find him attractive.
In the middle of everything, he just stopped. He couldn’t think of what to do next but he knew being too hasty would cause too many mistakes. Mistakes could be fatal now; they would be fatal now.
what the hell am I supposed to write about middle. I guess the middle is what comes after the beginning and before the end. I’m not sure that middle is particularly useful. I prefer center. Of course you can be in the middle of shit but not in the center of it. A book for example. You’d never say, “I’m in the center of a good book”.
I’m stuck in the middle with you. What more is there to say about that? I’m not going to go an cut off some guys ear or anything, but clearly I’m stuck in the middle here. I’m typing all this while the little green line is creeping toward the middle — it’s now beyond the middle but that’s another story. Either way, I come back to the fact that I’m stuck in the middle with you. Now where’s your ear?
stuck in the middle. alice in the middle. malcolm in the middle. something about jimmy eat world. i think my music is distracting me from the middle. the middle of the earth is made of lava.
not begining, not end
but middle
this is the present
its were, what and who we are
we are all middlemen in this realm,
no matter how low or high we think we are
this is it.
And now I’m stuck in the middle of this mess. Because you weren’t brave and I was even less so. I hate you. I hate you so, so much. Really. I’ve never hated anyone as much as I hate you. And to think that it was all because I loved you. Who knew that such hate could come from such love?
In the middle of the night someone came into my room.. He was there in the middle of my room staring at me asked me what i was supposed to be doing and i asked him what he meant. he starting talking he stopped in the middle of his sentence and dropped his mouth open.. and told me to run.
I was caught in the middle of a fight. Who would have ever thought, my two best friends in the world, turning on each other. I tried my best to separate them, but I ended up with a punch in my face as he landed another blow. They were both so blinded with rage that they hardly knew I was there.
the inbetween state of everything there is a start and a finish to everything and therefor there must be a middle the middle is a great place and a forgotten place at the same time the midde can be so magical but to the point that the rarity and purity of the middle can often go unnoticed beware of the middle.
In the middle of the road was a fork. Who knew where the fork came from. Some elderly folk said the fork came from ancient times, bestowed upon the road as a beacon, a landmark to establish the right and wrong way to go. For the fork really told what side to walk upon.
in between
after fist but not last
long word
starts with the letter m
dosent have a usujal meaning if that makes sine
infact i never really understud wat the point of this word was why would any won care wat was in the middle
When people come to me often they ask about what to do if they get stuck in the middle of a project. I say relax and take a deep breath.
end orange navel. This word signifies to me my place in this version of life. I cannot seem to escape this mundane phase of goal-pursuing and past-avoiding. Unfortunately, expressing this uncomfortable position I find myself in will undoubtedly do nothing to alleviate me of this burden. However, there is something positive to be said of the word “middle,” in that the orthography lends to its meaning. That is, the consonant repetition marks a point, between the two “d’s,” which is also the exact orthographic center of the word. However, this “center” of the word fails to mark the point separating the two syllables. Thus, while the word “middle” conjures both negative emotions and interesting oddities, the in-depth analysis of said oddity yields unremarkable and disappointing results when tried as an interesting and sustainable topic of linguistic study.