
January 26th, 2009 | 435 Entries

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435 Entries for “middle”

  1. past times led to the disguised dreams of surfers, left footed and bronzed. tap dancers lead revolutions! drifters…

    joseph green
  2. the sides of something, oreo’s what is inside the oreos, milk, lactose intolerance, apples, food, hugnry, want to eat, lazy, dont want to get up

    Dillon keyes
  3. one word yes

  4. is where we are right now, not the beginning or the end. Life is always in the middle of something. Where you are right now. in the middle of reading and me in the middle of writing. Well maybe i’m at

  5. The middle is the place where you’re neither here nor there. It’s a place to reflect upon which direction too take.

    adam hughes
  6. I was in the middle of a fight when you came along. You distracted me to the extent that i was suckerpunched and the last i remember was your gorgeous legs walking away from me. I have your face, body, imprinted on my mind as well as a black eye, so thanks for that.
    How will I find you? Our eyes locked just a nano second before the tosser’s fist connected with my face and I could see the little twinkle of recognised attraction.
    Ah but such is my luck. How to find you? Are you involved, married even? I am impulsive (thence the black eye!)and am obsessed now. No other women will do until I find you.

    Gee Taylor
  7. piddle fall in earth shocked by fires, clean wide girths
    separate like spheres of clouds
    whirling through gray nebulae
    where is your final ring to rest
    By your final grave

  8. i am in the middle of a stage in my life where I don’t know where to pick up the pieces. Everything seems so out of place and the puzzle pieces just don’t seem to want to fit nicely where they are supposed to. I wish there was a GPS system for life.

  9. It begins after the end of the beginning, and ends before the beginning of the end.

  10. im always in the middle. there is always three. im never the best one. the most loved the funniest. i’m always the one that is left out of something. it always happens in threes and its always me thats the odd one out. i would give anything to be on the end one time. not in the middle.

  11. Here I was stuck in the middle.
    “You don’t ever understand me!” she screamed, her blue eyes emitting so much ferocity I was surprised he didn’t run or soil himself, I guess thats because he was rather angry himself,
    “You know what?”

  12. I’m in the middle of deciding what to do with my life. I don’t know what to do. Being the middle of anything is aweful. Unless you’re an oreo. Or a sandwhich. Not being in the middle of people or what’s stopping you. Not that.

  13. Im stuck in the middle the middle of life, but im happy now and I hope it doesnt go away I really do not want this to go away. but im scared ill fuck it up. middle, the middle always in the middle misunderstood. too hard, on both sides of things. it’s something I don’t enjoy, but life, life is going well, and that, i dont mind.

  14. I stand between them.
    Like a wall, a barrier to divide.
    I stand until the weight of their longing draws long.
    I stand until I fall.
    I fall, in that waning hour I fall beneath their feet.
    I live in the moments between,
    the middle ground,
    and at the end I am beneath.

    Glass Zephyr
  15. not high not low in the MIDDLE of the <3!

  16. not high not low in the MIDDLE of the sky…
    in the center of things…

  17. not high not low in the MIDDLE of the sky…
    in the center of things…

  18. In life, there will always be a mid-point. Even if you only live for one day. There is a mid-point. I wonder if mid-life crisis is a real thing or just something of the mind.

  19. life in the sand of the sea and the light from the cupboard, simply stated the best of both worlds. Right or not the reality is this; there is no why.

  20. not the top not the bottom the in-between.average. so-so. settling….

    middle of the road
    middle child

    piddle widdle fiddle skadiddle

    Deborah Perpetua
  21. not the top not the bottom the in-between.average. so-so. settling….

    middle of the road
    middle child

    piddle widdle fiddle skadiddle

    Deborah Perpetua
  22. http://lrfoodies.files.wordpress.com/2008/01/pizza1.jpg

    pizza pizza pizza i love pizza <3 <3 <3
    the only thing i love more than pizza is sivan morningbird orr.

    Justin Wycoff
  23. pizza pizza pizza i love pizza <3 <3 <3
    the only thing i love more than pizza is sivan morningbird orr.

    Justin Wycoff
  24. Middle means moderate. Moderation in thought, word and deed. A middle view of most aspects of life will keep world a peaceful place to live.

  25. http://lrfoodies.files.wordpress.com/2008/01/pizza1.jpg

    pizza pizza pizza i love pizza <3 <3 <3
    the only thing i love more than pizza is sivan morningbird orr.

    Justin Wycoff
  26. i feel stuck in the middle. love. and friendship. where can i balance? responsibility and being a teenager. where do i fit? i feel like i cant get to the top, like i’m not trying hard enough. its nagging me, it has been for as long as i can remember. i can do better, but here i sit, more content to be in the middle than i should be. i want to try harder, but not hard enough. i need to move forward more than anything, or i’ll forget how. and that scares me.

  27. Well, there’s a lot of things to say about the word ‘middle’. I recently learned about middle sex in the movie Donnie Darko and me and my friends didn’t know what it was until we finally realized it generally meant middle school students and we were like ‘duh!’ Man, did we feel stupid.

    Also, you could be in the middle of relationships with friends, couples, siblings and their friends. I hate to be in any of them.

  28. not at the beginning.
    not at the end.
    in between.
    not quite tere.
    just about.
    a smidge more.
    But if you’re stuck-where do you go?
    What do you do then?
    You move on. Until the middle is gone.
    you’re finished……

  29. between left and right
    there’s me
    in the middle
    in the centre
    between evil and good
    there’s me
    causing the problems
    living the pain
    in the middle
    between you and me
    there’s no one
    just no one…

  30. In the middle of a large garden stood several wrought-iron, awkwardly placed dining chairs. Clearly meant for some terrace or garden party for the rich and nostalgic, they stood clustered, covered in ants and surrounded by hydrangea petals.

  31. i’m in the middle of everything. big catastrophe. explosion. apocalypse. Middle schools don’t reallly exist here. I don’t see the point of them but anywho. middle reminds me of pigs for some reason. pigs remind me of beatrix potter. did she write books about pigs? I don’t remember. I’m sure she did. that lady was creepy. talking animals are not okay. They are scary and will surely attack me in my sleep.

  32. I was in the middle once. It was crushing. Split in two while pulled in half. Expected to know and to be idiotic. I was in the middle once. I did not like it.

  33. i am not in the middle there is no middle. where is the middle? the middle of a room? the middle of the universe? midlle middle all work and no middle makes jack a middle middle i can’t write about middle, i don’t have to write about middle how was you’re day i’m so creative i’m in the middle of my time i’m running out of time the middle is fascinating this website is ridiculous.

  34. The middle is boring, and no one really lives there…. Polarity is king, average is nothing, good, bad, fat, thin, conservative, liberal… I don’t think anyone’s seen the middle in centuries…

  35. My life as the middle child began a year after my sister began her life as the lead child and two years before my brother started out as the finishing touch. Being in the middle has advantages but I have yet to see them. I do, however, have a lot of time on my hands, being in the middle of life.

    Dan Scurek
  36. middle
    im in the middle
    floating along, waiting for something to happen
    and i dont like it
    in the middle of moving along
    or moving on
    the middle of content and desperate
    and i still don’t know where I am

  37. I wish I had a different middle name or perhaps had a middle child syndrome. Perhaps then either one would make me a different person. Perhaps being left in the middle would give me a better excuse. To try new things. Be different. And get out of the middle.

  38. something that isn’t good enough for you people might see you like that, just between something, not extraodinary or low just plain, nothing on it, nothing to draw anything or one to you. It’s somewhere i wouldn’t want to be…i don’tthink anyone else would want to be there.

    David Nathans
  39. i am sitting in the middle of the room, also at the side. not talking just listening. computer blocking the room off from my sight; i don’t mind. it was a rough day. i’m just thinking about the whiskey in my backpack, thinking maybe i shouldn’t drink any, don’t want to be seen drinking any. it’s fucking monday night.

    Pulpa Papel
  40. middle of the pack, middle of the ocean, all alone, not first, not last though.

    middle rhymes with fiddle, diddle and riddle. perhaps the next time you consider being in first place, last place, first born, last born, first to finish, last to finish, maybe just be in the middle. it strikes a nice balance, the middle does.

    jew killer 9000