
January 26th, 2009 | 435 Entries

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435 Entries for “middle”

  1. in the middle of the crisis she stood alone
    in the middle of a situation that had no return
    her life she stood in the middle of reality and dreams
    wanting to head back to slumber where her heart remains

  2. in the middle is a place where you don’t have anywhere to go. You are stuck between two places, and there you can do nothing but wait. This word has 6 letters, 2 vowels, and on this page is written in an orange text, with an (estimation) approximatly 18 pt. font.

  3. I really don’t know what makes a middle, the middle. Is there a certain point in which it should ceize being the beginning, or to begin to be the end? Middle. Is it a figure of our imagination, or is it really there? What is the “middle” of the story? When the excitement begins? After the first sentence? What is really the definition of “middle”, is it a fixed meaning?

    Cassie again
  4. middle. I don’t know what middle is. a sandwich? The filling in a sandwich? Or is it a doom? Between pure nothingness at the beginning of time and a black unknown at death. Why? What is this “middle”? Is the middle the bulk? Is it just a segment? What separates it from the beginning or end? Why is the “middle” called a middle? Is there a purpose? Are we imagining it?

  5. not to the left. nor to the right. just in the center. shielded on either side. nothing special. often overlooked. average. non-extreme. yet safe. and warm. and centered.

  6. In the middle of a field, I sit waiting for a train. But no tracks! Why a train would come when there are no tracks is beyond me. Perhaps I am in the middle of a dream, or a vision?

    Jason Barmer
  7. In the middle. Perhaps a liminal stage. Middle, the present of the past and future. Teleology etc… Middle I am the middle child, as am I the oldest and youngest. Because I am the only. Yet I feel stuck in the middle.

    Sam Corbo
  8. sometimes the middle is a funny place to be. I don’t think anyone thinks it is actually funny. I am just saying that because I don’t know what to write. You could say I am in the middle of choosing weather to write positively or negatively about the middle. The Middle. It is where you are your whole life. In the middle between life and death

  9. it’s like i’m in a race with my feet
    cemented to the floor,
    watching everyone fly past me and

    it chips away, but smothers again, and maybe,
    maybe, maybe:

    this is the red queen effect.

    (call me alice.)

  10. almost half way there
    tick push tick push tick push
    how far can i go
    in this second by second
    eclipse, we are of but witness

  11. I am in the middle of several men, all who have financial means over their spouses or daughters. I will have financial independence which will make these relationships easy and free.

  12. i was in the middle of 2 bushes of marijuana. one looked fluffier than the other and the other one looked fucking purple, i was really confused and didnt know which one to chose, so i grabbed a shit ton of both….who the fuck wouldn’t do that, and i ran away. i smoked it all within 10 minutes… it was probably like 2 oz. i thought i was going to die from it cuz i couldn’t breathe so i just took out my gun and shot myself…..cbdfgdvdfbgdfffbd

  13. i always feel like i’m on the edge, because that’s where i stand. so close to being pushed over. that’s when i’m at my lowest and lonelyest, so i call you. Then i know for one night i’ll be in the middle of your arms and your body.

  14. Another thing about not sure what to do try being in the middle of things for once – then you really don’t know what to do about whatever it is!

  15. I’m in the middle here, one little girl between and angry mother (one minute joyful the next throwing things out window) and a father who’d do anything for his little angels, he’d lay down, a human rug, he’d rip out his heart for us…

    Savannah Berkleigh
  16. Something about being right, and something about another thing that leads to a feeling that is much like being in the middle.

  17. In the midst of all wrongly rigged games
    You’re on your knees, head bowed,
    tired of chasing after the untouchable.
    Clenching and unclenching your hands
    like you can’t
    make up your mind.
    (Just say yes or

    steph han
  18. I was stuck in the middle of life and reality. I was pulled from the middle of my existence. With the middle of nowhere as my destination.

  19. cookie goo

  20. The Middle is a song by Jimmy Eat World. I used to listen to it all the time. I still do, just not as much.
    It’s a great song. It really is.
    It’s about not letting other people get you down.
    It’s about being yourself. No matter what.

    “It doesn’t matter if it’s good enough for someone else.”

  21. squeezed, in the middle
    smack dab, in the middle

    malcom in the middle
    uncomfortable busrides where cut school funding not only eliminates field trips, but also makes three kids sqeeze there little bums on the same seat of the bus. and hopefully you arent stuck next to a fat kid.

  22. in the center of some thing like the center of a muffin where all the tasty is and its nice and fluffy. Or the middle of no where cause your lost and like whoa where am i.

  23. the middle child, middlesex. The middle of the tree is where the sap moves. We like to think so. We like to think we are in the middle of the spectrum. Fair to middling, of course. Middling meddling. We are in the middle of a terrible time for our country, our country in the middle of a difficult time. Our leaders in the middle of a maelstrom, a middling malevolent mayhem. Our days are in the middle of two nights. Our nights are in the middle of the earth and never quite dark or light. This prompt is in the middle of the mind. The smell of dust in the middle of the day.

  24. The middle road is almost always a failure.

  25. The middle of the hole was filled with goo. What was this goo? I don’t know but it tasted extremely delightful. Where could it have come from and why was it here. A bigger question is why I’m in a goo filled hole? Whatever. I’m hungry and this goo tastes delicious so I won’t ask questions. I’m just going to eat and forget I asked.

  26. The middle child is always the forgotten one, they say; the youngest is pampered, and the eldest is weathered and is the ‘practice’ child. Not the middle child; he/she’s forgotten.

    Maybe being the middle child isn’t too bad.

  27. I’m always stuck in the middle of the worse situations, I’ve always managed to get myself there. I was even born in the middle.

  28. I’m stuck in the middle once again. Not far off from where we once began. It’s times like this, that I wish I had the key to the world. You say yes. I say no, while my heart is pounding out a different tone. I just, can’t seem to let you go.

  29. I was stuck there, in the middle, between not knowing and knowing what i didnt know, but here i was, stuck, not knowing what i should have known all along, right there, wondering if i was ever to know about what i wanted to know about the middle of everything that was lost in the unknown, why there, why there in the middle where i then knew what i wanted to in the first place, the middle of it all.

  30. middle man. middle march. middle ground.
    the middle path is the way the buddha thought best. for us, the masses.
    something inbetween strict adherence to dogma and total abandon to the senses and desires and appetites.
    starve not yourself nor gorge the senses but walk in peace the middle path.
    makes sense to me.
    ‘middle’ has a more pungent scent for me these days.
    i think middle aged. mid-life.
    mid-life CRISIS!
    i am 43, about to turn 44 but am thinking perhaps i will say, to myself and others that i am turning 45, skip 44 altogether, just to get used to the idea of 45, the true middle of the my life.
    my middle is thick, i am taelnted only in the middle of the spectrum, a published author but only known by a middling mediocrity of readers ( i.e. friends and family) and the middle of my world seems to be leading me back to a time where middle meant middle school, for my memories have begun to wander there, as a bandage and comfort i suppose, for my impending demise.

    hannah goldfarb gerber
  31. being in the middle can be confusing. You’re not first, you’re not last. You’re not special because you’re first; you’re not precious because you’re not the last. But you can get lost in trying to be you, and you do get to be special to yourself.

  32. Middle os the center of everythign and anything. it is the median the average, the safest; always the safest. not offensive to anyone, but mediocre. not so good, not so bad. not extreme, kinda of boring. Not always good to be in, especially in arguments. Because really, then everyones mad at you all the time and you are stuck not having your own opinion.

  33. I have a middle, a bottom and a top. I want to kiss you from the middle of my stomach, from the pit of my belly, from the centre of my smile. I want to hold you in the middle of my palm, like a seed, like pimento in an olive. The middle of me is a hard pip.

  34. harry potter the middle of middle and the end of end. aragog… i cannot deny my children fresh meat when it wanders so willingly into our midst. billy joel in the middle of the night. haha year 6 choir. middle middle middle. middle of my life? what will come at the end?

    Elise Jackson
  35. the sometimes negetive alligator swims deeply through the slim canal, this is a sign of deep intolerance in mr. alligators eyes. Verbose naked people don’t enjoy reading when they are enclothed.

    Jake Allen
  36. in the middle of the story, it ages me, i’ve said to much, i realize nobody uses that phone anymore, watches that screen, i’m out of touch, i’m no longer young. they are young and i’m not them. i didn’t realie when

  37. too much noise, I can’t think in the middle of all this craziness and distraction, always stuck in the middle of things that never get finished. Stuck in between like in the cushions of a couch that stick things in the middle. So like a middle child. In between.

  38. I’m in the middle. The middle of everything. Everything surrounds me, and I’m in the center. Of the chaos. Of the troubles. Of the happiness. And of the world. Every decision lies within my hands, but will I make the right choice? I’m afraid. Afraid I won’t. What if everything goes awry?

    No one will be to blame but me.

  39. You can be in the middle of many different things like a circle!! :]
    Or the middle of a sandwich !!


  40. Here I am in the middle of everything, waiting for the right chance to drift by.

    I’ve been waiting for a while, and will probably keep waiting longer.
